Arctic Polar Regional Climate Centre-Network (Arctic PRCC-Network)

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Arctic Polar Regional Climate Centre-Network (Arctic PRCC-Network)

W O R L D M E T E O R O L O G I C A L O R G A N I Z A T I O N ======

Arctic Polar Regional Climate Centre-Network (Arctic PRCC-Network)

Appendix 2: Potential Contributions of Data, Products and Services to the Arctic PRCC-Network Highly Recommended Functions

6. Other

6.1 Overview of datasets, products, services offered

Function ID Dataset/ Producer Areal Coverage Time of Issuance Means of service Remarks (Full text in 6.3 Product/ provision below) Service 1C: Incorporate Expertise to ensure CANADA Canadian Arctic As needed basis TBD - Existing Expertise within TK consideration and ECCC ECCC. inclusion of TK into - Inclusion of TK is PRCC practices Partners imbedded in some TBD Canadians laws and treaties. - Could involve partners 2C: Vulnerability Expertise to support CANADA Canadian Arctic As needed basis TBD - Contribution yet to be assessments conducting ECCC determined with potential vulnerability partners. assessment Partners TBD

3C: Assimilation Expertise to support CANADA Canadian Arctic As needed basis TBD - Contribution yet to be collecting long-term ECCC determined with potential observational data partners. Partners TBD

4C: Environment, CANADA conservation ECCC

6C: Other Snow Anomaly CANADA Pan Arctic Daily Data available. Climate Tracker ECCC /ccw/snow/current Monitoring (Snow Water Also GCW products Equivalent and extent) http://globalcryospherewat 6C: Other Sea ice concentration CANADA Canadian Arctic Monthly These anomaly maps Climate anomaly maps ECCC ice/default.asp? include climatology Monitoring lang=En&n=7E34FF80-1 products 5C: Weather Surface Mass Balance DENMARK Greenland Ice Daily DMI’s operational weather scale - Greenland Ice Sheet: DMI Sheet model provides daily Daily images with weather forcing for a maps and graphs snow/firn subsurface showing current daily model. and accumulated surface mass balance. Animated.

5C: Weather Weather: DENMARK All Arctic Daily Weather output from the scale Daily updated 5-day DMI ECMWF global IFS model. trailing means of Arctic weather (near- surface air temp., near-surface air temp. anomaly, precip. anomaly, all overlain with 10-m winds). Animated.

5C: Weather Sea ice extent: DENMARK All Arctic Daily Data from EUMETSAT scale Daily maps and DMI OSI SAF. graphs of Arctic sea ice extent. Animated.

5C: Weather Sea ice volume: DENMARK All Arctic Daily Data derived from DMI’s scale Daily maps of Arctic DMI operational ocean/sea ice sea ice thickness and model, HYCOM/CICE. graphs of total sea ice volume. Animated.

5C: Weather Ice and sea surface DENMARK All Arctic Daily Data derived from AVHRR scale temperatures: DMI Daily maps of sea and ice surface temperatures. Animated.

6C: Other GRACE mass DENMARK Greenland Ice ~5 times per year GRACE data Climate changes: DTU Sheet Monitoring Animated. products 6C: Other Glacier front images: DENMARK Greenland Ice ~weekly Landsat-X images Climate Animated. GEUS Sheet – 20 Monitoring selected glaciers products 6C: Other Albedo: DENMARK Greenland Ice Daily in summer MODIS-derived Climate Daily maps of surface GEUS Sheet Monitoring albedo anomalies. products Animated.

6C: Other Northern Hemisphere FINLAND Entire Northern Daily http://globalcryospherewatch Public (available since Climate FMI/GCW FMI Hemisphere .org/state_of_cryo/snow/ December 2013) Monitoring Snow Anomaly also GCW Would be categorized as products Tracker 7A: Climate diagnostics, analysis, if snow or SWE were considered as mandatory. 5C: Weather Sea Ice chart FINLAND Baltic Sea Daily Public scale FMI 5C: Weather High resolution sea FINLAND Barents/Kara 1-3 day intervals Public Private partnership. scale ice thickness chart FMI Sea

5C: Weather SAR image mosaic FINLAND Barents/Kara Daily Public Private partnership. scale FMI Sea 5C: Weather Altimeter based sea FINLAND Arctic, Antarctic Daily Website (in development, Prototyping scale ice classification FMI operational 1Q/2017)

