Ballymoney Nursery School

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Ballymoney Nursery School

September Newsletter September Newsletter Welcome to Ballymoney Nursery School and to our monthly newsletter. Our newsletter is produced to keep you informed of what’s happening in the school. It includes an outline of the topics being covered each month with ideas about how you may extend and develop the learning that takes place with your child at home. We would welcome any suggestions you may have about the content of the Newsletter.

Settling In During September we are mainly concerned with ensuring the smooth transition of all the children from home to school. So far most of the children have settled happily and are responding positively to the new rules and routines. A few are slightly hesitant and it’s important to be patient. Some children just require a little more time and reassurance.

Below we’ve included the school’s current “Golden Rules”. These will be discussed with the children and amended to reflect their input. The amended version will be sent home later in the month once all children are settled and have had an opportunity to contribute. These rules are in place to ensure that the Nursery remains a comfortable and happy place for all the children. Please ask and remind your child regularly about the rules.

The Golden Rules

We are kind and we help one another.

We share and take turns.

We say please and thank you.

We listen during story and quiet time.

We care for the toys and we tidy up when asked.

We are all friends in nursery school.

All About Me The topic of “All About Me” offers many opportunities for children’s personal, social and emotional development. The children will be encouraged to look more closely at themselves and what their bodies can do. As they explore daily routines they will begin to realize the importance of taking care of their own bodies. As your children get up in the morning and when they go to bed encourage them to appreciate and take care of their bodies. Talk about the importance of washing, cleaning teeth and combing hair. Look at family photos. Talk about eye and hair colours and family likenesses. When you’re out and about draw attention to how useful parts of our bodies are. For example, help your children to be aware of their ears as they listen for traffic when crossing a road.

Nursery Rhymes Children of all ages enjoy listening to and being involved in rhyme. The range, repetitive language and rhythms of nursery rhymes provide a solid basis for encouraging early literacy skills. Talk to your child about your own favourite nursery rhymes. Enjoy reciting the rhymes and have fun changing words to make new ones. Daily Snack In Ballymoney Nursery School we are committed to promoting healthy eating and feel it is imperative to maximise every opportunity to influence the children’s eating habits. Our daily snack offers a selection of healthy options including fruits, cheese and crackers, bread/toast.

Our Interest Area this month is: All About Me/Family Photos We would ask that each child brings in one photograph that’s special to them for the display.

