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3 Com Fred Lucas Cisco Tom Martin Compaq Computer Greg Bretting Conexant Jack Douglass (Chairman) Conexant Mounir Ayoub Henderson Communications Labs Warren Henderson Lucent Horace Hagen Motorola ISG Les Brown Paradyne Philip Kyees Spirent Communications (TAS) Thomas McGrath Telcordia Ricardo Perez
ESS Technology (1) Jordan Cookman Hewlett Packard (2) Indy Chohan *Number indicates number of times member was absent
Lucent Edward Schulz Paradyne R. K. Smith Intel Bo Zhang 3 Com Michael Nicholas Patton Electronics Azmi Al-Kurd
1.0 Administrative Matters
The meeting started at 14:10 pm and a quorum was present.
1.1 TR30.3/00-10-063, Report of Meeting 108 at Deerhurst, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada was reviewed and accepted with the following change . Paragraph 1.1 – Change document number to TR30.3/00-08-052. 1.2 The following documents were distributed and reviewed: . TR30.3/00-08-058R1, Letter thanking Jean-Pierre Houdard for his contributions to TR30 and TR30.3 from Fred Lucas (3 Com) and Jack Douglass (Conexant) . TR30.3/00-10-064, Assignment List from August TR30.3 Meeting . TR30.3/00-10-065, Oct 2000 Document Register . TR30.3/00-10-066, PN3857 Ballot responses were submitted by TIA . TR30.3/00-10-068, TIA/EIA-793 (SP3857) Approval Letter, Billie Zidek-Conner (TIA) 1.2 Committee discussions after reviewing the documents resulted in the following decision: . Jack Douglass (Conexant) will open new project to revise TIA/EIA 793 2.0 LIAISON REPORTS 2.1 The following documents were submitted and reviewed: . TR30.3/00-08-855R1, TR30.3 liaison letter to Kate Harris (Nortel) concerning the “Affect of AM Radio Ingress on xDSL” was submitted by Jack Douglass (Conexant) . TR30.3/00-10-861AH, Liaison Report on TR30.3 Meetings – August 200 was submitted by Gavin Young (DSL Forum) . TR30.3/00-10-071, Proposed contribution USA to SG16/Q10 Status of TIA/EIA 793, North American Telephone Network Transmission Model for Evaluating Analog Client and Digitally Connected Server Modems from contact Les Brown (Motorola) 2.2 Committee discussions after reviewing the documents resulted in the following comments: . Jack Douglass (Conexant) will send a response to TR30.3/00-10-861AH, DSL Forum Liaison Report on TR30.3 Meetings . T1E1 Spectrum Management document is expected to go out for ballot and is likely to pass . The committee approved sending TIA/EIA-793 to the ITU informing them that it has been released for publication . Jack Douglass (Conexant) reported that new domestic and international network statistics are expected to be received from an anonymous source. The international network statistics will be submitted to the ITU when they are available . Working Party 1 Q4, Q10 and Q23 will be combined into one question . ITU SG15 will be meeting in Florida in January 2001. T1E1 will be meeting in February 2001. TR30.3 expect to forward PN4254 to ITU SG15, T1E1, and DSL Forum for comment and consideration . Modem “AT” commands are now documented in V.250
3.0 PN-3509 – Revision of TSB-38 (Test Procedures for Evaluating Modem Performance) 3.1 The following documents were distributed and reviewed: . TR30.3/00-08-062B, Draft 13 PN3509, Test Procedure for Evaluation of PCM Modems was submitted by Greg Bretting (Compaq, Editor) The committee focused on V.92 Quick Connect and Modem-On-Hold testing. The committee worked on the following sections: . 5.3.5 V.92 Connect time testing (fixed location) . 5.3.6 V.92 Connect time testing (mobile location) . 5.3.7 Modem on Hold . 5.3.8 Connect Time vs. Network Model These V.92 tests are included in PN3509 Draft 14, Greg Bretting (Compaq, editor) 3.2 Committee discussions after reviewing the documents resulted in the following comments, decisions and assignments: . Tom McGrath (TAS) will request that TAS put a priority on being able to run large files for V.44 testing . Warren Henderson (Henderson Labs) will contact Alan Clark (consultant) about program to analyze files for V.44 testing . Warren Henderson will draft liaison letter to TR30.2 requesting a feature that permits clearing of modem train-up file for quick connect. . Jack Douglass (Conexant) and Warren Henderson (Henderson Labs) will request that someone from TR30.1 discuss Modem-On-Hold and Call-Waiting at the December TR30.3 meeting, because the committee needs to map all possible event handling events. . Warren Henderson (Henderson Labs) will provide modem test results for V.44 test files. . Warren Henderson (Henderson Labs) will provide updated report and files for distribution.
