1 I Live in an Old House in the Country, She Told Me

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1 I Live in an Old House in the Country, She Told Me



.I live in an old house in the country,’ she told me‘ 1 ______.We’re living with our parents,’ they said‘ 2 ______.I’ve just finished school,’ he said‘ 3 ______.I played football last week,’ he told us‘ 4 ______.I was having a bath when the lights went out,’ he told me‘ 5 ______.It will be cold and wet tomorrow,’ the weather man said‘ 6 ______.I must go and have my hair done now,’ she said‘ 7 ______This is the last warning I’m going to give you,’ she said to her sister‘ 8 ______.I still haven’t read these books,’ she admitted‘ 9 ______I’ll meet you here next week at the same time,’ he said to me‘ 10 ______


.Do you like ice cream?’ my aunt asked me‘ 1 ______.Where are you from?’ the man asked me‘ 2 ______.Why don’t you take up the piano?’ my mum asked us‘ 3 ______

.Have you ever been to Disneyland?’ she asked me‘ 4 ______.When did you last go to the dentist?’ the teacher asked me‘ 5 ______.Can you speak any other languages?’ the woman asked us‘ 6 ______.Must you leave so soon?’ I asked the girl‘ 7 ______.Will we see some paintings by Picasso?’ she asked me‘ 8 ______.Why do you wear jeans all the time?’ he asked her‘ 9 ______.Did you enjoy the film?’ she asked me‘ 10



.When are you going to visit us?’ he asked us‘ 11 ______.Why is everybody looking at me?’ I asked‘ 12 ______.What sports do you do at college?’ Joe asked me 13 ______.What has your brother decided to do?’ I asked her‘ 14 ______.How did you get to the beach?’ I asked them‘ 15 ______.How long have you been here?’ they asked us 16 ______.Who won’t be here next week?’ the tennis coach asked‘ 17 ______.How much did you pay for your ticket?’ she asked him‘ 18 ______.How often do your cousins stay with you?’ I asked her‘ 19 ______.Where’s Kate?’ I asked‘ 20


1. ‘Keep to the left.’, the police officer told the cyclist ______2. ‘Please don’t smoke in this area.’ , the waitress asked them ______3. ‘Sit down and be quiet.’, the teacher order the class ______4. ‘Don’t forget to post the letter.’, Jane told her boyfriend ______5. ‘Don’t talk during the exam.’, the examiner told us ______6. ‘Please switch off your mobile phone.’, the air hostess asked him ______7. ‘Don’t open the window, please’, I begged John ______8. “Switch off the TV”, he said to her. ______9. “Lend me your pen for a moment”, she said ______10. “Don´t believe everything you hear” he warned me. ______


.Why don´t we go to the theatre?’, Peter suggested ‘-.1 ______.Let’s go dancing!’, she proposed‘ -.2 ______.What about buying chocolate?, my sister suggested to her boyfriend‘ -.3 ______.Let’s go to the studio’, she said‘ -.4 ______.Let’s not take part in the show’, he suggested‘ -.5 ______.Why don´t we cook now?’, Nick asked me‘ -.6 ______


1. “Switch off the TV”, he ordered her. ------2. “What happened to Mr Budd?” asked one of the men. ------3. “Let’s organize a sponsored cycle race” suggested the children. ------4. “I’m sorry I’m late,” she said.” “The bus broke down.” ------5. “Mr Mason has gone out”, the secretary told me. ------6. “Shut the door, Tom”, her mother commanded him ------7. “Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?” asked my aunt. ------8. “I don’t want to go swimming”. Andrew said. ------9. “Let’s leave the washing up till tomorrow.” he suggested. ------10. “Lend me your pen for a moment,” I ordered Mary. ------11. “We’re leaving on Friday,” we said. ------12. “Don’t watch late-night horror movies”, I warned them. ------13. “We had lunch in Luigi’s restaurant,” they said. ------14. “Why don’t you put an advertisement in the local paper?” they suggested to me. ------15. “Who is going to live in the big house?” asked Peter. ------16. “I’ll phone you later,” Sarah told Simon. ------17. “Don’t believe everything you hear,” he warned me. ------18. “I can’t type,” I told them. ------19. “Are you English?” They asked me. ------20. “I should have called you, I’m really sorry.” He apologised. ------21. “Why don’t you take tennis up again? He suggested to me. ------22. “Please fill up this form”, the secretary told me. ------23. “Where are you going?” I asked her. ------24. “We’re going into town,” they said. ------25. “Don’t hurry!” I said. ------26. “I haven’t got any money,” he told me. ------27. “Could you speak more slowly?” he asked her. ------28. “Don’t touch the wire”, he warned us. ------29. “What about giving me a hand with the work?” he suggested to us. ------30. “I was on holiday in July,” she told her. ------31. “What time did you get home?” they asked him. ------32. “Don’t touch that switch, Mary” I said. ------

33. “Can you do me a favour? She asked me. ------34. “I’m sorry but we don’t have any room available at the moment.” the receptionist

apologised. ------35. “Why don’t you ask Paul to run in the marathon?” he suggested to me. ------36. “We won’t be home late,” we told them. ------37. “Open the safe” the raiders ordered the bank clerk. ------38. “I’ve posted the letters”, I said. ------39. “Which team has won?” asked Ann. ------40. “What about renting a caravan?” her husband suggested to her. ------41. “My sister doesn’t know”, he said. ------42. “Please do as I say”, he begged me. ------43. “My parents had gone to bed”, she said. ------44. “You should go to the doctor”, she told him. ------45. “Do puppies travel free?” asked a dog owner. ------46. “We’ll do the dishes”, they promised. ------47. “Where do you work?” I asked her. ------48. ““I don’t know what to do.” I said. ------

49. “I’m sorry but it has been impossible to find the book you requested” The librarian

apologised. ------50. “Help you mother, Peter,” Mr Pitt said. ------51. “Can you phone the doctor for me?” she asked him. ------52. “I passed my driving test in 1986”. He told his boss. ------53. “What about going on an adventure holiday this summer?” suggested the father. ------54. “Don’t make too much noise, children”, he said. ------55. “Can I bring my dog into the compartment with me? “She asked. ------56. “I have something to show you,” I said to her. ------57. “Don’t miss your train,” she warned them. ------.Who wants a lift home?” said Ann“ .59 ------.Read it before you sign it, “he said to the client“ .60 ------.When does it arrive in York?” he asked“ .61 ------.Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun,” she said“ .62 ------.Sing it again”, he said“ .63 ------.Does this train stop at York?” Bill asked“ .64 ------.It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday”, I remarked“ 65 ------

.Can you get coffee on the train?” asked my aunt“ .66 ------.Don’t put your hands near the bars,” the zookeeper warned us“ .67 ------.From one of the windows of my flat I can see the Eiffel Tower,” he said“ .68 ------.Buy a new car”, I advised him“ .69

------.Are you interested in acting?” asked Ann“ .70 ------Do you always tell me the truth when you forget to do your homework?’, Jane asked ‘ .71

Peter ------Why don’t we eat in this Chinese restaurant?’, Catherine suggested her sons‘ .72 ------When did you get up yesterday?’, Tom asked me‘ .73 ------I was playing football last week’, he told us‘ .74 ------I must go to the hairdresser now’, she said‘ .75 ------Don’t take this medicine any more!’, he ordered me‘ .76 ------

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