Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL Thursday 2 October 2014 at 7.00 p.m. at the Community Room, Holmes Chapel Library

Part I – Public and Press present 1. Attendance Cllr S Ranger Mrs NL Clarke – Clerk Cllr WA Ashworth Mrs R Raine - Asst Clerk Cllr J Clowes Cllr PA Cotton Cheshire Constabulary: Cllr L Gilbert Andy Williams -.Stronger Communities Cllr RC Parry Manager Cllr M Ranger Chief Inspector Peter Shaw Cllr DE Savage Cllr L Slaughter Cllr MJ Street Public Forum Andy Williams and Chief Inspector Peter Shaw from Cheshire Constabulary spoke about the use of CCTV as a tool to assist the Police in the prevention and detection of crime and stressed its value as a deterrent. Mr Williams informed members he had agreed with CEC that the cost of repair and upkeep of the cameras would be borne by them if the Parish Council would contribute to the provision of the CCTV service.

2 Apologies RESOLVED (c14/15/38) to accept apologies for non-attendance from Cllr B Bath. 3 Declaration of Cllr L Gilbert declared an interest in Item 4 as CEC portfolio holder with interests responsibility for CCTV. Cllr WA Ashworth declared an interest in planning application 14/4130C (Land adjacent to Manor Lane) Item 9. Cllr RC Parry as a HCC School Governor declared an interest in planning application 14/3687C (Temporary Modular Building Complex – HCCS) Item 9.

4. CCTV In view of the attendance of representatives of the Constabulary with a particular interest in CCTV RESOLVED (c14/15/39) that this item be brought forward in the agenda.

Members discussed the decision not to contribute to the upkeep of the cameras in view of the information provided by the Police and their assurance that CEC would foot the bill for repair, installation and maintenance if the Parish Council made a contribution of £1800.00 per annum for each camera. Cllr Gilbert mentioned a survey report on CCTV which had previously been conducted and which may throw light on the successful use of CCTV. There was discussion on the best location for cameras.

RESOLVED (c14/15/40)  To resume payment for CCTV services as soon as practical subject to negotiation with CEC.  To instruct the Technical Services Committee to review the location and operation of cameras.

5. Council RESOLVED (c14/15/41) Minutes  To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 August 2014 (draft minutes circulated)

6. Committee RESOLVED (c14/15/42 ) Actions and  To approve the actions and the recommendations of the Strategy recommendations Committee held on 4 September 2014 (draft minutes circulated)  To approve the actions and the recommendations of the Amenities Committee held on 11 September 2014 (draft minutes circulated)

7. Matters Arising The Clerk reported:  Skate park day had been well received by all who attended.  Saltersford Corner planning application – no news on when the application will be heard at Committee. The appeal for the first application is ongoing.  Community Cinema - 96 attended the inaugural showing which the organisers were pleased with. The next film is being advertised for Friday 31st October 2014.  Thanks have been received by those organisations who have received s.137 grants. Cllr RC Parry passed on the thanks of Signed as Chairman of the Council as a true and accurate record:

...... Date......

Appendix 4 Schedule of Payments 22nd August – 2nd October 2014 Invoices already paid and payments due to be made Payment No Payee Description Amount 2358 (Chq) HC Communicare Grant. c14/15/36 450.00 2359 (Chq) HC Community Grant. c14/15/36 500.00 PreSchool 2361(Chq) R Raine Travel/Salary Adjustment 35.68 2362 (Chq) N Clarke Post charges/Salary Adjustment 113.67 Standing order N Clarke August Salary 708.95 Standing order R Raine August Salary 14002 (BACS) CBJ Digital Refresh Website 1200.00 14003 (BACS) A Bethell Ltd Hedges 950.00 14004 (BACS) CW&CC The Pension Contributions 188.03 Pension Fund 14005 (BACS) HCCC Loan 284.5 14006 (BACS) GP Green Xmas Lights replacement 5694.30 14007 (BACS) GP Green Xmas Lights Repair 827.22 14008 (BACS) BDS Audit Charges 720.00 2363 (Chq) D Wilcox Village Vol Plants for Autumn 150.00 14009 (BACS) BT Office/Clerks Phone 103.92 2364 (Chq) North Staffs Fire Ltd Annual Check extinguishers 34.80 Standing order Barclays Bank Bank Charges 4.60 2365 AC Wilcox Baker Dane Meadow Design Leaflets 500.00 2366 iPrint Leaflets for Dane Meadow 888.96 2367 R Raine Garden Comp prize Vouchers 70.00 2368 Fountain Planters May - Sept 817.24 Horticultural Standing order N Clarke Sept Salary 708.95 Standing order R Raine Sept Salary 14010 CHALC Training 30.00 14011 PCapps Village Mag Sept/Oct 75.00 To be Paid 14012 HMRC PAYE/NI 2nd Quarter 199.75 14013 CWAC Pension Sept paym’t 188.03 Fund 14014 United Utilities 2nd Quarter 40.94 2369 Sandbach Town Xmas Market Gazebos 249.00 Council 2370 EQH ltd Programme Mngt July/Aug/Sept 230.00 14016 N Clarke Miscell Expenses 48.78 Standing Order R Cussons Office Quarterly Rent 937.50 Standing order N Clarke Oct Salary 708.95 Standing order R Raine Oct Salary 2371 G Cox Dane Meadow 2650.68 GP Green Xmas Lights Installation 7015.12

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