<p> Curriculum Vitae Dr. Achraf AL FARAJ Assistant Professor</p><p> th Date of birth : September 15 , 1982 Nationality: French and Lebanese Status: Married, 1 child Work Address: King Saud University College of Applied Medical Sciences Department of Radiological Sciences PO Box 10219, Riyadh 11433, KSA Phone: +966 1 4696017 Fax: +966 1 4693565 Mobile: +966 5 69631783 Email: [email protected] Web page: http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/aalfaraj</p><p>Diploma / Degree</p><p>2006 – 2009: PhD in Biomedical Engineering (Health Engineering) Specialty: Medical Imaging University of Lyon1, Créatis-LRMN</p><p>2007 – 2008: Master2 Pro in Genetics and Cell Biology Specialty: Microstructure Imaging University of Lyon1, UFR Biology</p><p>2005 – 2006: Master2 Research in Health & Medicine Engineering Specialty: Biomedical Engineering University of Lyon1, UFR Génie électrique</p><p>2004 – 2005: Master1 in Life sciences Specialty: Structural and Nanobiology University of Grenoble1, UFR Biology</p><p>2000 – 2004: Bachelor of Sciences in Biology (Premedical school) University of Balamand, Faculty of sciences</p><p>2000: High school diploma (Baccalaureate) in Experimental Sciences Collège des frères</p><p>Certificate</p><p>2008: DIU (Diplôme Inter Universitaire) Animal Experimentation – Level 1 ENS, UCBL & IUT – Lyon</p><p>2006: European School of Medical Physics: Medical Imaging & Computing Geneva, Switzerland & Archamps, France Research Experience </p><p>2009 – 2010: Postdoctoral research University Paris 7, CNRS UMR 7057, MSC, Physics of Life Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, HEGP, Univ. Paris 5, LRI Cellular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (monitoring of cell-released microvesicles and macrophages polarization) Nanoparticles biological impacts for biomedical applications</p><p>2006 – 2009: PhD thesis University Lyon1, Créatis-LRMN Biodistribution and biological impacts of nanoparticles using multimodality imaging techniques</p><p>2008 (4 months): Master2P Training University Lyon1, CECIL Preparation and observation of lung tissue using Transmission Electron Microscopy</p><p>2006 (6 months): Master2R Training University Lyon1, LRMN Biodistribution and effect of magnetic nanoparticles using MRI </p><p>2005 (4 months): Master1 Training University Grenoble1, RMN – IBS Attribution of the structure of protein "CopK" using NMR </p><p>Teaching Experience</p><p>2010: Biomedical Imaging (42 hours course) Manar University of Tripoli (MUT), Faculty of Engineering</p><p>2009 – 2010: Specialized Imaging: Iron-based MRI Contrast Agent University Paris 12, Master Sigaux et Images en Medecine</p><p>Professional Experience</p><p>2009 (6 months): co-supervising master2 Training University Lyon1, LRMN HRMAS Analyses of liver metabolism after nanoparticles injection</p><p>2008 (6 months): co-supervising master2 Training University Lyon1, LRMN Optimizing MRI protocol for lung imaging (segmentation and coil conception) </p><p>Training schools</p><p>2008 (1 week): Polarized Helium Lung Imaging Network (Phelinet) Advanced training school Madrid, Spain 2008 (1 week): Polarized Helium Lung Imaging Network (Phelinet) General training School Paris, France 2007 (1 week): GDRI-nanoI Autrans, France</p><p>Stipends & Award</p><p>Student stipend award World Molecular Imaging Montréal, Canada 2009 Nice, France 2008</p><p>International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Hawaii, USA 2009 Berlin, Germany 2007</p><p>Computer Literacy</p><p>Environment: Windows, UNIX, Mac Language: Intro to C++, HTML Software: Microsoft Office, Frontpage CorelDraw, Adope Photoshop C statistical Software Matlab Skills : Internet webmaster, Vbulletin</p><p>Language Skills</p><p>English, French and Arabic: Fluent</p><p>References</p><p>Emmanuelle Canet-Soulas, Professor of University University of Lyon 1 – France [email protected]</p><p>Yannick Crémillieux, CNRS Research Director University of Lyon 1 – France [email protected]</p><p>Florence Gazeau, CNRS Research Director University of Paris 7 [email protected] Articles in International Journal</p><p>A. Al Faraj, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: In Vivo Imaging of Carbon Nanotube Biodistribution using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Nano Lett. 2009, 9 (3), 1023-1027.