Developed by London's Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee

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Developed by London's Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee

Developed by London's Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee 1


Updated 2008-01-01 According to FADS 2007

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Review of Accessibility Features

Name of Facility: Address: Approximate Age of Building: Contact Person: Date of Assessment:

PARKING (Designated Accessible Parking)

1. Is accessible parking identified by enforceable ‘By Permit Only’ sign? YES NO 2. Number of disabled parking spaces: 3. Approximate number of total spaces: 4. Is side by side parking space 8’10”x 18’ (2700x5500)? YES NO N/A a. Is there an access aisle 78 ¾ (2000) x18’ (5500) clearly marked? YES NO b. Is there a parallel parking space 12’10”x17’9” (3900x5400)? YES NO N/A c. Is there an access aisle 78 ¾ (2000) x 18’ (5500) YES NO d. Is there a limited mobility/caregiver space 10’6” (3200) x 18’ (5500)? YES NO 5. Is there underground parking? YES NO IF NO GO TO QUESTION 6 a. Is the overhead height at the entrance of underground parking a minimum of 9’ (2750)? YES NO b. Is the underground height (when parked) a minimum of 9’ (2750)? YES NO N/A

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6. Is there an open space beside and parallel to the vehicle for passenger drop off 96”x 96”? YES NO N/A a. Is there an access aisle behind vehicle 78 ¾” x 12’ 10” (2000 X 3900)? YES NO N/A 7. Is the passenger loading zone 96”x23’x11' (2440 x 7000 x 3350)? YES NO N/A a. If the loading zone is covered is there a vertical clearance of 11’ (3350) YES NO N/A 8. Is there a flat entry? YES NO a. Is there a curb ramp? YES NO 9. Is a ramp present? YES NO a. Does any existing running slope have a slope ratio of 1:20 to 1:25? YES NO N/A b. Does ramp have a minimum width of 59” (1500) ? YES NO 10.Is there a sign indicating the entrance? YES NO a. Is it clearly visible? YES NO 11.Is there an automatic door opener? YES NO N/A a. Is the opener button a minimum of 5-7/8” (150) in diameter? YES NO N/A b. Does it have a disabled pictogram on it? YES NO N/A c. Is the centre located 39-3/8”-43 ¼” (1000-1100) above the floor ? YES NO d. Is it operating properly? YES NO 12.Is the door manually operated? YES NO a. Can the door handle be operated with one hand? YES NO AUTO b. Can the door handle be operated without fine finger dexterity? YES NO N/A c. Is the door handle mounted 35”-39-3/8” (900-1000) above ground/floor?

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YES NO N/A d. Indicate the type of door handle KNOB LEVER PUSH PULL e. Is there good colour contrast between door handle and door? YES NO N/A f. Is a call button available to ring for assistance for those who are not able to open a manual door? YES NO N/A g. Is it clearly identified? YES NO N/A h. Is the call button functioning? YES NO i. Is the call button mounted 35”-39-3/8” (900-1000) above ground? YES NO 13.Does the door (automatic or manual) have a minimum side to side clearance width of 37 ½“ (950)? (Retro fit 33 ½ (850)) YES NO a. Is the door frame and door edge in a contrasting color? YES NO b. Is there a fully glazed door or a sidelight? YES NO c. Are there 2 continuous horizontal decals or logos at (46”-48”) (1170-1220) and (58”- 60”) (1475-1525)? YES NO 14.Is the door threshold less than ½” (13)? YES NO 15.Are there steps? - If YES How many? ______YES NO IF NO STEPS GO TO QUESTION 16. a. Is there a textured edge to each step? YES NO b. Is there a high contrast coloured edge to each step? YES NO 16.Is there a handrail present? YES NO a. Is a handrail needed? YES NO b. Is the handrail 34-36" (865-920) high? YES NO N/A c. Is the graspable portion (diam) of handrail 1-3/16”–1-9/16” (30-40) or perimeter of 4- 5”? YES NO

