The Transvaal Horse Society
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The 2016 South African Derby CSN (authorised by the South African Show Jumping) Incorporating The SA Jumping Derby The SA Compleat Horse Derby The SA Dressage Derby The SA Driving Derby The SA Showing Derby The SA Working Riding Derby The SA Working Hunter Derby
1. RULES: This Event will be run strictly in accordance with the regulations and rules laid down by The South African Show Jumping. The rules applicable to each discipline are set out under those discipline's sections and must be read in conjunction with the rules of that discipline and the current General and Veterinary Regulations.
2. ELIGIBILITY: At the closing date of entry, all owners and riders/drivers must be members of, and all horses must be registered with the SASJ as well as the relevant discipline. Please note that all competitors who are not registered with the KP Club will need to pay a non members arena fee of R300.00 for the show.
3. ENTRIES: 3.1 Entries close on Sunday, 4 th September 2016.
3.2 Entries must be made on the online entry system – SASJ, DSA and Manual entry form for Showing. Banking Details: Nedbank, Epsom Downs Branch, Acc. No. 1522037454, Branch No. 152205.
3.3 Unless entries are accompanied by the correct entry fee, they will not be accepted.
3.4 Any enquiries should be addressed to the Show Secretary, Telephone: 011 036 3320
3.5 Please note that all competitors who are not registered with the KP Club will need to pay a fee of R300.00 for the show.
4. ORDER OF RIDING: Competitors must ride strictly in the order given in the official programme or daily sheets. Competitors may be eliminated from a competition if they are not ready to enter the arena when called upon to do so.
5. SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions must be made in accordance with the relevant rules applicable to each discipline except where otherwise stated in this schedule. Application for substitution must be made on the official substitution form and must be lodged with the Show Secretary within 30 mins before the commencement of the relevant class
7. PROTESTS : Competitors' attention is drawn to SAEF General Regulations which lay down the procedure to be followed in the case of protests and appeals. All protests and appeals must be lodged in writing with the Show Director or Show Secretary within the specified times and must be accompanied by a deposit of R750.
8. RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY: SASJ, SASA, DSA, KP Club, The Sponsors, Competitors, Officials or any other person or body connected with organising or competing in this Event will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury sustained by owners, competitors, officials, members of the public or any other person or their property in connection with the SA Derby Show.
9. DRESS: SASJ rules applicable to the various disciplines will be strictly applied. Jackets will be required for all prize givings.
10. STABLING: There is stabling available at the venue at a cost of R175.00 per night. This includes initial bedding.
11. AMENDMENT AND/OR CANCELLATION OF CLASSES: The Organising Committee, in consultation with the relevant Discipline Representative, reserves the right, if insufficient or excessive entries are received or in the light of unforeseen circumstances, to combine, divide, postpone or cancel any classes. Should this be necessary the prize money will be adjusted accordingly.
12. OBLIGATIONS: It is a condition of entry to this event that : 1. All competitors entered are obliged to compete in all competitions for which they have qualified unless they have special dispensation from the Show Director. Such dispensation will normally only be given where a Veterinary or Medical Certificate is submitted. 2. All riders asked to appear in parades, displays or prize-giving are obliged to do so. 3. No blanket may be worn by any horse in the Derby Arena unless permission is given by the Show Director. This permission will only be given in the case of inclement weather. Failure to comply with any of the above may result in the forfeiture of all prize money, trophies and grading points won at the Event.
13. PRIZE-GIVING CEREMONIES: Discipline rules will apply. Only the top 5 prize winners will enter the arena for all prize- givings. 14. PASSPORTS: All horses entered must have a valid FEI or SAEF Passport.
15. AFRICAN HORSE SICKNESS & EQUINE FLU: All passports must have the African Horse Sickness inoculations endorsed in the passport to the effect that the horse has been vaccinated by a veterinarian as prescribed by the manufacturer within the past 12 months. All equine flu inoculations must be current and recorded in the horses passport.
16. ABUSE OF HORSE AND PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES: Discipline rules regarding abuse of horses and the use of prohibited substances will be strictly observed. At the discretion of SAEF, any horse or rider may be tested for the presence of prohibited substances.
17. HORSE INSPECTION: A horse inspection will commence at 14h00 Tuesday 27 th September 2016 until 16h300 All Open jumping horses must be presented in either a snaffle or double bridle. No other tack, bandages, blankets, etc. are permitted. Passports must be presented at the inspection.
