Draft Minutes As of 27 October 2011. Documents and Presentations Are Available on CIRCA

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Draft Minutes As of 27 October 2011. Documents and Presentations Are Available on CIRCA

EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Directorate D – Water, Marine Environment & Chemicals ENV.D.1 - Water


DAY 1 : 10:00 – 18:00 DAY 2 : 9:00 – 13:00



1 – Welcome and introduction The COM (Mr. Jorge Rodriguez-Romero, JRR, DG ENV.D.1 and Ms. Maria Brättemark, MB, DG ENV.D.1) welcomed the participants from AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, NL, NO, PL, RO, SE, SI, UK as well as ICPDR, ICPR, IOC-UNESCO, EUREAU, WWF and the FLOOD-WISE INTERREG project to the 10th Meeting of Working Group F on Floods. JRR informed that this meeting will be co-chaired with Mr. Mark Adamson (MA). JRR also highlighted the recent change in the representation of France acknowledging the key constructive role of Ms. Frederique Martini, now working for ONEMA, in the activities of WG F from the start, including the coordination of the work on mapping (EXCIMAP) and flood forecasting (EXCIFF). 2 – Approval of the agenda (Doc WGF10-1-ENV -agenda-v4) A final updated version (version 4) of the agenda has been circulated on 20 October 2011. The agenda was approved without any amendments. JRR encouraged MS to present further examples of their national FD implementation under agenda item 11a. Upon the request of NL for a recent feedback on the INSPIRE process, JRR informed that this will be tackled under agenda item 5. 3 – Approval of the minutes of the last meeting (Doc WGF10 -2 -ENV- draft final minutes W F9) The minutes of WG F 9 were circulated in mid April 2010. As no comments were received, the minutes were adopted without any changes and uploaded on CIRCA. 4 – Next steps on implementation a) Transposition MB provided information on the transposition of the FD and acknowledged the increased quality of transposition. As all MS notified the COM about their transposed legislation, all outstanding “no communication cases” were processed or are currently being closed. The conformity checking is ongoing at the moment, some MS were already contacted by the COM for further clarification (pilot letters were sent to 8 MS). By the next meeting of WG F, conformity studies for all MS will be finalised and a full picture of the FD transposition will be provided by the COM. b) Competent Authorities and RBD/Unit of Management – visualisation in WISE MB informed that the information on CA and RBD, reported to the COM in May 2010, is currently being placed on WISE. As there were some open issues to be clarified, MS were contacted by the COM and then Atkins over spring 2011 to re-submit their slightly corrected/revised datasets. MB presented the draft floods interface showing the CA and RBD on WISE, and pointed out that this work will be finalised in due course. c) Reporting of Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment After adoption of the reporting sheets for the PFRA, the tools for PFRA reporting were made available on 20 July 2011. The PFRA is to be finalised by MS by 22nd December 2011 (with a reporting deadline on 22nd March 2012). MB encouraged MS to make use of the Helpdesk services for PFRA reporting ([email protected]). 5 – Floods Directive reporting a) Next steps Flood Hazard and Risk Map reporting (schemas, tools, guidance, testing) After approval of the Flood Hazard and Flood Risk Map reporting sheets in October 2010, MB informed that a first draft of the GIS Guidance Document was prepared by Atkins and discussed in the Floods Directive Reporting Drafting Group (FDRDG) meetings in June and September 2011; JRC is also involved in this process. The Guidance Document addresses FD reporting to be compliant in the pre-INSPIRE process (likely to be the case for the first FD reporting cycle) as well as in an INSPIRE-compatible way for the purposes of the second FD reporting cycle. The document in particular refers to the questions of linking national maps and systems to EU services, how meaningful EU-level maps can be elaborated, and how and if data can be taken from other EU databases. The last version of the GIS Guidance Document can be found on CIRCA; a first testing phase will start at the beginning of 2012. MP informed that the official deadline for consultation on INSPIRE data specifications for themes in Annex II and III of the INSPIRE Directive is 22 October 2011. This includes the theme Natural Risk Zones (NZ), which is particularly important for the Floods Directive. In the view of INSPIRE as technical framework for data to be reported, MP proposed to better highlight the differences between “normal” floods data and data to be reported according to the specific requirements of the FD. MB thanked MP for her involvement and active exchange of information between work ongoing in INSPIRE (Technical Working Group Natural Risk Zones , NZ TWG) and WGF and the FDRDG. Follow-up and next steps: a) WG F Members are asked to send their final comments (in the standardised format of the table) on the INSPIRE data specifications for NRZ to MP (and MB) by 11 November 2011 in order to directly feed it back to the next meeting of the TWG NZ taking place from 21 to 23 November 2011 in Madrid. b) MB to forward the table with comments made so far to WG F Members (see CIRCA, WGF10 folder, follow-up). c) MP to collect comments from WG F. d) Further specification of the testing phase and further development of the Flood hazard and risk maps GIS Guidance document to be provided by MB, once the next support contract for WISE has started. b) Reporting sheets for Flood risk management plans - for approval and submission to SCG and WD for approval (Doc WGF10 -3 -ENV- FRMP reporting sheet.v13)

JRR introduced the reporting sheet for Flood Risk Management Plans (version 13), which was extensively discussed in the FDRDG meetings and distributed to WG F on 29 September 2011. Last open issues regarding version 13 of the reporting sheet were discussed and changes were made on screen. As regards the question of SE concerning a unique code for the FD to be reported (C3.1), the COM explained that in order to facilitate reporting and to avoid double-reporting WFD codes can be also used for the FD. FR highlighted the fact that some measures (as for example public information) can never be “completed”, but will always remain “ongoing” (Box 1 of the Annex). JRR explained that this was one intention of the term "ongoing" and referred to a similar discussion in the WFD implementation and the fact that there will be no “judgement” among the different status of measures. The final changes in the RS for FRMPs include the following:  C3.7, footnote 14: It was made more specific that “the deadlines referred to in the Annex do not relate the Floods Directive reporting, but the 2012 WFD reporting”.  C3.8: As requested by SE, the wording “(in €/national currency with relevant exchange rate)” was added for the currency to be reported. No further changes were requested by MS. With these slight changes, the final reporting sheet on FRMPs (version 14) was successfully concluded and approved by WG F. Follow-up and next steps: MB to forward the final version of the reporting sheet on Flood Risk Management Plans (version 14) to the next meeting of the SCG (8/9 November 2011) as well as the WD (8/9 December 2011) for final endorsement. c) Types of measures - presentation to WG F (Doc WGF10 -4-ENV- Enumeration list type of measures.v4)

