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[[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process A standardization review process is required in order for an operator, training provider and FAA principal operations inspector (POI) to understand and coordinate the training and qualification of crewmembers, instructors and check airman. Operations specification (OpSpec) paragraph A031 documents and authorizes an operator to utilize another organization such as a part 142 training center to conduct training for the operator. A standardization review and a separate audit is required by OpSpec paragraph A031 and must be accomplished to ensure that training and evaluation provided for the operator is conducted in accordance with the operator’s approved program, operator policies and procedures, and the regulatory requirements applicable to the operator. Standardization Review
The purpose of a standardization review is to determine the capabilities of the training provider relative to the operator’s training requirements and to identify, in detail, the specific portions (or components) of the air carrier’s approved training program or curriculum that the training center will provide. The standardization review process will also establish the policies and procedures that will be followed by the training center during contract training as well as establish the training and qualification of personnel that conduct training and evaluation for the operator. The standardization review will form the basis for the operator’s audit program procedures where the operator will evaluate the actual training provided by the training center.
The operator is responsible for conducting a standardization review of the training provider: • Prior to the start of any contract training or checking operations by a training provider. The POI must be provided the results of the standardization review (including required training of contract personnel) prior to the issuance of OpSpec paragraph A031. • Any time a major change affects the operator’s contract crewmember training during the 24 month interval. • When a new curriculum is added at a center’s location or an additional center is authorized to provide training under an existing curriculum.
Separately, the operator must conduct an audit of actual contract training and/or checking operations by the training provider. This audit must be completed and report submitted to the POI within 60 days after the commencement of contract training and/or checking operations. In order to maintain A031 authorization to conduct contract training, recurrent audit reports are due to the POI thereafter at intervals not greater than 24 calendar months.
As part of the standardization review, an operator certificated under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 119, must clearly define the training and checking items that the carrier’s POI has approved the training center to provide for the operator. Items that have not been pre-approved by the respective POI will not be credited toward the completion of that operator’s training requirements. This must be accomplished by developing, as part of the training program, a method to identify the specific training that will be accomplished each party such as a Source of Training document. In many cases, the training center and the operator have joint responsibility for the satisfactory completion of a particular training module (e.g., adverse weather, weight and balance, etc.) within the curriculum. When this is the case the training module in the curriculum must be broken into
October 20, 2016 Page 1 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process elements or events and clearly show which element or event will be provided by the training center. The following example illustrates how this may be accomplished.
Module and Elements Source Weight and Balance Determination J Aircraft Manufacturers Weight and Balance Procedures (AFM) TP Definitions TP Limitations TP Load Shift / Fuel Management and Use TP Operations Specifications (Paragraphs A096, A097, A098) O FAA Advisory Circular AC 120.27E O Carry-on baggage identification, load and storage O Passenger weight determination—average, surveyed, actual O Baggage / freight weight determination O Cabin configuration and loading O Baggage compartment loading and security O Air carrier computation method (manual, computer) O Manifest preparation O J training provider and operator TP topic is provided by contract O operator provides training in the both provide a portion of the training provider topic training topic
Note: In this case, 14 CFR part 135.293(a)(3) checking cannot be accomplished by a contract check airman at a training center, since the entire topic area was not provided by the training center and therefore the check airman was not fully trained. Check airman authorization would be limited in this case.
During initial contract discussions, it is necessary for the operator and the contract training provider (training center) to convene a standardization program meeting to review the relevant topics covering each party’s responsibilities for the implementation of the operator’s approved program, the accomplishment of contracted training, evaluations, and administrative practices required by the operator and their approved training curriculums.
The following document provides a sample of a standardization review and audit program between an operator and a 14 CFR part 142 training center. It is important to understand that the document was developed as an example and it is possible that not every item shown may be appropriate for every operator. It is also possible that not every training area is represented by this example and additional items may be added for individual operators. The document should be modified as necessary to meet the needs of a particular operator.
Note: The use of the words,” If applicable,” in the response block may indicate that the operator, if a one-pilot operation, has no regulatory requirement to have or maintain a Training Program or GOM.
October 20, 2016 Page 2 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process [[COMPANY NAME]] and FlyRight
Introduction: This document summarizes the training and qualification of crewmembers; contract simulator instructors and contract check airman, standardization program, which will be followed by [[COMPANY NAME]] (operator) and FlyRight Holdings, Inc. (FlyRight) for the purpose of ensuring standardization between its respective instructors and check airmen in its training and evaluation of [[COMPANY NAME]] crewmembers.
This standardization program will assist [[COMPANY NAME]] and FlyRight instructors and check airmen to achieve standardized application of [[COMPANY NAME]] training policies and procedures as well as serving to identify any differences that may exist between [[COMPANY NAME]] and FlyRight training, evaluation, and/or the administration of [[COMPANY NAME]] programs. A summary of the standardization program will also provide the operator and the assigned POI information necessary for comply with the audit requirements of paragraph A031 of [[COMPANY NAME]] Operations Specifications.
