Queensland Judo (JFA (Qld) Inc

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Queensland Judo (JFA (Qld) Inc

Judo Federation of Australia (Queensland) Inc. Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2011 DATE: Sunday 3rd July 2011 VENUE: Sports House, 8 Castlemaine Street, Milton, Brisbane Qld 4064 PRESENT: Voting Representatives of Club Members Officers Bulimba JC - Warren Dahl President - Paul Nelson Sunshine Coast JC - David Bevis Vice President - Maurice Mirabito Hantokan, Deception Bay - Chris Swalwell Committee - Sam Wright Member Hills PCYC JC - Carl Conran Secretary / - Duncan Hall Development Manager Ipswich PCYC JC - Brian Mills Kyushin JC, Aspley - Michael Hall General Attendance Kodokai JC, Aspley - David Nolan Robert Borchert Logan City PCYC JC - Ross Kiepe John Bennett Maleny JC - Glen Cauley Ian Leigh Murgon JC - Stan Munday Mark O’Dempsey Roma JC - Ian Walker Martin McDonald Sandgate Isshindokan JC - Michael Hill Meryl Power Y-South JC - Maurie Mirabito Darryl Keys Sandra Hall Proxy Holders for Club Members Carindale PCYC JC - Robert Huxley Apologies Gold Coast PCYC JC - Sam Wright Cathy Brain Ohori JC Mackay Kodokan JC - John Whipp Phil Brain Ohori JC Ohori JC - Andy Dickins Rob Close Lang Park PCYC JC Rakuen JC Inc - Sam Manu Michael Creedy Nippon Seiban University of Queensland JC – Geoff Watson Karl Michaelis Committee Member, (Motions 7&8 only) Northern Beaches JC Sophia Michaelis Ravenshoe JC Postal votes received Kevin Murphy UQJC Cairns JC (Rob McNamara) Tri Nguyen Treasurer Castle Hill PCYC JC (John Moll) Kimbra Watson Mitchelton YC Ju-No-Kwai Gladstone JC (Greg Neville) Kamiza JC (Andy Powell) Lang Park PCYC JC (Rob Close) Malanda JC (Andrew Compton) MIJA Judo Academy (Dave Edgar) Mitchelton Youth Club JC (Kimbra Watson) Mt Isa JC (Suzanne Dalle Court) Northern Beaches JC (Karl Michaelis) Pittsworth JC (Robin Day) Ravenshoe JC (Sophia Michaelis) University of Qld JC (Kevin Murphy) (All Motions except 7&8) 1 / 8 Opening A quorum being present, the President / Chair, Paul Nelson opened at 10.08 am, welcomed attendees, and thanked those who travelled to attend. Delegate registration had been conducted. Apologies were tabled, as above. Paul Nelson explained that Management committee (MC) had decided to recast the Agenda to include: Karl Michaelis’ nomination (overlooked due to excess email and the secretary being out of the country) and to include Life Membership nominations. He explained the general meeting of 2009 resolved to allow MC members to move motions / nominations, so in the case of MC nominations, all had been received by the due date (19 June) and the revised agenda was more accurate. Paul noted that the formal requirement to have nominees sign and mover and seconder sign nominations had not been followed this year. He acknowledged the concern that recasting the agenda had caused some members. The precent cut-off date for clubs legibility requirements to participate in the AGM was the date that motions / nominations close. As this was not published, and Paul had also found legal advice dating back to 2005 on related matters or representation, the MC had resolved to allow any affiliated clubs to register members up until meeting so as to be able to participate. However, in future a close date will be publicised in meeting notices, by laws or both. The MC has opted for postal voting, which is not envisaged by the (model) rules. Thirteen (13) postal votes were received. This means that amending motions is not possible during meetings; votes can only be placed for/against motions as they stand, and any amendments need to be referred to later meetings. Stan Munday commented that he would like to see JFAQ stick to the rules of its constitution. Paul Nelson reiterated that the MC would appoint Anthony Connell in a company secretary role to assist in governance functions. At the time of the meeting there were 33 Club Members eligible and participating. Duncan Hall has been acting as an independent scrutineer and Robert Borchert was appointed as a second scrutineer from the floor. Death of Barbara Bates. Subsequent to the JQ notice to members of the passing of Mrs Barbara Bates, a long-term supporter of Judo in Queensland, Robert Borchert informed the meeting of funeral arrangements Sam Wright led a moment’s silence in memory of Barbara.