JRR introduced the document “Enumeration list of types of measures” (version 4), which was distributed to WG F on 29 September 2011. MA explained the separation of the document into two tables: Table C.1

2 (“Stages of Flood Risk Management Cycle”) setting out aspects of the flood risk management cycle, and Table C.2 (“Types of measures/group of aggregated measures”) referring to the specific types of measures. Last open issues regarding version 4 of the list of “types of measures” were discussed and changes were made on screen. The final changes in table C.1 and C.2 include the following:  Table C.1: Under “prevention” a definition for “receptors” was included in footnote 1: “People, objects, areas and activities that could suffer harm or damage in the event of a flood”. The definition of “prevention” was slightly revised. In addition, following the question of NL how future developments can be adapted, MA provided the information that future developments may be undertaken in flood prone area, but should be adapted in terms of nature, form or scale to take account of the risk.  Table C.2 “prevention”: Further examples were added under “prevention” and “other prevention” (flood vulnerability assessment, maintenance programmes or policies).  Table C.2 “Channel, Coastal and Floodplain Works”: Further examples (requested by IT, NL) were added under this definition (“sediment dynamics management, dykes”).  Table C.2 “Surface Water Management”: It was highlighted that measures involving physical interventions to reduce surface water flooding, are typically, “but not exclusively”, to be found in an urban environment (requested by HU). The abbreviation for SuDS (“Sustainable Drainage Systems”) was corrected, with the term "urban" removed since the measures are also relevant to rural areas.  Table C.2 “Emergency Event Response Planning / Contingency planning”: “Contingency Planning” was added to this category (requested by SE). No further changes were requested by MS. With these slight changes, the document on “types of measures” was successfully concluded and finalised by WG F and will be used for the development of the reporting schemas for the FRMPs. In addition, JRR informed that the reporting tools for the WFD reporting exercise 2012 are currently being tested and final modifications are processed at the moment based on the comments received in the testing phase. The final reporting tools for the WFD reporting exercise 2012 will be released soon. 6 – WG F thematic workshops & information exchange a) Climate change and Flood Risk Management, Karlstad (SE), 8-10.9.2009 (Doc. WGF10-5-SE- Climate change Flood final report-Karlstad) MB informed that the final report of the Thematic Workshop on “Climate change and Flood Risk Management” was received and uploaded on CIRCA. Ms. Barbro Näslund-Landenmark (SE) provided short information on the final report (the reference to E-Mail addresses will be taken out before final publication). JRR thanked SE for the finalisation of the Workshop report. MA introduced the five open issues, which were identified in the “Consolidation of outcomes of WG F Thematic workshops” document (version 3 as of 11 October 2011, reference to page 8, “Chapter IV – Flood Risk Management Plans”) to be reviewed by WG F and the Workshop in Karlstad, in order to see whether there is further action needed for WG F. WG F agreed that Questions 1, 4 and 5 are being put on the “research list”, while Question 2 and 3 are considered to be closed and classified as “MS action”.

Follow-up and next steps: a) SE to provide revised final report without email addresses to participants. b) Personal data such as email addresses to be removed also in other Thematic workshop reports (MB).

b) Floods and economics, Ghent, BE, 25-26.10.2010 (Doc. WGF10-6-BE-Floods and economics workshop report-Ghent-2nd draft & Doc. WGF10-9-BE-Resource document flood related economics_draftv3_Sept 2011) MB informed that the second draft of the final report of the Thematic Workshop on “Floods and Economics” as well as the third draft of the “Resource document on Floods & Economics” were received and uploaded on CIRCA. Mr. Filip Raymaekers (BE) introduced the current version of the Workshop report highlighting that no changes were made in part 1 and 2, while part 3 (“Workshop conclusions and recommendations”) was added to the report. WGF members were asked to pay particular attention to this section.

3 As regards the status of the “Resource document”, BE referred to the need of additional input to deliver answers to the open questions mentioned in the “Consolidation of outcomes of WG F Thematic workshops” document. BE will therefore send e-mails to selected experts having provided input to the Questionnaire in order to collect national examples to be included in the “Resource document”. JRR thanked BE for the work on the report and the “Resource document”. MA introduced one open issue in the “Consolidation of outcomes of WG F Thematic workshops” document (version 3 as of 11 October 2011, reference to page 8, “Article 7.2) which refers to the outcome of the workshop in BE and which was agreed to be closed and considered as “MS action”. All other open issues are being considered as “in-hand” as the work on the “Resource document” is still ongoing.