4.0 PN-3857 – North American Telephone Network Transmission Model for Evaluating Analog Client and Digitally Connected Server Modems. 4.1 The following documents were distributed and discussed during the meeting: . TR30.3/00-10-067, Comments on PN3857 – Draft 14 was submitted by Phil Dillon (Marconi) . TR30.3/00-10-069, Email concerning status of adding feature to test equipment was sent by Mike Pellegrini (TAS) . TR30.3/00-10-070, Email concerning adding Supplement to T1.403.2 to define Bit Stuffing for Robbed Bit Signaling was sent by Phil Dillon (Marconi) 4.2 After reviewing the documents the following comments and decisions were made: . TAS will put a priority on modifying the simulator equipment to enable it to run V.90 tests (larger files, caller ID/call waiting, MOH, upstream PCM, distributed loop noise). Resources are expected to be available in 3 to 6 months from October 00 . Ed Shultz (Lucent) will be editor for the international version of PN3857 (V.test) . Warren Henderson (Henderson Labs) will draft a response to Phil Dillon’s comments on Draft 14 of PN3857. The committee decided to include many of the recommendations in the next revision of TIA/EIA 793 . Greg Bretting (Compaq) will provide setup information and test results for TR30.3 document 30003034 (V.test Draft 1) 5.0 PN4254 Network Access Transmission Model for Evaluating xDSL Modem Performance 5.1 The following documents were distributed and discussed during the meeting: . TR30.3/00-08-855R1, TR30.3 liaison letter to Kate Harris (Nortel) concerning the “Affect of AM Radio Ingress on xDSL” was submitted by Jack Douglass (Conexant) . TR30.3/00-08-857, XDSL Network Simulator Block Diagram was submitted by Ross Cassan (DLS Test Works) . TR30.3/00-10-800R4 AH, Issues List for xDSL Transmission Model Project was submitted by RK Smith (Paradyne) and Phil Kyees (Paradyne) . TR30.3/00-10-858AH, PN4254: Rationale for Model Structure and Proposed IC Table Templates) was submitted by RK Smith (Paradyne) . TR30.3/00-10-859AH, PN4254: Proposed Impairment Combination Table was submitted by Phil Kyees (Paradyne) . TR30.3/00-10-860AH, PN4254: Proposed Impairment Model for Section 5.1 submitted by Phil Kyees (Paradyne) . TR30.3/00-10-861AH, Liaison Report on TR30.3 Meetings – August 200 was submitted by Gavin Young (DSL Forum) . TR30.3/00-10-862AH, Block Diagram of CO was created during the September TR30.3 Ad Hoc meeting, RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) . TR30.3/00-10-863AH, Steady State Impairment Combination Table was created during the September TR30.3 Ad Hoc meeting, RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) . TR30.3/00-10-864AH, Revised Impairment Combination Table was created during the September TR30.3 Ad Hoc meeting, RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) . TR30.3/00-10-865AH Simulator Implementation Model was created during the September TR30.3 Ad Hoc meeting, RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) . TR30.3/00-10-866AH, CO Configuration for Line Sharing and Non-Line Sharing was created during the September TR30.3 Ad Hoc meeting, RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) . TR30.3/00-10-867AH, Network Access Impairment Model was created during the September TR30.3 Ad Hoc meeting, RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) . TR30.3/00-10-868, Readjusted xDSL Scores for Network Access Transmission Model was submitted by Ric Perez (Telcordia) . TR30.3/00-10-869, Simulator Subsection Model was created during the TR30.3 meeting 5.2 Committee discussions after reviewing the documents resulted in the following comments, decisions and assignments: . Jack Douglass will ask Jack Moran and DLS Test Works to calculate the loop characteristics . Phil Kyees (Paradyne) will look into calculating loop characteristics . DLS Test Works will provide Ric Perez (Telecordia) with reference to do loop calculations. Ric Perez (Telcordia) will calculate loop characteristics based on these references. . RK Smith (Paradyne) and Phil Kyees (Paradyne) will determine if resources are available to spot check/validate the network model and measure the crosstalk transfer function using real loop plant and spectrum analyzer . The committee believes that the DSL network model can be simplified as requested by the DSL Forum. 