1. Reports of the Management and Office Bearers Paul Nelson gave a brief presentation based on the Annual Report document and financial statements (on behalf of the Treasurer). - It is a pleasure to present the Management and Financial reports for 2010. The 2010 period saw a contribution from many members, with the National competition held in Queensland setting a new standard on 4 mats. The financial accounts show excellent cost control, for example in the events area it can now be seen that costs in excess of revenue was only $2-3,000 over the 2010 year. This was possible through the Development Manager’s help with logistics. - The surplus revenue of $86,000 for the year was a record for JFAQ. The surplus in accounts can be positive or negative depending on grants, but the increase in members’ equity is now at a record high. This is an outstanding result, and thanks are due to all concerned. - We now have new systems in place for financial accounting which allow us to give more information to members and the board. The Annual Accounts are much easier to understand, and thanks go to Liz Wells who helped admirably to set up this system, and to Tri Nguyen who carried this work through with the Auditors. The General Ledger is available at the meeting to be inspected, and an original copy of the Audited accounts signed by the Auditors is available for inspection if any member so requires.

2 / 8 - A current ledger showing the account balances at 30 June 2011 (as opposed to the end of JFAQ’s fiscal year at the end of December 2010) was also made available for inspection. It shows members assets of $146,876 and a net 6 month surplus of $11,342. Sam Wright gave thanks to Maurie Mirabito who provided bridging funds to cover the $34,000 for the new mats, until grant funding arrived. Michael Hill was thanked for his hard work as Registrar; JFAQ is making good steady progress in this area. Michael Hill asked if member clubs could please send in confirmation advice of any bank payments made direct to the account, to aid with reconciliation of funds received. This will make the registration task a little easier. Paul Nelson advised membership is core to JFAQ, and while there was a dip in membership in 2009 this may have been due to the website registration being unavailable, and while the membership level fluctuates the average level is up on the previous year and as of today was 860. The new JFA online registration database will reduce the workload through features like an automated email reminder sent out to members before their membership expires. The national body has signed a contract for the software and expect to roll out the service in the next few months. A discussion was held about memberships, grading books, and grading certificates. Paul Nelson advised the registration database will facilitate many activities, but membership of JFAQ will be a prerequisite. Insurance coverage is also linked to membership. Brian Mills commended Duncan Hall on the Business Plan, and proposed a vote of thanks from the floor, which was well supported. Duncan Hall answered Ian Leigh’s question that the $67,000 in the accounts included an ongoing $33,000 grant from the Sport & Recreation Department, and a one-off grant of $34,500 for mats secured by Paul / Duncan from the Gambling Benefit Fund. Duncan’s position as a consultant rather than an employee was highlighted, and Paul Nelson conveyed a comment from the Treasurer that whoever is elected to the Management Committee should quickly move to secure risk of losing our only employee. Both the type of employment arrangement appropriate for the future and a secure funding source needed to be addressed. Duncan Hall presented his report as Development Manager and an ex officio Management Committee member - A written report on what Duncan has been doing in this role has been provided in meeting papers. - Education is key. Coaching development is a priority and there is information on the website on the overall training and accreditation scheme. John Whipp asked whether there is a national NCAS chair at the JFA national level. Paul Nelson advised this role was held by the JFAQ Treasurer, who was coordinating others who were writing the NCAS training courses. There was discussion and agreement that strong and confident subcommittees could be active to help Duncan in his training initiatives. - An admin workshop was held during the year, talking to clubs about risk management, and some ideas on club structure. Duncan has written a lot of this information down, and can be provided on USB for clubs that may wish to receive it. - There were more competitions this year, with some clubs holing their first competition ever (Hills, Roma). - A maximum of 20% of members want to compete, so it’s hard to forecast numbers, but for those interested in holding competitions there is written comment in the documents available on USB that covers the look of the club during a club, how it should best be managed, etc. This will help with risk management.

3 / 8 - There is a small, dedicated group of volunteers who turn up every time and work on tables and help in other ways, so it is important to recruit and encourage volunteers. JFAQ only has 18 volunteer members, so we need more parents to be involved. All people involved in administration need to be members for insurance coverage. - The new insurance provider is Sports Underwriting Australia, and the certificate of currency until 31st March 2012 has been received. There is one claim underway with this insurance provider under the contract (for a broken leg) and Duncan is following this claim process. - Duncan called for feedback on the state Tiles ‘Judo Festival’ combining an awards dinner and multi- day training session with the State Titles. A document outlining this was provided at the AGM, but September is coming soon and this is a great marketing and promotion opportunity. Warren Dahl commented that there is a risk that this year’s events may not work out as desired, but it is a great idea and if it doesn’t work so well that we should keep building on the base of this idea. The Association’s Directors Report, Financial Report and Auditors report were tabled.