</p><p>A. Al Faraj, G. Lacroix, H. Alsaid, D. Elgrabi, V. Stupar, F. Robidel, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: Longitudinal 3He and Proton imaging of magnetite biodistribution in a rat model of instilled nanoparticles. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 59:1298–1303 (2008)</p><p>A. Al Faraj, A. Bessaad, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: Single-walled carbon nanotubes detection and evaluation of impact using multimodality imaging techniques in a 3-months follow- up study. Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 175103 (9pp)</p><p>K. Cieslar, A. Al Faraj, V. Stupar, S. Gaillard, Y. Crémillieux: Highly constrained backprojection (HYPR) for improving dynamic 3He MR ventilation imaging in rats. Contrast Media Mol. Imaging 2010, 5 1–11</p><p>M. Hamoudeh, A. Al Faraj, E. Canet-Soulas, F. Bessueille, D. Léonard and H. Fessi: Elaboration of PLLA- based superparamagnetic nanoparticles: Characterization, magnetic behaviour study and in vitro relaxivity evaluation. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 338, Issues 1-2, 29 June 2007, Pages 248- 257</p><p>M. Hamoudeh, H. Fessi, H. Mehier, A. Al Faraj, E. Canet-Soulas: Dirhenium decacarbonyl-loaded PLLA nanoparticles: Influence of neutron irradiation and preliminary in vivo administration by the TMT technique. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 348, Issues 1-2, 4 February 2008, Pages 125- 136</p><p>A. Al Faraj, F. Fauvelle, G. Lacroix, Cyrille Richard, Y. Crémillieux, and E. Canet-Soulas: In vivo biodistribution and biological impacts of injected carbon nanotubes. Submitted manuscript </p><p>M. Sigovan, M. Hamoudeh, A. Al Faraj, H. Fessi, E. Canet-Soulas: Positive Contrast with Therapeutic Iron Nanoparticles at 4.7T. Submitted manuscript</p><p>A. Al Faraj and A Bessaad, M. Zurek, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: Monitoring intrapulmonary iron labeled macrophages in an inflammatory rat model using multimodality imaging techniques. Manuscript in preparation </p><p>A. Al Faraj, N. Luciani, C. Wilhelm, O. Clément, F. Gazeau: Migration of Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages as a Function of their Polarization in an Inflammatory Animal Model: a High Resolution MRI Study. Manuscript in preparation Communications</p><p>ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine)</p><p>A. Al Faraj, A. Besaad, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Detection and evaluation of impact of instilled carbon nanotubes. A 3-months follow-up investigation using 3He, proton lung MR, optical and electronic microscopy. ISMRM2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.</p><p>K. Cieslar, A. Al Faraj, S. Gaillard, Y. Crémillieux: Single acquisition time-resolved T2* mapping in lungs using HYPR 3He MRI. ISMRM2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.</p><p>M. Sigovan, M. Hamoudeh, A. Al Faraj, H. Fessi, and E. Canet-Soulas. Positive Contrast with Therapeutic Iron Nanoparticles at 4.7T. ISMRM 2008, Toronto, Canada.</p><p>A. Al Faraj, G. Lacroix, H. Alsaid, D. Elgrabi, V. Stupar, F. Robidel, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, and Y. Crémillieux: Longitudinal Helium-3 and Proton imaging of magnetite biodistribution in a rat model of instilled nanoparticles. ISMRM 2007, Berlin, Germany.</p><p>ESMRMB (European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology)</p><p>A. Al Faraj, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Assessment of Single- Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) biodistribution and biological impact using 3Helium and Proton MRI in an intrapulmonary instilled rat model. ESMRMB 2008, Valencia, Spain.