Supportive Housing Tenant Profile
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Returning Home Ohio Permanent Supportive Housing Provider Directory Any questions or issues, or for further information, contact Terri Power, CSH Senior Program Manager at [email protected]
Contact Name Appropriate Referrals for Organization (contact name for Contact Email Contact Phone RHO: referrals in bold)
Amethyst is a long term gender competent and trauma informed treatment program for single women and women with Michele Rooker, [email protected] dependent children which is Assessment Amethyst, Inc. blended with permanent Counselor (614) 242-1284 X124 455 E. Mound St. supportive sober housing. Columbus, OH 43215 Outpatient services for women Fax: (614) 242-1282 are also provided. A culture of Caroline Reed, [email protected] recovery that empowers women COO (614) 221-7175 and families is fostered.
Community Support Services, [email protected] Inc. Adults with severe and persistent (330) 996-9141 ext. 150 Cross St. mental illness and/or HIV who Ashley Covey 225 Akron, Ohio 44311 are returning to Summit County RHO Coordinator Fax: (330) 996-9146 from prison and are homeless or [email protected] at risk of homelessness. (330) 996-9141 ext. Penny Moore, 509 Director of Employment and Forensic Services
Contact Name Appropriate Referrals for Organization (contact name for Contact Email Contact Phone RHO: referrals in bold) EDEN, Inc. Krystle Diver 7812 Madison Ave Frontline Service Cleveland, OH 44102 Krystle.Diver@frontlineservi Frontline Services: Adults who are disabled by Program Manager Fax: (216) 651-4066 mental illness or dually (216) 623-6555 (Partners with Frontline diagnosed. Jen Pfleiderer Service) All referrals must be from EDEN Frontline Service [email protected] Eden: Cuyahoga County. Accepts Manager of Housing 1744 Payne Ave (216) 961-9690 those with a sex offense. Programs Cleveland, OH 44114 Fax: (216) 623-6539
Single adults exiting an ODRC Marc Woerlein 614-224-6617, X Faith Mission/Faith Housing facility or exited within 120 days RHO Case Manager [email protected] 2182 245 North Grant Avenue with a severe and persistent Columbus, Ohio 43215 mental illness and/or HIV+/AIDS who will be or are Shannon Easter Fax: (614) 221-0936 Director of Clinical currently homeless. Accepts [email protected] 614-224-6617, X those with a sex offense. and Supportive Services 2173
Penney Kramer PLACES: Miami Valley Housing Adults who have mental illness, Case Manager (937) 461-4300 X Opportunities, Inc. (MVHO) or are dually diagnosed. Accepts Places Inc. 121 P.O. Box 28308 those with a sex offense and [email protected] Dayton, OH 45428 others with difficult criminal barriers. Lavada Smith Fax: (937) 263-9873 MVHO (Partners with PLACES Inc.) Tenants Services MVHO: PLACES, Inc. Specialist (937) 263-4449 X 11 W. Monument Ave. 7th [email protected] 426 floor Updated 2-2014 Dayton, Ohio 45402
Contact Name Appropriate Referrals for Organization (contact name for Contact Email Contact Phone RHO: referrals in bold) (513) 639-3743 X Geona Embry [email protected] 3112 Single adults who are mentally Case Manager Volunteers of America – ill or co-occurring disorder with Greater Ohio (VOAGO) a developmental disability or Vince Palmer 115 W. McMicken Ave [email protected] (513) 639-3743 X chemically dependency. Program Director Cincinnati, OH 45202 Accepts those with a sex offense 3118 Phone: (513) 381-1954 and others with difficult criminal Mary Herkert Fax: (513) 639-3747 [email protected] barriers. Central Intake (513) 381-1954 X Manager 3009
YMCA of Central Ohio Shauna Simpson ssimpson@ymcacolumbus. Single men who are mentally ill 40 W. Long St. Case Manager org (614) 224-1137 Columbus, OH 43215 or co-occurring disorder with Phone: (614) 224-1137 chemical dependency. Cannot Amanda Owen accept those with a sex offense Fax: (614) 628-1660 Director of [email protected] (614) 224-1137 or arson. Supportive Services g
Updated 2-2014