Garland Soccer Association

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Garland Soccer Association



Adopted: 2/17/81 Amended: 12/01/10




These Laws are presented as a general guide to coaches. A coach should refer to the FIFA Laws of the Game for the exact interpretation of the Laws. Laws 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15 and Tie-Breaker Procedures are modified for youth play in the GSAI. Exceptions are noted for Under Six, Eight and Ten small sided games.

INDEX PAGE LAW 1: THE FIELD OF PLAY ...... 1 LAW 2: THE BALL ...... 2 LAW 3: NUMBER OF PLAYERS ...... 2 LAW 4: PLAYERS' EQUIPMENT ...... 3 LAW 5: REFEREES ...... 4 LAW 6: ASSISTANT REFEREES...... 5 LAW 7: DURATION OF THE GAME & Mandatory Playing Time ...... 5 LAW 8: THE START OF PLAY ...... 6 LAW 9: BALL IN AND OUT PLAY ...... 7 LAW 10: METHOD OF SCORING ...... 7 LAW 11: OFF-SIDE ...... 7 LAW 12: FOULS AND MISCONDUCT ...... 8 LAW 13: FREE-KICK ...... 11 LAW 14: PENALTY KICK ...... 12 LAW 15: THROW-IN ...... 12 LAW 16: GOAL-KICK ...... 13 LAW 17: CORNER-KICK ...... 13 OVERTIME PROCEDURE ...... 14 TIME WASTING TACTICS ...... 15

Revised 5 February 2008



Recognizing that games will generally be played on fields furnished by the Garland Parks and Recreation Department the following are recommendations:


UNDER 6 25 yds. 35 yds. 4' H. X 6’ W. UNDER 8 40 yds. 60 yds. 6' H. X 12’ W. UNDER 10 50 yds. 80 yds.* 7' H. X 7 yds. W. Or 60 yds. 90 yds * 8’H. X 8 yds. W. UNDER 12 65 yds. 100 yds. 8' H. X 8 yds. W. UNDER 14 65 yds. 100 yds. 8' H. X 8 yds. W. UNDER 16 75 yds. 120 yds. 8' H. X 8 yds. W. UNDER 19 75 yds. 120 yds. 8' H. X 8 yds. W.

* FIFA markings to be reduced by 25% and the penalty spot shall be 10 yards from the goal line. All other fields to have standard FIFA markings with the penalty spot 12 yards from the goal line.

NOTE: Coaches, Players and Spectators Boxes on each side of the playing field in which all persons shall confine themselves during play.

These boxes shall be: - One (1) yard back from the touch line. - Extends to the top of the penalty area.

No coaches, substitutes or spectators will be permitted from top of penalty area to the corner flag. No one is permitted along the goal line or behind the goal.

No individual will be allowed to run the length of the field except participants of the game.

Failure to remain in the designated area can result in sanctions by the referee or GSAI.

Coaching from the sidelines will not be permitted. Limited positive instruction will be allowed in Under 6 & 8.


The ball should be spherical and the outer casing shall be of leather or approved all-weather material. The ball shall not be changed during the game unless authorized by the referee.

AGE GROUP SIZE CIRCUMF. WEIGHT UNDER 6 & 8 #3 19-20 in. 6-8 oz. UNDER 10 & 12 #4 23-24 in. 10-12 oz. UNDER 14 & Older #5 27-28 in. 14-16 oz.

Each team is required to have a ball which meets the League standards. This is to be used as the game ball, which will be presented to the referee at the beginning of each game. The referee's decision is final regarding the ball that is to be used.


A. A match shall be played by two teams, each consisting of not more than eleven players and not less than seven to start and six to finish, one of whom shall be the goalkeeper.

Exception: Under 6 League - not more than four players and no goalie. Under 8 League – not more than six players. Under 10 League - not more than eight players and not less than seven to start and six to finish.

B. Substitutions:

Coach must have referee's consent before substituting. Players must exit field before substitutes may enter. Players should come on and off the field at the mid-field.

