Statement of Health and Safety For

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Statement of Health and Safety For


Mellis CVECP School

Updated December 2012

The governors and headteacher acknowledge that: 1. Suffolk County Council has the prime responsibility for health and safety and that the governing body and head teacher have specific responsibilities to manage health, safety and welfare at the school level; 2. They have responsibilities  to support the published policies and aims of the county council, and  to promote continuous improvement in the health and safety performance of the education service; 3. The headteacher, as Local Health and Safety Coordinator has principal duty in the school for ensuring the local implementation of guidance, codes of practice and other advice from Suffolk County Council; 4. This duty extends to ensuring that:

 working conditions and environment

 substances used

 equipment provided, and

 working methods adopted

do not impair the well-being of any employee, or any other person including clients, contractors, visitors, volunteers and any member of the public who may be affected by the conduct of its work. This document must be made available to all staff in the school. NB: It is not necessary to provide a copy to each person though a copy must be provided if requested. It is generally sufficient to make the document readily available to ALL staff.

This policy document has been adopted by the governing body (management committee for a PRU) and is signed by the chairperson on its behalf.

______Ben Makowiecki______(chair of governors)

The head teacher as the Local Health and Safety Coordinator for the workplace also signs the policy.

______Richard Cattermole______(head teacher)



1 The head teacher has responsibility for day-to-day management of health and safety issues and is known as the Local Health and Safety Coordinator.

All staff should have regard to their own H&S and that of others including pupils, clients, visitors and colleagues. They should communicate any concerns to the appropriate person(s) (see below) so that hazards can be dealt with quickly.

Individual members of staff are responsible for the particular areas as follows: (Responsibilities may, for simplicity, be allocated to job titles, but on each annual review the policy document should be updated with the name of the post holder) Name of person Job title of person Task responsible responsible H&S Policy review Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Health and safety committee and/or governor committees Gordon Clark Governor Communication and information Richard Cattermole Head Teacher management Critical Incident Management Richard Cattermole Head Teacher H&S Induction Training Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Programmed updating training Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Personal safety procedures (also Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Schoolsafe) Planned checks (procedures) Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Planned checks (equipment) Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Planned checks (premises) Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Incident reporting/investigation Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Coordination of risk assessment work Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Fire procedures including personal Richard Cattermole Head Teacher emergency evacuation plans Locally organised premises maintenance, Richard Cattermole Head Teacher repair and improvement First Aid (training and equipment) Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Vehicle control and pedestrian safety Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Educational visits coordinator (EVC) Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Stress and Wellbeing Richard Cattermole Head Teacher School Minibus Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Child Safe Guarding Co-ordinator Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Supporting pupils with medical needs Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Premises Security Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Contractors on site Richard Cattermole Head Teacher Outside lettings Richard Cattermole Head Teacher

2 Other (specify) High Schools Only – Radiation Protection N/A N/A Supervisor

Health and Safety Policy Review . The Health and Safety Policy should be renewed annually. (At each review the school should formally adopt the new policy and renew the relevant signatures)

. The review process should incorporate the views of all staff.

. Targets should be included in the policy document which reflect the school’s development plan and any other prime strategic documents?

. This policy document will be displayed openly and discussed with the staff annually, so that all are aware and may comment on the intentions and plans.

Health, Safety and Welfare Committee or Governor Groups/Committees

. The school will have a termly group or committee meeting including governors that considers health, safety and welfare issues. The group should monitor progress regarding any targets identified in the current edition of the school’s H&S policy and other information.

. Proceedings of the meetings will be formally recorded and action points brought forward for review.

. The head teacher will present a termly report in the recommended format for health and safety to the whole governing body.

. The committee review the school’s incident records for each term, and for each year, to identify any patterns or other indicators requiring management attention.

. The governors will review the content of the Governors’ web site (School Governor Centre).

Communication and Information Management:

. The Schools Portal will be routinely checked for updates to the Health and Safety pages. This will be done termly by Jane Armstrong.

. The school will set up a system to ensure relevant Health and Safety information is passed on to the relevant people within the school. Records about where curriculum subject specific information is kept should be stored for reference. Heads of department or subject co-ordinators must acknowledge their specific responsibility for managing curriculum subject specific information and keeping the school’s health and safety committee or local health and safety coordinator informed about new information and guidance received.

3 Critical Incident Management and temporary staffing absences

Please refer to Critical Incident Management document.

Health and Safety Induction Training

All staff will receive an appropriate induction training including training that is matched to their specific work and responsibilities. Members of staff who are new to the school, particularly those with management responsibilities, will need a comprehensive induction.