1. The Simulator Implementation Model in TR30.3/00-10-867AH (Network Access Impairment Model) shows composite CO and CPE interferers. The composite interferers are made up of the interferers from different injection points. The composite interferer characteristics can be obtained by multiplying interferer at each injection point by the transfer function for the associated sections 2. Composite of transfer functions ‘a’ and ‘b’ [Xƒ(a) + Xƒ(b)] will be inserted at the DUT (Device Under Test) 3. The interferer transfer function is not the same as the “active loop under test” transfer function 4. Transfer function ‘a’ Xƒ(a) = loop under test 5. Transfer function ‘b’ Xƒ(b) = crosstalk, Multiply the spectrum by the Xƒ(b) 6. It is believed that Xƒ(a) is a function that decreases in value with increasing signal frequency 7. It is believed that Xƒ(b) is a function that increases in value with increasing signal frequency 8. The committee believes that it is accurate to multiply the intermediate crosstalk point by the transfer function, but the committee needs to fully define the intermediate characteristics . The committee needs to determine the signal effects where there are bridge-taps near the DUT (device under test) and the effect of (or on) cross-talk noise. The committee needs to determine if the referenced bridge-taps nullify or amplify cross-talk noise . Phil Kyees (Paradyne) and Mounir Ayoub (Conexant) will create a section for Annex E concerning sources of CO Crosstalk. It is expected that the Y factor can be removed from the Impairment Combination Table. . Ric Perez (Telcordia) ran cable circuit analyses program to compare results with Jean- Pierre’s calculations. The results didn’t match. . Ric Perez (Telcordia) will update TR30.3/00-10-868: 1. Remove loops 1 and 6 2. Modify loops 8, 10 and 11 to give more distributed resistance 3. Add granularity to loops about 9k (12k, 15k, 18k) . An Annex for explaining the Simplified Simulator Block Diagram needs to be added . An Impairment Condition/Combination Matrix Table needs to be created . Warren Henderson (Henderson Labs) will define Transient Impairments . Warren Henderson (Henderson Labs) will define Intermodulation characteristics for phones . RK Smith (Paradyne) will define signal level conditions for phones . Phil Kyees (Paradyne) will define POTS interference characteristics . The committee expects to release PN4254 to T1E1 for comment, to DSL Forum for comment, to ITU SG15 for comment and for TR30.3 Committee Letter Ballot (Green) at the December meeting. Jack Douglass (Conexant) will present PN4254 at the January 01 ITU SG15 meeting in Florida
6.0 PN4255 Test Procedures for Evaluating XDSL System Performance . A Profile Table for Steady State, Transient, and Home Wiring Impairments was created for Rural, Residential and Multiple Unit/Business . A Profile Table for Non-Splittered, Splittered and Distributed Splitter was created for Steady State, Transient and Impairment Combinations. . There are 864 test conditions per category. . 864 = (12 loops) x (2 connection types) x (4 severity levels) x (3 home wiring models) x 3 specified impairment levels) . Example test reduction method for a Single Family Home (Goal is to complete test in 1 day): . Reduce severity level from 4 to 2 . 432 = (12 loops) x (2 CT) x (2 severity levels) x (3 HW) x (Specified Impairments) . Tests Planned: 1. Training time -- Measure time & consistency 2. Connect Rate -- Measure carrier rate & consistency 3. Corrected errors: (a) Bit Error Rate -- Count & consistency (b) Packet Error Rate -- Count & consistency (c) Cell Error Rate -- Count & consistency 4. Uncorrected errors: (a) Bit Error Rate -- Count & consistency (b) Packet Error Rate -- Count & consistency (c) Cell Error Rate -- Count & consistency 5. Robustness: (a) Retraining -- Count (b) Connect reliability -- Carrier rate & consistency 6. Throughput: (a) Streaming (Raw) Data (b) FTP 7. Latency: (a) Block delay -- Measure time & consistency (b) Ping delay -- Measure time & consistency (c) Protocol negotiation -- Measure time & consistency . Test categories: 1. Tests #1 & 2 -- Start-up 2. Tests #3 & 4 -- Error rate 3. Test #5 -- Transient tests/stress 4. Tests #6 & 7 -- System tests . Test output looks like: 1. Test #1 = NMC-SS vs Connect Speed (data rate) 2. Test #1 = NMC-SS vs training time 3. Test #1 = NMC-SS vs training time consistency 4. Test #2 = NMC-SS vs Connect Reliability (consistency) 5. Tests #3 & 4 = NMC-SS vs Error Rate 6. Test #5 (transients) = 1 loop (mid-range of easy loops) & 2 loops (in range of difficult) 7. Test #6 = Throughput vs NMC-SS . Stress tests: 1. Incoming calls (a) Answer -- Signal level change, 2-4 ring answer, multiple phones going off/on-hook 2. No answer – multiple times, 6 rings, wait 2 minutes, 6 rings 3. Call disconnect -- Loop current drop out, Signal level changes 4. Outgoing calls 5. DTMF (a) Pulse-dial 6. Other (a) Light Dimmer (b) Motor (c) Binder cable impulse . Warren Henderson (Henderson Labs) will create a new draft of PN4255 incorporating the tests defined by the committee.
