At Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meath
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Toghcheantar Baile Átha Troim - Trim Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes
Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 21st April 2008 at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meath
Members Present:-
Cllr. B. Carey, Cllr. P. Cantwell, Cllr. J. Fegan, Cllr. S, Murray, Cllr. P. Higgins
Officials in Attendance:- Manager: K. Stewart Area Engineer: G. Lynn Area Administrator: Brian Murphy County Librarian: Ciaran Mangan Acting Senior Planner: Wendy Bagnall Consultant Planner: Vincent Hussey Administrative officer: Aine Keane
1.0 Confirmation of Minutes: Proposed by Cllr. Cantwell seconded by Cllr. Fegan
2.0 Matters Arising from the Minutes: Cllr Cantwell: Can right hand turning lanes be put in place especially at Scurlogstown and R154. Cllr. Carey: Taking in charge. Request that Clerk of Works prepare taking in charge report to next area meeting. Cllr. Fegan: Stated that at February’s 2007 meeting he brought notice of motion that St. John’s estate be taken in charge and would like it recorded. This was seconded by Cllr. Higgins. Manager: Indicated SPC are considering a Taking in Charge report to be brought before full council meeting.
3.0 Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations. Congratulations to Damien McGraine on winning the Volvo China Open.
4.0 Correspondence: Correspondence was circulated in relation to Irish Rail, Hill of Down rail study and Irish Rail car park in Enfield. It was agreed that the Manager and Caithaoirleach should meet with Iarnrod Eireann.
5.0 Statutory Business
5.1 Presentation from Ciaran Mangan, County Librarian Re: Ballivor Library and Community rooms. Ciaran Mangan: Outlined the background to the project Cllr. Carey: Asked about public parking. and noticed that the existing headstones were not referred to in terms of how they are to be treated.
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Trim Town Council and Area Office, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, County Meath Telephone: 046 9431238, Fax: 046 9431120, Email: [email protected] , web: Toghcheantar Baile Átha Troim - Trim Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes
Cllr. Murray: Raised the following issues: Where the funding will come from? What is the size of the community facility? If it could be put on display in Ballivor? Requested that documentation be forwarded to Ballivor Community Group. Cllr. Cantwell: Queried a number if items in relation to the structure. Cllr. Fegan: Asked whether the library design flexible enough to allow for other uses. Cllr. Higgins: Asked if the Part VIII was on the website for the flat roof structure. Ciaran Mangan replied as follows: Parking for the public would be on street format. Community Centre 175m2. Community space is and will be available and expanded up. Costing and Business plan will be presented to council at a later date in relation to funding.
5.2 Section 183 – Disposal of Lands on the M4 Kilcock to Kinnegad Motorway scheme. Áine Keane: explained the bases of the Section 183 Notices.
On the proposition of Cllr. Carey seconded by Cllr. Murray it was resolved to dispose of the lands.
5.3 Local Area Plan – 4 plans Summerhill Enfield Longwood Ballivor
Wendy Bagnall:Introduced Vincent Hussey, Consultant Planner to members and informed them that he was working on the Local Area Plan for the four Villages in question. Vincent Hussey:Stated that he would like to here from the members with their views and indicated that he would be back to members in May with venues and dates. Cllr. Carey: Expectation of landowners can only be dealt with in accordance with Table 6 and any land zoning change would have to have a community gain.
6.0 Notice of Motion
7.0 Update on works ongoing from Area Engineer
No questions.
8.0 Any Other Business Manager: Informed members of a piece of land and request from Scurlogstown Olympics to lease the land and maintain same in form of a picnic / amenity area. Area Engineer: Reported that in principle there would be no problem with the proposal. The purpose in principle was proposed by Cllr. Cantwell and seconded by Cllr. Higgins.
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Trim Town Council and Area Office, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, County Meath Telephone: 046 9431238, Fax: 046 9431120, Email: [email protected] , web: Toghcheantar Baile Átha Troim - Trim Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes
Cllr. Carey: Raised the following issues: Moyfonrath entrance in Enfield is also becoming a problem with commuters parking. Enfield Tidy Towns group are looking for some works to be carried out. Connellstown – animal remains dumped over weekend. Request to write to Super Intendent requesting extra Gardai in Enfield Cllr. Fegan: Raised the following issues: Traffic management issues at entrance to Dunganny G.A.A complex. Speed limit at Trim road, Ballivor. Need a traffic control box on ring road at White Lodge B&B. When is upgrade on Summerhill waste water due to be completed / carried out? St. Johns estate, Dublin road. When are we to consider 2008 programme for warning lights at approaches to schools on the Electoral Area. Who owns the hayshed at the rear of Keoghs on High Street. Clean up needed on Athboy road approach to Trim. When do we have list of Local Improvements Schemes placed before us for consideration? Well grant application for Mrs. Marion Connor, Robbinstown, Ballivor. Grass cutting in Mornington Heights. New mower. (what is it for and how was its purchase financed? Council to submit observation to Local Courts at the time when local disco’s are seeking renewal of licences. Related issues – Local Gardai seeking population figures for South Meath towns and villages. Cllr. Cantwell: Thanked Engineers for central turning lane on Ring Road. Request for bins on Patricks Street. Laracor Junction needs to be addressed. Cllr. Higgins: High Street traders – could we meet with them before works start. Cllr. Murray: Re-instatement works in Rathmolyon are not been done to a satisfactory standard as a result of the sewerage scheme. Area Eng: Stated that he will raise this issue with the Resident Engineer and check content of contract and revert back to the members. Footpaths at Boardsmill School.
Meeting concluded at 5pm
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Trim Town Council and Area Office, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, County Meath Telephone: 046 9431238, Fax: 046 9431120, Email: [email protected] , web: