DEPARTMENT OF From 13 to 15 July, the Department, together POLITICAL SCIENCES with the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and NEWSLETTER the Embassy of Sweden, hosted a seminar November 2011 on the “United Nations and Regional Challenges in Africa: 50 years after the death of Dag Hammarskjöld”. The event was Dear students opened by Ms Graça Machel , and speakers included former UN Special Envoy Jan As a busy year draws to a close, we’d like to Pronk , Dr Monica Juma , Kenya’s Ambas- provide you with an overview of events and sador to the AU, and the Kofi Annan Inter- goings-on in the Department of Political national Peacekeeping Training Centre’s Dr Sciences this semester. Kwesi Aning . The Department’s Dr Henning Melber delivered the keynote address, “Dag Our newsletter also affords us the opportunity Hammarskjöld: Ethics, solidarity and global to thank you for your participation in leadership”; Mr Jan Mutton chaired the Departmental events, and to acknowledge opening panel discussion; Professor Laurie your support and enthusiasm. Nathan presented a paper on “The SADC Tribunal: regional organisations, human security, human rights and international law”; HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SEMESTER and Professor Sandy Africa participated in the final round-table discussion on “Africa and global governance: international perspectives for peace, security and the rule of law”.

On 15 September, Mr Ebrahim Ebrahim , Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation led a panel discussion on the topic “Libya, the United Nations, the African Union and : Wrong moves? Wrong motives?” The event was co-hosted by the Department, the Centre for Mediation in Africa and the Centre for Human Rights, and sponsored by the Open Society Foun- On 13 October, South African President dation for South Africa. Professor Sandy delivered an address on South Africa chaired the panel discussion. Africa’s foreign policy to staff and students of the University of Pretoria, members of the diplomatic corps and the media. The Presi- STAFF ACTIVITIES dent’s visit was facilitated by the Department of Political Sciences and its newly established Dr Gerhard Wolmarans spent a month Centre for Mediation in Africa. visiting universities in the UK and the USA to further his research into the implications of In his address, the President focused on the post-structuralism for deliberative democracy. country’s foreign policy objectives: its priority Dr Wolmarans visited scholars at the London focus on Africa and the Southern African School of Economics, Indiana University (Fort Development Community, relations with Wayne), Wheaton College (Illinois) and New states in the developing South and developed School (New York). He spent time at the North, and working to strengthen and trans- archives of the LSE and the Marion Wade form international multilateral institutions to Center at Wheaton College for research on ensure greater representivity and diversity. Michael Oakeshott and CS Lewis.

During his visit abroad, Dr Wolmarans Ms Uyo Salifu , an Assistant Lecturer in the presented five seminars on democracy in the Department and Administrative Assistant in South African context, with specific topics the Master of Diplomatic Studies office, was focused on the Truth and Reconciliation appointed as a Researcher at the Institute for Commission, the role of Nelson Mandela, the Global Dialogue, where she is currently ANC as liberation movement-turned- involved in the COP 17 preparations. Ms government, the role of political philosophy in Salifu remains with the Department on a part- SA politics, and the legacy of . time basis.

On 22 September, Departmental Research Ms Ina Hugo , an Assistant Lecturer and Associate and former Belgian Ambassador Honours graduate in the Department, has Jan Mutton represented the Department at been involved at the International Institute of the launch of a study on “Climate change and Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Inter- the risk of violent conflicts in Southern Africa”, national IDEA) during the semester, assisting held at the Swedish embassy. The study was in a project that trains African electoral produced by Global Crisis Solutions in officials in democratic practice. Pretoria and the Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Uppsala in Ms Sonja Theron , an Assistant Lecturer and Sweden, in collaboration with the Swedish former student of the Department, was Government. awarded the Peace and Security Fellowship for African Scholars to read for her Master’s Mr Mutton , on behalf of the Department, also degree at King’s College, London. The attended a policy dialogue on building fellowship is set up by the African Leadership international consensus on 29 September. Centre, in partnership with the Conflict, This event was organised by the Southern Security and Development Group at King’s Africa Liaison Office and addressed by College and the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Ambassador Lindiwe Zulu, Presidential The fellowship is funded by the Carnegie Advisor on International Relations. Corporation.

