Fremont County School District #14

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Fremont County School District #14


I. Chair Belle Ferris called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Belle Ferris Chair P Clarinda Calling Thunder Vice Chair P Carlton Underwood Clerk P Alfred Redman Treasurer A Lloyd Winn Trustee P Terry Smith Superintendent P Dave Rushforth Assistant Superintendent P Aldora White Assistant Superintendent A Owen St. Clair Elementary Principal P Pamela Frederick Middle School Principal P Phil Garhart High School Principal P Scott Morrow Assistant Principal P Dawn Scarince Special Education Director P Elizabeth Smiley Consolidated Grants Facilitator P Tom Rogers Activities Director A

OTHERS: Michelle Hoffman, Kevin Jordan, Emma Applehans, Ani Heikkila, Tina Scott, Ula Tyler, Janell Thunder, Anslem Lee, Millie Friday, Jo Bell, Elena Singer & Kindergarten students, Craig & Marcia Ferris, Salmon & Marquel Brown, Marilyn Her Many Horses and Karen Smith.

II. APPROVAL OF BOARD AGENDA: Chair Belle Ferris asked if there were any changes or additions to the Board agenda.

No changes or additions.

Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to approve the Board agenda as presented. Carlton Underwood seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

III. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: Chair Belle Ferris asked if there were any changes or additions to the Consent agenda.

Addition to Out of State Travel – Lindsay Curran, Letty Eckhardt, Dawn Hedges, Aleta Moss, Shyla Nicholas, Michael Ridge Bear, Michelle Spiess, and Sherry Spofford – PLC Conference – June 1-5, 2014 – Las Vegas, NV – FUNDING SOURCE: Title I-A 2013-14 WIHS/WIMS/WIES – SIG WIES/WIMS/WIHS

Colleen Whalen – Read Naturally Seminar – June 30, 2014 - Denver, CO – FUNDING SOURCE: SIG 12-13 WIMS. A. Approval of Minutes: _____ April 8, 2014 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

B. Approve Out of State Travel: _____ Julie Her Many Horses, Kevin Jordan – Geometry Construction Workshop – Loveland, Colorado – June 1-5, 2014 – FUNDING SOURCE: Title I-A _____ Tyler Stream – Rural Police Officer Training Program – Artesia, New Mexico – June 2nd – September 15th, 2014 – FUNDING SOURCE: No Cost to the District

Lloyd Winn moved to approve the Consent agenda with the addition to Out of State Travel. Carlton Underwood seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

IV. VISITORS, DELEGATIONS & COMMUNICATIONS: Terry presented gifts to the following for their years of service to the School District: Emma Applehans, Pam Frederick, Millie Friday, Ani Heikkila, Anslem Lee, Tina Scott, Janell Thunder and Ula Tyler. Others receiving a gift but not present: Tom Rogers, Twila Kauffman, Bill Armour and Cordelia Yellowplume.

Terry presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Belle Ferris from the Wyoming School Boards Association.

Elena Singer shared with the Board an activity that her Kindergarten class has that implements culture in the classroom. Elena introduced her Kindergarten Hang game team called “Sneaky Paws” to the Board and each individual gave an explanation for each item used in the game. Elena informed the Board that her team has challenged different grades and noted that she incorporates culture in her classroom every week, it builds teamwork, competition, and they are the ones that explain the game to the other classes and their current status 5 wins and 1 loss. Elena thanked the Board for their continued support of the students.

Michelle Hoffman provided the Board with copies of the updated proposed design schedule with the next meeting to be held May 23rd a 95% review meeting and extended an invitation to the Board. Michelle noted that they had a meeting May 20th to meet with the Architect on some particulars, Michelle also presented 4 designs for the elementary gym floor (created by Craig Ferris) informing the Board that Owen will be presenting these to the staff to vote on. Michelle reported that the Grant of Easement was signed by both tribes and also the water easement. Michelle briefly went over the plans of the building with the Board, noting the next step 95% submission, 100 % and the Bids, and advertising, open bids in July and hopefully has something going by August.

Phil Garhart informed the Board that graduation is Sunday, May 18 th at 2:00 p.m. with 28 graduating. Phil reported on the process that is taken when a student enters as a freshman and how they are monitored throughout the school year to make sure they are on track. Phil noted that they are pushing for Freshman Academy for the next school where we can monitor the student closer, sophomore year start tracking more and if they are falling behind at all, we have added a Bridges Grant that helps with Summer school and they do a lot of credit recovery at that time. The junior year we start flagging kids that might be in jeopardy in not making graduation, senior year we are having parent meetings making sure we are communicating with the parents regarding their student. Phil also reported on how the student’s attendance is tracked and the process that is taken with the Home/School Coordinator and Attendance officer. Phil provided the Board with information on the Freshman Orientation that will be taken place at the beginning of the school and noted that information will be brought back to the Board on how this is process is working out.

Kevin Jordan informed the Board that they are going to bring the Geometry and Construction class in this fall. Kevin will be team teaching with Julie Her Many Horses the math teacher in the Tech Lab and will go across the hall for the construction class. There are two grants available, Innovative Trust Grant through the WBA which is out of our hands due to the early deadline and the other grant is a CTE grant that will be awarding $500,000 to be awarded to 5 to 7 schools the paperwork isn’t out until July. The grant that is in stipulation right now runs from July 2012 to July 2014 it’s just ending the money will be coming out. Kevin informed the Board that they are going to go ahead with the class, we still have some basic tools and the State is saying if we are awarded the grant the will let us know in September. Kevin informed the board that he wants to meet with the Administration we want to bring the STEM Program into the elementary and middle school. We have a guy from Project to lead which would involve the elementary and middle school with staff planning to attend STEM workshops. Kevin also informed the Board that if the District gets the grant he already has invoices to upgrade the Tech Lab and for other equipment noting what we want to do is to incorporate Math, Science, English and Social Studies in the fabrication lab and gave examples to the Board as to how this would apply to all courses and how the students will receive credit and how some of the students will be job ready when the courses are completed. Kevin informed the Board that they will bring the curriculum for the Board to review in August and noted hopefully this is going to be a little bit better for the students and keep them interested in school.