This induction will include:-

. Overview of the school’s health and safety policy and organisational structure . Tour of the premises . Current health and safety priorities for the school – safety policy targets . Communication and relationships with other departments, schools and Suffolk County Council. . General health and safety advice, including the schools own guidance and that from the LEA . The use of the Incident Reporting form for incidents, hazards, work-related injuries and illnesses and fires. . Where appropriate, curriculum specific guidance and arrangements for working with the county subject advisers . For certain staff (head teacher, bursar, business manager, caretaker, etc) the arrangements for ensuring the duties relating to asbestos management are fulfilled and that the asbestos survey report is available. . Initial advice to women of child bearing age about the need for 'expectant and new mothers' risk assessment . Smoking restrictions . Fire evacuation and emergency procedures . Information on hazards that are specific to the school, and established controls or precautions (for example: a narrow drive shared by pedestrians and vehicles). . Trained first aid personnel and first aid facilities. . Introduction to recognised unions and the local representatives . Employee problems and concerns - specific duties and responsibilities for the management of staff welfare . Grievance procedures (as they relate to health & safety)

. Information on hazards that are specific to the school, and established controls or precautions (for example: a narrow drive shared by pedestrians and vehicles) . Trained first aid personnel and first-aid facilities . Fire extinguishers and blankets – location and use . Access to well being advice, counselling and other staff support schemes . Security . Restricted areas and equipment . One-on-one instruction and supervision of young and inexperienced workers (and work experience students) . Manual lifting and handling – general advice and risk assessment . Safe stacking of materials . Safety procedures for machines, including design technology equipment . General housekeeping and maintenance of access and egress . What to do in an emergency, including fires which start in class (science, design technology and art teachers must pay particular attention to this risk)

4 Routine Updating Training

Staff are trained as and when required. Feedback is gathered following drills etc and implemented as required. Routine assessments should be made to ascertain what training is needed.

Personal Safety procedures, Schoolsafe and control of violence

Every member of staff who requires training has either completed the training or is targeted to do so. It is advised that all training should be undertaken within a time span to maintain competency. It is suggested that training is undertaken generally every three years or after and incident.

All staff are made aware that should a situation arise where as adult is displaying aggressive behaviour, they should call either Richard Cattermole or Paul Ryle.

Lone working – please refer to current generic document for guidance.

All visitors should sign in and are issued with a badge. All visitors only access the school building via the reception.

A list of key holders is kept and all relevant authorities are promptly advised of any changes to the list. Suffolk County Council are informed key holders names. They are Richard Cattermole, the cleaning staff and Sarah McLean.

Planned Safety Checks

Procedures are in place to ensure that all equipment and premises are regularly inspected, certain items are checked daily. This is undertaken by Richard Cattermole and the Governors. In addition, from time to time by the Governors. All staff are also vigilant.

Routine inspections and maintenance of electrical equipment is made through the LA.

Incident Reporting/Investigation

All incidents should be reported via an Incident Report Form which are individually numbered. Please refer to “Recording and Reporting Incidents In Schools And Other Education Premises” policy guidance. This form is to be signed by Richard Cattermole.

Coordination of Risk Assessment Work

Risk assessments are considered in respect of many situations, such as educational visits, new and expectant mothers, working at height, manual handling, swimming lessons.

When planning lessons, incorporate any messages re. danger, so that should an incident occur, we can demonstrate that we did take the danger into consideration.

Fire Procedures

5 A fire risk assessment has been undertaken by Safety Boss. This assessment will be reviewed annually. Any material changes should be taken into consideration, including building work.

The fire bell is tested weekly. An evacuation practice is carried out once per term. This is recorded in a log book.

All fire extinguishers are examined during annual LA maintenance checks. Routine checks are also undertaken of all fire exits and doors.

Locally Organised Premises Maintenance, Repair and Improvement

Procedures are in place to ensure that the Form 13 procedure is followed.

First Aid – Training and equipment

There are several first aiders on site, including paediatric first aiders. Records are kept of who is trained and when their certificates expire. Midday supervisors are responsible for ensuring their bags have the required equipment.

Vehicle Control and Pedestrian Safety

Only staff vehicles and visitor’s vehicles are permitted in the car park. The majority of routine deliveries are made from the road.

Pedestrians use only the small gate at the front of the school and should not enter via the car park gate.

Education Visits Coordinator (EVC)

Please refer to the Education Visits Policy. Richard Cattermole is the Coordinator.

Stress and Well Being

A “buddy system” is in place. Each member of staff is allocated a buddy to talk to.

If a member of staff informs the school that they are suffering from stress, then a risk assessment will be undertaken and wherever possible, the school will aim to reduce the factors causing the problem and will provide an opportunity for counselling. All details of reported stress should be recorded, including action undertaken by both the school and employee.

Child Protection Procedures

Please refer to Child Safe Guarding Policy.

6 Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs

The school is willing to administer medicine, such as antibiotics, to pupils. A signed consent form should be obtained.

Premises Security and visitor safety

Suitable arrangements are in place to ensure adequate supervision exists when visitors (including parents and children who are not pupils of the school) are present on site.

Contractors on Site

Contractors are briefed about the schools’ fire procedures, vehicle movement restrictions etc. Wherever possible deliveries are made when the children are in lessons rather than on the playground. They must ensure that all fences etc are secure, materials are stored reasonably safely. Outside play equipment. Outside play equipment should be routinely checked. Contractors must comply with the current CRB arrangements.


Please refer to the Lettings policy.


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