During the semester, Mr Roland Henwood presented lectures at the South African VISITORS, CONFERENCES, National Defence College and the South WORKSHOPS and LECTURES African War College. Professor Maxi Schoeman presented a Dr Mzukisi Qobo pursued research on South paper on failed mediation in Côte d'Ivoire at a Africa’s political economy and the future of workshop on “New Trends in the mediation of mining in South Africa. This is an ongoing conflicts in Africa”, hosted at the Stellenbosch research project that looks into the historical Institute for Advanced Study from 5 to 6 role of the mining sector in shaping South September. Professor Schoeman also Africa’s political economy and further presented a paper on “Rising powers and examines its possible contribution towards peace operations” at a workshop on “Rising South Africa’s development futures. powers and global challenges”, hosted by the Center for International Relations at Dr Cori Wielenga , a Postdoctoral Fellow in Fundacao Getulio Vargas in Sao Paulo in the Department, spent time in Burundi from October. She will deliver a keynote address 12 to 19 September researching the pro- on regional integration in Africa at a posed transitional justice system that is to be conference of the Regional Integration and implemented in Burundi next year. The Social Cohesion Research Consortium, to be system includes both a truth commission and hosted by the University of Johannesburg special tribunal. from 30 November to 3 December.

Professor Sandy Africa participated in an On 10 June, Dr Yolanda Spies presented a experts’ dialogue on the Protection of State paper on South Africa and India’s respective Information Bill, hosted by the Nelson positions vis-à-vis UN Security Council reform Mandela Foundation and the Wits Law at a South African Institute of International Centre at the Nelson Mandela Foundation’s Affairs conference on “India and South Africa Johannesburg offices on 8 June 2011. She and Africa in a changing global landscape”. also participated in the follow-up event on 23 June and attended a further session on 1 In the course of 2011, two leading Australian November. universities invited the Department of Political Sciences for joint ventures in delivering From 11 to 12 July, Professor Africa diplomatic training courses for African attended a closed experts’ meeting on the diplomats. The training forms part of Responsibility to Protect at the Kofi Annan the Australia-Africa Partnerships Facility, an International Peacekeeping Training Centre, official development aid programme for Africa in Accra, Ghana. While in Ghana, she was a funded by the Australian Government. The guest speaker at a public panel discussion on first such course was hosted by the University “Libya and the Responsibility to Protect”, held of Pretoria and took place from 27 June to 15 at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping July. Dr Yolanda Spies assisted the Univer- Training Centre. sity of Queensland with the design of the programme, coordinated its delivery and Professor Africa also attended the second lectured in it, along with several other staff “South African conference on strategic members of the Department. A total of 30 theory”, held at the Stellenbosch Institute for diplomats from three countries (Swaziland, Advanced Studies from 22 to 23 September. Zambia and Tanzania) participated in this The conference was hosted by the Faculty of very successful three-week programme. Military Science at Stellenbosch University and the Royal Danish Defence College, and Another training programme for African was focused on the theme “Military culture diplomats, hosted by the Australia National and African armed forces”. University’s Asia Pacific College of Diplomacy, took place during October/ Professor Africa attended a closed experts’ November. Dr Spies and Professor Kata - meeting on “Financial oversight of intelligence baro Miti were invited to guest lecture in the services”, hosted by the Geneva Centre for programme, which took place in Canberra. Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10 to 11 October. The programmes will continue in 2012 and The meeting, sponsored by the Dutch the Department has been requested by both government, is aimed at producing a universities to continue its involvement. handbook on best practices that can be used by parliamentarians, governments, audit Professor Laurie Nathan , Director of the authorities and civil society in the former Department’s Centre for Mediation in Africa, Balkan states in their oversight of their presented a paper on “New trends in the intelligence services. mediation of conflicts in Africa – emerging policy scripts and divisions of labour” at the Professor Katabaro Miti attended a Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study conference in Lusaka, Zambia, on “Mediation from 5 to 6 September. On 13 September, he and peacemaking in Southern Africa” from 23 attended the Embassy of France to to 25 September. At the conference, he Botswana, SADC and University of presented a paper on “South Africa and Botswana’s seminar on “Conflict mediation in conflict resolution on the continent: From Africa” in Gaborone, where he presented a Mandela to Zuma”. paper on “The need to build high-level