Follow-up and next steps: a) After further coordination with WG F Members and the introduction of practical examples, the “Resource document” will be finalised over the next months and sent to WG F for full consultation with the view of having an approval of the document in the next WG F meeting (in spring 2012, at the latest in autumn 2012) in order to be forwarded to SCG and WD as an official WG F deliverable. b) MB encouraged WG F Members to have a close look at the document in order to make this document a useful tool for everyone to work on (in particular as the document is assisting MS as regards a general economic assessment in flood risk management going beyond the requirements of the FD). c) WGF members to provide comments on the draft final report of the Thematic Workshop on Floods and Economics by 12 November 2011. The rport can thereafter be finalised. d) WG F members who provided examples /good practices in the questionnaire are asked to provide 5-10 lines of text on each example. FR (Filip Raymaekers, BE) to send targeted emails to concerned representatives. c) Proposed WG F Thematic workshop on Stakeholder involvement in flood risk management, March or April 2012, Bucharest (RO) (Doc. WGF10-11-RO-3rd draft outline-Stakeholder involvement workshop for WGF) Ms. Mary-Jeanne Adler (RO) provided information about the proposed draft outline of the workshop and the initial agenda, and thanked MB and MA as well as the organisation committee for their support. RO proposed to organise the Workshop back-to-back with the next WG F meeting in Bucharest. JRR thanked RO for their willingness to organise the workshop and host WGF 11. MB informed about the intention to issue a brief questionnaire and a call for papers to get the right information and to identify good examples which should be presented during the Workshop. SE proposed to present examples of awareness raising projects in schools. The ICPR offered a presentation on stakeholder involvement in flood risk management in the Rhine River Basin. WG F concluded and approved the outline of the Workshop and confirmed the dates of 17 to 19 April 2011. Follow-up and next steps: a) The outline of the Workshop will be slightly revised (dates, outstanding issues from the “Consolidation of outcomes of WG F Thematic workshops”) and put forward to the next SCG meeting for final endorsement. b) RO, supported by the organisation committee, to draft brief questionnaire and issue a call for papers to get the right information and to identify good examples which should be presented during the Workshop taking place from 17 to 19 April 2011 in Bucharest, once the SCG has approved the outline. d) Discussion on follow-up of past workshops (Doc. WGF10-12-Thematic Workshops Consolidated Outcome-v3) MA noted that open issues that were identified in the “Consolidation of outcomes of WG F Thematic workshops” document (version 3 as of 11 October 2011) had been reviewed at WG F 9, and those related to the final set of open issues from the Workshop in Karlstad (SE) and Ghent (BE) (which had been provisional in version 3) had been discussed under agenda item 6a) and 6b) , MA proposed not to review those issues which are to be discussed in Bucharest (RO), but noted that additional open issues had been included in version 4 from the Workshop in Cagliari (IT) and proposed to review these in order to see whether there is further action needed for WG F:  Page 3, Chapter II, Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (Workshop Cagliari, IT): Both open issues were agreed to be closed as “MS action”.  Page 5, Article 6.1 (Workshop Cagliari, IT): Question 1 and 3 were agreed to be put on the “research list”, while question 2 was closed as “MS action”.

4  Page 5, Article 6.3 (Workshop Cagliari, IT): The Question will be put forward for the “research list”.  Page 9ff, Article 7.3 (Workshop Cagliari, IT): Question 1 to 5 will be put on the “research list”, Question 6 can be partly put forward for the Workshop in RO, Question 7 to be put on “research list”, Question 8 has been addressed in the terminology paper or will be put forward in the terminology paper, Question 9 to 11 to be considered as “MS action”.  Page 13, Article 10.1 (Workshop Cagliari, IT): The first two questions will be brought forward to the Bucharest Workshop. As regards Question 3, MA proposed that this issue could be an item for a future event, which was appreciated by SE highlighting the example of the “Barents rescue 2011" exercise (left open for further discussion).  Page 14, Article 10.2 (Workshop Cagliari, IT): The first two questions are addressed in the “terminology paper”, Question 3 and 4 up for “MS action” and question 5 to 10 are expected to be addressed in the Bucharest Workshop. In this regard MB again highlighted the importance of drafting a “Resource document” after the Bucharest Workshop as well as updating the “terminology paper”. MB and JRR explained that the idea of this exercise is to collate a list of research needs of WG F to be used when interacting with the SPI process (led by DG RESEARCH and ONEMA) in order to influence the research agenda on one side and to have more fluent feedback from research to implementation level on the other side. IT proposed to present the full list of “research issues” at the 7 November pre-meeting devoted to research of the next SCG meeting on 8/9 November 2011. Based on the agreements under this agenda item, the “Consolidation of outcomes of WG F Thematic workshops” will be updated and uploaded on CIRCA as well as used in upcoming events under the SPI process. MA proposed to divide the second part of the “Consolidation of outcomes of WG F Thematic workshops” document that included all activities deemed to be closed (no action of WG F needed) into two sections; one for issues for “MS action” and a second for “research” items to track ongoing research and projects. The proposal was agreed by WG F. As regards specific research issues, several MS informed about ongoing research activities, which could be presented in the next WG F meeting as well as uploaded on the national folders in CIRCA (for example DE, German Weather Services, FEWIS, having established an information system about natural hazards, which is being opened to CZ, PL and soon LU). In addition, DE also reiterated the need to check the results of the Floodsite project, which could be presented in the next WG F meeting. As the ERANET-CRUE project is soon being finalised, IT informed that the Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) will hopefully support research cooperation in the upcoming future. In this regard IT highlighted the problem of “lost” results of completed projects as web pages are being closed and results are not being accessible anymore after the finalisation of projects. MB and JRR took note of this issue and will bring this issue forward to DG RESEARCH, in particular also referring to the revised WISE RTD Portal, which will be significantly updated and extended soon. Follow-up and next steps: a) MA to update the “Consolidation of outcomes of WG F Thematic workshops” document based on the decisions taken during this WG F meeting. b) MB to inform about the list of research issues of WG F in the next SCG meeting (8/9 November 2011), preceeded by a special session on research (7 November 2011). e) Transboundary cooperation and coordination in the Floods Directive implementation (Doc. WGF10-7-DE-Report DE event on Transboundary cooperation) DE recalled the presentation of Ms. Meike Gierk during the last WG F meeting. DE highlighted its willingness for further discussion with WG F Members as well as for providing input to WG F and the respective contents of the FRMP reporting sheets. MB thanked DE for this information and asked MS for their comments if a Workshop on this topic should be organised in the future. MB highlighted the fact that “governance” is an important topic for the RBMPs and that the COM is currently checking how effective international cooperation is being applied for the implementation of the WFD; first findings show that hardly no cooperated plans have been elaborated in small transboundary catchments, while cooperation in large river basins (Danube, Rhine, Elbe, Oder) is already well established and ongoing. HU highlighted the need to take results of several projects into account: Floodsite, Danube Floodrisk and CE-FRAME. SE invited WG F members to attend the final Workshop of an INTERREG project (SE and FI) on the transboundary cooperation in the Torne River Basin, which will be organised in spring 2012. WG F members supported the intention of the COM to keep the issue of transboundary cooperation on the agenda of WG F.