1. Throw-ins: Substitution will be allowed, with the referee's consent, by the team in possession. The team not in possession of the ball may request a substitution provided the team in possession is substituting. 2. Goal Kicks: Either team may substitute, with referee's consent. 3. After a goal: Either team may substitute, with referee's consent. 4. Half-time: Either team may substitute. 5. During a stoppage for an injury: By either team, with referee's consent. 6. When a caution (Yellow Card) is given: the player cautioned may be substituted.

Exceptions: Under 6 & 8 leagues: Shall additionally allow quarter substitution. A two-minute break between quarters 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 is allowed.

If a substitute enters the field of play without the referee’s permission: Play is stopped, the substitute is cautioned, shown the yellow card, and required to leave the field of play. Play is restarted with a dropped ball at the place it was located when play was stopped.

2 GENERAL GUIDE TO LAWS OF THE GAME 1 December, 2010 C. Any of the other players may change places with, and any substitute may replace, the goalkeeper, provided that the Referee is informed of the change or the replacement, before it is made. The Referee does not have to be notified if the substitution occurs between halves or quarters. Changing the goalkeeper with another player on the field for the taking of a penalty kick may be done with the referee's permission.

If the goalkeeper is substituted and the Referee is not notified of the substitution before it takes place, the Referee shall: Stop the game, caution the new goalkeeper and remove him from the field then restart the game with a drop ball at the point of the infraction in the penalty area or; If a player changes places with the goalkeeper without the referee’s permission before the change is made: Play continues, the players concerned are cautioned and shown the yellow card when the ball is next out of play, the game is restarted as appropriate (throw-in, goal kick, or corner kick).


A. Players shall not use equipment or wear anything which is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of jewelry).

B. The equipment of a player shall consist of: 1. Jersey or shirt; 2. Shorts – if thermal undershorts are worn, they must be of the same main color as the shorts; 3. Stockings; 4. Footwear - League approved shoes are authorized for all divisions; 5. Shin guards - must be covered entirely by the stockings, made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic or similar substances), provide a reasonable degree of protection.

NOTE: The following types of shoes are not allowed for use in league play; baseball shoes, football shoes, track shoes with metal spikes or street shoes with leather or hard rubber soles.

A player who is instructed to leave the field to adjust his equipment or obtain missing equipment shall not return without first reporting to the referee, who shall satisfy himself that the player's equipment is in order. The player shall only re-enter the game at a moment when the ball has ceased to be in play.

C. The goalkeeper's jersey shall be distinct in color from both teams and from the referee.

D. If two playing teams have comparable color combinations, the home team shall play in numbered white T-shirts, a different colored jersey or use practice bibs over their jersey. If the referee refuses to call the game because of a color conflict and the visiting team has not provided alternate jerseys within fifteen (15) minutes of scheduled starting time, they will forfeit the game.

E. Jerseys/shirts must have sleeves.

3 GENERAL GUIDE TO LAWS OF THE GAME 1 December, 2010 F. Cut-offs will not be permitted, nor will hard-billed head wear be worn.

G. All jerseys must have a number on the back not less than four inches high, and each player must have a different number. All jerseys for a team must be of a consistent style, color and markings.

H. Knee pads will be allowed, provided in the opinion of the referee they are not dangerous to another player, e.g. hard plastic, hardened rubber, etc.

I. Warm-ups can be worn in cold weather, provided the jersey is worn over the warm-ups (assuming the warm-ups are not numbered).

J. No casts or splints may be worn by any player in any game (metal, wood, plaster, fiberglass, etc.) unless padded in a manner to satisfy the referee that it will not be dangerous to them or other players.

K. If thermal shorts are worn, they must be of the same main color as the uniform shorts. ( USSF Advice to referees: this issue was substantially raised in Circular 459 1991 which dealt with visible undergarments. If player shorts are multicolored, the undergarment must match the dominant color.


He / she shall:

A. Enforce the laws and decide any disputed point.

B. Keep a record of the game; act as official timekeeper and allow the full or agreed time, adding thereto all time lost through accident or other cause.