5C: Weather Lightning location data FINLAND Finland (all Real time data, FMI Open Data scale FMI Nordic countries daily maps are under coverage) 5C: Weather Radar FINLAND Finland 5 min and FMI Open Data Public scale FMI 5C: Weather Sounding FINLAND Finland, three two times per day FMI Open Data Public scale FMI (3) stations none FRANCE none GERMANY 5C: Weather Sounding ICELAND Iceland (2) two times pr day Scriptable web service Public scale IMO stations 5C: Weather Ocean – sea-ice NORWAY Entire Daily THREDDS Operational ROMS ocean scale analysis and forecast MET Arctic Ocean Data Server model. WIS metadata available, open data. 5C: Weather Ocean – sea-ice NORWAY Nordic Seas Twice daily THREDDS Operational ROMS ocean scale analysis and forecast MET Data Server model. WIS metadata available, open data 5C: Weather Ocean – sea-ice NORWAY Entire Arctic Daily THREDDS Operational TOPAZ4 scale analysis and forecast MET Ocean Data Server system. WIS metadata Copernicus available, open data CMEMS 5C: Weather Ocean wave forecast NORWAY Nordic Seas Twice daily THREDDS Operational WAM wave scale Hazard forecasting MET Data Server model. WIS metadata available, open data 5C: Weather Satellite sea-ice NORWAY Entire Arctic Daily THREDDS OSI-SAF satellite product. scale Products MET Data Server WIS metadata available, (sea-ice OSI SAF open data concentration, edge, type, drift)

5C: Weather SAR derived sea-ice NORWAY European Arctic Daily Website Ice concentration charts scale Concentration MET from the Norwegian Ice Service 5C: Weather Convective-scale NORWAY European Arctic 6 hourly THREDDS AROME-Arctic model. WIS scale atmospheric analysis; MET Data Server metadata available. Open forecast data.

5C: Weather Polar low tracking NORWAY European Arctic 6 hourly Website scale MET none RUSSIAN FEDERATI ON 6C: Other Climate diagnostics: SWEDEN Sweden and the TBD TBD Climate Ice concentration. SMHI Baltic Sea (Arctic Monitoring Runoff to Baltic Sea. Ocean) products Modelled runoff to the Arctic Ocean. Snow cover. 6C: Other Reference SWEDEN Sweden and the TBD TBD Climate climatology: SMHI Baltic Sea (Arctic Monitoring Ice concentration. Ocean) products Runoff to Baltic Sea. Modelled runoff to the Arctic Ocean. Snow cover none UK 6C: Other Arctic Report Card USA Pan-Arctic Yearly Climate Monitoring Products 6.2 Short dataset/product/service description