5 7 – Commission activities a) Blueprint for safeguarding Europe’s Water Resources and the Fitnesscheck (Jacques Delsalle, ENV.D1 (Doc. WGF10-8-ENVBackground document Blueprint) JD gave a presentation on the “Blueprint for safeguarding Europe’s Water Resources” to be adopted in November 2012 and the on-going “Fitness check” of EU water legislation. The COM will in particular look at seven policy areas: Develop a positive role for land-use, Economic incentives for a more efficient water resources management, Water efficiency targets and measures to protect water resources, Governance, Knowledge base, Innovation, and Global aspects. The Blueprint should be adopted in November 2012; a public consultation will be ongoing from November 2011 to January 2012 as regards the “Fitness check”, as well as from March to May 2012 on the “policy options” for the Blueprint. A clear timetable with all deadlines for consultation will be made available soon. From 22 to 25 May 2012 the Green Week will be organised in Brussels; on 24 May 2012 the third Water Conference will be held as side-event. JD pointed out that forthcoming WGF documents drafted in WG F document on links between WFD & FD implementation (see point 9) will be very useful to be taken into consideration for the “Fitness check”. NL and IE requested information if the Blueprint will result in more regulations and EU policy in the field of water management and how this work will influence the work on the implementation of the FD. JD stated that the idea of this exercise is in particular to check how specific measures can be promoted on EU level and whether the current legislation is sufficient to guide and promote those measures without any a-priori decision that the Blueprint will result in the need for new legislation or soft measures (recommendations, guidelines). The process is being organised in an open and transparent way and all stakeholders are invited to comment this process in order to assess all pro’s and con’s of different policy options. As the FD is a relatively new legislative instrument, this Directive will act as kind of benchmark for some obligations ((e.g. reporting). On the other hand, it will be important to insert vulnerability to extreme events (incl floods) in the analysis of water resources. b) Natural Water Retention Measures (Jacques Delsalle/Evidokia Achilleos, ENV.D1) (Doc:WGF10- 10-ENV- NWRM study-Information note for WG, WGF10-10-ENV- NWRM study -ANNEX I-Background information, WGF10-10-ENV- NWRM study -ANNEX II –Factsheets) JD presented the current status of the DG ENV Study on “Costs, benefits and climate proofing of natural water retention measures” implemented by STELLA Consulting and supported by JRC/IES (JRC land use & hydrological modelling), which will also be used for the Blueprint Impact Assessment. The study is also launched by DG ENV in parallel with other studies that cover green infrastructure / ecosystem based on an adaptation approach and valuation of ecosystem services. The current version of the “Catalogue of Natural Water Retention Measures” includes 22 selected measures. Fact-sheets assessing the information/data availability from the information sources for each measure (Applicability, Direct Impact, Benefits and Co- Benefits (Ecosystem Services), Cost Components, EU policy relevance) were drafted and are currently being disseminated in order to collect information and data, related to information gaps identified in the assessment of measures, as well as feedback on the factsheets. JD insisted on the need to better understand the multifunctionality of such measures (e.g. not only addressing flood risk but also water provision, biodiversity protection, carbon storage, etc.) and the importance to address it at EU level in particular in the context of transboundary river basins and the interaction with EU policy instruments (notably CAP). The report of the Study on “Costs, benefits and climate proofing of natural water retention measures” will be drafted between now and April 2012. The work ongoing on “Natural Water Retention Measures” (NWRM) was discussed in detail, the main outcome of the discussions can be summarised as follows:

 UK, IE, and WWF welcomed this initiative to seek evidence of the effects (impacts and potential benefits) of NWRM by modelling of selected measures and scenarios using hydrological and land-use models. IE highlighted the challenge of stakeholder consultation in NWRM projects as people who are being impacted are not necessarily those who can see/feel the benefits of the measures.  UK referred to research activities funded by UK and IE,, which could be useful for this COM activity. JD confirmed the importance to have direct interaction with the Flood Risk Management Research Consortium in order to take the last available research results into account.  Upon request of the ICPR, JD explained that the ongoing work can be considered as extension of the ClimWaterAdapt (Climate Adaptation – modelling water scenarios and sectoral impacts) project and that a linkage with the previous results of this project is ensured.