mediation expertise and capacity in Africa”. of the Building Resources in Democracy He also attended the “Second South African Governance and Elections (Bridge) project. conference on strategic theory”, hosted by The 10-day Train the Facilitator course was the University of Stellenbosch’s Faculty of held in Pretoria from 22 August to 2 Sep- Military Science and the Royal Danish tember 2011. Potential trainers from African, Defence College’s Faculty of Strategic and American, Asian and European electoral Military Operations, which was held in management bodies were taught how to Stellenbosch from 22 to 23 September. deliver the Bridge course.

From 20 to 21 October, Professor Nathan In July, Assistant Lecturer Ms Quraysha attended a workshop hosted by the Ismail-Sooliman was invited to participate in Department of International Relations and the Islamic Medical Association Annual Centre for Defence and Security Conference. Ms Ismail-Sooliman conducted a Management at the University of the workshop with women on “Achieving success Witwatersrand, where he presented a paper through understanding your goals”. She was on “The European Union and the African also a guest speaker at the conference gala security regime”. dinner, together with Professor Tariq Ramadan, making a presentation on From 27 to 28 October Professor Nathan “Challenges in leadership: A time to change”. attended the “SADSEM-FES annual regional security dialogue on security co-operation in Mr Khwezi Mabasa , an Assistant Lecturer Southern Africa”, hosted by the Southern and Master’s student in the Department, African Defence and Security Management presented a paper on “The politics of the Network and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in post-apartheid township” at a faculty seminar Maputo, Mozambique. on 24 October.

On 13 October, Mr Jan Mutton participated On 31 August, Advocate M Cassimjee , the in a panel discussion at the University of African Union Director of the Department of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business International Relations and Cooperation Science in Johannesburg, where he (DIRCO), presented a lecture to the PTO 120 addressed challenges and opportunities for students on the AU’s youth development students and young professionals in Africa. programme. The event was organised by the South Africa Washington International Program for This year, the IPL 320 group once again had students and young professionals. the opportunity to hear a variety of guest lecturers present case studies on foreign Dr Geoffrey Allen Pigman of the Political policy analysis pertaining to their native Economy Department at Bennington College countries. In addition to hearing from our in Vermont, USA, spent the fourth quarter in American visitor, Dr Geoffrey Pigman , the the Department as a Visiting Fellow. During students were addressed by Chinese his time in the Department, Dr Pigman taught Ambassador Zhong Jianhua , DIRCO in the Comparative Foreign Policy module of Deputy Director-General and Ambassador- IPL 320, and also guest lectured in other designate to the EU Mr Mxolisi Nkosi , Mr University of Pretoria courses and at other Olivier Brochenin , the Deputy Ambassador universities and research institutions. at the French Embassy in Pretoria, Ms Uyo Salifu of the Department and the Institute for Mr Zefanias Matsimbe , a Mozambican PhD Global Dialogue, and Mr Yarik Turianskyi , a student in the Department, was invited by former Master’s student in the Department International IDEA to deliver an election and now a Senior Researcher at the South managers’ skills development course as part African Institute of International Affairs.

