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Curriculum Vitae Dr. Achraf AL FARAJ Assistant Professor
th Date of birth : September 15 , 1982 Nationality: French and Lebanese Status: Married, 1 child Work Address: King Saud University College of Applied Medical Sciences Department of Radiological Sciences PO Box 10219, Riyadh 11433, KSA Phone: +966 1 4696017 Fax: +966 1 4693565 Mobile: +966 5 69631783 Email: [email protected] Web page:
Diploma / Degree
2006 – 2009: PhD in Biomedical Engineering (Health Engineering) Specialty: Medical Imaging University of Lyon1, Créatis-LRMN
2007 – 2008: Master2 Pro in Genetics and Cell Biology Specialty: Microstructure Imaging University of Lyon1, UFR Biology
2005 – 2006: Master2 Research in Health & Medicine Engineering Specialty: Biomedical Engineering University of Lyon1, UFR Génie électrique
2004 – 2005: Master1 in Life sciences Specialty: Structural and Nanobiology University of Grenoble1, UFR Biology
2000 – 2004: Bachelor of Sciences in Biology (Premedical school) University of Balamand, Faculty of sciences
2000: High school diploma (Baccalaureate) in Experimental Sciences Collège des frères
2008: DIU (Diplôme Inter Universitaire) Animal Experimentation – Level 1 ENS, UCBL & IUT – Lyon
2006: European School of Medical Physics: Medical Imaging & Computing Geneva, Switzerland & Archamps, France Research Experience
2009 – 2010: Postdoctoral research University Paris 7, CNRS UMR 7057, MSC, Physics of Life Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, HEGP, Univ. Paris 5, LRI Cellular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (monitoring of cell-released microvesicles and macrophages polarization) Nanoparticles biological impacts for biomedical applications
2006 – 2009: PhD thesis University Lyon1, Créatis-LRMN Biodistribution and biological impacts of nanoparticles using multimodality imaging techniques
2008 (4 months): Master2P Training University Lyon1, CECIL Preparation and observation of lung tissue using Transmission Electron Microscopy
2006 (6 months): Master2R Training University Lyon1, LRMN Biodistribution and effect of magnetic nanoparticles using MRI
2005 (4 months): Master1 Training University Grenoble1, RMN – IBS Attribution of the structure of protein "CopK" using NMR
Teaching Experience
2010: Biomedical Imaging (42 hours course) Manar University of Tripoli (MUT), Faculty of Engineering
2009 – 2010: Specialized Imaging: Iron-based MRI Contrast Agent University Paris 12, Master Sigaux et Images en Medecine
Professional Experience
2009 (6 months): co-supervising master2 Training University Lyon1, LRMN HRMAS Analyses of liver metabolism after nanoparticles injection
2008 (6 months): co-supervising master2 Training University Lyon1, LRMN Optimizing MRI protocol for lung imaging (segmentation and coil conception)
Training schools
2008 (1 week): Polarized Helium Lung Imaging Network (Phelinet) Advanced training school Madrid, Spain 2008 (1 week): Polarized Helium Lung Imaging Network (Phelinet) General training School Paris, France 2007 (1 week): GDRI-nanoI Autrans, France
Stipends & Award
Student stipend award World Molecular Imaging Montréal, Canada 2009 Nice, France 2008
International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Hawaii, USA 2009 Berlin, Germany 2007
Computer Literacy
Environment: Windows, UNIX, Mac Language: Intro to C++, HTML Software: Microsoft Office, Frontpage CorelDraw, Adope Photoshop C statistical Software Matlab Skills : Internet webmaster, Vbulletin
Language Skills
English, French and Arabic: Fluent
Emmanuelle Canet-Soulas, Professor of University University of Lyon 1 – France [email protected]
Yannick Crémillieux, CNRS Research Director University of Lyon 1 – France [email protected]
Florence Gazeau, CNRS Research Director University of Paris 7 [email protected] Articles in International Journal
A. Al Faraj, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: In Vivo Imaging of Carbon Nanotube Biodistribution using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Nano Lett. 2009, 9 (3), 1023-1027.
A. Al Faraj, G. Lacroix, H. Alsaid, D. Elgrabi, V. Stupar, F. Robidel, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: Longitudinal 3He and Proton imaging of magnetite biodistribution in a rat model of instilled nanoparticles. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 59:1298–1303 (2008)
A. Al Faraj, A. Bessaad, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: Single-walled carbon nanotubes detection and evaluation of impact using multimodality imaging techniques in a 3-months follow- up study. Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 175103 (9pp)
K. Cieslar, A. Al Faraj, V. Stupar, S. Gaillard, Y. Crémillieux: Highly constrained backprojection (HYPR) for improving dynamic 3He MR ventilation imaging in rats. Contrast Media Mol. Imaging 2010, 5 1–11
M. Hamoudeh, A. Al Faraj, E. Canet-Soulas, F. Bessueille, D. Léonard and H. Fessi: Elaboration of PLLA- based superparamagnetic nanoparticles: Characterization, magnetic behaviour study and in vitro relaxivity evaluation. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 338, Issues 1-2, 29 June 2007, Pages 248- 257
M. Hamoudeh, H. Fessi, H. Mehier, A. Al Faraj, E. Canet-Soulas: Dirhenium decacarbonyl-loaded PLLA nanoparticles: Influence of neutron irradiation and preliminary in vivo administration by the TMT technique. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 348, Issues 1-2, 4 February 2008, Pages 125- 136
A. Al Faraj, F. Fauvelle, G. Lacroix, Cyrille Richard, Y. Crémillieux, and E. Canet-Soulas: In vivo biodistribution and biological impacts of injected carbon nanotubes. Submitted manuscript
M. Sigovan, M. Hamoudeh, A. Al Faraj, H. Fessi, E. Canet-Soulas: Positive Contrast with Therapeutic Iron Nanoparticles at 4.7T. Submitted manuscript
A. Al Faraj and A Bessaad, M. Zurek, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: Monitoring intrapulmonary iron labeled macrophages in an inflammatory rat model using multimodality imaging techniques. Manuscript in preparation
A. Al Faraj, N. Luciani, C. Wilhelm, O. Clément, F. Gazeau: Migration of Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages as a Function of their Polarization in an Inflammatory Animal Model: a High Resolution MRI Study. Manuscript in preparation Communications
ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine)
A. Al Faraj, A. Besaad, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Detection and evaluation of impact of instilled carbon nanotubes. A 3-months follow-up investigation using 3He, proton lung MR, optical and electronic microscopy. ISMRM2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
K. Cieslar, A. Al Faraj, S. Gaillard, Y. Crémillieux: Single acquisition time-resolved T2* mapping in lungs using HYPR 3He MRI. ISMRM2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
M. Sigovan, M. Hamoudeh, A. Al Faraj, H. Fessi, and E. Canet-Soulas. Positive Contrast with Therapeutic Iron Nanoparticles at 4.7T. ISMRM 2008, Toronto, Canada.