Producer D Description at as et/ Pr od uc t/ Se rvi ce CANADA Sn Methodology: Near real-time tracking of snow depth anomalies over the NH land area, and the ow resulting evolution of continental and hemispheric snow cover extent and total water storage using An output from the Canadian Meteorological Centre operational snow depth analysis (Brasnett, 1999). om Current values are referenced to averages computed over snow season 1998/99 through 2011/12. aly Snow water storage is estimated from snow depth using a snow density look-up table described in Tra Brown and Mote (2009). Snow cover extent is computed assuming grid cells are completely snow ck covered when the estimated snow water equivalent (SWE) is ≥ 4 mm. Total water storage (cubic er kilometers) is obtained by summing the snow water equivalent of grid cells. Spatial resolution: 24 km Temporal resolution: Daily Quality indicators/Validation: Offline comparison with Finnish Meteorological Institute snow water equivalent (SWE) tracker based on the GlobSnow SWE product. References: Brasnett, B., 1999. A global analysis of snow depth for numerical weather prediction. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 38(6), pp.726-740. Brown, R.D. and P. Mote, 2009: The response of Northern Hemisphere snow cover to a changing climate. J. Climate, 22, 2124–2145. CANADA Se Production Methodology: This product shows the differences in ice concentration between the a ice concentration on the current regional ice chart and the Median of Ice Concentration for the ice period of 1981-2010 from the Canadian Ice Service (CIS) climate atlas. co Spatial resolution: nc Temporal resolution: This is a product derived from the regional chart and is available up to two ent hours later. Although the regional Arctic charts are now issued weekly year-round, there needs to rati be 30 years of data to calculate the normal conditions; therefore, the departure from normal charts on are not available each week over winter. an Quality indicators/Validation: om References: aly ma ps DENMARK Su The figures are based partly on observations made by weather stations on the ice sheet and partly rfa on DMI’s research weather model for Greenland, Hirlam-Newsnow. This data is used in a model ce which can calculate the total amounts of ice and snow. This model takes snowfall, melting of snow Ma and bare ice, refreezing of melt water as well as snow which evaporates without melting first ss (sublimation) into account. Bal an ce - Gr ee nla nd Ice Sh eet DENMARK We Based on data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) IFS ath forecast model. Average over the past 5 days. er DENMARK Se Sea ice extent is based on satellite data from the Ocean and Sea Ice, Satellite Application Facility a project (OSISAF). ice ext ent DENMARK Se Sea ice thickness is calculated by the HYCOM-CICE model at DMI. The model includes a meteorological and oceanographic data in a 10 x 10 km grid. The meteorological data come from ice ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast). Ice thickness, concentration and vol volume are calculated as mean values in every grid cell. um e DENMARK Ice The DMI ice temperature product (IST) uses three thermal infrared channels from the Advanced an Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on board the Metop-A satellite to calculate the surface d temperatures in the Arctic. The instrument cannot see through clouds and a statistical method is se thus used to fill the areas without data. The ice edge (at 15% ice concentration) is shown in the plot a as a black contour line. sur fac e te mp era tur es DENMARK GR Monthly measurements of changes in gravity due to ice changes, detected by the GRACE AC satellites. The gravity data comes from the joint NASA and German Aerospace Center (DLR) E GRACE mission. Data are processed at different processing centers, which provide monthly ma models of the gravity field to the user. These monthly models are processed after Barletta et al. ss (2013) to derive ice mass changes. ch Reference: an Barletta, V.R., L.S. Sørensen and R. Forsberg, 2013: Scatter of mass changes estimates at basin ge scale for Greenland and Antarctica, The Cryosphere 7, 1411–1432, doi:10.5194/tc-7-1411-2013 s DENMARK Gl From the Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellites. The ground resolution of the original images is 30 m x 30 m, aci rescaled here to obtain a suitable image size over the areas of interest. Updates follow the er availability of new images and are more frequent for major outlet glaciers. The original Landsat fro data are available from the U.S. Geological Survey. The overlays of the positions of the glacier nt terminus are based on Citterio and Ahlstrøm (2013) and by Howat et al. (2014) processed at GEUS im by Filippo Calí Quaglia. ag References: es Citterio, M. and A.P. Ahlstrøm, 2013: The aerophotogrammetric map of Greenland ice masses, The Cryosphere 7, 445-449, doi:10.5194/tc-7-445-2013, 2013. Howat, I.M., A. Negrete and B.E. Smith, 2014: The Greenland Ice Mapping Project (GIMP) land classification and surface elevation data sets, The Cryosphere 8, 1509-1518, doi:10.5194/tc-8- 1509-2014. DENMARK Dai The map is based on NASA satellite measurements from the MODIS sensor that measures the ly reflection of sunlight from the surface. The map is updated weekly. These types of measurements ma cannot be made in the winter season due to lack of sunlight. The animation shows the latest 50 ps days of available satellite measurements. of sur fac e alb ed o an om ali es FINLAND No tex t pro vid ed FRANCE No ne GERMANY No ne ICELAND No tex t pro vid ed NORWAY Oc Methodology: Coupled Ocean – Sea-ice model system incl. data assimilation ea Spatial resolution: Covers the entire Arctic Ocean with a 20-km resolution. 3D fields of several n – variables are available. se Temporal resolution: daily analysis and forecasts (10 days). a- Quality indicators/Validation: ice Reference: Arc tic NORWAY Oc Methodology: Coupled Ocean – Sea-ice model system incl. data assimilation. ea Spatial resolution: Covers the entire Nordic Seas (incl. Svalbard, Barents Sea, etc.) with a 4-km n – resolution. 3D fields of several variables are available. se Temporal resolution: twice daily analysis and forecasts (66 hours). a- Quality indicators/Validation: ice Reference: No rdi c NORWAY Oc Methodology: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service for the Arctic – Operational ea TOPAZ4 model system, data assimilation. n – Spatial resolution: Covers the entire Arctic Ocean with a resolution ~18km. 3D fields of several se variables are available. a- Temporal resolution: daily analysis and forecasts (7 days). ice Quality indicators/Validation: Arc Reference: tic NORWAY Wa Methodology: Wave model system. ve Spatial resolution: Covers the entire Nordic Seas (incl. Svalbard, Barents Sea, etc.) with a 4-km mo resolution. 3D fields of several variables are available. del Temporal resolution: twice daily forecasts (66 hours). Quality indicators/Validation: Reference: NORWAY OS Methodology: Ocean and Sea-Ice – Satellite Application Facilities (OSI-SAF) sea-ice products I- available and overview for example at SA It includes operational daily sea-ice concentration and recomputations from 1978-2015 and daily F sea-ice drift monitoring, sea-ice emissivity, sea-ice type classification and sea-ice edge maps. Spatial resolution: Temporal resolution: daily Quality indicators/Validation: Reference: NORWAY AR Methodology: Convective scale weather forecasting system with a resolution of 2.5 km. Data O assimilation of conventional data and satellite data (ASCAT, IASI and ATOVS). ME Spatial resolution: 2.5 km - Temporal resolution: 6 hourly forecast with 66 hour lead times. Arc Quality indicators/Validation: tic Reference: NORWAY Pol Methodology: Automated polar low forecasts and warning. ar Spatial resolution: low Temporal resolution: tra Quality indicators/Validation: cki Reference: ng RUSSIAN FEDERATION No ne SWEDEN No tex t pro vid ed UK No ne USA No tex t pro vid ed

6.3 Task list for RCC Highly Recommended Functions: Other

ID Task – brief text Task – full text 1C Incorporate TK Considering Traditional Knowledge (TK) to determine user needs and enhance products and services delivery

2C Vulnerability assessments Conducting vulnerability assessments (to help identifying gaps and user needs)

3C Assimilation Collecting long-term observational data to provide data for assimilation to improve forecast models

4C Environment, conservation Supporting environmental and conservation objectives

5C Weather scale Forecast and analysis products and services that are at weather scale (less than sub-seasonal) or without NE climatological analysis W 6C Other Climate Monitoring Climate monitoring products and services for variables other than Temperature (Max, Min, Mean) and total precipitation NE products W

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