</p><p>WMI (World Molecular Imaging)</p><p>A. Al Faraj, N. Luciani, C. Wilhelm, O. Clément, F. Gazeau: Migration of Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages as a Function of their Polarization in an Inflammatory Animal Model: a High Resolution MRI Study. World Molecular Imaging 2010, Kyoto, Japan</p><p>A. Al Faraj, PE. Rautou, O. Clément, C. Wilhelm, C. Boulanger, F. Gazeau: Cell-released Microparticles: towards noninvasive detection using MRI. World Molecular Imaging 2010, Kyoto, Japan</p><p>A. Al Faraj, F. Fauvelle, G. Lacroix, F. Lagarde, C. Richard, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas: In vivo Injection of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT): noninvasive detection and biological impacts using MR techniques. World Molecular Imaging 2009, Montréal, Canada.</p><p>A. Al Faraj, S. Peyrol, A. Besaad, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Multimodality Imaging Techniques to assess Biodistribution and Nanotoxicity of SWCNT. World Molecular Imaging 2008, Nice, France.</p><p>CMR (Contrast Media Research)</p><p>A. Al Faraj, F. Fauvelle, G. Lacroix, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas: Noninvasive detection and biological impacts of injected Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) using MR techniques. Contrast Media Research 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.</p><p>A. Al Faraj, K. Cieslar, A. Bessaad, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Investigation of long term SWCNT biodistribution and effect in lungs using multimodality imaging techniques. Contrast Media Research 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.</p><p>V. Stupar, A. Al Faraj, H. Alsaid, E. Bannier, K. Cieslar, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Hyperpolarized 3He MRI: a comprehensive tool for the investigation of lung function in physio-pathological animal models? Contrast Media Research 2007, Banff, Canada. RITS (Recherche en imagerie et technologies de la santé)</p><p>A. Al Faraj, A. Besaad, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux: Evaluation longitudinale l’impact des NTC utilisant l’IRM pulmonaire hélium-3 et proton combiné avec la microscopie optique et électronique. RITS2009, Lille, France.</p><p>A. Al Faraj, F. Fauvelle, G. Lacroix, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas: Injection in vivo des nanotubes de carbone: biodistribution et impact biologique par imagerie et spectroscopie de résonance magnétique (IRM et HRMAS). RITS2009, Lille, France.</p><p>Gramm (Groupe de Recherche sur les Applications du Magnétisme en Médecine)</p><p>A. Al Faraj, G. Lacroix, A. Besaad, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas: Nanotubes de carbone en nanomedecine: biodistribution longitudinale par IRM. Gramm 2008, Lyon, France.</p><p>A. Al Faraj, K. Cieslar, G. Lacroix, D. Elgarbi, S. Gaillard, E. Canet-Soulas, Y. Crémillieux : Suivi longitudinal par IRM He3 et proton de la biodistribution de nanotubes de carbone dans un modèle expérimental d’exposition par voie aérienne. Gramm 2008, Lyon, France.</p><p>K. Cieslar, A. Al Faraj, V. Stupar, Y. Crémillieux: Imagerie radiale hautement sous-échantillonnée – Application à l’imagerie de la ventilation chez le petit animal. Gramm 2008, Lyon, France. </p><p>JRIM (Journées de recherche en imagerie médicale)</p><p>A. Al Faraj, M. Hamoudeh, H. Fessi, E. Canet-Soulas: Nanoparticules de PLLA dopées en oxyde de fer: un nouvel agent diagnostique et thérapeutique pour le suivi des tumeurs musculaires. JRIM 2007, Dijon, France</p><p>A. Al Faraj, PE Rautou, C. Wilhelm, O. Clément, C. Boulanger, F. Gazeau: Noninvasive imaging of cells released microvesicles. Encite Workshop, Mons, Belgium</p><p>A. Al Faraj, N. Luciani, C. Cochain, C. Wilhelm, O. Clément, F. Gazeau: Détection non invasive des macrophages (M0, M1 et M2) issus de la moelle osseuse dans un modèle inflammatoire utilisant l'Imagerie de Résonance Magnétique haute résolution. Journées MSC, Villers-sur-Mer, France.</p><p>A. Al Faraj: Imagerie de Résonance Magnétique Proton et Hélium-3 des Nanoparticules. Journée du savoir 2007, Dijon, France.</p>
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