6  UK, supported by IE, DE, NL and SE, expressed the importance of the scalability of NWRM as the effectiveness of impact and potential benefits strongly differ on different level (while benefits of NWRM cannot be seen in extreme events with a low probability – the level of discharge is more than the landscape can accumulate – they are more obvious in frequent events with a high probability and in particular in small areas). In this regard the ICPR asked, whether the criteria in the list (in particular on applicability of measures) are applicable/important/relevant also on the level of international river basins. DE highlighted the example of the Elbe Basin, for which DE and CZ convened that the retention volume balance is being assessed for the whole catchment. CH informed about a literature study on the role of protected forests in flood mitigation and the fact that only under very specific and rare conditions forests can have an effect in extreme flood events (information can be provided in German).  FI asked for more information on the definition of NWRM (for example as regards retention in lakes by using different man-made structures). JD proposed to have some bilateral discussions with FI on this topic acknowledging that urban and human developments need to be clearly considered.  IT requested more detailed information on the purpose and scale of the modelling of selected measures and scenarios, as concepts need to deal with urban areas taking also into account agricultural policy and social developments. JD informed that the modelling will be made on the basis of much disaggregated data (5*5=25 km² model as used for the flood alert system). However, the modeling will not be used as basis for decision making but in complementing an analysis illustrating the impact and benefits for a set of selected NWRM. As regards the linkage of models on EU level and on national level, a workshop dealing with this topic could be considered to be organized. DE proposed to perform the modeling on the basis of the GIGs (Geographical Intercalibration Groups) in order to get the right scheme and scale for the WFD and the FD.  IT asked to put a presentation of this work also on the agenda of the Water Scarcity and Droughts Expert Group, as this issue was so far not discussed in this group. Follow-up and next steps: a) WG F Members to provide links to research results, comments and feedback on the project, and in particular on the 22 fact sheets, not later than 7 November 2011 to DG ENV using the following E-Mail address: [email protected]. Comments should – in a first step – in particular focus on the criteria “applicability” and “direct impact”. b) A first draft report of the study on “Costs, benefits and climate proofing of natural water retention measures” will be issued in December 2011 and sent to WG F for comments. c) CH and UK are asked to provide the links to the research studies to MB as well as to upload the respective information in the national folders on CIRCA. d) The issue of NWRM including updated information as regards the ongoing work will be put again on the agenda of the next WG F meeting. 8 – Other CIS activities a) WG A "ECOSTAT” MB provided current information as regards the ongoing work of WG A “ECOSTAT”: 1) the COM is starting with an intercalibration exercise of the Good Ecological Potential (GEP) by comparing different methodologies used for the definition of the GEP in the RBMPs. 2) A workshop on the different assessment methods of the hydromorphological impacts used in MS is planned to be organised in March/April 2012. 3) The FAQ paper on the linkages between the WFD and the Birds and Habitats Directive is currently being revised taking into account further reflections, in particular also on the linkages with the FD (water dependent terrestrial ecosystems). In addition the Commission is starting an assessment of the intercalibration exercise and GEP work as reported in the RBMPs, as part of the preparatory work for the 3rd WFD implementation report to be issue end 2012, as part of the Blueprint. b) Other No update as regards other CIS activities was provided under this agenda item. 9 – Links between Water Framework Directive & Floods Directive implementation MA introduced the work on the links between the WFD and the FD implementation, which started by a Questionnaire which was issued to all WG F members. All responses received on the Questionnaire were uploaded on CIRCA. A first draft FAQ document was drafted over the last months; as the document is not enough advanced to be tabled for this WG F meeting, a first draft will only be issued prior to the next WG F meeting with a view to have the document approved by WG F. The next step is then to present the paper to the SCG, with a request for input from other CIS groups(for the SCG to coordinate the process). Once other SCG/CIS groups have been consulted, the paper can be finalised. 7 MB presented the draft structure of the document: Introduction and aim of this paper, Timetable, Governance, Purpose and objectives of the Directives, Preparation of the management plans, including consultations of the public and involvement of interested parties, Information exchange, Linkage of plans & measures, Economic analysis and Overall coordination. NL raised the question whether it is intended to have this document in the format of a FAQ or if a more “practical” document will be issued to be used by MS for practical implementation. MB clarified that only one document is foreseen, and that preparing the document in a FAQ format is a trial, and that the editorial group set up for this task could also discuss the format. In general it was however felt that this format was the appropriate way forward. DE stated that this document would only have an impact on the second cycle, as the implementation is already underway of the preparation of the first plans. MB pointed out that the FD already requires coordination with the WFD for the first implementation cycle (as regards coordination (or integration) of the plans, including engagement of stakeholders and the public in the preparation of the RBMPs and FRMP), and that therefore the COM expects to see such coordination in the first cycle. Follow-up and next steps: a) Following further input from Nathy Gilligan (OPW, IE) who has drafted the document during and after his secondment to he COM, MB/MA will issue a first draft of the FAQ paper to the core editorial group of MS within the next weeks. If further MS wish to be part of the core drafting group, they may inform MB thereof. b) A revised draft of the FAQ paper to be sent to WG F for comments prior to the next WG F meeting (early 2012), for one round of written comments and a further revision to issue prior to WGF11. c) After approval of WG F 11, the document will be forwarded to the SCG in order to be disseminated among all related CIS Working Groups for comments.

15 – Research a)Science Policy Interface & WGF identified research needs – progress report MA confirmed that the list of research needs of WG F will be put forward to the next SCG meeting (including pre-meeting on the Science Policy Interface) on (7/8/9 November 2011). b)FLOOD-WISE project, in particular progress on FLOOD WISE-RTD A room document was made available (FLOOD-WISE project statement and a project update), which can be found on the following webpage: http//www.floodwise.eu. Harry Tolkamp and Alfred Evers gave a presentation on the FLOOD-WISE project as well as on the progress of the FLOOD WISE-RTD. The FLOOD-WISE project includes the rivers Bug, Elbe, Roer, Maas, Somes and Sotla and aims at addressing three different flood risk management tools in transboundary river basins: flood risk assessment, flood risk maps and flood risk management plans. The final FLOOD-WISE Conference will be held from 22 to 24 October 2012 in Maastricht, an invitation will be sent to all WG F members soon. WG F agreed that the Shared Service Centre FLOOD-WISE (SSC) will be included in the mailing list of WG F. c) DG RTD Update on FP 7 progress As Mr. Philippe Quevauviller could not participate in this WG F meeting, MB provided some short update as regards the FP7 progress: 1) The deadline for the last call under the FP7 project expired on 20 October 2011. Results of the selection process will be published in April 2012; the issue of “resilience” will be a key priority when selecting projects. 2) The priorities for the 2013 call are still under internal COM discussion. 3) Furthermore, discussions as regards the overall structure of the next FP are internally ongoing in the COM. MB reiterated that the issue of how results can be “kept alive” after finalisation of the projects as well as the list of research issues identified by WG F will be brought forward into the discussions with DG Research. On 7 November 2011 a “brainstorming session” as regards future research needs is being organised between DG ENV and DG RESEARCH, linked to the SCG meeting. d) Final conference of the CRUE second funding initiative Ms. Giuseppina Monacelli (IT) gave a presentation on the finalisation of the CRUE ERA-Net project as well as on the Final Conference. She informed that the CURE ERA-Net Consortium would be pleased to present the conclusions and recommendations at the next WG F meeting, which was appreciated by WG F. Results are available on the following webpage: http://ww.crue-eranet.net/. Furthermore, IT proposed that the results of some CRUE ERA-Net projects could be presented in the Bucharest Workshop in April 2012.