C. Have discretionary power to stop the game for any infringement of the Laws and to suspend or terminate the game whenever, by reason of the elements, interference by spectator, or other causes, he deems such stoppage necessary. In the event of spectator interference, the referee may warn or caution the coach or abandon the game depending on the severity.

D. Have discretionary power, from the time he enters the field of play, to caution any player or coach guilty of misconduct or ungentlemanly behavior and, if he persists, to suspend him further participation in the game.

E. Allow no other person other than players and the linesmen to enter the field of play without permission.

F. Stop the game, if, in his opinion, a player has been seriously injured. If a player is slightly injured, the game shall not be stopped until the ball has ceased to be in play.

G. Ensures that any player bleeding from a wound must leave the field of play and may not be permitted back on the field of play until the bleeding has stopped. In any event, such a player may only return to the field on receiving a signal from the referee.

4 GENERAL GUIDE TO LAWS OF THE GAME 1 December, 2010 H. Have discretionary power to suspend from further participation in the game, without previous caution, a player guilty of violent conduct.

I. The power and authority of the referee commences at the time he arrives at the playing location and ends at the time he leaves the playing location. Thus a player, coach or assistant could be ejected before a game is actually started or after the referee blows his whistle for the end of the game.

NOTE: If a player, coach or assistant should be ejected for any reason by the referee:

1. A player shall immediately leave the field but may remain in the bleachers after removing their team color, i.e. Jersey. Dissent by an ejected player may result in the game being abandoned.

2. A coach or assistant coach shall immediately leave the soccer complex. Failure to do so or dissent can result in the game being abandoned.

Exception: Under 6 & 8 Leagues: In the event a registered Referee is not available, the game may be called by the coach or a parent who has taken the Volunteer Referee Class. All rule infractions shall be briefly explained to the offending player.

Cautions or ejections shall only be issued by an independent neutral registered Referee.


Two assistant referees shall be provided by the Referee Association for Under 12 and older games. Assistant referees or junior assistant referees will be provided for Under 10 games if available.

A. Specifically trained and certified "Junior Assistant Referees " may be used if assistant referees are not available. Their infraction calling authority is limited to ball in and out of play, direction of throw-in, goal kick, corner kick and off-side.

B. The referee may request each team to provide one team assistant referee. These assistant referees shall meet with the referee in the center circle about five minutes before the scheduled start of the game to receive instructions. Their infraction calling authority is limited to ball in and out of play, direction of throw-in, goal kick and corner kick.

C. All calls made by an assistant referee, junior assistant referee, or team assistant referee are subject to the final decision of the Referee. In the event of undue interference or improper conduct by an assistant referee, the Referee shall dispense with his services and may arrange for a substitute or proceed without.




Under 6 10 min. qtrs. none Under 8 12 min. qtrs. none Under 10 25 min. 10 min. Under 12 30 min. 10 min. Under 14 35 min. 10 min. Under 16 40 min. 15 min. Under 19 45 min. 15 min.

* For games in which a winner must be determined.

A team must be ready to play within 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time or 5 minutes after the referee has signaled the end of the half-time period, or forfeit the game. A team may not refuse to began a game if they have eleven (11) players present, unless they have no time for warm-up. In this case, five minutes shall be allowed provided it does not exceed the specified 15 minute delay.

All games shall have a half-time period not less than 5 minutes, and not more than 10 minutes. Under 6 and 8 leagues shall also have two minute quarter breaks. Evening games which are in jeopardy of not being completed before darkness may be shortened by 5 to 10 minutes each half if both coaches agree the game must be played.

Allowance shall be made in either period for all time lost through accident or other cause, at the discretion of the referee.

Time shall be extended to permit a penalty kick being taken at or after the expiration of the normal period in either half.

Mandatory Playing Time - In order that players have an opportunity to develop their abilities and skills, learn teamwork and sportsmanship, GSAI requires each "Association Team" member be played in every game, except for illness, injury, disciplinary reasons, accordingly the minimum playing time as set forth in the GSAI League Rules.


