And Performing Arts College

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And Performing Arts College

Lytham St. Annes Technology an d Performing Arts College Parents, Teachers and Friends Association Meeting, 16/04/15


1. Members Present Debbie Fox, Rachel Hinchcliffe, Alison Riley, Carol Horridge, Alison Murphy, Penny Mallinson, Corinne Mason, Joanne Millar, Sandra Madden, Sarah Owen, Mandy Palmer, Robert Owen, Lesley Dobson, Sally Windsor, Alison Dunn, Michelle Riley, Joanna Allit, Boris Richardson, Andrew Moxham, Fiona O’Hara. Apologies Alison Wiseman, Liz Nunez, Stuart ward, Christine Challenger, Phillip Wood, Donna Mason, Christine Zouse, Lisa Rogan, Shannon Kuspira, Peter Jackson, Jo Kember, Sarah Warburton, Andrea Menzies, Claire Sutcliffe

2. Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record.

3. 300 Club

The winners for this month’s 300 club draw are: 106 – Jean Stephenson 21 – Alison Dunn 72 – Rachel Snowden and Bonus for Easter – Pamela Stevens (£50) A redraw for December was won by 80 -Michelle Riley

4. Finances

The Treasurer reported that there was currently just over £3,000 in the account. There was also some £300 in cash still to be banked.

5. Fundraising

Michelle and Debbie reported that the Stringer’s evening had been a great success and that everyone had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the feedback from Stringer’s staff had been extremely positive. The evening raised approximately £1400 which was a great return for very little effort on behalf of the PTFA. It was generally accepted that this would be a good evening to repeat later in the year. Debbie had already sent a letter of thanks to the Stringers staff thanking them for their efforts and expressing the possibility of repeating the evening next year. After some discussion it was felt that it would be a good idea to enquire about the possibility of another such evening around Christmas time on the run up to party season and with Christmas Shopping in mind. November was generally considered to be a good time. If enough tickets could be sold Stringers would then open the lower ground floor, which in turn would generate more customer interest.

ACTION: Debbie/Michelle to contact Andrea at Stringers to enquire as to availability. Shop to drop – Corinne reported that the event had now been securely booked and a deposit paid. Debbie confirmed that that the hall was booked for this date (9th July). The company had sent posters and tickets to Corinne and advised her that the event can be cancelled up to 2 weeks before in case the required numbers are not guaranteed (80 – all of which must be at least 18 or over and up to maximum age of 50 (!), which sadly precludes a significant proportion of the committee!!). It was agreed that a sub-committee should be formed to organise the event in more detail and volunteers were sought. Michelle Riley, Alison Dunn and Corinne kindly volunteered.

ACTION: Corinne, Michelle and Alison to meet and report back to group.

Summer Ball – The sub-committee reported that they had not had chance to meet this month, but that at this stage all was progressing well. Thus far 10 tables have been sold and a couple of other potential tables are being chased up. Everyone was urged to let Sarah know of any potential ticket sales so that they could be followed up. Robert reported that lots of super prizes had now been lined up such as tickets to Lytham Proms as well as the Maserati ride that was mentioned last time. Flyers were distributed for everyone to take and pass around.

Rag Bag – Debbie reported that the bin was again now full and that Yvonne was waiting for the latest collection. This means that the collection will have raised in the region of £60 since it started only a couple of months ago. Debbie also said that she would be sending out a reminder to parents in the new newsletter.

6. Updates

Catering Van – Debbie reported that she had been in regular contact with Linda the catering Manager and that she had ordered some aprons to be embossed with the PTFA logo for all her catering staff to wear. Linda had anticipated opening in another couple of weeks, however, she had been asked to open more promptly and had in fact opened on14.04. Already a few students had commented to parents that the queues had been positively impacted and that the van was a great addition to the catering facilities. Linda had expressed her excitement about the new van and wished to extend her gratitude to the PTFA for their generosity.

ACTION: Debbie to liaise with Linda for the official opening and to arrange for PTFA members and other interested parties to attend official opening.

E-mail newsletter – Sandra reported that a suggested template for the newsletter had been approved and that if we get something put together she will forward this to Ian Richardson who will get the newsletter ready to send out. Debbie agreed to take this role on in her role as secretary. Debbie asked the group to let her know if there was anything that they would like to be mentioned in the letter or suggestions for ideas of what to include, to let her know.

ACTION: Debbie to write up newsletter and forward to Sandra to pass on.

*Proposed Library development plans – Mr Wood was absent so no further news on this

*PE department fund raising – Mr Wood absent so no further update on this

*Shopping link on school website – Mr Wood

*(To carry forward to Agenda for next meeting.)

Lighting for Drama – some discussion ensued as to what was exactly the nature of the lighting equipment required. Sarah had been unable to make much progress on this. It was decided that clarification was needed as to the exact nature of what would be useful/necessary/desirable and then to see if some quotes from professionals could be sought. Several people have contacts with Lighting groups, including Carol Horridge, whose son Gareth is an ex student and works for a large lighting company.

ACTION: Sara and Joanna to consult re details of what required and to get a comprehensive list. Carol to speak to Gareth re possibility of quotes.

7. Refreshments

The next request for help with refreshments is for year 7 Parents evening on 7th May.

ACTION: Sally to put Summer Ball flyers into PTFA cupboard to hand out on parent's evening and arrange for volunteers for refreshments on 7th May.

8. Head Teacher’s Forum

As Mr Wood was absent there was no Head teacher’s forum.

9. AOB

Debbie mentioned that a good suggestion had been put forward by Lesley at the end of last month’s meeting with regards to using the Rag Bag funds to fund a table tennis table as had previously been agreed. The money raised from Rag Bag could be annotated separately and when sufficient funds were raised a table could be purchased; this would not interfere with other fund raising being done for the library etc. This was considered to be a good idea.

Debbie also reported that the monthly raffle was working really well and was raising on average £30 a month. Alison and Sally kindly agreed to provide the raffle prizes for next month

The meeting closed at 20.45

Date of next meeting 7th May

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