Bio & Preliminary Assessment

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Bio & Preliminary Assessment


Name (print):Laura Miller Student# : 1144401

Please check or fill-in your responses to the following questions. All individual responses will remain confidential. For completing the survey, you will be awarded 1% of your final grade.. 1. How many face-to-face courses are you presently taking at UB? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2. How many web courses are you presently taking at UB? 0 1 2 3 4 5

3. How many web courses have you taken at UB? 0 2 3 4 5-10 >10

4. How many total web courses you have taken at UB or elsewhere? 0 1 2 3 4 >4

5. How many total face-to-face courses you have taken at UB? <5 6-10 11-15 15-20 20-25 >25

6. What is your current major? Accounting Finance Marketing

Management Human Resources International Business

Information Systems General Business Other ______(please indicate major)

7. If General Business (i.e., BBA), How are you taking courses? webBBA (online only) Traditional BBA (in-class only) Blended (both online and in-class)

8. What is your cumulative Grade point Average (GPA) so far in the undergraduate program? 2.30/4.0

9. What is your Grade Point Average (GPA) in your major field of study? 2.75/4.0

10. How many years have you been at UB? less than 1 1 2 3

More than three______(please indicate number of years) 11. What is your present classification? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Student 12. Are you currently employed? Yes No If yes, how many hours do you work per week? ______hours

COURSE–RELATED INFORMATION 13. What grade are you expecting to receive in INSS 300? A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F 14. Do you feel that you have the necessary prerequisites (required courses and knowledge) to successfully complete INSS 300? Yes No

-----If you answered No to the above question, explain why you feel that you do not have the necessary prerequisites.

______PRE- ASSESSMENT 15. How would you rate your ability to write a business letter?

Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

16. How would you rate your ability to create a spreadsheet (i.e. Excel or a similar package)?

Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17. How would you rate your ability to create a database in a software (i.e., ACCESS, ORACLE etc.)?

Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18. How would you rate your ability to perform IT research browsing internet resources? Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19. How would you rate your skills in creating web pages on the internet? Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20. How would you rate your file transferring skills through the internet protocols? Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21. How would you rate your skills in creating presentation (PowerPoint) slides? Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

22. Are you familiar ethical policies of the following? ACM YES X NO______AITP YES X NO______UB YES X NO______OTHER (LIST) ______Which software packages do you have knowledge of? (PLEASE LIST)

FoxPro, MS Office

Which operating systems do you have knowledge of?:(PLEASE LIST) Windows, DOS, Linux

For following questions, please do not go to the internet to find answers. In a line or two just write what you know. These questions will NOT be graded. Every student finishing the surveys (pre and post) will get 5 points towards their final grade. This is to assess your IT related abilities at the beginning of the course. Answers here will also be used to create groups for the course. You will be given a similar questionnaire at the end of the semester. Please provide answers as accurately as you can. if you do not know an item just leave it blank, Do not try to find answer in the book or the internet.

BLOG I know of blog is for people to write about their topics or their life on the webpage. Blogs are more like a journal or diary. If I want to write about my travel experience every day so that my viewers can read my report, that is what blog is for.

PDA (in terms of its functions) PDA is a personal device assistant like pager, electronic organizer. It is a small device that people can carry around and used it for communication purpose(sending email, calendar reminder, many other).

Database Database is a archive to stored data. Its purpose is to help many companies or organizations to save information (data) to the database which can stored million of records through electronic instead of having papers filed in the file cabinet. It is faster way to retrieve data and storing data at the same time. e-Commerce e-Commerce is a electronic store on the internet. People shop for clothes, foods and many other on the internet. Those businesses are called e-Commerce.

CRM (customer relationship management)

Customer relationship management mean that what is we looking for customers and meet their needs. The purpose is to get some business from the customers and understand what they want and their needs. We can save data on each customers and be able to meet their needs. Giants food store do that when we used our bonus card, they will store the data of each sales in their database which assigned to our bonus card. That is how they survey the customer relationship management.

SCM (Supply Chain Management) Supply chain management is a chain of management. It go from supplier to producer to store which sell the product. Neural Network

Neural network is a network system on the internet. It is almost like a nerve system, the network behave the same way and how they go from the host server to the pc. It will send packet back and forth(breaking up packets and assembled together when arrived to the server).

AI (Artificial Intelligent) Artifical intelligent is a computer intelligent. Its behave on its own and how they are perform. Programmers will set up a process for the AI to think on its own and how they will react like a robot.


Encryption is a process of cover up words. The purpose is that when database or any storage to store password, it will encrypt password. It is a way to deter hackers from stealing passwords.

Window explorer

Window explorer is an function of the windows operating system for the window to look up for file, directory and many other. The other function that explorer can do is to contacted the internet and retrieve the web location that the users are seeking for.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTP is a process that it transfer file back and forth on the internet. When the user need to retrieve or save file to the remote server, they must use the process of FTP. Example -> FTP:// iPOD in terms of functionality iPod is a small electronic device which can do many features. It can play music, small video clip and many others. Users can download music clip to their iPod. It is the greatest thing that many people are having.


JAVA/VBASIC Script Java/VBasic script is a web programming. It is normally used in the webpage which can do many functions.

Pentium Pentium is a microprocessor. It can do speed up the process of the pc and process the information.


SQL SQL is sequentinal query language. Its purpose is to do the function to retrieve, update, delete or insert in the database. SQL statement is like this -> Select * from Example where Info =’3’

Delete Example where Info =’3’

B2C c.

Broadband width

Broadband width is an internet term. It is a faster internet connection with the cable system or phone system.



Hacker Hackers are the one who want to break in other people or server site. Their purpose is to mess up or steal information. They are the dangerous people that can do many harms to our financial and personal information.

Web Broadcasting Web broadcasting is what you watch it on your pc when it is live. You can see web broadcasting when someone is graduating on in May or January.



Twitter Twitter is almost like facebook. It is good for contacting famous people or for professional purpose. You can set your own information about yourself and communicating with many users.


23. What is your Gender? Male Female

24. Please indicate your Marital Status. Married Single Other 25. Do you have any children living with you as part of your family? (Only count children who lived with you at least 50% of the time.) No Yes If yes, please indicate the number of children in the following categories Under age 2 ______Ages 2 –5 1 Ages 6 –11 ____1____ Ages 12 –18 ______Age 19 or older _____ 26. Please indicate your Citizenship. US International , if international List Country______

27. What is your racial background? (you may mark more than one) American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino White 28. What is your Age? <20 20-25 26-30 31-35 36-45 >45

29. Do you own or have access to iPod or similar device? Yes______NO______x______

30. Do you own or have access to Blackberry? Yes____x______NO______

31. Do you own or have access to mobile (cell) phone? Yes______NO______x______32. Do you own or have access to any other mobile devices? Yes______NO____x______If yes, Please list them

33. Would be interested in receiving course related content in any of these mobile devices? Yes______x_____ NO______

34. Do you have a personal site on facebook?


35. Do you have any postings (videos) on Youtube? Yes______NO______x____

If yes how many______

36. Do you have a personal web blog site?


37. Would you be willing to do a project, create a video on a topic specified by the professor and post it on youtube for extra credit?


38. Do you twitter?



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