A. At the beginning of the game, the Referee shall call the captains of each team to the center of the field, toss a coin and give the call to the visiting team captain. The team that wins the toss decides which goal it will attack in the first half of the match. The other team takes the kick off to start the match. The game shall start when the referee gives a signal. The ball shall be stationary on the center mark and all players shall be on their own half of the field. Every player of the opposing team shall be at least 10 yards from the ball until it is kicked off; it shall be deemed in play only after it has been touched and moves forward. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been played or touched by another player.

B. After a goal has been scored, the game shall be restarted in like manner by a player of the team losing the goal.

C. At the start of the second half, the teams shall change ends and attack the opposite goals. The kick-off shall be taken by the team that won the pre-game coin toss.

NOTE: For any infringement of this law, the kick-off shall be retaken, except in the case of the kicker playing the ball again before it has been touched or played by another player; for this offense, an indirect free kick shall be given to the other team. A goal may be scored directly from a kick-off.

D. A dropped ball shall be used to restart the game after a temporary stoppage of play for any reason not mentioned elsewhere in these Laws. The Referee shall drop the ball at the place where it was located when play was stopped. A player shall not play the ball until it has touched the ground. If this portion of the law is not complied with, the player shall be warned and the Referee shall again drop the ball. A second infringement by the same player will result in a caution being issued.

Exception: Under 6 & 8 Leagues: The second and fourth quarters shall be restarted with a drop ball if the ball was in play when time expired or with the appropriate restart if the ball was out of play.


A. The ball is out of play when: 1. it has wholly crossed the goal-line or touch-line, whether on the ground or in the air; 2. play has been stopped by the Referee.

NOTE: Touch-lines and goal-lines belong to the field of play.

B. The ball is in play at all other times from the start of the match to the finish including; 1. If it rebounds from a goal post, cross or corner flag into the field of play; 2. If it rebounds off either the Referee of Linesmen when they are in the field of play; 3. In the event of a supposed infringement of the Laws, until a decision is given.

NOTE: Players must continue to play in the event of a supposed infringement of the Laws until the Referee's whistle is blown.


Except as otherwise provided by these Laws, a goal is scored when the whole of the ball has passed over the whole of the goal-line, between the goal posts and under the cross bar, provided it has not been thrown, carried or propelled by hand or arm, by a player of the attacking side, except in the case of a goalkeeper who is within his own penalty area.


A. A player is in an off-side position if the he is nearer to his opponent's goal-line than both the ball and the second to last opponent, unless:

1. he is in his own half of the field of play, or 2. he is level with the second to last opponent, or 3. he is level with the last two opponents.

B. A player shall only be declared off-side and penalized for being in an off-side position, if, at the moment the ball touches, or is played by, one of his team, he is, in the opinion of the Referee:

1. interfering with play or with an opponent, or 2. seeking to gain an advantage by being in that position.

C. A player shall not be declared off-side by the Referee:

1. merely because of being in an off-side position, or 2. if he receives the ball, direct from a goal-kick, a corner-kick, or a throw-in.

D. If a player is declared off-side, the referee shall award an indirect free-kick, which shall be taken by a player of the opposing team where the infringement occurred, unless the offense is committed by a player in his opponent's goal area, in which case, the free-kick shall be taken from a point any where within the goal area.

NOTE: Offside shall not be judged at the moment the player in question received the ball, but at the moment the ball is passed to him by one of his side.

Exception: Under 6 & 8 Leagues: There will be no offside.



A. A player who commits any of the following offenses in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force shall be penalized by the award of a direct free kick:

1. Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent; 2. Trips or attempts to trip an opponent (this includes stoping in front of or behind him); 3. Jumps at an opponent; 4. Charges an opponent; 5. Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent; 6. Pushes an opponent; 7. Tackles an opponent to gain possession of the ball, making contact with the opponent before touching the ball; 8. Holds an opponent; 9. Spits at an opponent; 10. Handles the ball deliberately, i.e., carries, strikes or propels the ball with his hand or arm. (this does not include the goalkeeper within his own penalty area.)

B. Should a player commit any of the above ten offenses within his own penalty-area, irrespective of the position of the ball provided it is in play, the opposing team shall be awarded a penalty- kick.