Information  A leaflet has been enclosed with your newsletter outlining the procedures for raising a concern with regard to Child Protection. We hope you will find this useful but should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact the school.  Would all parents please ensure they have sweatshirt(s)/coats clearly labelled with name tags or indelible ink. There is a little label inside the pocket of the coat which can be marked. For those who wish sweatshirts/coats are still available to order from the school.  It is extremely important that we hold up-to-date contact details for every child in the Nursery School. If your details/telephone numbers have changed since registering your child in June please inform the school secretary at your earliest convenience.  Parents are requested NOT to bring cars into the front of the Nursery School when leaving off and picking up children. This area is strictly for the use of staff, vehicles making deliveries to the school and for those parents/carers who have disability badges. If you have a disability badge, it will be necessary for us to make a photocopy which will be retained in school.  As part of the school’s ongoing focus on recycling, we participate in a “Clothing Collection Scheme” with a local company called “All-Tex”. You may already have noticed the textile recycling (positioned to the right, just before you enter the gate to the nursery School), so if you’re doing a wardrobe clearout please deposit your unwanted clothing/paired shoes/curtains/towels in the container when leaving or collecting your child. The bank will be emptied periodically and the school fund will be credited according to the weight of the items taken away with an additional donation made to a charity of the school’s choice.  If you have a talent or skill which might interest the children, or know of someone else who could enhance our curriculum, please let us know. We very much welcome any contributions which you feel could add to the education of the children.  Throughout the year “The Book People” and other companies leave a selection of books into the school which can be purchased at discounted prices. These are set out in the hall area for your perusal. Orders must be paid in full when the order is placed and the appropriate money given to the school secretary.  Most children love to bring a cake into school on their birthday to share with the other pupils (and staff of course!!!). If you would like to do this, please inform a member of staff the day before you intend to bring the cake so that we can plan our snack accordingly.  School fund for this term will be £30 or if you wish, you may pay for the year - £90. In addition to the daily snack, many of our educational visits/visitors are funded in this way. We’ve also been augmenting our imaginative play and themed resources so your assistance is very much appreciated.  If you have any anxieties relating to your child, please feel free to approach a member of the teaching staff. Time can then be made available to discuss your worries in a confidential manner.  As Ballymoney Nursery School is an Eco-School with a focus on “waste”, we will be going “paperless” with the newsletter. From October 2013 the newsletter will be available to download monthly from our school website on For those who do not have access to the internet a hard copy can be obtained by request from the school. Finally Over the page we have included a selection of rhymes associated with this month’s themes which we will be teaching the children. The children will keep you right with the tunes and the actions. Clap your Hands Fingers Two Little Eyes Clap your hands One little finger Two little eyes to see with, Twist them round Dancing on her own Two little feet to run, Touch the ceiling Joined by another one Two little hands to wave with, Touch the ground Now she’s not alone. And nose I have but one. Clap your hands Up jumps the middle one, Two little ears to hear with, Stamp your feet Strong and tall And a tongue to say good-day, Nod your head Here comes the fourth one And two red cheeks for you to kiss, Go to sleep. Liveliest of all. And now I’ll run away! Stubby old Tom Thumb Exercises Has nowhere to go, I have ten little fingers Bend your body Put him with the others I have ten little fingers Touch your toes And there’s five in a row. And they all belong to me Straighten up I can make them do things And touch your nose Tommy Thumb Come and watch and see. Wave your arms Tommy Thumb, Tommy Thumb, I can shut them up tight Now touch each knee Where are you? Or open them wide Stamp your feet Here I am, here I am I can put them together And count to three How do you do? Or make them all hide One, two, three! I can make them jump high I’ve got one head, one nose too Peter Pointer, Peter Pointer, I can make them jump low I’ve got one head, one nose too Where are you? I can fold them quietly One mouth and one chin and so have Here I am, here I am, And hold them just so. you How do you do? I’ve got two eyes, two ears too One, Two, Three, Four, Five Two arms, two legs and so have you Toby Tall, Toby Tall, One, two, three, four, five I’ve got two hands, two thumbs too Where are you? Once I caught a fish alive Four fingers on each hand and so have Here I am, here I am, Six, seven , eight, nine, ten you. How do you do? Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Hickory, Dickory, Dock Ruby Ring, Ruby Ring, Because it bit my finger so Hickory, dickory, dock Where are you? Which finger did it bite? The mouse ran up the clock Here I am, here I am, This little finger on the right. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down How do you do? Face IfHickory, You’re Happydickory, and dock. You Know It Baby Small, Baby Small, Two little eyes to look around If you’re happy and you know it, Where are you? Two little ears to hear each sound Clap your hands, (twice) If you’re happy and you know it, Here I am, here I am, One little nose to smell what’s sweet Jack and Jill And you really want to show it, How do you do? One little mouth that likes to eat. Jack and Jill went up the hill If you’re happy and you know it, To fetch a pail of water; Clap your hands. Humpty Dumpty Jack fell down and broke his crown Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall And Jill came tumbling after. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. If you’re happy and you know it Stamp your feet ….. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Up Jack got and home did trot Couldn’t put Humpty together again. As fast as he could caper; If you’re happy and you know it Along came the children with brushes and He went to bed to mend his head Nod your head ….. glue With vinegar and brown paper. And stuck him together as good as new. If you’re happy and you know it The staff would like to thank youDo for all yourthree support …. and co-operation.

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