18. TIME TABLE: Whilst the published time table will be adhered to as far as possible, the Organising Committee, in consultation with the relevant Discipline Representative reserves the right to make such alterations as it deems necessary. All alterations will be posted on the official notice board. Competitors are advised to check the starting times of their classes with the Show Secretary.
19. ACCESS TO DERBY ARENA: Only competitors competing in the Derby (Class 3.4) and people who have received special permission from the Arena Director may enter the arena for the competitors’ course inspection for that class.
20. ACCESS THROUGH THE MAIN KPC GATE: All horseboxes and floats must be parked in the allocated area provided.
SECTION 1 JUMPING Show Secretary – Heather Mpofu [email protected] The 2016 SA Jumping Derby
Show Director: Di Baxter President of Ground Jury: Ground Jury member: Ground Jury member: Ground Jury member: Grounds Manager: Bill Viljoen Chief Steward: Assistant Steward: Assistant Steward: Assistant Steward: Assistant Steward: Riders Representatives: Barry Taylor Course Designer: Ryan Sander Stubbs arena: Kate Launder
REGULATIONS 1. RESTRICTIONS All classes are open to Adult Open Horses (1.20 – 1.50) and riders age-classified as Adults.
1.20m 5.1 1.33m 4.1 1.35m 1.1 1.40m 2.1 1.50m 3.1 5.2 4.2 1.2 2.2 3.2 5.3 4.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 5.4 4.4 1.4 2.4 3.4 Competitors must enter open classes and pay the composite entry fee of R1400 (for the four 1.30m & 1.20m classes) and R1200 (for the three 1.35m, 1.40m and 1.50m qualifying classes). All entry fees include the following levies per class: R64.98 KPC levy, R5.13 EDTS levy, R23.66 Medical/Security Levy, R53.01 SASJ levy (Incl. 14% VAT) R30 Officials Levy; R2.50 Course Designers levy – no VAT) Please note that all competitors who are not registered with the KP Club will need to pay a non members arena fee of R300.00 for the show. A horse may only compete in one of the linked classes. Classes are linked as follows: 1.1- 2.1 – 3.1 1.2 -2.2 - 3.2 1.3 -2.3 – 3.3
The Bob Charter arena is only open to the 150 top ranked athlete & horse combinations, between 1.35m, 1.40m & 1.50m. Only horses that have rankings in the 1.35m & up, at closing date of entries, will be eligible to enter.
3. NOMINATIONS FOR 1.35M, 1.40M AND 1.50M CLASSES [To be made in writing:] By 12h00 on Tuesday 27 September 2016 Riders who fail to make this declaration in time will automatically be entered in the class indicated on their entry form. Within 30 min. of end of the last open class on each day. Riders who fail to make this declaration in time will automatically be entered in the same level.
4. QUALIFICATION AND STARTING FEES FOR CLASSES: Class 1.4 - The Micro Derby - Open to the top 35 qualifiers after classes 1.1 – 1.3 Class 2.4 - The Mini Derby - Open to the top 30 qualifiers after classes 2.1 – 2.3 Class 3.4 – The 2016 Derby – Open to the top 24 qualifiers after classes 3.1-3.3 Class 4.4 – The 1.30m Derby Championship – Open to all Class 5.4 - The 1.20m Derby Championship – Open to all PLEASE NOTE: SHOULD ANY 1.35M, 1.40M OR 1.50M HORSE & RIDER NOT QUALIFY FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE DERBY CLASSES, THEY WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY BE ABLE TO OPT INTO THE 1.30M or 1.20M DERBY CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS. THE 1.30M & 1.20M DERBY CHAMPIONSHIP IS ONLY OPEN TO HORSE & RIDERS WHO HAVE ACTUALLY COMPETED IN ANY OF THE 3 – 1.30M & 1.20M CLASSES.