If, in the opinion of the referee, a player who is moving toward his opponents' goal with an obvious opportunity to score a goal is intentionally impeded by an opponent, through unlawful means, i.e. an offense punishable by a free kick (or a penalty kick), thus denying the attacking player's team the aforesaid goal-scoring opportunity, the offending player shall be sent off the field of play in accordance with Law XII.

If, in the opinion of the referee, a player, other than the goalkeeper within his own penalty area, denies his opponents a goal, or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity, by intentionally handling the ball, he shall be sent off the field of play in accordance with Law XII.

Please take note that the intention is not to penalize every hand ball offense within the penalty- area by sending off the offender. The essential factor is that the handling of the ball is deliberately intended to deny the opponent of an obvious chance of scoring a goal, for example a defender who purposely stops the ball with his hand(s) just as the ball is about to enter the goal.

Likewise, a goalkeeper who prevents an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by stopping the ball with his hand(s) outside the penalty-area shall also be sent off.


Exception: Under 6 & 8 Leagues: Direct free-kicks or penalty-kicks shall not be awarded. All free-kicks shall be indirect free-kicks. For U6, opponents must be at least 3 yards from the ball. For U8, opponents must be at least 5 yards from the ball. All kicks shall be taken outside of the defending teams goal box.

C. A player committing any of the following offenses shall be penalized by awarding the opposing team an indirect free-kick:

1. Playing in a manner considered by the Referee to be dangerous.

2. Impedes the progress of an opponent.

3. Prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his hands.

4. Commits any other offense, not previously mentioned in Law 12, for which play is stopped to caution or dismiss a player.

5. When playing as goalkeeper and within his own penalty area:

a) While controlling the ball with his hands, he takes more than six seconds before releasing the ball into play and - having released it - he touches the ball again with his hands before it has been touched or played by another player, b) Touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate. c) Touches the ball with his hands after receiving it directly from a throw in by his own team.

D. A player shall be cautioned if:

1. He enters or re-enters or leaves the field of play during the progress of the game (except through accident) without first having received a signal from the referee showing him that he may do so; 2. He persistently infringes the Laws of the Game; 3. He shows by word or action, dissent from any decision given by the Referee; 4. He is guilty of unsporting behavior. 5. He delays the restart of play.

In addition to the caution, an indirect free-kick shall be awarded to the opposing side from the place where the offense occurred.


E. A player shall be sent off the field of play if: 1. In the opinion of the Referee, he is guilty of violent conduct or serious foul play; 2. He uses offensive, insulting or abusive language or gestures; 3. Spits at an opponent or any other person. 4. Denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity 5. Receives a second caution in the same match.

If a player is sent off for a second cautionable offense in a match, the referee is required to first show the yellow card for the second cautionable offense and then show the red card to indicate that the player is being sent off for persisting in misconduct after having received a caution.

If play is stopped in order to send off a player from the field of play for an offense without a separate breach of the Law having been committed, the game shall be resumed by an indirect free- kick awarded to the opposite side from the place where the infringement occurred.


1. If the goalkeeper either intentionally strikes an opponent by throwing the ball vigorously at him with, or pushes him with the ball while holding it, the Referee shall award a penalty-kick, if the offense took place within the penalty area.

2. Any player, coach, assistant coach or spectator, whether he is within or outside the field of play, whose conduct is ungentlemanly or violent, whether or not it is directed towards an opponent, a colleague, the Referee, a Linesmen or other person, or who uses foul or abusive language, is guilty of the offense committed.

3. The offense of spitting at opponents, officials or other persons, or similar unseemly behavior, shall be considered as violent conduct.

4. If a player is given a caution, or ejection from the game or playing field, the Referee shall notify the player's coach of the offense committed at half-time or the end of the game. All cards shall be noted on the game report.

5. Coaches and assistant coaches are subject to the same game disciplinary procedures by the Referee as are the players, i.e., cautions and/or ejections. (It is not necessary for the Referee to display the yellow or red card to coaches, assistant coaches or spectators.)