MOVED Paul Nelson (President) SECONDED Sam Wright (Gold Coast PCYC )



MOVED Paul Nelson (President) SECONDED Andy Dickins (Ohori)


The Agenda includes new proposed Membership Categories and fees. It was explained that this does not represent any change in the classes of membership as defined in the Association Rules, the purpose of the change is to provide a short-term option which reduces the cost of starting judo . Ian Walker asked whether the capitation rate to JFA was the same for 3mth memberships as for full year. Paul Nelson said this was not yet clear, and JFAQ were hoping for a pro-rata adjustment, but even if it is only a $5 capitation fee and it is seen as an acceptable cost from the perspective of increasing membership. Glen Cauley asked whether a person joining for 12 months after the 3 month membership was a renewal. Paul Nelson replied the motion as tabled meant no, the person paying for a 12 month judo start category would pay a higher fee than a person renewing in the second year of judo. Paul Nelson said this deserved further thought, and could be reviewed at another AGM.


MOVED Paul Nelson (President) SECONDED Maurie Mirabito (Y-South)

IN FAVOUR 18 from the floor, 10 postal votes AGAINST 2 from the floor. 2 postal votes CARRIED 28 to 4

Brian Mills observed that the Mackay Judo club was remarkably successful with nearly 100 members, and asked why and how they were so successful. John Whipp said that Mackay has a long history in an area with a number of good retired judo players, and that the club is sponsored by large mining companies in the area. It has its own dojo which earns it revenue from leasing it to gymnastics clubs. The president Wayne is very devoted, and their training has successfully used NCAS sub-level 1. They have encouraged a lot of parents onto the mat, so much so that he has a whole class of beginner parents looking to learn so as to help their children. He gets up to 6 parents on the mat in each class. Paul Nelson noted they had integrated Brazilian Jiu Jitsu players into the club and this was great marketing by Wayne Palmer. Membership incentive scheme A related but separate discussion on the incentive scheme was held, discussing the provision of a judo suit and one grading certificate together with the annual membership Brian Mills asked if there was any intention to restart the schools program. Paul Nelson advised a state- wide program is not able to be achieved with current resources, but Brian should talk with Duncan Hall about Ipswich’s plan to write to schools in the Ipswich area so that JFAQ can lend support. 6. MOTION: THAT THE JFAQ FINANCIAL YEAR BE CHANGED FROM THE 30TH DECEMBER TO THE 31ST JUNE EACH YEAR.

MOVED Stan Munday (Murgon) SECONDED John Whipp (Mackay)

IN FAVOUR 16 from the floor, 12 postal votes AGAINST 2 postal votes ABSTAINED 4 from the floor, 1 postal vote CARRIED 28 to 2 (5 abstentions) A subsequent discussion was held about whether the Financial Accounts would be produced for 6 months to 31st June 2011 or for 18 months to 31st June 2012. The timing for the AGM needs to be within 6 months of the end of the financial year, and a proposal was made that it could be held anytime in the 3rd or 4th quarter of each year, or could be held in North Queensland together with the State Titles to allow greater involvement. Stan Munday spoke to the motion that subcommittees should be elected by the members rather than the board. John Whipp also argued that strong subcommittees would get things done, and the Management Committee should provide oversight direction with subcommittees responsible for execution. Martin McDonald said the greatest problem was that there was not yet enough of a volunteer base to compete in elections for subcommittees. Maurie Mirabito said that the technical subcommittee, grading committee and others are still active. Sam Wright also spoke against the proposal.

5 / 8 Paul Nelson said that while he was not in support of the motion, he was with the proposers in intent. For this reason the Management Committee is being enlarged to 7 members and MC members would each work with a committee. Electing the sub-committee would not be consistent with the Association Rules, and this motion was also raised 2 years ago. Karl Michaelis is in favour of a marketing committee, and the management committee is willing to work with anyone and everyone.


MOVED Stan Munday (Murgon) SECONDED John Whipp (Mackay)

IN FAVOUR 4 from the floor, 6 postal votes AGAINST 15 from the floor, 6 postal votes ABSTAINED 1 from the floor, 1 postal vote DEFEATED 10 to 21 (2 abstentions)

Honorary life memberships are proposed for Greg Neville and Judy Neville. Sam Wright spoke in support of the motion praising their commitment to the Gladstone club for 30 years. From a young age they developed 2 Olympians and also national title winners. Michael Hill also mentioned the involvement of both Greg and Judy at State Level and that a lot of people attended their training camps.


