Present:President: Michele Hester-Reyes Faculty Senators: Linda Amaral, Joanne Barkhurst, Adrian Beltran, Matt Bourez, Janice Brown, Glena Crumal, Amy Dwelle, Gina Haycock, Steve Howland, Joni Jordan, Belen Kersten, Josh Muller, Deborah Nolan, Kevin Picciuto, Marla Prochnow, Catherine Rodarte, Frank Tebeau, Jane Thomas, Stephen Tootle, Greg Turner, Thea Trimble Guests: President Stan Carrizosa, Alicia Crumpler

Absent: Craig Arnold, Jeff Basham, John Davis, Chris Mangels, James McDonell, Tiffany Wainwright Summary Wednesday, April 24, 2013 4:20-5:30 pm, Tulare Center, Room 223B

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Michele Hester-Reyes at approximately 4:20 p.m.

2. Public Comment A. Regarding items not on the Agenda: The Senate thanks Larry Dutto for hosting our meeting with snacks. It’s a beautiful campus. If anyone hasn’t been out to our Tulare campus, please come visit. Larry Dutto thanked all of the divisions for supporting the campus and working to get sections of classes there.

Linda Amaral went to the Pace Awards and remarked that they were lovely.

Michele Hester-Reyes has been asked to appoint someone from Senate to the hiring committee for the Director of Research and Data.

B. Regarding items on the Agenda:

3. Approval of Minutes M/Greg Turner. 2nd/Marla Prochnow. MSA 4. Action Items A. Curriculum: M/Linda Amaral. 2nd/Thea Trimble. MSA

5. Discussion

A. Michele Hester-Reyes presented the graphic of the Model for Integrated Planning. Discussion ensued. President Carrizosa explained that it’s designed to provide a more clear and deliberate relationship between the college’s mission, its master plan and its strategic plan.

B. Governance and Decision-Making at College of the Sequoias

Greg Turner found it problematic that the document refers to COS and “District”. This document is about the entire district. He suggests some standardization. Thea Trimble will take that to the task force. Greg Turner proposed that the Student Equity Committee be added as an operational group under the District Governance Senate. 2nd/Steve Howland. Discussion ensued. Greg Turner withdrew his motion and moved that we house the committee under Academic Senate. 2nd/Marla Prochnow. Marla Prochnow proposed we change the name to Equity Committee. Greg Turner accepted the friendly amendment. MSA.

Greg Turner suggested deleting the “Important Note” (about the Student Equity Committee) on page 19 as a result of the location and name change.

Greg Turner proposed the District Governance Senate name be changed to Administrative Senate. 2nd/Stephen Tootle. Discussion ensued. Yea: 8 Nay: 9. Motion fails.

Greg Turner reminded the task force group to include, on page 10, an addition of item 7 which states, “Other academic and professional matters as are mutually agreed upon between the Governing Board and the Academic Senate”.

Greg Turner proposed that Academic Senate President be placed on Senior Management Council (page 25 of the document). 2nd/Gina Haycock. Discussion ensued. Frank Tebeau called for the question. Yea: 12. Nay: 6 Motion carries.

Greg Turner proposed the District Governance Senate include two COSTA representatives (page 16). Discussion ensued. Kevin Picciuto proposed a friendly amendment to take two faculty appointees from Academic Senate and give them to COSTA for appointments, so that Academic Senate will appoint two and COSTA will appoint two. The COSTA appointments will appear in the document under a separate bullet point. Yea: 14. Nay: 5. Motion carries.

6. Reports from Standing Committees 7. New Business 8. Old Business 9. Adjournment

Submitted by Sondra Bergen