6. Each coach is responsible for the conduct of his players, assistant coaches and spectators.

F. No cautions or ejections shall be issued except by an independent neutral Referee.



A. Free-kicks shall be classified under two headings: "Direct" (from which a goal can be scored directly against the offending side), and "Indirect" (from which a goal cannot be scored unless the ball has been played or touched by a player other than the kicker before passing through the goal).

B. Any free-kick awarded to the defending team, within its own goal-area, may be taken from any point within the goal-area. When a player is taking a direct or an indirect free-kick inside his own penalty area, all of the opposing players shall be at least 10 yards from the ball and shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball has been kicked out of the area. The ball shall be in play immediately when it is kicked and moves. The goalkeeper shall not receive the ball into his hands in order that he may therefore kick it into play. If the ball is not kicked direct into play, beyond the penalty area, the kick shall be retaken.

C. When a player is taking a direct or indirect free-kick outside his own penalty area, all of the opposing players shall be at least 10 yards from the ball, until it is in play unless they are standing on their own goal line, between the goal posts. The ball shall be in play when it is kicked and moves. Any indirect free-kick awarded to the attacking team within its opponent's goal-area shall be taken from the part of the goal-area line which runs parallel to the goal-line, at the point nearest to where the offense was committed.

D. If a player of the opposing side encroaches into the penalty area, or within 10 yards of the ball, as the case may be, before a free-kick is taken, the referee shall delay the taking of the kick, until the Law is complied with.

E. The ball must be stationary when a free-kick is taken, and the kicker shall not play the ball a second time, until it has been touched or played by another player.


1. If the kicker, after taking the free-kick, plays the ball a second time before it has touched or played by another player, an indirect free-kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team.

2. For an indirect free-kick the referee shall raise his arm; no signal is required in the case of a direct free-kick.

Exception: Under 6 & 8 League: All free-kicks shall be classified as "Indirect". For U6, opponents must be at least 3 yards from the ball. For U8, opponents must be at least 5 yards from the ball. No free-kicks shall be awarded within the defending side goal box.



A penalty kick shall be taken from the penalty mark. When it is taken, all players with the exception of the player taking the kick and opposing goalkeeper, shall be within the field of play and outside the penalty area, behind the penalty mark, and at least 10 yards from the penalty mark. The opposing goalkeeper must remain on his own goal line, between the goal posts until the ball is kicked. The player taking the kick must kick the ball forward; he shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player. The ball shall be deemed in play when it is kicked and moves forward and a goal may be scored direct from such a penalty-kick. If the ball touches the goalkeeper before passing between the posts, when a penalty kick is being taken after the expiration of a half-time or full-time, it does not nullify the goal. If necessary, time of play shall be extended at half-time or full-time to allow a penalty to be taken.


1. For any infringement of this Law by:

a. The defending team, the kick shall be retaken, if a goal has not resulted.

b. The attacking team, other than by the player taking the kick, if a goal is scored, it shall be disallowed and the kick retaken.

c. The player taking the penalty-kick, committed after the ball is in play, a player of the opposing team shall take an indirect free-kick from the spot where the infringement occurred.

2. The proper position of the goalkeeper is with both feet on the goal-line between the goal posts.

Exception: Under 6 & 8 League: No penalty-kicks shall be awarded. All free-kicks shall be classified as "Indirect". For U6, opponents must be at least 3 yards from the ball. For U8, opponents must be at least 5 yards from the ball. No free-kicks shall be awarded within the defending side goal box.



When the whole of the ball passes over the touch-line, either on the ground or in the air, it shall be thrown in from the point where it crossed the line, in any direction, by a player of the team opposite to that of the player who last touched it. The thrower, at the moment of delivering the ball, must face the field of play and part of each foot shall be either on the touch-line or on the ground outside the touch- line. The thrower shall use both hands and shall deliver the ball from behind and over his head. The ball shall be in play immediately when it enters the field of play, but the thrower shall not again play the ball until it enters the field of play, but the thrower shall not play the ball until it has been touched or played by another player. A goal shall not be scored direct from a throw-in.


