NOTE TAKER Becca Anderson Emily Davenport, Jennifer Throndsen, Jeri Albrecht, Selena Campbell, DeNae Leu, Shannon Johns, Kathy ATTENDEES Ballard, Michelle Miles, Sarah Herron, Jessica Moody, Brian Rollins, Nikki Gregerson, Becca Anderson, Liz Petty, Sonya Ralphs, Lisa Moeller


DISCUSSION New members: Sonya Ralphs, Becca Anderson, Selena Campbell, Jennifer Throndsen


DISCUSSION Review of Meeting Procedure Liaisons don’t vote – except Randy Barron Secretary doesn’t vote


DISCUSSION Financial Report Financial report provided by Brian Uplift Grant missing - $3,000 should be added for a total of $16,795.95 By next meeting Brian will have an outline for the upcoming year Vendor total should be accurate A few items still need to be sorted out, so the total will be different by +/- a few hundred dollars This financial report is just the conference money, but Brian will have a total financial report next meeting Shannon expressed concern about the financial report not being detailed enough Vendor list needs to be updated Cannot approve financial report because we are waiting for updates. Wait for final approval in our summer CONCLUSIONS meeting. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Update Uplift Grant Brian Director chairs-add the “s” Brian Need to add fillers and signage expenses from Emily Emily and Brian Vendor list to be updated Randy


DISCUSSION Approve Minutes from Last Meeting Jeri made a motion to approve the meeting minutes; Selena seconded the motion; the motion passes unanimously


DISCUSSION Website Updates All pictures up to date for board members


DISCUSSION Newsletter Michelle brought up a previous concern that the newsletter should have more professional articles Michelle suggested that a survey be sent out to see if viewers are interested in professional articles The newsletter is intended to support librarians. An idea was presented that we give a short paragraph and link with “read more” Originally we were more a journal Suggestion that the survey lists newsletter items and asks people to rank the features. What do you value the most? Also use social networking to talk about articles that readers found interesting or helpful Link on Newsletter, access to UEN. This would solve the Listserv problem Possible new format of newsletter: Entire president’s message, little blurb for articles with links to the full text Jeri suggests readers login because we want more membership dues CONCLUSIONS Give Liz some examples of this new format, see what she is able to do and bring ideas to our next meeting.

ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Survey Michelle Writing articles Michelle April 24, 2015 (Michelle will email everybody who is responsible for writing)


DISCUSSION Role of UELMA Board Members This information is mostly for new members Each member is expected to chair a committee List of open positions in the Agenda


DISCUSSION Skipping #7 on the agenda We didn’t need to attend to it


DISCUSSION Revise UELMA Constitution Constitution states new board members will be elected at conference. For two years, voting has taken place prior to conference. Does this need to be revised? Better to let everybody vote on the revision prior to conference, rather than at the actual event Procedures to change the constitution are in the by-laws Perhaps we can send out an email and allow the conference attendees to vote electronically to change the constitution Jessica was concerned that not everybody would be on board electronically But tallying up the paper is a lot of work Michelle will check the constitution and check the procedures. Maybe we send out information in fall newsletter. CONCLUSIONS Or, if the board can do it, then we can vote for the revisions in our summer meeting ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Check constitution and procedures Michelle


DISCUSSION UELMA Conference Review Michelle took notes about the conference this year and what we need to work on for next year This list is on the back of the agenda Hard to find location for some people. Know for next time to be more explicit with directions. Total people 413 – still a little fluid on the number. Had been approximating 400. Contact information for attendees on registration form, in case we have questions

Michelle is concerned about the response time on email communications. Even if you are not able to get to the items, please send a quick response to say information is coming.

Different prices for presenters are a problem. The handbooks states that UELMA doesn’t typically provide lunch for presenters. However, UCET pays for the presenters, so presenters expect UELMA to. Jessica: we can avoid the confusion by notifying that we will not provide lunch in the presenter notes. There were a lot of vegetarian lunches. Gluten free lunches were not really gluten free but this was Zupa’s mistake. In registration program, see if we can add more options for meals

Jeri: Session break out attendance Afternoon attendance dropped dramatically Some totals were not reported for the sessions A few really big sessions, e.g. Making Library Fun Next year, all the ice cream will be downstairs Popcorn between the 1-2 sessions next year.