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d. Is the handrail continuous on both sides? YES NO e. Is there clearance between the handrail and a smooth surface wall of 2” (50)? YES NO N/A f. Is there clearance between handrail and a rough surface wall of 2-3/8” (60)? YES NO N/A


17.Is signage present? YES NO N/A a. Is signage immediately noticeable? YES NO N/A b. Is signage simple, uncluttered and in plain language? YES NO N/A c. Do pictograms on signage have the equivalent verbal description? YES NO N/A d. Is the intent of the symbol obvious? YES NO N/A e. Are block letters and standard numbering (1-2-3) used? YES NO N/A f. Is the width to height ratio 3:5-1:1 for characters or numbers? YES NO N/A g. Does the signage have tactile characters and numbers? YES NO N/A h. Are the letters and numbers raised at least 1/32” (0.8)? YES NO N/A i. Are signs designating permanent rooms or spaces wall mounted on latch side of door? YES NO N/A j. Are the signs located 55”- 59” (1400-1500) above floor? YES NO N/A k. Are the signs still visible when the door or doors are open? YES NO N/A 18.Are there visual alarms in addition to the standard auditory alarms in the event of an emergency/evacuation? YES NO N/A a. Does the emergency / evacuation plan include a section specific to disabled persons? YES NO NO EVACUATION PLAN b. Are all staff trained in how to assist disabled persons in the event of an emergency/evacuation? YES NO

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c. Are simulated drills held? YES NO


19.Is the path width 72” (1830) to permit two wheelchairs to pass? YES NO a. In a single passageway is it a minimum of 43 ¼” (1100)? YES NO 20.Is there a high colour contrast between the floor and the wall? YES NO 21.Are the ground/floor surfaces? STABLE FIRM SLIP RESISTANT GLARE FREE a. What does the flooring surface consist of? CARPET HARD TILE CUSHION TILE CONCRETE 22.Are there grates on the floors? YES NO a. Are spaces in gratings less than ½” (13) wide in one direction? YES NO


23.Is there lighting of a natural source - windows, skylights, etc? YES NO a. Is there incandescent [standard light bulb] lighting? YES NO b. Is there fluorescent lighting? YES NO c. Is there strobe lighting? YES NO


24. Is there a public telephone present? YES NO a. Is there signage with access symbols present directing to the telephone? YES NO b. Is there clear floor space in front of the phone of 30”x54” (760x1370)? YES NO c. Is the highest operable part of the phone a max. of 47” (1200) above the floor? YES NO

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d. Is there volume control? YES NO e. Is there a flat shelf 19 ¾”x13 ¾” (500x350)? YES NO f. Is there a clear space to one side of 9-7/8 (250) for text telephone (TTY) plug in? YES NO g. Is there knee clearance of 27” (685) under the shelf? YES NO h. Does the telephone have push-button controls? YES NO i. Does the telephone buttons contrast their background? YES NO j. Is the handset cord length a minimal of 39 3/8 ” (1000) to accommodate someone in a seated position or an acoustic coupler? YES NO k. Is there at least one TTY phone per bank of public phones? YES NO l. Are TTYs used with a pay telephone, permanently affixed within, or adjacent to, the telephone enclosure? YES NO m. Is there an electrical outlet within or adjacent to the enclosure? YES NO


25.Is there clear signage directing to the washroom? YES NO N/A a. How does the sign identify the accessible washroom? WORDS PICTORIAL TACTILE BRAILLE b. Does the external door of the washroom have a minimum door clearance of 37 ½ " (950)? YES NO

Individual Washroom 26.Is there an accessible ‘Family’ or 'Individual' washroom? YES NO a. Is there open space diameter not less than 96” (2440) in an accessible individual or family washroom? (Retro fit 84” (2130)) YES NO b. Does the accessible individual washroom have an adult change table? YES NO