1. If the ball is improperly thrown in, the throw-in shall be taken by a player of the opposing side.

2. If the thrower plays the ball a second time (other than handles the ball) before it has been touched or played by another player, an indirect free-kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team. If, however, the thrower handles the ball, a direct free-kick is awarded.

3. If, when a throw-in is being taken, any of the opposing players unfairly distracts or impedes the thrower, it shall be deemed unsporting behavior, for which the offender(s) shall be cautioned.

4. The ball is to be thrown; it may not just be dropped, even from both hands.

Exception: Under 6 & 8 League: A second throw-in must be allowed if the player commits a foul on the initial attempt. The Referee shall explain the proper method before allowing the player to re-throw.



When the whole of the ball passes over the goal-line, excluding that portion between the goal posts, either is the air or on the ground, having last been played by one of the attacking team, it shall be kicked direct into play beyond the penalty area from any point within the goal-area by a player of the defending team. A goalkeeper shall not receive the ball into his hands from a goal-kick in order that he may thereafter kick it into play. If the ball is not kicked beyond the penalty area, i.e., direct into play, the kick shall be retaken. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or been played by another player. A goal can be scored direct from such a kick. Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the goal-kick shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball has cleared the penalty box.


If the player taking a goal-kick plays the ball a second time after it has passed beyond the penalty area, but before it has touched or been played by another player, an indirect free-kick shall be awarded the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred.


When the whole of the ball passes over the goal-line (excluding that portion between the goal posts) either in the air or on the ground having last been played by one of the defending team, a player of the attacking team shall kick the ball from inside the corner arc at the nearest corner flag post, which must not be moved, i.e., a corner-kick. A goal may be scored direct from such a kick. Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the corner-kick shall not approach within 10 yards of the ball until it is in play, i.e., when it is kicked and moves, nor shall the kicker play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.


For an infringement of the Law, an indirect free-kick shall be awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred.



If a GSAI tournament or Division Play-off game does not permit ties, winners shall be determined according to the following procedure: (GSAI Cup Tournament preliminary games will go directly into a shoot-out, no overtime portion. Championship game only will have overtime periods.)

A. Overtime portion: When a game is tied at the end of regulation play;

- After a five (5) minute rest, a coin toss determines end-of-field and kick-off choices.

- Two (2) complete overtime periods are played (See Law 7 for duration).

- The second half overtime periods begins immediately as soon as the teams have changed ends of the field.

- The team with the greater score at the end of the second overtime half is to be the winner.

B. Tie-Breaker: Consists of penalty kicks taken in sets of five (5) per team until a winner is determined.

- Another coin toss, after which the winning team takes the first kick.

- Each coach provides the referee with 5 player numbers; those being the five who will take the first set of kicks and in which sequence.

- The referee chooses one goal at which all kicks will be taken. The coaches shall have no voice in this choice.

- The kicker has one kick with which to score (cannot rekick in case of rebound).

- The team scoring the most goals shall be the winner. If after the first set of five (5) players the score is still tied, "Sudden Death" kicks shall be taken with sets of five (5) players. The first team to score more goals after both teams have kicked is the winner.

- All eligible team members must take their turn before any one player repeats, including the goalkeeper.

- A goalkeeper may stay near the goal while his team is kicking so long as he makes no effort to interfere with the other goalkeeper.


Specific instructions to the referees:

The FIFA Board insisted that referees be much more stricter when dealing with time wasting tactics, particularly in the following five situations:

1. The referee must react strictly if the ball is kicked away or carried away with the hands after a free-kick has been given against a player.

2. The referee must caution and show the yellow card to any player(s) encroaching from the defensive wall.

3. A player who stands in front of the ball when a free-kick has been given against his team, in order to waste time to allow his team to organize the defensive wall, must be cautioned and show the yellow card.

4. Control of the ball by the goalkeeper must be strictly implemented by the referee per Law 12, decision 17 (goalkeeper controlling the ball with his hands or arms).

5. If the goalkeeper holds the ball for longer than 5-6 seconds, the referee must adjudge it as time wasting and award an indirect free kick.

6. Under no circumstance may the referee take part in any experiment either with the laws or with anything else, such as wearing microphones during a match, without proper authorization.


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