DEPARTMENTAL SEMINARS In the course of 2011, the Department launched a student seminar series. On 28 In August, Dr Henning Melber and Mr Jan September, Ms Ojima Salifu , an Assistant Mutton addressed a public seminar on “The Lecturer and Master’s student in the African Union and the Responsibility to department, delivered her presentation – “Is Protect” and Professor Abdi Samatar Cameroon ready for an Arab-Style Uprising?” delivered a paper on “The politics of piracy in Somalia: The rich versus the poor”. That same month, the Department and the Afro- PUBLICATIONS Middle East Centre hosted a seminar on “The upcoming UN General Assembly vote on Professor Maxi Schoeman and Dr Henning Palestinian statehood”, which was addressed Melber edited a special issue of the by Dr Mustafa Barghouti . Journalist and international journal Development Dialogue author Michela Wrong presented a seminar on the July Dag Hammarskjöld conference. on corruption in Kenya that was hosted by the The journal will be launched in late November Department, together with the Centre for in Uppsala, Sweden. Politics and Research and City Press . Mr Jan Mutton also contributed to this Former UP Political Sciences lecturer, Pro- volume, authoring an article on the respon- fessor Hussein Solomon , led a discussion sibility to protect (R2P) and the place of the on opposition parties in Southern Africa at a individual in international politics. launch of his book, Against all Odds: Opposition political parties in southern Africa , Dr Melber authored an article, “Beyond hosted by the Department in September. Also settler colonialism is not yet emancipation: on in September, the Department, together with the limits to liberation in Southern Africa”, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, which appears in the most recent issue of held a public seminar on “ASEAN connec- Socialist History (No 39). He also contributed tivity and ASEAN and the role of Indonesia”, three chapters – on sub-Saharan Africa, which was addressed by Dr Siswo Pramono Southern Africa and Namibia – to Africa and Ambassador Ibrahim Yusuf. Yearbook 2010: Politics, economy and society south of the Sahara and a chapter, In October, Mr Moeletsi Mbeki , a guest of “From anti-colonial struggles to post-colonial the Department and the Sunday Independent , realities: reflections on the limits to liberation addressed a packed-out auditorium on the in Southern Africa”, in Justice from Within: subject “Making South Africa work better”. Legal pluralism in Africa and beyond . Professor Mark Thompson , from the City University of Hong Kong, presented a paper The South African Yearbook of International on “Refashioning the Malaysian model: Are Law published an article by Dr Yolanda there any lessons for South Africa?” Spies reviewing South Africa’s foreign policy during 2010. Dr Spies also co-authored a November saw a return of Professor Abdi paper titled “The European Union and the Samatar to the Department, this time reform of the United Nations: Towards a more presenting a paper on “Somalia: The way effective Security Council?” as part of the forward”. Department’s ongoing involvement in the European Union’s MERCURY research On 22 November Dr Geoff Pigman will be project on EU multilateralism. presenting a seminar on “‘It’s our game?’ – The hectic convergence of diplomacy and Mr Roland Henwood , together with Nikki international sport”. Students who are still on Funke and Shanna Nienaber , a Master’s campus are invited to attend the seminar. student in the Department, authored an

article titled “Scientists as lobbyists? How published under the leadership of the Institute science can make its voice heard in the for Strategic and Political Affairs. South African policy-making arena”. The article, which will appear in the forthcoming • “Dealing with ‘deviants’: Testing South issue of the Journal of Public Affairs , was Africa’s international citizenship” by published online on 8 September. Professor Deon Geldenhuys , Depart- ment of Politics, University of Johan- Dr Mzukisi Qobo authored an occasional nesburg; paper for the South African Institute of • “Inhabitants of interstices? Feminist International Affairs titled “Emerging powers analysis at the intersection of Peace and the changing global environment: Studies, Critical Security Studies and leadership, norms and institutions”. The Human Security” by Professor Heidi forthcoming (November/December) issue of Hudson , Gender Studies Programme, New Agenda will feature Dr Qobo’s article on University of the Free State; “The role of government and business in • “The risk of humanitarianism: Towards driving economic change: Towards a new an inclusive model” by Catherine vision for the mining sector”. Pringle and Derica Lambrechts , Department of Political Sciences, Dr Cori Wielenga co-authored an article with University of Stellenbosch; Professor Geoff Harris titled “Building peace • “Questioning Africa’s economic ‘resi- and security after genocide: the contribution lience’” by Mr Leon Hartwell , a Master’s of the gacaca courts of Rwanda”. The article student in the Department; and appeared in the March issue of African • “Civil society and democratisation in Security Review (Vol 20, No 1). Dr Wielenga Africa with specific reference to the also authored “Comparing approaches to African Peer Review Mechanism” by reconciliation in Rwanda and South Africa”, Professor Michele Olivier , Unit for which will be published in the forthcoming Advanced Studies, University of Pretoria, issue of Conflict Trends (2011/Issue 4). Visiting Researcher, University of Leeds, UK, and Visiting Professor, University of Dr Tim Murithi , a Research Associate in the Lincoln, UK. Department, co-edited Zimbabwe in Transi - tion: A view from within with Ms Aquilina Mawadza . The pair also co-authored a chap- CONGRATULATIONS ter in the book – “Voices from pan-African society on Zimbabwe: South Africa, the We’d like to congratulate the 18 students who African Union and SADC”. successfully completed their studies and received their degrees during the Spring 2011 Mr Khwezi Mabasa has an article, “Africa Graduation Ceremony. These include: and the developed world” in the November issue of The Thinker . The article focuses on • Four students who received the BPolSci the relationship between Africa and the (International Studies) degree; developed world. • Two students who received the BPolSci (Political Science) degree;

