Shrewsbury Schools Music Association, Inc

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Shrewsbury Schools Music Association, Inc



Section I The name of this organization shall be Shrewsbury Schools Music Association, Inc. (SSMA).

Section II The Fiscal Year will run July 1 through June 30.


Section I To lend all possible support in assisting and encouraging the program of music and theatre education in the Shrewsbury Public Schools, and to arouse and maintain an enthusiastic interest in the various activities of the music and drama programs.

Section II To cooperate with those in charge of music and theatre activities to the end that these programs be brought to, and kept at, the highest degree of excellence.

Section III To raise and appropriate funds for awards, scholarships, trips, uniforms, and other functions of the Association, as approved by the Executive Committee/Voting Members.

Section IV To grant scholarships, as provided in Article VI, to deserving seniors of Shrewsbury High School who plan to attend an accredited college, university, or conservatory.

Section V To award scholarships annually, at amounts determined by the Board. Scholarships may include, but are not limited to, the following: The Kathleen Viscardi, Dorothy Bell, Jack Feldheimer, Ralph Metcalf and Philip Koziara Scholarships. If all scholarships are not awarded, the remaining funds will be allocated at the discretion of the Board. Announcement of scholarships will be made at the Music and Theatre Awards presentation.


Section I Members

An interested party may become a voting member of the Board by attending two consecutive Board meetings and with the approval of the Board by majority vote. Voting members shall aid the officers, shall chair/serve on committees, shall participate in all meetings, and shall perform activities of the Association. No more than thirty (30) voting members will complete the membership of the Association. A majority of these voting members shall be parents of students actively participating in Shrewsbury Schools’ music or theatre group. SSMA By-laws March 7, 2012 revision Page 2 of 7 Any member unable to attend a meeting must contact a member of the Executive Committee, prior to the meeting. If a member is absent from three (3) or more SSMA meetings within a school year or does not or cannot fulfill his/her responsibilities, they may be contacted by a member of the Executive Committee to ascertain his/her level of continuing interest.

Section II Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association, the Director of Music and Theatre of the Shrewsbury Public School System, and the Past President of the Association.

The Executive Committee and voting members shall make rules for their government. If anything constitutes a conflict of interest when a vote is taken, the member shall excuse himself/herself from voting on the issue.

Section III Duties

a. To transact necessary business in regular monthly Association meeting while school is in session, and such other business as may be referred to the Association.

b. To approve the plans of work carried out by appointed committees.

c. Executive Committee (exclusive of the Treasurer) appoints Treasurer Review Committee to examine the Treasurer’s records and reports.

d. To present reports at the regular meetings of the Association.

e. To approve by vote of the Voting Membership all expenditures of the Association in excess of three hundred (300) dollars. The President or Vice- President may approve expenditures of lesser amounts at their discretion.

f. To create committees other than those named in the bylaws. The chairperson of any committee shall be subject to the provisions of these bylaws and, if not a voting member, shall be accountable to a voting member. The size, membership, etc., of these committees will be determined by the task at hand.

g. To fill all vacancies in any elected office, in the membership of any committee, and in its own membership.

h. A quorum at meetings shall be ten (10) voting members, two (2) being members of the Executive Committee.

i. In any case of dispute, the Executive Committee shall interpret these bylaws to resolve the dispute.

2 SSMA By-laws March 7, 2012 revision Page 3 of 7 j. The Executive Committee or the President of the Association shall appoint a nominating committee of no more than three (3) members that includes one (1) member of the Executive Committee, at least four (4) weeks prior to the election of officers. Nomination for officers shall be made at the annual meeting in the spring.


Section I Election

The elected officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected biannually by a vote at the annual meeting in the spring, the President and Treasurer being elected in odd years and the Vice-President and Secretary in even years. If there is but one (1) candidate for any office, by motion from the floor, the election may be made by voice. If there is more than one (1) candidate for any executive office, the vote will be by ballot. Officers shall serve for a term of two (2) fiscal years and until their successors are elected. No officer shall be eligible to be elected to the same office for more than one (1) term of two (2) years, except in the absence of other candidates to fill the above mentioned positions. However, for the sake of continuity, the Treasurer may serve for two (2) consecutive terms.

Section II Vacancy

A vacancy occurring in an office, in elected membership, or on the Executive Committee shall be filled by vote of the Executive Committee.


Section I President

The President shall be a member who has served as a Voting Member for at least one (1) school calendar year. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee; shall be member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee; and shall perform other duties usually pertaining to the office.

Section II Past President

The Past President shall be a member who has served as President in the previous term. The Past President shall provide assistance and consultation to the President and the Executive Board. The Past President shall be a voting member. SSMA By-laws March 7, 2012 revision Page 4 of 7 Section III Vice-President

The Vice-President shall be a member who has served as a Voting Member for at least one (1) school calendar year. The Vice-President shall act as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer.