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c. Are the dimensions at least 30” (760) wide by 72” (1830) long and no higher than 34” (865) and designed to support the weight of an adult? YES NO N/A d. Does the adult change table have an adjacent clear floor space not less than 30” x 54” (760x1370)? YES NO N/A e. Are the operable portions of the adult change table no higher than 47” (1200)? YES NO N/A f. Is there an emergency call system in the individual washroom of a large public building? YES NO g. Does the external door of the washroom have a minimum door clearance of 37 ½ "? (950) YES NO N/A h. Does the external door of the washroom have an automatic door opener? YES NO IF YES GO TO QUESTION 30. i. If it is a manual door - does the door open? INWARD OUTWARD j. Is the handle of the external door easy to grasp? YES NO k. Indicate the type of outside door handle. KNOB LEVER PUSH PULL l. Is there at least 42” (1060) from centre of toilet to closest wall, fixture or obstruction? YES NO m. Is there a sink in the washroom? YES NO n. Is there a clear space under and in front of sink of 54”x30”(1370x760) ? YES NO

Public Washroom 27.Does the external door of the washroom have a minimum door clearance of 37 ½ " (950)? YES NO N/A a. Does the external door of the washroom have an automatic door opener? YES NO IF YES GO TO QUESTION 30 28.If it is a manual door - does the door open? INWARD OUTWARD 29.Is the handle of the external door easy to grasp? YES NO a. Indicate the type of outside door handle KNOB LEVER PUSH PULL

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30.Is there an accessible stall in the male and female public washrooms? M – YES NO F – YES NO a. Is there one accessible stall for 5 regular stalls? YES NO b. Does the accessible stall measure 72” x 72” (1830x1830) minimum? YES NO N/A c. Does the accessible stall door swing? INWARD OUTWARD d. Is there a minimum door opening of the accessible stall of 35” (900)? YES NO e. Can the stall door be locked using one hand and with minimal fine finger dexterity? YES NO f. Can the lock be released from the outside in case of emergency? YES NO g. Is the door equipped with a colour contrasting ‘D’ pull handle on both sides near latch ? YES NO h. Is there a D handle on the inside 7- 7/8-11 ¾” (200-300) from the hinge on an out swinging door ? YES NO i. Does the 'D' handle measures 5 ½” (140)? YES NO j. Is the door equipped with gravity hinges so that door closes automatically? YES NO k. With an in swinging door, is the clear space beyond door 54” (1370), transfer space 36” (960)? (Retro cubicle width 60” (1525) transfer 30” (760) YES NO l. Does the door have a Collapsible coat hook? YES NO IF NO GO TO QUESTION 31. m. Is it less than 47” (1200) above the floor? YES NO n. Is the Collapsible coat hook less than 2” (50) long? YES NO o. Does it release when the 'load' is exceeded? YES NO 31.Is the top of the toilet seat 17”-18-1/8” (430-460) above the floor? YES NO a. Is the toilet located 18-1/8” to 18-7/8” (460-480) from the centre line of the toilet to the adjacent wall? YES NO

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b. Is there a 36” (915) wide clear transfer space on one side of the toilet fixture? (Retro fit 30” (760) YES NO c. Are the toilet flush controls? HAND-OPERATD AUTOMATIC 32. Are there grab bars present? YES NO IF NO GO TO QUESTION 33 a. Are the grab bars? L-SHAPED DIAGONAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL b. Is each arm of the grab bar 30” (760) in length? YES NO c. Is there a horizontal arm mounted 29 ½ -32 (750-810) above floor? YES NO d. Is there a vertical arm mounted 5-7/8” (150) in front of toilet seat? YES NO e. Is the toilet-paper dispenser mounted below grab bar? YES NO f. Is it not more than 11-3/4” (300) in front of toilet and no lower than 23-5/8” (600) above the ground? YES NO g. Is there a grab bar mounted horizontally behind toilet? YES NO h. Is the grab bar 33-36” (840-920) above floor? YES NO i. Is the grab bar at least 23-5/8” (600) in length? YES NO 33.Are the lavatory fixtures mounted so that the maximum distance between the faucet and the front edge of sink is 19-1/8” (485)? YES NO a. Is the faucet operated by? AUTOMATIC SENSOR LEVER HANDLE KNOB HANDLE 3 OR 4 SPOKE HANDLE b. Is the lavatory counter top located between 32-1/4”-33” (820-840) from the floor? YES NO c. Is there knee space of at least 30” (760) wide; 29” (735) high at the front edge of the counter? YES NO d. Is the total clear floor space of 30” (760) wide and 54” (1370) deep in front of the lavatory? [including 17” (430) leg room under the counter] YES NO e. Are hot water and drain pipes insulated if they are close to the above clearances?

