Committee Minutes

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Committee Minutes

Committee Minutes

Date: Thursday, February 9, 2012 Location: 13175 Yonge Street, Oak Ridges Time: 9:30-11:30am Present: Nelia Madeira, Joy Vance, Linda Leveiller-Wheeler, Fran Zeppieri, Barb Winberg, Betty- Jo Cabell, Melissa Szauter, Ed Bader, Toni Pellicano Regrets: Franca DiStefano, Nilusha Jiwani-Ebrahim, Tracy Dettman, Sandra Sanz, Marlene Green

No. Discussion Item Action Item 1.0 Welcome  Marlene was unable to make meeting, therefore Joy chaired the meeting for today. 2.0 Approval of agenda for February 9, 2012  Add Follow Up Actions and Treasurer’s Report to the Agenda under Joy to add Toni, Sandy standing items. and Colleen (Whippers  Agenda was approved by Betty Jo and seconded by Linda. Kids) to the Chairs  Some members not receiving meeting information. distribution list. 3.0 Approval of minutes from Chairs Meeting on January 12, 2012  Treasurer’s Report was indicated as no updates, however Linda reported that $20,349.48 was in the bank.  Minutes were approved by Barbara and seconded by Linda. Marlene to email Nelia Approval of minutes from Collaborative Meeting on January 17, 2012 final copy of Jan 17th  Deferred to next meeting. Nelia did not have the corrected copy minutes. 4.0 Follow Up Actions from January 12, 2012  Linda to follow up with Grace regarding stale cheques – Linda spoke to Grace and she has collected all the money. Grace just needs to get money to Linda.  Add Presentation by Sylvia Pivko on the Forum to the agenda for January 17, 2012. - Done  Co-Chairs of the Collaborative to draft a memo to clarify membership and accountability of Sub-Committees. - Done  Circulate profile summary electronically. - Done  Circulate Work Plan electronically. - Done Follow Up Actions from January 17, 2012  Letter to go out to all sub-committees – change to a memo – see above. - Done  Lori to present overview of Enhanced Funding at next Collaborative Linda to follow up with meeting. – Look at presenting at May’s meeting. Lori.  Shawna to update on Triple P at next Collaborative meeting. – Look at presenting at May’s meeting.  Geomatics coming in to discuss tool for next Collaborative meeting. – On agenda for March’s meeting.  Presentation to centres who achieved the Bronze level of Raising the Bar – On agenda for March’s meeting.  Terms of Reference for sub-committees to be added to letter going Joy to follow up with out to them. - Done Shawna.  Shawna to look at links page and send any updates. 5.0 Treasurer’s Report  $17,810.56 in bank.  Late bill for t-shirts from the JOC –approx $1000.  Talked about decrease of funds in bank since 2008.  Linda expressed concern that she cannot attend the large meetings. It was determined that she send a report and someone would present the Treasurer’s Report for her. 6.0 Committee/Sector Updates  School Age – Last meeting on January 25th, Shawna Lee presented a workshop on school age children dealing with stress. It was very well received. This was Part 1 of 3. Part 2 will address child-parent relationships and Part 3 child-caregiver relationships. Dates not confirmed but will be in late March and April.  Communication – Survey completed. Joy of childhood Committee Toni to email Joy needs the results by February 21st. FAQ fact sheet has been questions around circulated for feedback. Some Best Start funding available – looking registering on-line via the to possibly enhance the website (for example expanding for video, website. blogs, ability to pay for workshops and the joy through the website). If anyone has any other ideas please email Joy.  Pre-natal – 6 – No report.  Quality Assurance/Raising the Bar - 8 binders were submitted and all Centres will receive the bronze level. A long process – some modifications will need to be made going forward. Meeting on Monday. Cathy Elliot touching base with committee regarding some Betty Jo to set up Best Start dollars to cover some future costs. For example materials,proposal. paying for refreshments and someone to review binders.  Joy of Childhood – Franca sent report. Last meeting on January 17th. Elections took place. Franca DiStefano – Chair, Gwen Fox – Vice Chair, Toni Pellicano – Secretary, June Brown – Treasurer, Deidra Joseph and another member – Trade Show, Sandra Cronin and Sheldon Biback Schaulfer – Agency Fair. Tentative date for the Joy Conference is Saturday, October 20, 2012 at Richmond Green Secondary School (Leslie and Elgin Mills). Next meeting is Tuesday, February 21, 2012 form 10:00am-12:00am at YCDSB.  Family Literacy – had first meeting – lots of diverse representation. Sandy Giles is the co-chair. Professional learning on what is family Formalize elections literacy – speakers coming in. Working on workplan and terms of process – Fran to reference for the Committee. address at committee.  