8 11 – Information exchange on Floods Directive Implementation MA introduced agenda item 11 and the importance of exchanging specific aspects of the FD implementation in different MS to share experiences and best practices examples. a) National presentations – Austrian HORA system, Heinz Stiefelmeyer, AT Mr. Heinz Stiefelmeyer (AT) presented the internet based platform HORA (Natural Hazard Overview and Risk Assessment Austria) with the objective of a digital representation along most of the rivers (app. more than 26.000 km) for three scenarios (T*=30, 100 und 200 years) showing the discharge (Q) in every point, water depth (t) in every point and boundary of inundation. The system is maintained by the Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and financed by the insurance companies. DE added a reference to the ZÜRS system, a zoning system for flooding, back water and precipitation, which is run by the insurance companies and so far not open to the public, but planned to follow the idea of the Austrian HORA system. (website : http://www.hora.gv.at) – 'PFRA Assessment of Risk to Cultural Heritage and the Environment in Ireland', Mark Adamson, IE Mr. Mark Adamson (IE) gave a presentation on the “'PFRA Assessment of Risk to Cultural Heritage and the Environment in Ireland'” and informed about the overall approach in Ireland as regards 1) data requirements (location, classification, vulnerability), 2) vulnerability assessment (importance, importance criteria, susceptibility, susceptibility criteria), and 3) risk assessment. More information can be obtained from the following website: www.cfram.ie (National CFRAM Programme Website, PFRA Overview and Consultation, Technical Reports). – ICPDR PFRA work, Igor Liska, ICPDR secretariat Mr. Igor Liska (ICPDR) gave a presentation on the current status of PFRA work in the Danube Basin. He presented the structure of the PFRA report, the status of preparation of the PFRA map, and informed that draft data is currently available from half of the Danube countries. 24 October 2011 is the final deadline for data upload as the draft PFRA report need to be submitted to the ICPDR Ordinary Meeting (December 2011) before final publication. IL in particular highlighted the fact that also non EU-MS committed themselves to provide the relevant data for the PFRA report although they are not formally required to implement the FD in their countries. b) Other presentations Mr. Adrian Schmid-Breton (ICPR) informed that the PFRA assessment is ongoing in the Rhine Basin and that a short report, which will be used for Rhine Countries to report to the COM, will be published on the webpage of the ICPR. 12 – Recent and upcoming flood related conferences, meetings, other events a) "Barents rescue 2011" exercise, September 2011, Sweden. Mrs. Barbro Näslund-Landenmark (SE) gave a presentation on the ”Barents rescue 2011” exercise (including a dam break), which took place from 18 to 23 September 2011. The objectives of the exercise included testing agreements for assistance, the legal and administrative framework, the cooperation among authorities, test warning and alarm routines, strengthening transboundary cooperation, improving procedures, awareness raising, and the overall planning process. More information can be found on the following webpage: https://www.msb.se/en/Training--Exercises/Exercises-Section/Barents-Rescue-2011/. b) Other No other presentation was provided under this agenda item. MA made clear that this issue will stay on the agenda of WG F meetings and WG F Members should let the COM know if anything is planned to be presented for the next WG F meeting. 13 – Related EU policies and Commission activities a) DG ENV – Cooperation agreements neighbouring countries Mr. Magnus Gislev, DG ENV.E.1, provided some information as regards the cooperation with neighbouring countries. Association agreements, including a chapter on environment, also focusing on water quality and quantity including flood management, are currently negotiated with Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Instruments to support this cooperation include the Capacity Building Facility TAIEX as well as twinning projects and a number of regional projects under the EU Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. These are also open to Belarus and the regional instrument is also open to Russia. National FD legislation will set out stepwise implementation; a timeframe was provisionally agreed with all countries with the exception of Azerbaijan (for example for MD and UA the earliest deadlines to are within 2 to 3 years and the last deadline – for risk management plans - is 8 years from on the entry into force of the agreement). MB pointed out that this information is of particular 9 relevance to those MS sharing river basins with the concerned countries, in order to know that this process is ongoing and it can also facilitate the required cooperation in shared river basins. b) DG CLIMA – update on Adaptation Mr. Vaidotas Kuodys , DG CLIMA.C.3, presented an “Update on Adaptation to Climate Change”, the natural disasters in Europe from 1980 to 2009, the main sectors affected, adaption to climate changes and disaster risk reduction, economics of prevention measures, and adaption to climate change in the EU referring to the EU Clearinghouse mechanism (the Clearinghouse tool will not produce any new information, but better link available information), the EU Adaption Strategy, and activities relating water and adaption to climate change. ICPR informed that a report on “climate change and water regime” was published for the Rhine basin and that a climate change adaption strategy will be drafted in the next years. MB encouraged MS to get involved in this process. More information can be found on the following website: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/adaptation/index_en.htm. SE suggested that there perhaps should be a contact person for WG F in the CC Adaptation-work like the work between INSPIRE and WG F with Manuela Pfeiffer as the representative. If instead a small informal subworking group on CC adaptation will be established Sweden can consider participating in such a groupSE proposed to establish an informal small sub-working group on climate change. MA and MB supported this idea and asked WG F Members interested to participate, to inform MB thereof in order to agree about the format and level of such activities. It would be helpful if contacts from research, INSPIRE (MP), ECOSTAT (IT) could take part in this proposed group.

Follow-up and next steps: a) WG F Members are invited to contribute to the Adaption strategy, to provide research/studies on flooding, and to give input to the Clearinghouse. b) WG F Members interested to join an informal sub-working group on climate change should inform MB thereof. c) DG MARKT – Report from the Insurance Policy Conference, previous day Mr. Lukas Bortel, DG MARKT.H.2 (Insurance and Pensions Unit), provided short information about the outcome of the “Conference on prevention and insurance of natural catastrophes”, which took place on 18 October 2011 in Brussels. On the webpage of the Conference all information, presentations and background information can be downloaded: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/insurance/natural- catastrophes_en.htm. The key messages from this conference included the need for good harmonised and standardised data collection, the need for private public partnership in insuring natural catastrophes, the acknowledgment of the “not one size fits all solution” with the probable exception of a necessary common approach in river basins, the need that consumers should be more incentivised to get an insurance, and should not rely on State authorities to step in, the possibility for risk based or flat premiums, and the fact that critical infrastructure is in principle not insured. LB informed that issues such as contractual and pre-contractual information of policy-holders of natural catastrophes insurance is not covered by the EU Non-life Insurance Directives, furthermore loss adjusters assessing damages in property are up to now excluded from the Insurance Mediation Directive. Furthermore, JRC is currently conducting a study for DG MARKT as regards the insurance of natural catastrophes. The draft study will be sent to WG F members for comments. LB informed about the idea to adopt a Green Paper / Consultative Communication on insurance of natural catastrophes, through which the public sector, industry, and other stakeholders will be included in the discussion. Follow-up and next steps: a) WG F Members are invited to visit the conference webpage where presentations and results will be made available shortly. b) DG MARKT will forward the ongoing study on insurance coverage, carried out by JRC, for comments within an agreed timetable. d) DG REGIO progress report on the EU Solidarity Fund As no representative of DG REGIO was able to participate in the WG F meeting, MB provided some updated information on the EU Solidarity Fund. The COM published its Communication on the future of the EU Solidarity Fund on 6 October 2011 (COM(2011)613final). The purpose of the Communication is to start a dialogue with the EU institutions, Member States and other stakeholders on a possible revision of the existingEU Solidarity Fund regulation in order to make the instrument simpler, clearer, more effective and more visible (clarification of the scope, clearer definitions the type of disasters to be funded,