The qualification for the 2016 Derby shall be as follows: 1. There will be 3 qualifying classes. a. Welcome Stakes FEI Article 238 2.2 b. A2 Competition FEI Article 238 2.1 c. Derby Classic FEI Article 238 2.2
2. In order to compete in the Derby horse and Athlete combinations must complete at least one of the qualifying classes.
3. Only your best two qualifying classes will count towards your final qualifications for Class 1.4, 2.4 & 3.4.
4. Points will be allocated as follows for the 2016 Derby:
1. In all qualifying competitions irrespective of the number of starters, the Athlete placed first receives 40 points, the second receives 37 points, the third receives 35 points, and the fourth receives 34 points and so on reducing by one point per place. 2. In the case of ties for any place in any of the qualifying competitions, the Athletes that tie shall each receive the full point’s entitlement for that place that they would have received had there been no tie. 3. Athletes who retired or are eliminated receive no points.
5. Order of Starting 1. In the SA Derby the order of starting shall be in ascending order of points gained in the qualifying competitions as per Point 3 (Reverse order of merit). 2. Where possible a gap of at least seven horses shall be allowed between horses ridden by the same Athlete. This shall be achieved by moving that athlete's first horse upwards in the order of riding. 3. Where there is equality of points among the Athletes qualified, the Athletes will ride in the same order relative to each other as they did in the last qualifying competition.
To qualify for the Micro & Mini Derbies Classes 1.4 & 2.4 qualifying points will be awarded as follows: 1st 40 points 2nd 37 points 3rd 35 points & descending by point. down to last place.
Note: Eliminations, retirements and non-starters will not receive points.
6. TIES: Horses that tie for a place will each receive the same number of points. 7. Class 2.4 (30 Horses) restricted to the leading 30 horses competing in qualifying classes,2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 based on the above points system. A rider may only ride 2 horses in the Mini Derby. Class 1.4 (35 Horses) restricted to the leading 35 horses competing in the qualifying classes, 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3. A rider may only ride 2 horses in the Micro Derby.
8. Class 3.4 (24 Horses) restricted to the leading 24 horses competing in qualifying classes, 3.1, 3.2, & 3.3 based on the above points system. A rider may only ride 2 horses in the 2016 Derby. SHOULD THERE BE A TIE IN LAST QUALIFYING POSITIONS, THEN UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MAY THE NUMBER OF STARTERS EXCEED 32 IN THE 2016 SA DERBY.
9. STARTING FEES: CLASS 1.4 & 2.4 – R400 each CLASS 3.4 – R500 each
Starting fees must be paid to the Show Secretary by 4pm on Friday, 30th September 2016 for Mini Derby, and by 5pm on Saturday 1st October 2016 for the Mini Derby & the S.A. Derby. Failure by any competitor to pay the starting fee within the time stipulated will indicate that the competitor concerned is unable to participate and the next highest qualified horse may be invited to compete.
Note: Starting fees may not be deducted from prize money already won at the Event.
AO 1.50m Victor Ludorum. The Alan Myer Memorial Trophy Points will be awarded as follows: Class 3.1: 20 points for 1st down to 1 point Class 3.2: 10 points for 1st down to 1 point Class 3.3: 30 points for 1st down to 1 point Class 3.4: 50 points for 1st down to 1 point
In the event of an equality of points, the rider finishing higher in the SA Derby (Class 3.4) will be awarded the trophy.
10. All classes will be judged under FEI Jumping rules
1.35m: (Classes 1.1 to 1.4 : Height 1,35m) Please see qualification requirements below ENTRY FEE: Classes 1.1 to 1.3 R400 per class STARTING FEE: Class 1.4 R400 AWARD: THE MICRO DERBY SASJ MEDAL & SASH SPEED: Class 1.1 to 1.4 350mpm
Class 1.1 The 1.35m Welcome Stakes FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 1.2 The 1.35m A2 Competition FEI Article 238 2.1 Class 1.3 The 1.35m Derby Classic FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 1.4 The 2016 Micro Derby FEI Article 238.2.2
1.40m : (Classes 2.1 to 2.4 : Height 1,40m) Please see qualification requirements below ENTRY FEE: Classes 2.1 to 2.3 R400 per class STARTING FEE: Class 2.4 R500 AWARD: THE MINI DERBY SASJ MEDAL & SASH SPEED: Class 2.1 to 2.4 350mpm
