Vol. MMVI Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: June

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Vol. MMVI Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: June

Vol. MMVI Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: June

The Beach in General: National Nude Recreation Week: Early May was plagued with our typical National Nude Recreation Week is July 10-16 weather, May haze. But the month ended with this year. To us here at Black’s Beach, it some very hot and sunny weather. Thousands means doing what we always do, enjoying our of people were on the beach during Memorial freedom to choose not to wear clothes. There Day weekend. Seasonal tides have returned are some outspoken people who think we much of our sand and the beach is now wider. should be so thankful for our freedom that we The sand is now too hot for bare feet. The not use it. Use it or risk loosing it. water temperature rose to 72 by the end May. We now face June gloom, so take advantage of It’s a freedom our forefathers enjoyed, but is every sunny day that comes. facing more challenges every year as our population grows. The Naturist Society (TNS) Past Events: has been instrumental in preserving nude The Bares hosted picnics Sunday and Monday, recreation at Black’s Beach, and Black’s Beach Memorial Day weekend. While there were a Bares continues to work with TNS. Please join few thousand people on the beach, only sixty or with us to ensure that there is always room on so people were at the picnic at any one time. public land for nude recreation. Look for our Some of the hot foods shared included chicken, yellow flag for more information. carne asada, hamburgers, hot dogs, bratwurst, sweet corn, squash and salmon. Chips, salsa Boundary Conflict: and fruits were also shared. The offensive sign up north is gone. It was removed by rangers, because it was vandalized Future Events: beyond recognition. Rangers will replace the Black’s Beach Bares hosts Sunday picnics July sign and they will enforce that boundary. through September, contingent on good weather. The procedure is pretty simple. You We dispute the claim made in the sign and the bring something to share, cook it, then pass it location of the boundary, but leaving the around. Food left on the table mostly goes boundary unmarked provokes further conflict. uneaten. Passing it around is how we mingle. Black's Beach Bares seeks changes in law and Ice cream may also be made without notice. enforcement through persuasion, not by vandalism. July 2 Sunday Picnic July 4 Independence Day Picnic Sunsets and the Green Flash: July 9 Sunday Picnic With a sharp horizon and a clear sky, it should July 10-16 National Nude Recreation be possible to see the green flash following Week sunset. Once the sun gets low enough in the July 16 Sunday Picnic sky and the refraction of our atmosphere July 20-23 Western Gathering separates colored images of the sun, we can see Laguna del Sol the green image after the brighter, red image July 23 Sunday Picnic goes over the horizon. Watch for a moment of green light after sunset. http://blacksbeach.org [email protected] Vol. MMVI Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: June

Spring Tide: Stingrays and Jellyfish: Spring tide is a condition of very high and very There are stingrays in our water all year, even low tides in the same 24 hours. The highest knee deep. Sting rays don’t attack people, but tides typically occur at about 9am and 9pm. As if you step on one, you will learn that their a result, we get a wide beach during the busy defense mechanism is very painful. They sting day and it gets narrower late in the afternoon. you with a long sharp spear, often leaving a Don’t be caught off guard when it reaches your gash on your foot or ankle. It’s treated with spot. Keys are very hard to find in the surf and heat to break down the toxins. Bury the towels are heavy when soaked by seawater. affected area in hot sand. The pain takes two hours to pass and rarely requires more than moon low high minor medical attention. Jun 11 full -1.1 6.8 9:21pm Jun 25 new -1.2 6.8 9:31pm Jellyfish are seen washed up on the beach, but Jul 11 full -1.5 7.3 9:58pm you should give some thought to the fact that there must also be some in the water. These Red Tide: animals are unable to see you and pursue you, About this time of year we sometimes have red especially near the shore. They are very much tide, giving our water a red or amber color and victims of water currents. If you see one in the poor visibility. Dinoflagellates are the culprits. water, note the direction the water takes them These plankton reproduce explosively. and keep out of the way. Even a dead piece of a jellyfish stings on contact. The dinoflagellates here in San Diego are bioluminescent, meaning that they glow when If stung, don’t spread it by scratching. turbulence is introduced. Each wave will give Untreated, the itch passes quickly. Lifeguards off light. If you swim at night, you will see a spray on vinegar, but it’s unclear that it actually glow with every stroke. If you walk in the surf helps. Rinsing with sea water may be just as at night, every footstep will sparkle. If you effective. can’t be here at night, take some water home and shake it up in a dark room. Volleyball: The Bares will set up a volleyball court almost Avoiding Sunburn: daily. There will be competitive games played, Summer also means it’s easier to get a sunburn. but there will also be some jungle ball, meaning Visitors to Black’s Beach often want to get that the point is simply to keep the ball moving and all over tan in the few days they are here. forget about the score. Please come join the Usually what they get is an all over sunburn. game of your choice. Using sun-block is a good idea, but you should also use some shade. Parking Lots: UCSD graduation ceremonies often impact our The mid-day summer sun is higher and too parking. People visiting the beach June 17-19 intense for tanning. You may even get should anticipate congestion and a shortage of sunburned in the morning and not realize it. spaces. Then, if you resume sunbathing in the afternoon, your sunburn will get worse. The The parking lot is often locked promptly at better way to get your all over tan is to stay in 8pm. Newcomers should know how to get out the shade until about 2:30, then tan in the if they find it locked before they leave. Left of afternoon sun. There is plenty of ultraviolet in that gate and a ways across the gravel lot is the afternoon sun for a tan. another exit. Look to the right. http://blacksbeach.org [email protected]

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