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YES NO f. Is the soap dispenser 47” (1200) or less above the floor? (optimum range 35 ¼ “-47” (700-1200)) YES NO g. Is the towel dispenser 47" (1200) or less above the floor? YES NO h. Is the area above the lavatory free of any projections that present a hazard? YES NO 34.Are there urinals in the male washroom? YES NO IF NO GO TO QUESTION 35. a. Do wall-mounted urinals have a rim located 17 (430) above the floor? YES NO b. Do floor-mounted urinals have the rim, level at the finished floor? YES NO c. Is there clear floor space of 30”x54” (760x1370) in front of the urinal? YES NO d. Are there grab bars installed on each side of the urinal? YES NO e. Are they vertically mounted? YES NO f. Is the lowest end 23-5/8 – 25 ½ (600-650) above the floor? YES NO g. Are they not less than 23-5/8 (600) in length? YES NO h. Are they 15” (380) from centre point of urinal? YES NO i. Are flush controls? HAND-OPERATED AUTOMATIC 35.Is the bottom edge of the mirror less than 39-3/8” (1000) above floor? YES NO a. Is the mirror inclined from vertical? YES NO


36. Does the elevator door colour contrast the surrounding environment example - walls, floors? YES NO N/A a. Is there colour contrast between the car sill (edge) and the facility floor? YES NO b. Is the width of the door opening a minimum of 37 ½ ” (950)?

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YES NO c. Is the elevator floor and lobby floor, level within ½” (13) to avoid tripping? YES NO d. Is there a eight (8) second delay before the elevator door starts to close? YES NO e. Is the door re-opening device present and functioning? YES NO f. Is there a minimum floor space inside the elevator of 60”x68” (1525x1725) for small facilities? YES NO g. Is there a minimum floor space inside the elevator of 60”x80” (1525x2030) for large public facilities? YES NO h. Is the floor surface of the elevator cab firm and slip-resistant? YES NO i. Are floor identifying buttons of the elevator a min. ¾” (19) in size? YES NO j. Are the elevator floor indicator and emergency buttons? RAISED FLUSH RECESSED k. On the elevator control panel are the numbers raised a minimum of 5/8” (16) high? YES NO N/A l. Is there contrasting colour between the numbers and the background? YES NO m. Are the floor indictor and emergency buttons also in Braille? YES NO n. Is the illuminated indicator that corresponds to the landing of which the car is stopped or passing, present and functioning? YES NO o. Are there audible cues for visually impaired persons? YES NO p. Are they functioning? YES NO q. Is the centre of highest floor button 47” (1200) or less above the floor? YES NO r. Are the handrails on all non-access walls at a height of 31 ½”-36” (800-920)? YES NO N/A s. Is there a clearance of 1-9/16”-1- ¾” (40-45) between the handrail and the wall? YES NO N/A t. The wall, opposite the elevator door opening is clear of anything that may cause a visual illusion, such as a mirror? YES NO

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u. Is there an emergency call system [two-way communication ability] present and functioning? YES NO N/A v. Is the 2-way communication system a maximum of 47” (1200) above floor? YES NO w. Is the emergency stop switch no higher than 35” (890) above the floor? YES NO N/A