Class 2.1 The 1.40m Welcome Stakes FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 2.2 The 1.40m A2 Competition FEI Article 238 2.1 Class 2.3 The 1.40m Competition FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 2.4 The 2016 Mini Derby FEI Article 238 2.2 1.50m (Classes 3.1 to 3.4 : Height: 1,45m & 1,50m) Please see qualification requirements below ENTRY FEE: Classes 3.1 to 3.3 R400 per class STARTING FEE: Class 3.4 R500 AWARD: THE SA DERBY SHOWJUMPING MEDALLION AND SASH + SASJ GOLD MEDAL & DERBY TROPHY SPEED: Class 3.1 to 3.3: 350mpm Class 3.4: 400mpm
Class 3.1 The 1.50m Welcome Stakes FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 3.2 The 1.50m A2 Competition FEI Article 238 2.1 Class 3.3 The 1.50m Classic FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 3.4 The 2016 SA Derby : SASJ Section 4 FEI Article 238.2.2
1.30m: (Classes 4.1 to 4.4 : Height 1,30m) Please see qualification requirements below ENTRY FEE: Classes 4.1 to 4.4 R350 per class SPEED: Class 4.1 to 4.4 350mpm
Class 4.1 The 1.30m Welcome Stakes FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 4.2 The 1.30m A2 Competition FEI Article 238 2.1 Class 4.3 The 1.30m Classic FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 4.4 The 1.30m Championship FEI Article 238 2.2 1.20m: (Classes 5.1 to 5.4 : Height 1,20m) Please see qualification requirements below ENTRY FEE: Classes 5.1 to 5.4 R350 per class SPEED: Class 5.1 to 5.4 350mpm Class 4.1 The 1.20m Welcome Stakes FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 4.2 The 1.20m A2 Competition FEI Article 238 2.1 Class 4.3 The 1.20m Classic FEI Article 238 2.2 Class 4.4 The 1.20m Championship FEI Article 238 2.2 QUALIFICATION OF OPEN CLASSES 1. 1.35m, 1.40m and 1.50m classes are open to all registered open horses. These competitors need to nominate each day as whether they are jumping 1.35m, 1.40m or 1.50m. If these horses nominate into the 1.30m classes they may not nominate back into the 1.40m or 1.50m classes. 2. 1.30m & 1.20m Classes open to all open horses. No horse entered into the 1.30m or 1.20m classes may change to any higher level.
PRIZEMONEY: A minimum of 60% of entry fees plus sponsorship spread over all classes. All Jumping classes will be subject to a 15% deduction from prize money to be paid into the SASJ Riders Fund. SECTION 2 SHOWING Held under the auspices of the South African Showing Association Show Secretary – Heather Mpofu The 2016 Derby Show Horse The 2016 Derby Working Riding Horse The 2016 Derby Working Hunter [email protected] President: Chief Steward: TBC ENTRY FEE: Classes F8 & F9 – R150 per class + R20 number deposit R450 per class for all other classes + R20 number deposit. All entry fees include R64.98 KPC arena fee, R5.13 EDTS levy, R23.66 Medical/Security Levy, (Incl. 14% VAT) R30 Officials Levy, R37.50 SASA levy – no VAT) Please note that all competitors who are not registered with the KP Club will need to pay a non membership fee of R300.00 for the show.
Awards : The Show Horse Derby Medallion & Sash, SASA Gold Medal The Working Riding Horse Derby Medallion And Sash, SASA Gold Medal The Woring Hunter Derby Medallion And Sash, SASA Gold Medal Prize money: A minimum of 60% of entry fees plus sponsorship spread over all classes.
RULES: 1. Competitors may only ride one horse in each class, except in the Working Classes, where they may ride up to three horses 2. All Riders and Horses must be registered with a Club, SAEF and SASA, except for those entered in classes F8 & F9 or must pay a Temporary SASA membership of R80 with their entry fees. Temporary SASA membership will not earn Rider Ranking or Victor Ludorum Points. Membership forms may be obtained on the SASA website or from [email protected]. 3. Working Hunters will be required to jump a course of approximately 6-8 fences, one of which will be a combination. 4. Should a competitor qualify more than one horse for the championship, he may nominate another rider, who must be a paid up member of SASA, to show the horse in that championship. However, the competitor must do the individual test required in the Championship. 5. The Organising Committee, in consultation with the SASA Representative, reserves the right to cancel or combine classes. 6. All classes will be run under SASA Rules - 17th Edition (Effective 1st September 2016). 7. EVERY COMPETITOR ENTERING THIS SHOW DOES HEREBY INDEMNIFY ANY JUDGE REGISTERED WITH SASA, OFFICIATING AT THIS SHOW, AGAINST ANY CLAIM OF ANY NATURE FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER.