7.0 Meeting Schedule for 2000
Date Location Host Scottsdale, AZ National Semiconductor December 5 -- PN3509 and PN3857 Int December 6, 7, 8 -- PN 4254 and PN4255 March 5 -- 9 TBD TIA June 11 -- 15 Southern Calf Conexant Sept 24 -- 28 TBD TBD Dec 3 --7 TBD TBD
TR30.3 will have ad hoc meetings between some of the scheduled TR30 meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. on October 13, 2000.
The meeting was conducted in accordance with the TIA Legal Guide and the TIA Engineering Manual.
Jack L. Douglass Chairman TR30.3 DOCUMENT REGISTER Columbia, MD, Oct 2000
DOCUMENT TITLE SOURCE MEETING PAR NUMBER NO. 08-058R1 Letter thanking Jean-Pierre Houdard Fred Lucas 108, 109 1.2 for his contributions to TR30 and (3Com) TR30.3 Jack Douglass (Conexant) 08-062B Draft 13 PN3509, Test procedure for Greg Bretting 108, 109 3.1 Evaluation of PCM Modems (Compaq, Editor) 10-063 TR30.3 Meeting Aug 2000 Report, TR30.3 109 1.1 Huntsville, Ont., Canada 10-064 Assignment List from August 2000 TR30.3 109 1.2 TR30.3 Meeting 10-065 October 2000 Document Register TR30.3 109 1.2 10-066 PN3857 Ballot Responses TIA 109 1.2 10-067 Comments on PN3857 – Draft 14 Phil Dillion 109 4.1 (Marconi) 10-068 TIA/EIA-793 (SP3857) Approval Billie Zidek- 109 1.2 Letter Conner (TIA) 10-069 Email from TAS concerning status of Mike Pellegrini 109 4.1 add feature to test equipment (TAS) 10-070 Email from Phil Dillon concerning Phil Dillon 109 4.1 adding Supplement to T1.403.2 to (Marconi) define Bit Stuffing for Robbed Bit Jack Douglass Signaling (Conexant) 10-071 Proposed contribution to SG16/Q10 USA 109 2.1 Status of TIA/EIA 793, North Contact: Les American Telephone Network Brown Transmission Model for Evaluating (Motorola) Analog Client and Digitally Connected Server Modems.
PN4254 and PN4255 DSL Document Numbers 08-855R1 TR30.3 liaison letter to Kate Harris Jack Douglass Sept AH, 109 2.1, 5.1 (Nortel) concerning the Affect of (Conexant) AM radio ingress on xDSL 08-857 XDSL Network Simulator Block Ross Cassan 108,109 5.1 Diagram (DLS Test Works) 10-800R4, AH Issues List for xDSL Transmission Phil Kyees Sept AH, 109 5.1 Model Project (Paradyne) 10-858AH PN4254: Rational for Model RK Smith Sept AH, 109 5.1 Structure and Proposed IC Table (Paradyne) Templates 10-859AH PN4254: Proposed Impairment Phil Kyees Sept AH, 109 5.1 Combination Table (Paradyne) 10-860AH PN4254: Proposed Impairment Phil Kyees Sept AH, 109 5.1 Model for Section 5.1 (Paradyne) 10-861AH Liaison Report on TR30.3 Meetings Gavin Young Sept AH, 109 2.1, 2.2, – August 200 (DSL Forum) 5.1 10-862AH Block Diagram of CO Wiring TR30.3 Sept AH, 109 5.1 10-863AH Steady State Impairment TR30.3 Sept AH, 109 5.1 Combination Table RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) 10-864AH Revised Impairment Combination TR30.3 Sept AH, 109 5.1 Table RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) 10-865AH Simulator Implementation Model TR30.3 Sept AH, 109 5.1 RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) 10-866AH CO Configuration for Line Sharing TR30.3 Sept AH, 109 5.1 and Non-Line Sharing RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) 10-867AH Network Access Impairment Model TR30.3 Sept AH, 109 5.1, 5.2 RK Smith (Paradyne, Editor) 10-868 Readjusted xDSL Scores for Ric Perez 109 5.1, 5.2 Network Access Transmission Model (Telcordia) 10-869 Simulator Subsection Model TR30.3 109 5.1