37.Number of meeting rooms? ______a. What is each meeting room’s capacity?______b. Is the door clearance at least 37 ½ ” (950)? (Retro 33 ½” (850)) YES NO c. Is there enough clear floor space for a wheelchair to turn 180 degrees? 96”x 78 ¾ ” (2440x2000)min YES NO d. Is there adequate manoeuvring room so that backward travel isn't necessary when entering or leaving the room? YES NO e. Does a table have a clear knee space of 27” (685) high and 30” 9760) wide? YES NO f. Is it equipped with assistive hearing devices? YES NO g. Is the room set up to reduce outside glare? YES NO


38.Is Queuing [line up] accessible for mobility aids to manoeuvre? YES NO N/A a. Are there obstacles in the direct path to the ticket booth? YES NO N/A b. Is there at least 43 ¼ ” (1100) between obstacles? YES NO N/A c. Is there colour contrast between obstacles? YES NO N/A d. Can tickets be ordered ahead of the event by phone? YES NO N/A

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39.Are there designated spaces for persons using mobility aids? YES NO a. Is there a side entry scooter/wheelchair space not less than 36”x60” (920x1525)? YES NO b. Is there a scooter/wheelchair space with a front or rear approach of not less than 36” (920) x 54” (1370)? YES NO c. Is the aisle a minimum of 43 ¼ “(1100)? YES NO d. Where seating capacity exceeds 100, is accessible seating provided in more than one location? YES NO e. Is a disabled person able to sit beside an able bodied companion? YES NO f. Is there stage access via a lift or other means? YES NO 40.Is there an area equipped with assistive hearing devices? YES NO IF NO GO TO QUESTION 42 a. In a large facility are there 2 fixed seating areas with permanently installed listening systems? YES NO b. Do areas that accommodate more than 50 people or 1080 sq ft (100 sq m) have 4% of total seating area but no less than 2 seats equipped with listening systems? YES NO c. Are there induction loops? YES NO d. Are there infrared systems? YES NO e. Are there FM radio frequency systems? YES NO f. Is signing available (ASL)? YES NO g. Is lighting adequate to see signing clearly? YES NO 41.Are the programs offered in Braille/large print? YES NO


42.Is the food service counter 34” (865) in height? YES NO a. Is there a clear path of 43 ¼ ” (1100) between tables or other obstacles? YES NO b. Are at least 10% of the fixed tables accessible?

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YES NO c. Do food service lines have a minimum clearance width of 43 ¼ ” (1100)? YES NO d. Are there handrails to guide the visually impaired person? YES NO e. Are there areas to sit while waiting in the queue [line up]? YES NO f. Are tray slides (cafeteria style) no higher than 34” (865)? YES NO g. Is the maximum reach for items 54”? YES NO h. Is there one cashier location with an access aisle of 43 ¼” (1100) wide? YES NO


43.Is there a high colour definition of tread edges and nosing? YES NO a. Are the warning surfaces 3’ (920) before the head and foot of the escalator? YES NO b. Do the escalator treads have a matte finish? YES NO


44.Is there a clear floor space in front of bathtub at least 36” (920) along the length? YES NO a. Are faucet handles? KNOB HANDLE LEVER HANDLE 3 OR 4 SPOKE HANDLE b. Can the faucets be reached by a person seated in the bathtub? YES NO c. Are faucets mounted 17-3/4” (450) or less above the rim of the tub? YES NO d. Are the controls equipped with a thermostatic-mixing valve to prevent burns? YES NO e. Can the soap holder be easily reached from the seated position? YES NO N/A f. Are there grab bars mounted on the walls around the tub? YES NO IF NO GO TO QUESTION 46 45.Is there an “L”-shaped grab bar mounted on the wall on the long side of tub? YES NO

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a. If answer is NO the grab bar is? DIAGONAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL b. Is the horizontal arm of the grab bar 36” (920) long and 5 7/8”-7 7/8” (150-200) above the tub surface? YES NO c. Is the vertical arm of the grab bar) long 36” (920) and 11-3/4 -17-3/4” (300-450) from the front edge of tub? YES NO d. Is there a separate vertical grab bar that’s 48” (1220) long and 7-11” (180-280) above the tub surface and level with the front edge of the tub? YES NO