Class F1a The Derby Adult Show Hack – 1.63m & under Class F1b The Derby Adult Show Hack – Over1.63m Class F1 The Derby Adult Show Hack Champion (Open to and Compulsory for the 1st and 2nd placed winners of Classes F1a and F1b)
Class F2a The Derby Adult Show Hunter – 1.63m & under Class F2b The Derby Adult Show Hunter – Over1.63m Class F2 The Derby Adult Show Hunter Champion (Open to and Compulsory for to the 1st and 2nd placed winners of Classes F2a & F2b)
Class F3a The Derby Adult Show Riding Horse – 1.63m & under Class F3b The Derby Adult Show Riding Horse – Over1.63m Class F3 The Derby Adult Show Riding Horse Champion (Open to and Compulsory for the 1st and 2nd placed winners of Classes F3a & F3b)
Class F4 The Show Horse Derby Open to and Compulsory for the 1st and 2nd placed winners of Classes F1, 2 & 3
Class F5a The Derby Adult Working Hunter – 1.63m & under (Height of jumps : 1m) Class F5b The Derby Adult Working Hunter – Over 1.63m (Height of jumps : 1m) Class F5 The Derby Adult Working Hunter Champion (Open and Compulsory to the 1st and 2nd placed winners of Classes F5a and F5b) Class F6a The Derby Adult Working Riding Horse– 1.63m & under Class F6b The Derby Adult Working Riding Horse – Over 1.63m Class F6 The Derby Adult Working Riding Champion (Open to and Compulsory for the 1st and 2nd placed winners of Classes F6a and F6b)
Class F7 Grooms Classes SASA will pay entry fees for SASA EDTS competitors in all classes. That includes In Hand and Under Saddle Classes. The competitor must be an EDTS member of SASA. Membership is free. EDTS application forms, Rules and Conditions are available at or from [email protected] Open to all grooms showing horses/ponies. Class will be judged on turnout. Conformation will not be taken into account. Class F9 Grooms Performance Riding Class Open to all grooms riding horses/ponies. Each competitor will be given three minutes to set up and two minutes to show off the best aspects of his horse/pony in the Arena. This may include one or more jumps if the rider so desires. No fire may be used; safety of the horse and rider in this test is paramount. The rider of horse must be in control of the horse at all times.
Class: G1 THE 2016 ADULT COMPLEAT HORSE DERBY Show Secretary – Heather Mpofu [email protected] President: Chief Steward: TBC
ENTRY FEE: R500 + R20 number deposit. Entry fees include R64.98 KPC arena fee, R5.13 EDTS levy, R23.66 Medical/Security Levy (Incl. 14% VAT) R30 Officials Levy, R37.50 SASA levy – no VAT) Please note that all competitors who are not registered with the KP Club will need to pay a non membership fee of R300.00 for the show.
AWARDS: The Mamselle Romance Trophy THE SA COMPLEAT HORSE MEDALLION AND SASH, SASA Gold Medal Prize money: A minimum of 60% of entry fees (minus 15% payable to the SAEFSA discipline fund) plus sponsorship spread over all classes.
RULES: 1. Open to all registered riders and registered horses of SASA. 2. A horse eliminated from one test may not be placed higher than competitors completing all 5 tests. Competitors eliminated in any one test will score “0 “ for that test, but are not eliminated from the competition. 3. To equalise the influence of the dressage phase (Test 4), a multiplying factor will be applied to the dressage score. 4. If there are not sufficient entries in this section, the class will be cancelled 5. Tack as per showing or working horse classes may be used 6. Any competitor who qualifies for the free test may only scratch on presentation of a medical or veterinary certificate. 7. All Classes will be run under SASA Rules – 17th Edition (effective 1st September 2016) 8. EVERY COMPETITOR ENTERING THIS SHOW DOES HEREBY INDEMNIFY ANY JUDGE REGISTERED WITH
TESTS: 1. Conformation, Movement (walk and trot) and Turnout. 2. Ride by Judge. 3. Obedience and Versatility (a working riding horse type of test). 4. Dressage (specially written test). THIS PHASE IS RESTRICTED TO THE BEST 15 QUALIFIED HORSES IN TESTS 1, 2 AND 3. 5. Jumping RESTRICTED TO THE QUALIFIERS FOR TEST 4. a. A course of approximately 8 to 10 fences at a maximum of 90cm height at a speed of 350mpm. 2 points will be deducted for each fault incurred from 15 starting points with a worst possible score of 0( 2 points for each pole knocked down and 2 points for each stop received. 3 stops results in Elimination). b. Points out of 15 for the style of jumping in respect of the horse only. 6. Free Test Open to the best five horses overall in Tests 1 to 5. Each of the five will be given three minutes to set up and two minutes to show off the best aspects of his horse in the Derby Arena. This may include one or more jumps if the rider so desires. Competitors may use the fixed fences excluding the Derby Bank & the water jump provided prior arrangement has been made with Course Builder. No fire may be used, safety of the horse and rider in the free test is paramount. Rider of horse must be in control of the horse at all times.