Brian: Cut down some of the presenters to give more room to the vendors. Jeri: But then we’d have to spend more on the larger theaters to accommodate for the larger numbers per session Jeri: We paid for off peak hours in the theaters, all agree that the prices were decent

Maybe we could advertise a movie after at five with registration

Jessica: Evaluations Next year, possibly on the survey put a QR code. People could choose to do the survey online or on paper. Save time When compiling the survey data. Signage-agree that the facility should have signage already in place. Vendor area crowded. Next year, possibly split vendors upstairs and downstairs. Make sure we have signage listing which vendors are where. However, vendors liked being in a place where people had to walk through. Deseret Book also liked their space. We could move author signings because they were blocking the book sales. Probably don’t need as much space for registration Book sales-the main complaint was space.

Comments: People wanted the Wifi password (but would maybe overload the system) GF not actually GF Somebody wanted more than Utah authors, but it costs a lot more to bring out of state authors One survey commented on politics. PALs-advocating group in all of it Nikki: understands because it sounded like they were only advocating for certified “Full time certified librarians” More keynote speakers’ books for sale (instead of running out like they did with Shannon’s) Have book sales provide Cindy Mitchell’s books – too many books on the list to be able to provide Complaint about not being able to buy from Scholastic, but in the past, you could never buy from scholastic while there Lisa: Some comments about repeating sessions-is that possible? General: that is too hard, we already have presenters we’re turning away

Registration: Jeri: Pre print name badges-did we like them or not? Brian 300 labels were thrown away. People wanted clip badges rather than pins. Since we used up all the pins, we will only buy clips Shannon: Having the badges preprinted was really easy. Some had it printed, but not cut. Maybe easier for us to just print them. Michelle: Dietary restrictions and other add ons are easier to distribute when they come to pick up the badges because we can put them in an envelope with the badge. Shannon: Maybe not have attendees print their own because it seems wasteful to have the double print

Help desk was helpful, but next year have a rotation for who is there. Nikki: Next year, for donations the Megaplex has a money counter we can use

Sarah: Cactus numbers not on registration. Lady in her district is filling in the blanks. After she is done, we will need to send out directions on how to print the licensure points. Michelle: We should give the lady in Sarah’s district thank you flowers for doing all the work Sarah: It would be nice to have more people have access to the registration software We need more dietary restrictions when they register and districts weren’t able to put in dietary information when they registered as a group.

Sarah: Service project She knows a lady who has a box of books as a starter kit. There is more donation money to give to Brian. People need to apply for the Free Little Library projects Shannon: Does the money have to go to the box? Somebody wants to do a little book mobile in a rural area Sarah: Only the little libraries. Maybe we can do a book drive for them. Jeri: Suggest that she set up stationary one at like the post office or grocery store. Sarah: We need to set up a committee for the money allocation. Need to create a form for applications. Once the forms are ready, we can post on social media and possibly in the newsletter

Committee: Jeri, Jessica, Brian CONCLUSIONS Overall, conference was positive.

ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Create applications for Free Little Library Committee After Cactus numbers are filled in, send information on printing licensure Michelle points


DISCUSSION Next Year’s Conference Jessica: Same venue booked for either March 11th or 18th First keynote for next year is already lined up: President of the AASL. It’s free, we just need to provide a lunch on the day of. Michelle: Would we still do an author Jessica: Scott Savage he has reached out, maybe do a small session Have Nathan Hale come back DeNae: Maybe bring in somebody who has been banned and can talk about intellectual freedom. Maybe Laurie Halse Anderson or Andrew Smith Jessica: Talk with King’s English about collaborating with authors. Maybe have King’s English instead of Deseret Book as the book vendor Next year, the book vendor needs the list of speakers earlier Michelle: Jessica to call King’s English Brian: Brandon Mull as keynote? Emily: What about somebody from a publisher? Jessica: Sarah Mangum; she works as an editor for Deseret Book. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Call King’s English about collaboration for UELMA next year Jessica

ALA CONFERENCE JESSICA DISCUSSION ALA Conference Jessica: $150 stipend to go to the ALA conference Sarah and Cindy Mitchell ALA wants them to go to a specific session


DISCUSSION Quarterly UELMA Board Meetings and Annual UELMA Retreat Date Retreat Date: Primary date: August 4th Alternate date: July 28th Where do we want to have our quarterly board meetings: Granite, Viridian Granite: more central, right off the freeway Maybe a public library that is close to the freeway/I-215 Come with ideas at the summer meeting ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Come with ideas for quarterly meeting location Board members


DISCUSSION End Notes Thanks to Shannon and Nikki Brian: in past, honored outgoing members with a plaque? Is this something we want to do? Summer meeting 9-3 at State library on August 4th. UELMA-Plan for March 18th next year Technical problems (Nathan Hale) Screen was bad in the main room. Jeri: Megaplex had asked for the presentations beforehand so they could resolve any technical errors. We did not get it to them. Certificate and gift card for Shannon $25

Kathy made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Emily seconded the motion; the motion passes unanimously.