Training and Evaluation Standardization Review Program Administration Conduct of Training Training Course Content Ground Training Simulator / Flight Training Flight Training Equipment Personnel (Instructor and Check Airman) Training and Qualification Evaluations Equipment Exam (Oral) Simulator and Flight Evaluations Administration
Program Maintenance
Source of Training Document
Note: Abbreviations used are as follows: CCI - Contract Company Instructor CSI - Contract Simulator Instructor CCA - Contract Check Airman
October 20, 2016 Page 3 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Training and Evaluation Standardization Review [[COMPANY NAME]] and FlyRight
Program Administration Implementation of Approved Programs—Duties, responsibilities, and authority SUBJECT COMMENTS Training Provider Identification / Description: [[COMPANY NAME]] will only use FlyRight at this What training providers will be used, including location. All contact information and Certificate address, phone number(s), part 142 certificate numbers are on file in operator’s Training Program number(s) if applicable, etc. Facility Description: General appraisal of facilities Facilities have been found adequate for the (including satellite) and adequacy for providing training to be provided. A full description may be training (classrooms, visual aids, support personnel, found in operator’s Training Program simulator maintenance personnel, etc.) Personnel responsible for the implementation of Training Center POC: James E. Klepper, Mark approved training and resolution of deficiencies: Thorpe Training provider point of contact (DOS, DOT), and [[COMPANY NAME]] POC: ______operator point of contact (DO, CP, DOT). Training Documentation: Operator manuals (GOM, FlyRight has a copy of GOM, OPSPECS and Training Training Program FCOM, checklists, “Read” files, etc.) Program. Differences Briefing Guide and Checklists available to students and training provider personnel available for use by FlyRight personnel. (including instructors and CCA).
Source of Training Documents: Identification of the See Training Objectives by Regulatory Reference specific training provided by the training provider. Document attached
Notice will be made by phone and all Revision process: How does each party notify the documentation will be mailed to the POC for other of revisions to their respective curriculums, review and implementation. Agreement to any courseware, or programs? How does the revision necessary changes in the conduct of training will policy affect the conduct of contract training? be made between the POC for each company Enrollment procedures: How is the training provider By phone request. No prerequisites exist at this advised of requested training and required time evaluations? How are students enrolled in the various courses conducted by the training provider? What are the prerequisites to start a training curriculum? Comparison of each training provider developed Yes, the curriculum is mirrored. [[COMPANY curriculum and operator approved curriculum: NAME]] will be notified in writing of any change in Does the operator curriculum mirror the training curriculum content or courseware and given a provider curriculum in all aspects, including chance to view them before the next requested courseware? How is the operator notified that the training training provider has changed curriculum content or courseware? Crew compliment during training and Single Pilot N/A evaluation: How is training in a single pilot aircraft conducted? How is training conducted for a single crew member training in an aircraft requiring two pilots?
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System for detection and correction of training Deficiencies will be detected and corrected by the deficiencies: Define the training provider’s Audit Process required by A031 and FlyRight’s policy/procedure. internal system of checks, audits and controls. Scheduling of center personnel authorized to Only operator-approved and qualified instructors conduct training or evaluation for the operator: and check airmen will be used by use of operator- Are instructor and check airmen trained, qualified and maintained instructor and evaluator list. approved for the operator. Other:
October 20, 2016 Page 5 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process
Conduct of Training Policies pertaining to the conduct and content of classroom, simulator, and flight training modules. Training Course Content: SUBJECT COMMENTS Approved program content: Review approved [[COMPANY NAME]] has adopted FlyRight’s curriculums, revision status, courseware, supporting Curriculum into its training program. Differences documentation, and checklists to determine if training- are noted in FlyRight Instructor Briefing guide. provider-developed curriculum contents agree with operator requirements (IAP, T/O minimums identified, etc.). Determine differences (if any).
Terminology: Define terms to be used (AOM, AFM, All the same FCOM, QRH, etc.)
Differences in equipment include EFIS, FMS/GPS. Equipment differences: Simulator vs. operator Differences training for EFIS and FMS/GPS are equipment and how appropriate differences training covered by Special Segment Training conducted will be accomplished, and by whom. by [[COMPANY NAME]]. Flight profiles and procedures: Compare operating These profiles are the same procedures and aircraft configurations, especially during emergencies and instrument approach procedures (IAP).
Maneuvers: Instrument approach (including circling These maneuvers are the same approach) procedures authorized. Use of autopilot.