CLASSIFICATION: The winner of the class, who must compete in all tests, will be the horse with the highest overall score, totalled from the 6 tests. In the event of a tie the best score in Test 6 will be the deciding factor. Should there still be a tie then the best score in Test 1,2 and 3 will decide.
SECTION 4 THE 2016 DRESSAGE DERBY Show Secretary – Robyn Harrison [email protected]
President of Ground Jury: Chief Steward: DSA Representative: Riders Representative:
ENTRY FEE: Class H1, H2, H4, H5, H7 & H8 R400 per class Class H3 & H6 R500 Starting Fee All entry fees include R64,98 KPC levy, R5.13 EDTS levy, R23.65 Medical/Security Levy, R51.30 DSA levy (Incl. 14% VAT) R30 Officials Levy – no VAT) Please note that all competitors who are not registered with the KP Club will need to pay a non membership fee of R300.00 for the show as.
DRESSAGE MINI DERBY Open to Elementary horses who have obtained at least 60% in two or more graded elementary tests excluding freestyles, during 2016 and to all Elementary Medium horses. Please note that if there are not at least 12 horses competing in each of Classes H1 & H2 the Mini Derby may be cancelled. Prize money: A minimum of 40% of entry fees plus sponsorship spread over all classes.
Class H1 Dressage Qualifier - Elementary Test No.3 (2010) Class H2 Dressage Qualifier - Elementary Medium Test No.1 (2010) Class H3 Dressage Mini Derby
(NOTE: Class H1: EM horses will not be given a 5% penalty and will not receive grading points) SA DRESSAGE DERBY Open to Medium and Advanced Horses Please note that if there are not at least 12 horses competing in each of Classes H4 & H5 the Main Derby may be cancelled. Prize money: A minimum of 40% of entry fees plus sponsorship spread over all classes.
Class H4 Dressage Derby Qualifier – Medium Test No. 3 (2010) Class H5 Dressage Derby Qualifier – Advanced Test No.1 (2010) Class H6 The SA Dressage Derby
(Note: Class H4: Adv. Horses will not be given a 5% penalty and will not receive grading points)
FREESTYLE CLASSES Class H7 Intermediate l Freestyle Class H8 Grand Prix Freestyle
RULES: 1. The Mini Derby Restricted to the three top qualified Horse and Rider combinations based on points gained in Classes H1 & H2. 2. The Dressage Derby restricted to the three top qualified Horse & Rider combinations based on points gained in classes H4, H5. 3. Points will be awarded as follows: Place 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th
All classes 10 8 6 4
Ties will be awarded full points 4. In the event of equality of points for any three qualifying places the marks gained in Class H2 & H5 by tying competitors will be the deciding factor. Should the tie persist, the collective marks in class H2 & H5 shall be the deciding factor. If the tie persists, the judges will make the final decision. 4.1 The Competitor qualifying in 4th place must be available in case one of the three qualifiers is unable to compete, and will be required to ride a test ride for the judges at the beginning of the competition. 5. Each Rider rides his own horse first and thereafter will ride in the following order starting with the lowest qualification combination. Rider 1-2-3-2-3-1-3-1-2 Horse 1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3 6. Each Rider is given three minutes to ride the strange horse before starting the test. 7. In the event of equality of marks for the winning rider the total of the Individual marks given by each Judge in all three tests for the Rider’s “position & seat & correct use of aids” shall be the deciding factor. The same procedure shall apply should there be a tie for the winning horse, except that the marks given for “paces” will be the deciding factor. 8. Riders may only ride one horse in Class H3 & H6. Should a Rider qualify more than one horse, the Rider shall have the option to nominate the horse he chooses to ride when paying the Starters Fee. 9. A Horse and Rider combination may not enter the Dressage Derby qualifiers if they do not intend to compete in the Derby if they qualify.
