Los Angeles Northwest District ARES Weekly Net Script
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(Rev. Jan 25, 2013)
Los Angeles Northwest District ARES Weekly Net Script
[5 minutes before net starts] -- [section headings for reference only; do not read on air]
“This is [your call sign], tonight’s Net Control Station for the Los Angeles Section, Northwest District A-R-E-S Net which will begin at 9:00 p.m. Is there a volunteer liaison for the 2 meter repeater on Oat Mountain? . . . Any station needing to make a call using this repeater is invited to do so now. This is [your call sign].”
Opening the net [9:00 PM ] “This is [your call], Net Control Station for tonight, opening the Northwest Los Angeles, Amateur Ra- dio Emergency Service weekly net.
This is a directed net. Please transmit only when called by net control unless you have emergency traffic. Once checked in, please check out with Net Control before leaving the frequency. Stations with traffic for the net should inform net control when checking in. Any station with emergency traffic, please call now.”
Calling for ARES Member Check-ins “The net is now open for check-ins by A-R-E-S members. Echolink and visitors will be called for after other stations have checked in. Please remember to pause for a moment after keying your mike to allow for the momentary repeater delay. I will call stations in alphabetical groups based on the first let- ter in the suffix of your call. That is, the first letter after the number. Members with call sign suffixes Alpha through Foxtrot – first station phonetically please.
Now taking members Golf through November.
Now taking members Oscar through Sierra.
Now taking Tango through Zulu.
1 Are there any missed members wishing to check in, all suffixes Alpha through Zulu?”
Echolink Check-ins “We will now take Echolink check-ins. Other stations please stand by. Echolink stations call now.”
[If no volunteer for Magic Mountain liaison, SKIP THIS] “[Liaison’s call sign], do we have any relays from the 2 meter repeater on Oat Mountain?”
Visitor Check-ins “This is [your call sign], net control station, for the Los Angeles A-R-E-S. We now invite visitor check- -ins. Give your full call signs using ITU phonetics, and please also state your name and location. First visitor, go ahead.
Are there any other visitor check-ins?” “That concludes check-ins.
Net Traffic “We will now take traffic”
[Name station], go ahead with your traffic. [After traffic, ask, “Are there any questions for [station]?”] [Repeat for each station with traffic]
Is there any other station with traffic for the net?
Are there any late check-ins? “
Concluding the Net “This VHF/ UHF net meets every Monday night at 2100 hours local time and is open to all licensed amateurs interested in emergency communications. We invite any interested operator to join the Los Angeles Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service. For more information, please visit our website at
2 A-R-R-L-L-A-X dot ORG for additional details. That’s A-R-R-L-L-A-X dot ORG and look for the North- west District.”
HF Net Announcement “ARES LAX conducts an HF net every Sunday morning at 8:45 AM on 40 meters. The frequency is 7.283 MHz.” Secondary Net Announcement [One of the following depending which week of the month] 1st Monday: “There will be a simplex net tonight on ARES 503 followed by an FLDIGI net 2nd Monday:”There will be an HF net on 40 meters at 7.283 MHz” 3rd Monday: “There will be a simplex net tonight on ARES 503 followed by an FLDIGI net 4th Monday: “There will be a 2Meter sideband check-in at 144.240” (or whatever).
Closing Roll Call “I will now call the closing roll. Please respond with your call sign. Once called, you are excused from the net unless you have NTS traffic to send, in which case meet the NTS Rep here immediately upon the close of the net.” (If a station does not answer, call a second time. If still no response, move on to the next call.)
Closing the Net “I would like to thank all stations that checked in. I also want to extend our appreciation to K6VGP for our use of the DARN System, and KB6C for the use of the 2 Meter Oat Mtn. repeater. This is [your call] , for the Los Angeles Section, Northwest District, Amateur Radio Emergency Ser- vice, closing the net at 21xx hours, and returning the repeater to regular use.
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