A. Al Faraj, G. Lacroix, H. Alsaid, D. Elgrabi, V. Stupar, F. Robidel, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: Longitudinal Helium-3 and Proton imaging of magnetite biodistribution in a rat model of instilled nanoparticles. ISMRM 2007, Berlin, Germany.
ESMRMB (European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology)
A. Al Faraj, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Assessment of Single- Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) biodistribution and biological impact using 3Helium and Proton MRI in an intrapulmonary instilled rat model. ESMRMB 2008, Valencia, Spain.
WMI (World Molecular Imaging)
A. Al Faraj, N. Luciani, C. Wilhelm, O. Clément, F. Gazeau: Migration of Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages as a Function of their Polarization in an Inflammatory Animal Model: a High Resolution MRI Study. World Molecular Imaging 2010, Kyoto, Japan
A. Al Faraj, PE. Rautou, O. Clément, C. Wilhelm, C. Boulanger, F. Gazeau: Cell-released Microparticles: towards noninvasive detection using MRI. World Molecular Imaging 2010, Kyoto, Japan
A. Al Faraj, F. Fauvelle, G. Lacroix, F. Lagarde, C. Richard, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas: In vivo Injection of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT): noninvasive detection and biological impacts using MR techniques. World Molecular Imaging 2009, Montréal, Canada.
A. Al Faraj, S. Peyrol, A. Besaad, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Multimodality Imaging Techniques to assess Biodistribution and Nanotoxicity of SWCNT. World Molecular Imaging 2008, Nice, France.
CMR (Contrast Media Research)
A. Al Faraj, F. Fauvelle, G. Lacroix, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas: Noninvasive detection and biological impacts of injected Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) using MR techniques. Contrast Media Research 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.
A. Al Faraj, K. Cieslar, A. Bessaad, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Investigation of long term SWCNT biodistribution and effect in lungs using multimodality imaging techniques. Contrast Media Research 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.
V. Stupar, A. Al Faraj, H. Alsaid, E. Bannier, K. Cieslar, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Hyperpolarized 3He MRI: a comprehensive tool for the investigation of lung function in physio-pathological animal models? Contrast Media Research 2007, Banff, Canada. RITS (Recherche en imagerie et technologies de la santé)
A. Al Faraj, A. Besaad, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Evaluation longitudinale l’impact des NTC utilisant l’IRM pulmonaire hélium-3 et proton combiné avec la microscopie optique et électronique. RITS2009, Lille, France.
A. Al Faraj, F. Fauvelle, G. Lacroix, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas: Injection in vivo des nanotubes de carbone: biodistribution et impact biologique par imagerie et spectroscopie de résonance magnétique (IRM et HRMAS). RITS2009, Lille, France.
Gramm (Groupe de Recherche sur les Applications du Magnétisme en Médecine)
A. Al Faraj, G. Lacroix, A. Besaad, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas: Nanotubes de carbone en nanomedecine: biodistribution longitudinale par IRM. Gramm 2008, Lyon, France.
A. Al Faraj, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, D. Elgarbi, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux : Suivi longitudinal par IRM He3 et proton de la biodistribution de nanotubes de carbone dans un modèle expérimental d’exposition par voie aérienne. Gramm 2008, Lyon, France.
K. Cieslar, A. Al Faraj, V. Stupar, Y. Crémillieux: Imagerie radiale hautement sous-échantillonnée – Application à l’imagerie de la ventilation chez le petit animal. Gramm 2008, Lyon, France.
JRIM (Journées de recherche en imagerie médicale)
A. Al Faraj, M. Hamoudeh, H. Fessi, E. Canet-Soulas: Nanoparticules de PLLA dopées en oxyde de fer: un nouvel agent diagnostique et thérapeutique pour le suivi des tumeurs musculaires. JRIM 2007, Dijon, France
A. Al Faraj, PE Rautou, C. Wilhelm, O. Clément, C. Boulanger, F. Gazeau: Noninvasive imaging of cells released microvesicles. Encite Workshop, Mons, Belgium
A. Al Faraj, N. Luciani, C. Cochain, C. Wilhelm, O. Clément, F. Gazeau: Détection non invasive des macrophages (M0, M1 et M2) issus de la moelle osseuse dans un modèle inflammatoire utilisant l'Imagerie de Résonance Magnétique haute résolution. Journées MSC, Villers-sur-Mer, France.
A. Al Faraj: Imagerie de Résonance Magnétique Proton et Hélium-3 des Nanoparticules. Journée du savoir 2007, Dijon, France.