ENTRY FEE: Nil Class J1 The Invitation Fancy Dress Cable Stitch Pairs / Horse & Hound - TBC SASJ Rule No 18.3.0 Speed 350mpm. The Organising Committee will invite 10 pairs to compete in this class. Class J2 The Invitation Driving Carousel The Organising Committee will invite 8 pairs of carriages to compete.
PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE THE TIMETABLE SET OUT BELOW IS GIVEN AS A GUIDE ONLY AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Tuesday 27 September - Compulsory Horse Inspection 14h00 – 16h00 for all Open Jumping horses.
Wednesday 28 th SEPTEMBER 2016
BOB CHARTER ARENA 2.1 The Derby 1.40m Welcome Stakes 3.1 The Derby 1.50m Welcome Stakes 1.1 The Derby 1.35m Welcome Stakes Showing
Peter Minnie ARENA 4.1 1.30m Welcome Stakes 5.1 1.20m Welcome Stakes
Thursday 29 th September 2016
BOB CHARTER ARENA 1.2 The Derby 1.35m Speed 2.2 The Derby 1.40m Speed 3.2 The Derby 1.50m Speed Showing Peter Minnie ARENA 4.2 1.30m A2 Competition 5.2 1.20m A2 Competition Friday 30 th September 2016
BOB CHARTER ARENA 8am-10.30 Showing 2.3 The Derby 1.40m Classic 3.3 The Derby 1.50m Classic Showing May Foxcroft ARENA 8am – 12.30 CCI* & CCI** Eventing Dressage H5 The Derby Dressage Advanced
Peter Minnie ARENA 4.3 1.30m Classic 5.3 1.20m Classic EAST ARENA SHOWING –COMPLEAT HORSE
Saturday 1st October 2016
BOB CHARTER ARENA 8.30am Class 1.3: 1.35m Classic 11am-13.30 The 2016 Derby 1.40m Mini Derby
Arena Party presentations MAY FOXCROFT ARENA G The Derby Compleat Horse Phase 4 – Dressage H3 The 2016 Mini Dressage Derby H6 The 2016 Dressage Derby
PETER MINNIE ARENA 10am 4.4 The 1.30m Derby Championship 5.4 The 1.20m Derby Championship
Sunday 2 nd October 2016
BOB CHARTER ARENa 8.15am Driving Carousel Build 8.30am Driving Carousel Starts 9.00am Derby Presentation of Driving & Dressage special awards Complete Horse (free test) 10.00am Course Walk for 1.35m Micro Derby 10.15am Start 1.35- 2016 Micro Derby 12.45am Fresian Display 13.00 Band 13.15 Course Walk for competitors & Sponsors 13.30 Horse Parade (Led by Band) 13.45 Horse Prayer & SA National Anthem 13.55 Time Permitting Spectators Course Walk 14.00 3.4 The 2016 South African Derby
MAY FOXCROFT ARENA H7 Intermediate l Freestyle H8 Grand Prix Freestyle The 2016 Galencia Property South African Derby ACCREDITATION APPLICATION FORM . Please note, no additional accreditations will be issued after the 8 th of September 2016 Accreditation will give the holder: Entrance at the front gate Access to the stable area – grooms and riders only Entrance to the rider stands Entrance to the general public stands – VIP & Special seating tickets to be purchased separately Rider Accreditation – 1 per rider entered in the 2016 South African Derby Full Name ID Number Disciplines entered
Horse Owner Accreditation – 1 per horse (Registered owner of horse on the Provincial database.) Only for a sponsor if the sponsors company is registered as the owner of the horse. If the owner is the rider, only a rider’s accreditation will be given. Full Name ID Number Horse Owned Horse Ridden By
Grooms Accreditation -1 per horse Full Name ID Number Employed by Horses Responsible for
Grooms Accreditation-1 per horse Full Name ID Number Employed by Horses Responsible for
Grooms Accreditation-1 per horse Full Name ID Number Employed by Horses Responsible for