Section IV Secretary

The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all meetings of the Association, shall notify the membership of the Association of these meetings and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her. The Secretary shall also keep a correct record of all meetings of the Executive Committee and shall notify its members of these meetings.

Section V Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association; shall give receipts as appropriate, shall keep a permanent and accurate record of receipts and expenditures; shall pay out funds only as authorized by the Voting Membership for amounts in excess of three hundred (300) dollars or at the discretion of the President or Vice-President for lesser amounts. The Treasurer shall present a full statement of account to date at the annual meeting or special meeting in lieu of and for the purposes thereof, and at each meeting and at such other times when requested by the Executive Committee.

The Treasurer’s records and reports shall be examined annually by a committee composed of 2 to 3 members (hereafter referred to as the Treasurer's Review Committee) who are appointed by the Executive Committee (exclusive of the Treasurer). A member of the Executive Committee may serve on the Treasurer's Review Committee, but in that case, may not participate in the appointing of members to the Treasurer's Review Committee.

If the Treasurer's Review Committee is satisfied that the Treasurer's records and reports are reasonably correct; members of the Committee shall sign a statement to that effect, to be included in the final Treasurer's report. The final Treasurer’s report shall be completed within sixty (60) days of the end of the fiscal year.

If the Treasurer's Review Committee is not satisfied that the Treasurer's records and reports are reasonably correct, they shall inform the Executive Committee who will assume all responsibility for further action.

In the event that Treasurer cannot fill her/his entire term, a new Treasurer will be elected or appointed. Within 30 days of the new Treasurer taking office, the Treasurer's Review Committee shall complete a review of the previous Treasurer's records and reports, and report results of that review to the Executive Committee.

4 SSMA By-laws March 7, 2012 revision Page 5 of 7 ARTICLE VI SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE

Section I Members

Members of the scholarship committee are to include the SSMA President, Past President and two additional active Board members, unless an applicant is a child of a committee member.

Section II Duties

a. Provide an appropriate application form for all qualified students who wish to apply for a Shrewsbury Schools Music Association Scholarship, at least one month prior to the application due date.

b. Establish appropriate regulations for filing of the above-mentioned applications with the Scholarship Committee by interested students.

c. Award a scholarship to the student or students, if any, who, in the opinion of the Committee, should receive the Shrewsbury Schools Music Association Scholarship.

d. The Committee shall be guided in its selection by the following rule: the successful applicant must be a senior in good standing at Shrewsbury High School who plans to attend an accredited college, university, or conservatory, and who has demonstrated excellence in music and/or theatre.

e. A check will be mailed to the successful applicant after said applicant has provided a copy of his/her letter of acceptance and an official mailing address. Such monies shall be designated to defray expenses such as tuition, fees, and related expenses.

f. All scholarship applications shall be delivered to the Director of Music and Theatre no later than three (3) weeks prior to the Music and Theatre Awards presentation.

g. The Scholarship Committee must submit the names of scholarship recipients to the Music Awards Committee Chairperson no later than two (2) weeks prior to the awards presentation.


Section I Creation

The Executive Committee may create such committees as may be required to promote the objectives and interests of the Association. SSMA By-laws March 7, 2012 revision Page 6 of 7 Section II Chairperson

The Chairperson of all committees shall be selected within each committee. In lieu of such selection, a Chairperson may be appointed by the Executive Committee and/or Voting Membership. The Chairperson of all committees shall present plans of work to the Association.


Section I Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of this Association shall be held near the end of the school year, at which annual reports shall be received. In the event that the annual meeting is not held for any reason, the Executive Committee shall call a special meeting in lieu of, and for the purposes of, the annual meeting.


The Executive Committee, at its discretion, shall have the right to appoint members of the Association to represent it at meetings of any organization or committee thereof with which it deems wise to cooperate, but no action of any such organization or committee shall be binding upon the Association until the Voting Membership has voted its approval.


These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Association by majority vote of the voting members, provided the proposed amendment(s) have been previously presented by the Executive Committee.


The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order Revised” shall govern this Association in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.

Revised edition of these bylaws submitted and approved by the Shrewsbury Schools Music Association on February 5, 2008.

Original revision: 11/13/90

6 SSMA By-laws March 7, 2012 revision Page 7 of 7 Revision: 04/06/93

Revision: 05/02/95

Revision: 10/02/01

Revision: Voted: 02/05/08 Distributed: 02/06/08 Bylaw Committee: Janet Pope, Martha Deering, Nancy Freeman, Paul Dobner, Sandra Weed, Rob Haller

Revision: Voted: 04/26/11 Bylaw Committee: Karmen Bogdesic, Paul Dobner, Kathy Parks, Lynn Roy, Sandra Weed and Laura Johnson

Revision: March 7, 2012

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