1. All Tobacco Products Are Made from the Dried And

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1. All Tobacco Products Are Made from the Dried And

Notes:Tobacco & People

A. General Information 1. All tobacco products are made from the dried and treated leaves of the tobacco plant. 2. Cigarettes and pipe tobacco are made from crumbled tobacco leaves. 3. Leaves are ground up to make smokeless tobacco- tobacco that is inhaled or chewed rather than smoked. a. Snuff is finely ground tobacco that is sniffed or dipped, which means put into the mouth and held against gums. b. Chewing tobacco is coarsely ground tobacco that is chewed and held in the mouth.

B. Why People Do Not Use Tobacco 1. Causes serious health problems 2. It’s socially unacceptable a. shows poor judgment b. it’s unattractive/unsophisticated 3. Physical traits it causes: a. premature wrinkles b. stains users’ fingers and teeth c. causes bad breath d. leaves foul odor on clothes and furniture/cars e. it’s an expensive habit

C. Reasons People Start Using Tobacco 1. Stress-the body’s response to a physical/mental demand 2. Social pressure-peer pressure: teenagers underestimate the power of tobacco and think they can give it up anytime they want. 3. Advertising-targeting of specific age, ethnic and gender groups to promote SUPPOSED “coolness, attractiveness, maturity”. (Where are the models with heavy coughs, yellow fingers and teeth and oxygen tanks???) D. How People Become Addicted 1. Definition: Addiction- is a strong physical and psychological craving for a substance. a. Nicotine: the addictive substance found in tobacco e.1.Nicotine addiction causes tobacco users to progress from experimentation and occasional use to regular use. 2. Phases of Addiction/Types of Users 1. Experimentation: 1.a. first time users may experience dizziness or nausea b. may cough the first time you inhale the smoke into your lungs c. most people do not like the effects and never try it again d. on the other hand, some get over the unpleasant side effects and their bodies become conditioned to nicotine. Each time they inhale the tobacco they get a “high” from it. Once this is felt the user is hooked and looks for this “high” each time they smoke. 2. Occasional User: a. these individuals only use tobacco at certain times ex. Parties, out with friends, after food b. this use still has serious effects on your health 3. Regular User: a. this user needs the nicotine that the cigarette provides-they are physically addicted to it b. when the level of nicotine in the brain and the bloodstream drops, the user craves more c. these individuals do not think about smoking; it has become second nature d. when trying to quit these individuals become mean, depressed, anxious, and tired. Notes: Tobacco’s Effects on the Body

A. Tobacco effects on the Body 1. Tobacco leaves contain over 2,500 different chemicals 2. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals 3. Tobacco contains carcinogens: which are substances that cause cancer.

B. Three Most Dangerous Substances in Tobacco Smoke 1. Nicotine- absorbed into the blood stream the fastest by smoking a. in it’s pure form it is deadly poison b. nicotine poisoning causes dizziness, nausea, faintness, clammy skin and vomiting. c. any smoker can experience this by smoking too much! d. What the First Puff of a Cigarette Does….. 1. Cigarette smoke causes certain glands to release a chemical called adrenaline. (This hormone prepares your body to fight danger or flee from it). a. This is only usually released when an emergency rises. b. BUT it is released every time a person smokes and puts nicotine into their body. c. This burst of adrenaline makes the smoker feel more alert and awake d. **Adrenaline speeds up the heart rate and makes the blood vessels constrict. 1. This increases the blood pressure of the smoker. 2.This also, reduces the blood flow to the hands and feet. 2. Carbon monoxide-cigarette smoke contains this deadly gas a. This is more easily picked up by the red blood cells in the body. b. This allows less oxygen to be picked up by the blood and the smokers’ body receives less oxygen. c. The lack of oxygen effects’ the smokers’ vision, hearing and judgment. 3. Tar- are tiny particles in cigarette smoke that form sticky mixture in the air passages and lungs a. this mixture messes the flow of air into the smoker’s lungs making it harder to breathe b. The tar also contains carcinogens that cause cancer. 4. Low-Tar/Low-Nicotine Cigarettes a. NOT a safe alternative to regular cigarettes b. Made with thicker filters, thinner paper and air holes that reduce the amount of SMOKE that reaches the smoker. 1. This does NOT reduce the amount of tar and nicotine in the tobacco, nor remove toxic carbon monoxide or other gases from the smoke!

C. Pipes, Cigars and Smokeless Tobacco 1. Pipes and Cigars are usually NOT inhaled and have a lower risk for developing lung cancer. a. Those that do inhale have a higher risk of lung cancer because there is more tar in pipes and cigars than in cigarettes. 2. Smokeless tobacco is advertised to be less harsh on the body but this is not true. a. Smokeless tobacco users do not inhale carbon monoxide and tars but they take in nicotine and carcinogens. b. Smokeless tobacco can lead to gum problems and tooth loss as well as mouth cancers. Notes: Tobacco’s Long Term Risks

A. General Information 1. Smoking is the major cause of premature, preventable death in the United States

B. Four Major Health Risks for Tobacco Users 1. Heart Disease- the coronary arteries supplying the heart become blocked by atherosclerosis. (build-up of fatty material on the artery walls). a. smoking damages the walls of the arteries. b. raises total blood cholesterol while lowering the good kind. c. makes blood platelets stickier. (clot easier) d. raises blood pressure (from the nicotine) e. carbon monoxide reduces amount of oxygen in blood 2. Cancer- an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells that invade and destroy healthy tissue. a. tobacco contains carcinogens b. tobacco is the leading cause of deaths due to cancer in the U.S. c. most common types of cancer are: 1. Lung cancer-most cases are a direct result of smoking. *If detected early enough, the diseased part of the lung is removed. *Anticancer drugs and radiation help prolong life and ease pain. 2. Oral cancer –cancer of the mouth, including tongue and lips. *Can occur anywhere that tobacco OR its smoke has come in contact with mouth tissue. *Smokeless tobacco users are at a greater risk than smokers because of higher levels of carcinogens. *First warning sign is LEUKOPLAKIA- white patches on the lips, gums, tongue or inner cheek. This is NOT a type of cancer, but it can lead to it! 3. Throat cancer-cancer of the larynx. *Main symptoms is persistent hoarseness. *IF diagnosed early enough, it can be cured by radiation therapy or removing part of the vocal cord. *IF more advanced, entire larynx must be removed. Then patient must learn to speak with air burped from the esophagus or with an electronic voice aid. 4. Smoking increases the risk of cancer in the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, bladder & cervix (for women) 3. Chronic Lung Disease- include both bronchitis and emphysema a. bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the air passages, or bronchial tubes. b. emphysema is a disease in which lung tissue is destroyed and air sacs are lost. This disease has NO cure. 4. Other Health Problems a. smoking can also lead to a stroke b. A stroke is a sudden disruption of the blood supply to a part of the brain. The lack of blood to the area kills tissue in that part. C. Benefits of Quitting 1. Overall Health- a. When tobacco use stops, the body immediately begins to clean itself b. Heart rate decreases, blood vessels no longer constrict, blood pressure decreases, oxygen in blood increases. c. Decline in the risk of heart disease, chronic lung disease, lung cancer, oral cancer, and other types of cancer. 2. Other Benefits a. Sense of smell improves b. Bad taste in the mouth disappears c. Sleep better d. Appearance improves

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