Jack Saunders, San Joaquin Delta College, (Co-Chair)

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Jack Saunders, San Joaquin Delta College, (Co-Chair)

Region 5 NCIAC September 26, 2008 Minutes Location: UC Merced-Fresno

Members Present: Jack Saunders, San Joaquin Delta College, (Co-Chair) Greg Keen, College of the Sequoias Vicki Herder, Taft College Lore Dobusch, Reedley College Rose Stock, Fresno City College Regina Coletto, Merced College Sandy McGlothlin, West Hills College Coalinga Miles Vega, Porterville College Cynthia Eisenhut, U.C. Merced Ann Perkins, University of the Pacific Alexis Graham, University of the Pacific Dahne Watson, Fresno Pacific University Marta Hendrickson, West Hills College Lemoore Erica Lassen, CSU Fresno Diane Wiggins, CSU Bakersfield

Meeting called to order by Jack Saunders at 9:30 AM

1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Approval of spring 2008 Minutes: a change was proposed by Cynthia from U.C. Merced. U.C. Merced will use community college outlines that articulate to UCLA as comparable for Life Science 1 & 2 for Region V schools. If you do not have articulation with UCLA then you are welcome to send your outlines to Cynthia. Approved with the change.

3. Confirmation of Co-Chair. Ruth Cranley has agreed to step in for Ann Andersen who has retired. She needs to be officially nominated. Cynthia nominated and it was seconded. We all agreed and Ruth Cranley is now the new Co-Chair.

4. Degree Compliance with Title 5 revisions. San Joaquin Delta has had 2 degrees approved and 4 have been sent back to them for revisions. Jack asked if any of the other CCC’s had any input. SJDC’s elementary education was noted as being too broad. Some have experienced a long turn around time to get approval. West Hills Coalinga and Lemoore have had their degrees stuck at the Board level and have not been able to submit them yet. Some schools reported there has been some confusion among their faculty that their degrees are being replaced. There have some instances where “transfer major” terminology has not been accepted. Reedley College has gotten several degrees approved. Reedley College has also resurrected a Liberal Studies degree from the 70’s and have approval to put it back into the catalog. They are using the LDTP pattern, Fresno State, and Fresno Pacific requirements to craft the degree. They have been asked to submit additional information for the engineering degree. Reedley College now has 2 pathways for Ag, vocational and transfer, which will save students units. COS is cleaning up a data issue regarding the use of invalid degree codes for students who started their CCC application online. Rose commented that Fresno City College has several “pending state approval” notations in their new catalog. There was also an error in printing and it will be a while yet before we receive their catalog for 08-10.

5. AP Policies. There are some discrepancies with where environmental sciences are being applied. The new IGETC policies require identification of units; not just area clearance. It is getting easier for students to follow CSU GE than IGETC. Greg asked Erica and she confirmed that CSU Fresno is still not allowing the AP government test to clear GE. COS is currently developing a 1.5 unit online CA government course to supplement (clear US-3) the AP Govt test for those schools that do accept it for US-2.

6. Title 5 Section 55063 Minimum Requirements for the Associate Degree. Some campuses are creating courses for “ENGL 1A” content but in a different discipline or subject area. The question was asked if anyone in our region was developing any alternate content courses for Math and English. COS is looking to link Math and Ag. They are looking for a terminal course but it won’t prepare students for transfer because it will only have Elementary Algebra as a pre-requisite. Title 5 states that outcome SLO’s must be the same and prepare student to take a transferable level course. COS has not been able to get Business Writing approved in local articulation. Sandy described how West Hills Coalinga may be splitting their Elementary Algebra into two (2.5 unit) courses as an option for students who can’t get through the single 4 unit course. There was also a discussion about who would need to approve these types of course changes.

7. LDTP. San Joaquin Delta is going to participate now and will be submitting outlines in this submission cycle. Taft has also been quickly submitting outlines. There was a discussion in regards to Dave DeGroot’s email regarding the elimination of local course to course articulation. Someone noted that San Jose State is adding articulation based on what is approved for LDTP but they are not removing any articulation based on LDTP denials. Erica from CSU Fresno assured everyone that they are not even considering eliminating local course to course articulation in favor of LDTP. Some wondered if eventually we would all be forced to abandon local course to course articulation. There was a small discussion about the confusion as to the benefits of LDTP and the addition of the Intermediate Algebra pre-requisite to Economics. As a small summary everyone agreed that we are all hoping for a little more clarity.

8. CVHEC. Vicki Herder from Taft briefly reflected on a meeting she had with the board. She asked them exactly what the guarantee is because all students with a 2.4 GPA, 60 units, and the Golden 4 are admitted to the local CSU’s. On behalf of the Region V group she asked them to please bury it. Then on her own she presented her own idea for a “Clearinghouse” for applications for valley students. CVHEC would identify students who want to stay in the area and connect students with employers that will sponsor their education. The employer could require the student to maintain a certain GPA with an offer of post graduation employment for a probationary period of time. This idea was well received in the meeting. Jack attended the planning meeting on Monday the 22nd and the admission guarantee no longer exists and they are moving on. There was a meeting upstairs at the U.C. Merced Fresno Center on Friday morning where they will announce that it is going away. They are also working with the Presidents to discuss working closer with community colleges to help identify transfer students. There was a discussion at that meeting to potentially form 3 regions for ease. Jack asked if there is anything we want CVHEC to know. Someone suggested he tell that that we think the Transfer Center Directors that should be re-involved.

9. Budget Issues. Rose heard that the community colleges would get 1 thousand this year. Marta will email everyone about MAW.

10. Other Vicki spoke about Troops to College and asked if any of us were more familiar with it. It states that you are supposed to max ACE credit for troops in GE. A new GI bill was passed so she recommended keeping your ears open for new information. She asked if the CSU’s could check with our VA people on campus to see if they could get us any more information and to see what they are doing.

Diane from CSU Bakersfield asked who creates the Summary of Curricular Changes that comes out on the CIAC listserv. All of the AO’s from the community colleges noted that they make them. Greg noted that he took out all 5 year reviews that didn’t have any other changes. Marta said that she leaves every line in. The AO’s were stating that they are very accurate documents of the changes that occurred on their campus. Diane was wondering how accurate the documents are because they are considering not editing all catalogs individually at CSU Bakersfield anymore, and reviewing only the Summaries instead.

Marta asked what the names of the lead evaluators are at the other community colleges. Jack asked the representatives from the CSU’s, and private institutions if there is anything else that they would like to discuss in the meetings. He wants to make sure they can get everything they want from the meetings. Alexis from UOP said that she would like to think about it and get back to him. Cynthia would like to explore new ideas for hosting the meeting. No one volunteered to get snacks and it was hard for her to be responsible when coming from Merced. Marta suggested that snacks not be provided as it isn’t absolutely necessary. Dahne from Fresno Pacific suggested holding the spring meeting at Fresno Pacific. Once the spring NCIAC meeting is set at the fall meeting October 10th we will pick the spring 09 Region V meeting; likely one week before.

11. Campus Reports.

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