AECEO – no update – Next workshop Saturday, February 25th.  Enhanced Funding – Tracy sent report. New Co-Chair appointed – Silvia Gasper from Early Intervention Services. Silvia will share the responsibility of attending the C&FC meetings. Funding for 2012 is $429,000. There are 31 children on the waitlist – 4 group and 14 individual applications. Friday, February 10th is an Enhanced Funding Orientation Session for new child care operators and a refresher for current operators. The Enhancement Committee offered a Group Triple P training opportunity for Supervisors who manage programs approved for Enhanced Funding, with Audit spaces for partnering ECE or Enhanced Funding Staff. Registration for the Spring Session quickly filled up and a waitlist was created for a fall session and at this time the fall session is also full! Great response from the Supervisors for Triple P Training. Possible C&CF Professional Development Topic. 7.0 Work Plan Updates and Review Defer to next Chair’s  Marlene not present. meeting. 8.0 Survey for C&FC and Joy of Childhood  Going out today – due date February 16, 2012.  $150 pre-paid visa as main prize 9.0 Joy of Childhood Planning Defer to next Chair’s  Need survey results. meeting.  Toni to email Lois a posting to recruit new members.  Marketing the Joy of Childhood Conference - possibly advertising the Joy in the newspaper, SNAP or cable TV.  Finding a way to ensure that the JOC is reaching front line staff.  Send to FDK schools for RECEs in the kindergarten classrooms.  Send to College students graduating from ECE. 10.0 Revise Terms of Reference to Reflect Name of “Chairs” Group Joy to update and bring  Add the C&FC as a Constellation of the Planning Forum. forth to May’s meeting.  Change Leadership Group to Chairs Committee.  Reviewed membership to see if there has been any changes or Melissa to touch base updates. with the Supervisor’s  No link to Supervisor’s Association – Melissa attends meetings. Association.  Add treasure’s report – guidelines for C&FC Funding to be added to Joy to change Guidelines terms of reference. for C&FC Funding into a form. 11.0 Feedback From Memo to Chairs re Attendance  Memo was well received.  Some were feeling guilty about conflicts and not being able to attend meetings.  Betty Jo and Linda expressed concerned about conflicts in jobs and missing meetings and feeling torn. Thinking to possibly step down. It was agreed that as long as reports are been forwarded to the meetings, have a designate and members are in touch that was ok. 12.0 Review Profiles and Determine Plan of Action  Profiles were reviewed.  Common thread of wanting some type of Networking incorporated into the meetings. Some discussion about including it at the beginning or end of meetings.  Determine if starting the meeting earlier will be a possibility. Next meeting we are starting at 9:00 due to a full agenda. Fran to see if we could  Room available from 9:00am-12:00pm. stay in room longer. 13.0 Establish Task Group to Standardize Subcommittee Practices  Members that volunteered - Linda, Toni, Marlene, Barbara and possibly Betty Jo.  Linda to be the lead to get the first meeting organized. 14.0 PayPal, Event Brite, etc as Means of Streamlining our Income Stream, Joy will share costing Registration, etc template with chairs  Joy will share template of cost for everyone to review. committee  Please send questions in regards to registration process to Joy and she will forward them to get answers. 15.0 Finalize Presenters for March Collaborative Meeting – Decide on Topics to be Covered Agenda needs to go out  Raising the Bar – 9:00am as soon as possible.  Ministry of Education – 9:30am Starting at 9:00am and  Region presenting on Geomatics RSVP to confirm  Possibly including some Networking after the meeting. numbers. 16.0 Reaching In Reaching Out Defer to next Chair’s  Marlene not present. meeting. 17.0 New Business  Child Care Operators meeting on February 28th at 9:00am and 10:30am in Newmarket.  Quality Early Learning Network funding paper “Solutions” to be sent Joy to send out with out electronically – looking for feedback minutes.  Planning Forum meeting last week – focusing on implementing policy – internal strategic planning to determine what priorities they will be focusing on. Joy will keep us posted as to what will be on the table.  Next Best Start Committee Meeting scheduled for February 24th from 1:00pm-4:00pm. 18.0 Next Meetings  Next Collaborative Meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 from 9:00am-12:00pm at YCDSB Education Centre.  Next Chairs Meeting on Thursday, March 8, 2012 from 9:30am- 11:30am at 13750 Yonge Street.

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