Standard Operating Procedures: Crew call-outs, See Equipment differences above autopilot protocol, FMS protocol, etc. Determine differences and establish a process for training the operator’s procedures. FlyRight will teach crew duties and responsibilities Crew duties and responsibilities: Comparison of IAW operator / FlyRight briefing guide in the event operator vs. training provider normal and emergency differences exist between FlyRight’s 142 procedures. curriculum and operator procedures. Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) N/A. FlyRight will develop if necessary development: Who will develop LOFT that is it representative of the operator’s operating rules, airports, routes, types of operations, etc? IAW FlyRight 142 curriculum, which matches FAR CRM: How is the operator’s CRM taught and how are 135.330 except that 135.330(a)(8) is taught by skills evaluated? Operator.
Special operational requirements and N/A restrictions:
Operational Limitations: Defined in operator’s Simulator training is conducted in accordance with Operations Specifications, Crew Operations Manual operator OPSPECS; operator provides copies to (COM), and/or Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM). FlyRight. Curriculum Revisions: Determine how revisions to Upon prior written notice of changes, operator will training-provider-developed curriculum will be review the changes and notify FlyRight of any integrated into operator approved changes that would violate [[COMPANY NAME]] program/curriculum. Is the operator notified prior to ops or procedures. If a change is unable to be
October 20, 2016 Page 6 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process
conformed with due to Operational Limitations, a changes in training provider curriculum? differences course will be developed and taught by [[COMPANY NAME]]
Conduct of Training Policies pertaining to the conduct and content of classroom, simulator, and flight training modules.
Ground Training:
Number of attendees: Is the classroom size Yes adequate?
Class complement: Operator policy requirements for Ground training is acceptable; flight training is not mixing own crew with pilots from other operators, part acceptable 61 training, or foreign operators. Conduct: Establish how ground training will be Conducted in accordance with FlyRight syllabus provided including schedule, breaks and relation to other required training.
Class liaison: Does the operator assign a liaison with Yes. See POC above the training provider.
Equipment and publications: Pertinent to Provided to FlyRight by [[COMPANY NAME]] operator’s aircraft, procedures, and crewmembers.
Required FlyRight documentation: Pilot certificates Attendance requirements: What documentation is and U.S. Passport. Non-US citizens: pilot required? credentials, passport, visa and FlyRight-processed TSA authorizations. Casual Attire:
FlyRight curriculum materials, training forms and Performance standards and documentation: PTS. Performance for each lesson? What records will be [[COMPANY NAME]] documentation IAW Training used? Program. Distance learning: Is distance learning used to None used for contracted training accomplish any of the ground training, and is that training in compliance with FAA policy? Systems Integration Training (SIT): Use of Conducted in accordance with approved operator checklists, manuals and operating procedures curriculum as required including CRM. How will ground instructors be trained in operator procedures during SIT? General Operational Subjects (GOS): To what FlyRight Instructors will be trained in [[COMPANY extent will the operator’s procedures and NAME]] Procedures and requirements and are requirements be provided in the training provider’s provided a GOM, TP and Checklist for their classroom? reference in the classrooms
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Ground training documentation: Compliance with Documentation available in pilot training records regulatory and operator requirements (system, availability and detail, etc.)
October 20, 2016 Page 8 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Conduct of Training Policies pertaining to the conduct and content of classroom, simulator, and flight training modules.
Ground Training:
SUBJECT COMMENTS Ground training content: Is each system or topic relevant to the operator’s aircraft and covered in Yes sufficient detail? Yes, all non-included training will be taught by Is content in accordance with approved curriculum? [[COMPANY NAME]]. How are topics not included in the training-provider- Yes developed curriculum to be trained? Approved 142 CRM/ADM course matches Are the operator’s CRM procedures used during 135.330(a)(1) thru (7). 135.330(a)(8) is company- ground training? specific, operator responsibility. [[COMPANY NAME]] will train to meet 135.330 using FlyRight’s FAR 142-approved CRM/ADM course except that [[COMPANY NAME]] must CRM issues: What standard is required to be met internally train on 135.330(a)(8) [Aeronautical (briefings, etc.)? decision-making and judgment training tailored to the operator's flight operations and aviation environment.] Written test procedure: Test design, test security, Available resources in the aircraft are available for open or closed book, time allowance, review and written test, contractor provided test is FAA 142 correction. approved.
Procedures for the reporting of violations of See [[COMPANY NAME]] ’s audit process required operator policies: by A031 in the [[COMPANY NAME]] TP
Minimum passing grades: Failure of test and re- Score of 80%, corrected to 100% testing (including number of tests available).
October 20, 2016 Page 9 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Conduct of Training Policies pertaining to the conduct and content of classroom, simulator, and flight training modules.
Simulator / Flight Training:
SUBJECT COMMENTS Crew complement / crew pairing: Operator policy Simulator training & testing is conducted with only or requirements for training with persons who are not [[COMPANY NAME]] personnel unless otherwise operator personnel. advised by operator.