• Four students who received the BA STRATEGIC REVIEW FOR Honours (International Relations) degree; SOUTHERN AFRICA • Four students who received the BA

Honours (Political Science) degree; The following articles will appear in the • Ms Uyo Salifu , an Assistant Lecturer in November issue of the Strategic Review for the Department and Administrative Southern Africa (Vol XXXIII No 2), which is

Assistant of the Master of Diplomatic date and time. Latecomers will have to report Studies programme, who was awarded directly to – and register through – Faculty her MA (International Studies) degree; Administration. Non-first-year students who • Ms Carin Wiese , who was awarded her register electronically are not required to MA (Political Science) degree; and attend the scheduled registration session. • Ms Rina-Louise Pretorius and Mr However, assistance will only be provided Victor Motjope , who were both awarded during the scheduled registration session. the Master of Diplomatic Studies (MDIPS) degree. BA students must attend the scheduled BA registration session and consult with the BA Congratulations also to those of our students programme coordinator. BAdmin (Interna- who were awarded other degrees, such as tional Relations) students must register in the BA Journalism and BA. Well done! We are Faculty of Economic and Management proud of you and wish you all the best for the Sciences and must consult with the BAdmin future. package coordinator (School of Public Management and Administration). On a different note, the Department would like to congratulate part-time Lecturer Ms PTO 111 first meeting : Senior students who Alida Kok Engelbrecht and her husband have to take – or repeat – the PTO 111 Mehnert Engelbrecht, who got married on 21 module must attend the first meeting of large August. We wish them all the best! course groups. Consult the Timetable/ Roosterboek 2012 for the date, time and venue of this first meeting. During this APPOINTMENTS session the PTO 111 students will be subdivided into smaller groups, allocated to Our Research Fellow appointments: Dr Joao specific venues and receive additional Gomes Porto , specialist on African Security information on the module. and formerly from Bradford University, Mr Jan Mutton , former Belgian Ambassador to Wednesday 8 February 2012: Commence- South Africa, and Dr Tim Murithi from the ment of first semester lectures. Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in Cape Town. 2012 HONOURS STUDENTS

Students who wish to apply for the Honours IMPORTANT INFORMATION programme need a minimum 65% average in and DATES FOR 2012 their third-year major, e.g. in International Relations or in Political Science, in order to be admitted into the programme. Further SENIOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS information can be obtained from the department. Monday, 6 February 2012, 08h00 in HSB 4-1: Registration of senior (non-first year) under- Tuesday 7 February 2012, 17h00, HSB 21-16: graduate BPolSci students. Please keep First meeting of Honours students who have strictly to this date and time – no registration been admitted to the Honours programme by will be accepted or assistance provided the Head of the Department of Political outside of these hours. The BPolSci pro- Sciences. At the meeting, students will gramme coordinators ( Dr Gerhard Wol - receive information relating to each module, marans and Mr Roland Henwood ) will not the timetables and the commencement of assist with registrations before or after this lectures.


Students who have completed their Honours The Department would like to thank you for degrees and are interested in pursuing your participation and enthusiasm this year. research-based Master’s studies need an We look forward to another busy and average of at least 65% for their Honours engaging year in 2012 and particularly look studies and have to apply for admission into forward to working with you for another year. the Master’s degree. The Departmental We wish you a safe and relaxing festive Guidelines are available from the Secretary, season – and all the best for 2012! Ms Rina du Toit (HSB 21-14).

Please note that there will be no intake of students for coursework Master’s degrees (e.g. MDIPS and MSS) in 2012.

We hope that you have found this newsletter informative and enjoyed reading it. Any contributions to future newsletters or suggestions for improvement are welcomed.

Please contact Ms Shirley de Villiers (012 420 4339 or [email protected]).