10 improving the decision making process). Depending on the outcome of these discussions COM may decide to present a legislative proposal. With this activity the COM amso hopes to overcome the deadlock that resulted from the earlier proposal to revise the Solidarity Fund regulation of 2005, which a majority in the Council did not consider appropriate. Comments or questions from WG F Members can be sent to MB, who will forward the enquiries to DG REGIO. d, bis) New Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) proposals As regards the recent developments in the CAP, MB informed that the Commission presented a set of legal proposals on 12 October 2011 (for the years 2014 to 2020 including elements for greening of direct payments, ecological focus area, permanent grassland, crop diversification, cross compliance improvements). In order to provide an update of the CAP activities, DG AGRI will be invited for the next WG F meeting. MB informed that the CIS Group "WFD and agriculture" is working on the topic of water and agriculture, and the closer links with WG F were sought. Follow-up and next steps: WG F members interested in getting closer involved in the topic of agriculture and flood risk management, including linking with the CIS Activity “WFD and Agriculture” are asked to inform MB thereof by 7.11.2011. e) DG ECHO progress report Emergency response & Prevention Mrs. Sanna Zandén-Kjellén, DG ECHO.B.1 and Mr. Thomas de Lannoy, ECHO.A.5, gave a presentation on the progress of activities as regards Emergency response and Prevention including an update on the EU Disaster Prevention framework priorities (knowledge base, risk assessment and mapping), and the ongoing work on process/methods/terminology/risk scenarios (with involvement of WG F). A Disaster Response Planning Working Group was recently established; a first meeting will be held on 31 October 2011 (second meeting to be envisaged for January 2012), on 5 December 2011 the first sub-working group on floods will take place. Sub-WGs on forest fires, seismic and nuclear scenarios will follow in the first half of 2012. DG ECHO proposed to involve WG F in this work through nominating 3 experts. MP made clear that – in order to avoid double work – this activity needs to be closely linked with the work on data specifications of the INSPIRE TWG NRZ, which will be finalised until April 2012. Upon request of NL, MB informed that no “Lessons learnt meeting on significant floods” was organised this year, but will be organised in 2012, in the case serious floods would occur. Such meetings could possibly be organised back-to-back with WG F meetings. Follow-up and next steps: WG F Members, who are interested to participate and getting involved in the activities of the sub- working group on Floods, may inform MB until 7 November 2011 thereof. 10 – Follow-up Flood related EU Presidency conclusions (HU Presidency) MB introduced three flood related EU Presidency conclusions from 25 March 2011 (Further developing risk assessment for disaster management within the European Union), 19 April 2011 (Integrated flood management with the EU) and 9 June 2011(protection of water resources and integrated sustainable water management in the European Union and beyond). Most issues were already being dealt with (by DG ECHO and other EU policies) or by different issues already on the agenda of WG F. WG F took note of the conclusions. Follow up and next steps: If MS feel that there are any issues which need further reflection by WG F, they may inform the COM thereof in order to put them on the agenda of the next WG F meeting.

14 – Related international organisation activities a)UNESCO-IOC / NEAMTWS Task Team on Coastal flood mapping Mr. Russel Arthurton gave a presentation on “Coastal inundation and the Floods Directive – A UNESCO- IOC perspective”, highlighting IOC links with the WG F reporting agenda : Flood Mapping, Risk assessment and mapping, flood risk management plans. MA proposed to circulate guidelines produced under this activity to WG F members. b)Other No other presentation on related international organisation activities was provided. 16 – Any other business Date of the next meetings

11 The next (1 day) WG F meeting (WG F 11) will take place from 17 to 19 April 2012 in Bucharest (Stakeholder Involvement Workshop back-to-back with the next WG F meeting). The WG F Meeting in autumn 2012 (WG F 12) is envisaged to be organised from 16 to 17 October 2012 in Brussels. End of meeting MA and MB thanked all WG F Members for their participation and fruitful discussions and closed the meeting.

Annex 1: Agenda

DAY 1 Agenda items 10:00 1 – Welcome and introduction 10:10 2 – Approval of the agenda (Doc WGF10-1-ENV -agenda-v4) 10:20 3 – Approval of the minutes of the last meeting (Doc WGF10 -2 -ENV- draft final minutes W F9) 10:30 4– Next steps on implementation a) Transposition b) Competent Authorities and RBD/Unit of Management - visualisation in WISE c) Reporting of Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment 10:45 5 - Floods Directive reporting a) Next steps Flood Hazard and Risk Map reporting (schemas, tools, guidance, testing) b) Reporting sheets for Flood risk management plans - for approval and submission to SCG and WD for approval (Doc WGF10 -3 -ENV- FRMP reporting sheet.v13) c) Types of measures - presentation to WG F (Doc WGF10 -4-ENV- Enumeration list type of measures.v4) 11:30 6 –WG F thematic workshops & information exchange a)Climate change and Flood Risk Management, Karlstad(SE), 8-10.9.2009 - Receipt of final report (Doc. WGF10-5-SE-Climate change Flood final report- Karlstad)

b)Floods and economics, Ghent, BE, 25-26.10.2010 -Receipt draft final report (Doc. WGF10-6-BE-Floods and economics workshop report-Ghent-2nd draft)