MOVED Michael Hill (Sandgate) SECONDED Warren Dahl Bulimba JC

IN FAVOUR 21 from the floor, 8 postal votes AGAINST 2 postal votes ABSTAINED 2 postal vote CARRIED 29 to 2 (2 abstentions)


MOVED Michael Hill (Sandgate) SECONDED Warren Dahl Bulimba JC

IN FAVOUR 21 from the floor, 8 postal votes AGAINST 2 postal votes ABSTAINED 2 postal vote CARRIED 29 to 2 (2 abstentions)

In preparation for the election of the President’s position, Paul Nelson stepped down as Chair. Darryl Keys assumed the chair, and called a 5 minute recess. The Chair proposed that the election of the President be held by secret ballot, but that other positions being uncontested they could be voted by show of hands.

10 ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The nominees were invited to address the meeting. 6 / 8 John Bennett There are 2 candidates challenging, indicating that members are unhappy. I have been asked to run. The vision of the committee has been sound but it has not come to fruition. I want to support and involve the regional clubs, and want more training for coaches, and clubs to be visited on a regular basis by volunteer coaches. I don’t want to see a splinter group which is a real risk. The state performance was poor at this year’s Nationals. Duncan Hall is a valuable asset and if elected we would ensure his skills are enlisted. The number of clubs has declined, and transparency is always an issue.

Paul Nelson: - I am aware of the dissatisfaction felt by some members and will strive to take account of this. I would like to see a smooth succession to another President, but don’t feel that this is the right time or the best way to do it. I am encouraged by today’s meeting, and I feel this is the best meeting in our association’s short history. I don’t think there is disagreement on our goals, but there are limits of what can be done in a volunteer capacity. Anyone can be a part of this group. In future I wish for a progressive handover to an experienced person. There is also a team I have built which I do no want to walk away from. The association is fragile and needs stability to deliver greater achievement.

The ballot slips were collected by the adjudicators and the vote was counted. The Chair announced that votes were: John Bennet: 8 votes Sophia Michaelis: 8 votes Paul Nelson: 17 votes and that Paul Nelson had been elected as President of JFAQ. Darryl Keys stepped down as Chair, and Paul Nelson resumed the chair. The other elections were conducted by show of hands and postal votes


MOVED Paul Nelson (President) SECONDED YMCA South



MOVED Paul Nelson (President) SECONDED YMCA South

IN FAVOUR 20 from the floor, 10 postal votes ABSTAINED 3 postal vote CARRIED 30 to nil (3 abstentions)

13. MOTION: THAT THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES BE ELECTED AS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS OF THE JFA (Qld) Inc. Cathy Brain (Ohori JC) Moved Paul Nelson (President) / Seconded YMCA South IN FAVOUR 20 from the floor, 12 postal votes ABSTAINED 1 postal vote 7 / 8 CARRIED 32 to nil (1 abstentions) Sam Manu (YMCA South JC) IN FAVOUR 20 from the floor, 10 postal votes ABSTAINED 3 postal votes CARRIED 30 to nil (3 abstentions) Sam Wright (Ohori JC Hon LM) IN FAVOUR 20 from the floor, 10 postal votes ABSTAINED 3 postal votes CARRIED 30 to nil (3 abstentions) Karl Michaelis (Northern Beaches JC) IN FAVOUR 19 from the floor, 13 postal votes ABSTAINED 1 from the floor CARRIED 32 to nil (1 abstention) Congratulations were extended to the new Management Committee. Paul Nelson said that it was a good meeting, and that discussion was useful and handled well. Stan Munday suggested that the Management Committee embrace Skype for meetings to allow more to be involved. Ian Leigh asked whether the JFAQ had ever considered staggered elections, electing half the board positions at each AGM. Robert Borchert said this was considered and rejected a few years ago. Paul Nelson said this could be considered again, and agreed with Ian Leigh that the change in financial year may present an opportunity to do this. Also the clubs could seek General Meetings more often. Maurie Mirabito said that this was one of the best meetings since the split and merger of the 2 Judo Associations He made an impassioned plea for people who can not let go of old simmering issues to come forward and seek resolution so that all can move forward in a positive way. It was time to ‘bury the hatchet’ and work together for the sake of Judo in Queensland. The current Management Committee will work with anyone who shares these aims. John Whipp asked about the status of past policies such as the Member Protection Policy, the Grading policy, Coach accreditation, etc. Paul Nelson indicated the ones which stood, were in need of review (By Laws) and did not exist (State Sport Code). Gradually more were being loaded to the website to increase accessibility. Anthony Connell undertook to review the old Bylaws and check for consistency against the new Association Rules and any past decisions approved at JFAQ meetings. The Meeting closed at 12.50pm

……………………………….. ………………………………… Chairman Secretary Paul Nelson Anthony Connell

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