Dear Students As a Busy Year Draws to a Close, We'd Like to Provide You
DEPARTMENT OF From 13 to 15 July, the Department, together POLITICAL SCIENCES with the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and NEWSLETTER the Embassy of Sweden, hosted a seminar November 2011 on the “United Nations and Regional Challenges in Africa: 50 years after the death of Dag Hammarskjöld”. The event was Dear students opened by Ms Graça Machel , and speakers included former UN Special Envoy Jan As a busy year draws to a close, we’d like to Pronk , Dr Monica Juma , Kenya’s Ambas- provide you with an overview of events and sador to the AU, and the Kofi Annan Inter- goings-on in the Department of Political national Peacekeeping Training Centre’s Dr Sciences this semester. Kwesi Aning . The Department’s Dr Henning Melber delivered the keynote address, “Dag Our newsletter also affords us the opportunity Hammarskjöld: Ethics, solidarity and global to thank you for your participation in leadership”; Mr Jan Mutton chaired the Departmental events, and to acknowledge opening panel discussion; Professor Laurie your support and enthusiasm. Nathan presented a paper on “The SADC Tribunal: regional organisations, human security, human rights and international law”; HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SEMESTER and Professor Sandy Africa participated in the final round-table discussion on “Africa and global governance: international perspectives for peace, security and the rule of law”. On 15 September, Mr Ebrahim Ebrahim , Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation led a panel discussion on the topic “Libya, the United Nations, the African Union and South Africa: Wrong moves? Wrong motives?” The event was co-hosted by the Department, the Centre for Mediation in Africa and the Centre for Human Rights, and sponsored by the Open Society Foun- On 13 October, South African President dation for South Africa.
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