-Discussion on progress Resource document on Floods & Economics (Doc. WGF10-9-BE-Resource document flood related economics_draftv3_Sept 20111)

c) Proposed WG F Thematic workshop on Stakeholder involvement in flood risk management, March or April 2012, Bucharest (RO) - (Doc. WGF10-11-RO-3rd draft outline-Stakeholder involvement workshop-for WGF) 13:00 LUNCH 14:00 6–WG F thematic workshops & information exchange, continued d) Discussion on follow-up of past workshops (Doc. WGF10-12-Thematic Workshops Consolidated Outcome-v3)

e) Transboundary cooperation and coordination in the Floods Directive implementation - Discussion on possible follow-up (See report made available after WGF 9 Room

12 documents) (Doc. WGF10-7-DE-Report DE even on Transboundary cooperation)

15:00 7 – Commission activities a)Blueprint for safeguarding Europe’s Water Resources and the Fitnesscheck (Jacques Delsalle, ENV.D1 - Presentation, progress Blueprint, and presentation of the context of point b) (Doc. WGF10-8-ENVBackground document Blueprint)

b)Natural Water Retention Measures (Jacques Delsalle/Evidokia Achilleos, ENV.D1) -Presentation of project -Feedback on project deliverable / discussions. (Doc. Please note that a set of 6-page- factsheets for 22 selected measures will be made available to WG F member prior to the WG F meeting. A separate email will be sent when the documents are posted on CIRCA). (Doc: WGF10-10-ENV- NWRM study-Information note for WGF WGF10-10-ENV- NWRM study -ANNEX I-Background information WGF10-10-ENV- NWRM study -ANNEX II -Factsheets)

16:30 8 - Other CIS activities c) WG A "ECOSTAT : a. Ad-hoc group "Hydromorphology and Ecology Status/potential" , Workshop in March/April 2012 b. FAQ paper WFD and Habitats and Birds Directives, progress report d) Other 16:45 9 – Links between Water Framework Directive & Floods Directive implementation - Progress report (M. Adamson / M. Brättemark) - Discussion 17:15 15 – Research a) Science Policy Interface & WGF identified research needs - progress report c) DG RTD Update on FP 7 progress d) Final conference of the CRUE second funding initiative - Presentation Giuseppina Monacelli, IT

18:00 End of Day 1 DAY 2 20/10/2011 09:00 15 – Research b) FLOOD-WISE project, in particular progress on FLOOD WISE-RTD (timing tbc) - Presentation Alfred Evers 9:15 11–Information exchange on Floods Directive Implementation a) National presentations - Austrian HORA system, Heinz Stiefelmeyer, AT - 'PFRA Assessment of Risk to Cultural Heritage and the Environment in Ireland', Mark Adamson, IE - ICPDR PFRA work, Igor Liska, ICPDR secretariat - Other presentations (tbc) 10:00 12- Recent and upcoming flood related conferences, meetings, other events a) "Barents rescue 2011" exercise, September 2011, Sweden. - Presentation Barbro Näslund Landenmark, SE

13 b) Other (tbc) 10:30 13 - Related EU policies and Commission activities

b)DG ENV – Cooperation agreements neighbouring countries, - Presentation Magnus Gislev, DG ENV.E.1 c)CLIMA – update on Adaptation - Presentation Vaidotas Kuodys , DG CLIMA.C.3(tbc) c) DG MARKT – Report from the Insurance policy conference , previous day (timing tbc) - Presentation Lukasz Bortel, DG MARKT.H.2 d) DG REGIO progress report on the EU Solidarity Fund e) DG ECHO progress report Emergency response & Prevention - Presentation Sanna Zandén-Kjellén, DG ECHO.B.1 and Tomas De Lannoy, ECHO.A.5

11:45 10 – Follow-up Flood related EU Presidency conclusions (HU Presidency) - Presentation/discussion

12:00 14 - Related international organisation activities a) UNESCO-IOC /NEAMTWS Task Team on Coastal flood mapping - Presentation by Russel Arthurton, discussion b) Other (tbc) 12:45 16– Any other business - Date of the next meetings – tentative dates 20-21.3.2012 (WG F 11) and 16-17.10.2012 (WGF 12) (NB: See also CIS events calendar on CIRCA)

13:00 End of meeting

Annex 2: List of Participants

Member State/Organisation Name MEMBER STATES Austria Heinz Stiefelmeyer Belgium Filip Raymaker Didier de Thysebaert Bulgaria Maria Arangelova Petya Balieva Cyprus Kostas Aristeidou Czech Republic Petr Brezina Michaela Brejchová Denmark Carl-Christian Munk-Nielsen Gyrite Brandt Estonia Agne Aruväli Finland Minna Hanski Mikko Houkuna France Amelie Renaud Germany Martin Socher Manuela Pfeifer (MP) Greece -- Hungary Arpad Szentivanyi Ireland Mark Adamson John Martin Italy Giuseppina Monacelli Martina Bussettini Latvia Zane Ozola Lithuania Gediminas Dudenas Luxembourg Robert Kipgen Malta Michael Schembri The Netherlands Max Linsen William van Berkel Manja Baar Poland Aleksandra Seliga-Piorkowska Agata Wlodarczyk Portugal Rui Rodrigues Romania Mary-Jeanne Adler Livia Nedelcu 14 Member State/Organisation Name Slovakia -- Slovenia Darko Anzeljc Spain Christine Andres Moreno Sweden Barbro Näslund-Landenmark United Kingdom David Porter Matthew Hamsphire Wilson Derek

CANDIDATE COUNTRIES & EFTA Turkey -- Norway Knut Sorgaad Oddrun Waago Iceland -- Switzerland Wolfgang Ruf

STAKEHOLDERS EUREAU Violeta Kuzmickaite EWA -- WWF Sergiy Moroz FLOOD-WISE-Project Alfred Evers, Harry Tolkamp IOC-UNESCO Russell Arthurton


OTHERS Umweltbundesamt Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer (EHK) Co-Chair, Ireland Mark Adamson (MA)

EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG ENV.D.1 Jorge Rodriguez Romero (JRR) Maria Brättemark (MB) EC EEA -- EC DG JRC-IES --


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