46.Is there clear floor space at the entrance at least 36” (920) deep? YES NO a. Is the shower stall 60” (1525) in width and 36” (920) in depth? YES NO b. Is the threshold less than ½” (13) above the finished floor? YES NO c. Is the floor surface slip-resistant? YES NO d. Is there a wall mounted folding seat 17 ¾” (450) above the floor [NOT a spring loaded seat that folds back up against the wall when weight is removed from it] YES NO e. Is there a vertical grab bar 30” (760) and 27 ½”-31” (700-800) above the floor next to the folding seat YES NO f. Is there a portable seat available upon request? YES NO 47.Is the horizontal grab bar 36” (920) and mounted 33” (850) above the floor? YES NO a. Is there a clearance of 1-3/16”-1-9/16” (30-40) between the grab bar and wall? YES NO b. Are grab bars colour-contrasting with the surrounding environment? YES NO c. Is the use of the vertical grab bar hindered if the shower head is mounted on it? YES NO 48.Is there a functioning thermostatic mixing valve to prevent burns? YES NO 49.Does the hand-held shower head have 60” (1525) of flexible hose?

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YES NO 50.Can the soap holder be reached from the seated position? YES NO N/A


51.Does the dressing room have a 30”x72” (760x1830) bench fixed to the wall? YES NO a. Does the dressing room have a 24”x72” (760x1830) bench that is movable? YES NO b. Is the bench 17-3/4”-19-5/8” (450-500) above the finished floor? YES NO c. Is there clear floor space alongside to allow parallel transfer onto the bench? YES NO d. Is the bench set up to prevent the accumulation of water or liquid on the surface of it? YES NO e. Is the top surface of the bench slip-resistant? YES NO 52.Is there a mirror at least 18” wide x 54” high (460x1370)? YES NO 53.Are there lockers usable by the public? YES NO N/A IF NO GO TO QUESTION 54. a. Is the bottom shelf of the locker no lower than 15 ¾” (400) above the floor? YES NO b. Is the top shelf of the locker 47” (1200) or less above the floor? YES NO N/A c. Are the locks for the lockers 42” (1060) or less above the floor? YES NO N/A d. Are names or numbers on the lockers of high contrast material? YES NO N/A e. Is there a clear path in front of the lockers of 54” (1370)? YES NO


54.Is there an accessible route ? YES NO a. Indicate type of door. CURTAIN SLIDING OPENS OUT/IN b. Is there clear space to allow a 180 degree turn? YES NO

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c. Is there a fixed bench on the longer dimension 30” (760) x 72” (1830) ? YES NO

d. Is it mounted 17-3/4”-19-5/8” (450-500) above floor on the longer dimension ? YES NO e. Is there sufficient clear space to allow a parallel transfer from a wheelchair or scooter ? YES NO f. Are the coat hooks mounted 47” (1200) above floor and collapsible and adjacent to the bench ? YES NO N/A g. Is there a full length mirror and does it have a contrasting frame? YES NO N/A

Examples of related sections in FADS


Accessible routes 4.1.4 Shelving 4.3.9 Reach 4.1.1 Service Counters 4.3.8 Gates, turnstiles 4.1.7 Signage 4.4.7 Alarms 4.4.4 Personal Dressing rooms 4.3.4 Parking 4.3.12 Washrooms 4.2


Alarms 4.4.4 Emergency exits 4.4.1 Cafeterias 4.5.4 Tables, counters and work stations 4.3.7 Space and reach requirements 4.1.1


Alarms 4.4.4 Emergency Exits 4.4.1 Tables, counters, work stations 4.3.7

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Offices, work areas, meeting rooms 4.3.5 Information, reception 4.3.8 Waiting areas 4.3.6 Assisted listening systems 4.4.6 Information systems 4.4.10 Accessible routes, paths, corridors 4.1.4 Space and reach requirements 4.1.1 Parking, washrooms, entrances etc.

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