V. PRESENTATION OF BILLS TO BE PAID: Dave Rushforth reviewed total allocations and disbursement with the Board in the amount of $1,958,877.67.

Lloyd Winn moved to pay bills in the amount of $1,958,877.67. Carlton Underwood seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

VI. BIDS FOR HIGH SCHOOL ROOF/ELEMENTARY WATER LINE: Dave Rushforth informed the Board that he needed to add permission to advertise for the new Elementary bidding which will take place on June 1st. Dave said what we’re asking for is out of Major Maintenance money we need to replace some of the roof over the High School commons, offices, and kitchen areas this is all paid for by Major Maintenance and approved by the School Facilities department. Dave reported the specs are being drawn up and finished I will need permission to advertise to have it done. Also, we need to relocate the waterline at the Elementary school asking permission to advertise when the specs are written all this work needs to be done this summer and advertising to put out the bids for the New Elementary school.

Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to authorize Dave Rushforth to advertise for Bids for the High School roof. Lloyd Winn seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried. Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to authorize Dave Rushforth top advertise for Bids for the Elementary School waterline. Carlton Underwood seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to authorize Dave Rushforth to advertise for Bids for the New Elementary School Project. Lloyd Winn seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

VII. APPROVAL OF CWC-BOCHES 2014-2015 BUDGET: Terry recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the proposed 2014-2015 CWC BOCHES budget as presented.

Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to approve the proposed 2014-2015 CWC BOCHES budget as presented. Lloyd Winn seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

VIII. 2014-2015 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PRESENTATION: Dave Rushforth noted included in the Board packet is a copy of the preliminary budget that needs to be presented by May 15th, also included is the long form of the budget. Dave reviewed and explained the process for each budget item.


General Fund $14,521,389.00 Special Revenue Funds 2,209,380.00 Debt Service Fund 52,062.00 Enterprise Fund (Lunch Fund) 863,050.00 Capital Projects Funds 20,053.395.00 Pupil Transportation Fund 851,480.00 Pupil Activity Fund 100,000.00 BOCES 15,590.33 Recreation 12,367.48


Dave informed the Board that he will be keeping track in case of any changes and that this is information only and will be brought back to the Board in July for approval.

IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Lloyd Winn moved to enter into Executive session at 7:21 p.m. to discuss matters related to employment or dismissal or other charges against district personnel. Carlton Underwood seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Chair Belle Ferris reconvened the meeting at 7:59 p.m.

X. APPROVAL OF 5/13/14 EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES: Carlton Underwood moved to approve the minutes of May 13, 2014 Executive session. Clarinda Calling Thunder seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried. XI. PERSONNEL: Middle School Principal Contract tabled to a later date.

Consolidated Grants Facilitator: Terry informed the Board that the interview Committee consisted of himself, Elizabeth Smiley, Dawn Scarince, and Phil Garhart recommending Johnna C. Nunez for the Consolidated Grants Facilitator position. Terry recommended Johnna C. Nunez be offered a 210 day contract as the Consolidated Grants Facilitator for 2014-2015 school year.

Carlton Underwood moved to offer Johnna C. Nunez a 210 day contract as the Consolidated Grants Facilitator for 2014-2015 school year. Lloyd Winn seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Special Education Instructors: Terry noted the Special Education interview committee makes the following hiring recommendations for the 2014-2015 School: Middle School - Trisha West and High School – Kelly Johnson.

Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to offer Trisha West a 186 day contract as the Middle School Special Education Instructor for the 2014-2015 school year. Lloyd Winn seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Carlton Underwood moved to offer Kelly Johnson a 186 day contract as the High School Special Education Instructor for the 2014-2015 school year. Lloyd Winn seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Elementary Instructors: Owen St. Clair informed the Board that the interview committee interviewed 6 applicants and recommend Reva Lobatos, Kelly Spurlock, and Ceclie Sailer for the elementary positions.

Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to offer Reva Lobatos, Kelly Spurlock and Ceclie Sailer 186 contracts as the Elementary Instructors for the 2014-2015 school year. Lloyd Winn seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Coaching Assignments for 2014-2015: Terry recommended the staff on the attached list, if certified by the time the particular season starts, be offered coaching employment for the 2014-2015 school year.

Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to offer the staff on the attached list, if certified by the time the particular season starts, be offer coaching employment for the 2014-2015 school year. Carlton Underwood seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Temporary Part-time Summer Grounds/Maintenance Personnel: Terry recommended the Board of Trustees offer temporary at-will employment to Jesse Young Chief for part-time Summer Grounds/Maintenance position.

Clarinda Calling Thunder moved to offer Jesse Young Chief part-time summer employment subject to the terms and conditions set forth for at-will employees for the position he will be fulfilling for the district. Lloyd Winn seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Resignation Letter: Terry informed the Board that he received 2 letters of resignation from Nelda Aoah and Diane Weller and noted for the Board’s information.

XII. OTHER BUSINESS: Terry reported informational items included in the Board packet leadership reports and In-State Professional Development tracking. Terry also reported on the STEM, FRO Conference and asked the Board to change the July 8 th Board meeting to July 16th by State law the Budget needs to be approved the 3rd Wednesday in July. The Board was in agreement to move the July Board meeting to the 16th at 8:00 a.m.

XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business Lloyd Winn moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Carlton Underwood seconds the motion. Three voting in favor none opposed. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned!

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