Village of Loami

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Village of Loami



TRUSTEES VILLAGE OFFICIALS Brent Hamilton PRESENT Al Mann, Mayor PRESENT Randy Holloway PRESENT Laurie Glynn, Village Clerk PRESENT Rose Mann PRESENT Stan Workman, Chief of Police PRESENT John McCann PRESENT Alex Rabin, Village Attorney ABSENT Greg Patterson PRESENT Stacie Lewis, Treasurer PRESENT Gloria Sheedy PRESENT

______At 6:00 Mayor Mann called the regular meeting to order.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Mayor Mann presented the October 2016 treasurer’s report. Trustee Patterson made a motion to accept the report as presented to the board. Trustee Holloway seconded the motion. Vote taken, motion carries. Roll call - Hamilton – abstain, Holloway – Aye, Mann – Aye, McCann – Aye, Patterson – Aye, Sheedy – Aye. Nay – 0.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Mann presented the October 13thth 2016 Regular Board Meeting Minutes to the board for approval. Trustee Mann made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting minutes as presented to the board. Trustee Patterson seconded it. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Mayor Mann presented the unpaid bills to the board for approval. Trustee Patterson made a motion to accept the unpaid bills as presented to the board. Trustee Holloway seconded it. Vote taken, motion carries. Roll call - Hamilton – abstain, Holloway – Aye, Mann – Aye, McCann – Aye, Patterson – Aye, Sheedy – Aye. Nay – 0.

VISITORS: Don Montgomery was in attendance and stated he just had to drop off a FOIA request to Chief Workman and decided to attend the Village Board Meeting. Mr. Montgomery stated when he went to court due to his house being burglarized, the young man that was charged with the offense was only fined $350.00

OLD BUSINESS: Treasurer Lewis stated she did meet with the Village CPA Lori Milosevich and gave everyone a copy of the Annual Audit Report. Treasurer Lewis walked the board through the Audit in summary and stated she has made several audit adjustment entries FY ending April 30, 2016 and gave the board a copy of those adjustments.

NEW BUSINESS: Ordinance 2016-06 An Ordinance Imposing Penalties for Marijuana Possession. Trustee Patterson made a motion to accept Ordinance 2016-06. Trustee Mann seconded the motion to accept Ordinance 2016-06. Vote taken, motion carries. Roll call - Hamilton – Aye, Holloway – Aye, Mann – Aye, McCann – Aye, Patterson – Aye, Sheedy – Aye. Nay – 0.

Clerk Glynn stated Village Attorney Rabin informed her in an email that he needs board authorization to send Behl a letter of demand. Trustee Mann made a motion for Attorney Rabin to issue a demand letter to Behl for Ordinance violations. Trustee Patterson seconded the motion. Vote taken, motion carries. Roll call - Hamilton – Aye, Holloway – Aye, Mann – Aye, McCann – Aye, Patterson – Aye, Sheedy – Aye. Nay – 0.

Mayor Mann presented the Rise Broadband Agreement to the Lease Agreement. Trustee Hamilton had a question as to the date of August 1st 2014 on the agreement, if that is a 2 or 4- year agreement; Trustee Hamilton asked Clerk Glynn to check into it. Clerk Glynn stated she would. Trustee Patterson made a motion to accept the Rise Broadband Agreement Amendment. Trustee Holloway seconded the motion. All favored motion carried.

Mayor Mann stated Ray Long sent a thank you letter to Village employees Bill Roesch and Dave Yocum for a job well done on his culvert.


PARKS – Trustee McCann reported that the Park is good.

WATER DEPARTMENT – Trustee Holloway stated that the there are two more motors ready to install and then they will be done other than that the pumps are working good and everything is in order.

STREETS DEPARTMENT – Trustee Hamilton stated that we did get the culvert completed for Ray Long; the Street Department has attempted to fill in some potholes around the Village but the tar is just not sticking and they will probably have to wait till next Spring to patch the Village Streets.

POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mayor Mann stated that dogs at large are still a problem and a resident had been bitten last week. Chief Workman stated that when he spoke to Sangamon County Animal Control to come get the dog that had bitten the resident. The County informed him since the skin was not broken and the dog is current on his shots they will not come and get the dog. It used to be that any bite and they would come get the dog but the rules have changed. The resident was issued and Ordinance violation. Chief Workman presented the Police Report to the board. A copy of that report is on file. Chief Workman stated that it’s that time of year and burglary is on the rise. Chief Workman noted that Officer in training, Jeff Hicks is at the top of his class

PERMITS – Trustee Mann reported no permits.

DELINQUENT BILLS – Trustee McCann reported one shut-offs and it’s still off. PUBLIC SAFETY – Trustee Mann asked in addition to the Ordinance Violations; there is some work being done on Main Street for a new culvert.

With no further business at hand, Trustee Hamilton made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Trustee Holloway seconded it. Vote taken, motion carries.

The next regular meeting will be at 6PM on Thursday, December 8th, 2016

Respectively Submitted,

Laurie Glynn Loami Village Clerk

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