Administration for Children and Families TANF Data Reporting System - TDRSTDRS

TDRS Data Entry

Introduction: Enter Monthly submissions for TANF and SSPMOE, Aggregate and Stratum data.

Form Selection :

1. Choose the Agency. Your agency will be selected by default if you are assigned to a single agency. 2. Choose the Form Type. There are four types of forms: TANF Aggregate, SSPMOE Aggregate, TANF Stratum, and SSPMOE Stratum. 3. Enter the year and quarter in YYYYQ form (i.e. 3rd quarter 2002 is 20023). 4. Click on the “Get Form” button.

TDRS Data Entry form selection screen

If you are entering data into a Stratum form, there may be an additional screen asking you to enter the number of stratum in the form (you can have up to 100 stratums, labeled “0” to “99”). If there is already data entered for the previous quarter, it will automatically use the same number of stratum, but if that data is missing, you can enter it. Administration for Children and Families Data Entry TANF Data Reporting System - TDRS Page 2

Data Entry: When the form is retrieved, it presents you with quarterly data. If data has previously been entered for the form in this quarter, then that data will be filled in. Otherwise, all entries will be “0”. Data can be entered and submitted monthly.

Data Entry Screen

Submission Indicators: Choose one of three indicators to indicate how reliable the data are. 1. “Initial” means the first estimate or projection the state/tribe chooses to make available on the web site. 2. “Interim” means the estimate or projection is based on more information than the initial estimate or projection, but is not yet part of the required quarterly report. 3. “Quarterly Report” means the data is part of the required quarterly report submitted to the Department. It can still be updated after submission. Administration for Children and Families Data Entry TANF Data Reporting System - TDRS Page 3

Release Indicators: Choose one of three indicators to indicate who may view the data. 1. “HHS Staff only” means that HHS central office and regional staff (and the state itself) are permitted to view the data from this state, but not other states or the public. 2. “Other States” means that both HHS staff and other states are permitted to view the data. 3. “Releasable to Public” means that the State is ready to let the Department release the data so the general public is permitted to view the data. The Department may wait to release the data (e.g. until all states have indicated this status)

Once you have completed entering the data, click on the “Submit” button.