Flight conduct: Maneuvers, procedures; and crew Conducted IAW [[COMPANY NAME]] procedures. duties, functions and responsibilities.
Required flight equipment and publications: Charts and performance information provided by Navigation charts, electronic flight bags (EFB), FlyRight QRH, checklists and other items provided QRH/checklists, performance information, computers, by [[COMPANY NAME]] where different from etc. manufacturer data. FlyRight and [[COMPANY NAME]] documentation Reporting times and attendance:
Breaks: How are breaks monitored to assure training As needed, time lost is to be made up at the end time is adhered to? of that session
FAA, NTSB, FlyRight, [[COMPANY NAME]] personnel Observers: Who can sit in on sessions? only
Operator TP if applicable, otherwise will use Documentation: Grading system and comments. FlyRight forms and grading system.
Acceptable performance standards and See Operator TP, if applicable. Otherwise judgment criteria defined: appropriate PTS
Failure to progress: Notification of operator and On operator TP and/or GOM forms if available plus authorization for additional training. How are failures FlyRight forms. Otherwise On FlyRight and FAA documented? forms only. FlyRight Instructors verbally recommend pilot for Pre-check evaluation: check ride
Recommendation for evaluations: Established See Operator TP, if applicable. Otherwise using completion standards for knowledge and proficiency. FlyRight procedures.
Per operator TP/GOM or other provided guidance. Violations of air carrier policies or procedures: Otherwise by email or letter.
Single PIC training with autopilot authorization: Single pilot training with autopilot authorization. Will pilots be trained as a single pilot operation or in crew environment?
October 20, 2016 Page 10 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Conduct of Training Policies pertaining to the conduct and content of classroom, simulator, and flight training modules.
Simulator / Flight Training:
SUBJECT COMMENTS LOFT / LOE / SPOT: LOFT must be pertinent to the N/A, LOFT/LOE/SPOT not used in FlyRight contract operator’s operating rules, airports, routes, types of training operations, etc.; and what instructor training will be accomplished. Are instructors trained and familiar with the operator’s procedures (weight & balance, performance, weather, dispatch / flight release, etc.)?
Instrument approach procedures: Conduct of all Per operator OPSPEC C052 and 135.297(b) IAP authorized for operator.
FlyRight CRM/ADM course designed to meet the CRM issues: What standard is required to be met standards of FAR 135.330 except that 135.330(a) (briefings, etc.)? (8) must be taught by operator. Special emphasis areas: How do the operator and FlyRight uses 142 approved modules when training provider CFIT, runway incursion, and other training special emphasis areas special emphasis area requirements and training modules compare? [[COMPANY NAME]] has no specific Special Airport Special airport / approach training: training requirements
October 20, 2016 Page 11 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Flight Training Equipment Comparison of the operator’s aircraft and the training provider’s flight training equipment used to provide contract training to assure all training requirements are met. AIRCRAFT COMPARISON AREAS SIMULATOR / FTD
Aircraft Make and Model BE-300-B300
Aircraft Series and S/N (or variant) N/A
Qualification Level / FAA Identification Number Level D ID#1329 Rockwell-Collins Proline Flight Instrumentation 21 Power plant (including propeller / TR) PT6A-61
System Modification Status N/A
Navigation Equipment GPS-400S (WAAS) GPS (make/model) FMS (make/model) FMS-3000, CDU 3000 HUD. (no HUD)
Autoflight Equipment FGP-3000, FCS-3000
Pictorial Preflight Compatibility Yes
Simulator Visual Special Airports, LOFT and KGSO, KJFK, KASE, Approaches Daily Preflight Inspection Simulator Defects Yes
EGPWS Equipment OCM-3100 (R-C PL21)
October 20, 2016 Page 12 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Personnel (Instructor and Check Airman) Training and Qualification Training provider personnel responsible for the conduct of any training and/or checking under the provisions of this program must receive air carrier specific training. SUBJECT COMMENTS [[COMPANY NAME]] will accept generic 135 PIC training and qualification: How is training and training accomplished with another operator. checking to be accomplished? Will the operator train Documentation has been provided to [[COMPANY and qualify personnel or accept training and NAME]]. All [[COMPANY NAME]] specific training is qualification by another operator? What taught by [[COMPANY NAME]] to FlyRight documentation will be used? personnel. All training is to be documented IAW operator TP, as applicable. CSI Training: Comparison of training provider Operator’s procedures match FlyRight’s with simulator instructor training and qualification and the differences on Briefing Guide. [[COMPANY NAME]] operator’s CSI training requirements. Is there a will provide all operator specific training and curriculum and procedure to accomplish that training? qualification. This training is documented IAW Will the operator provide all training and qualification? operator’s TP/GOM, if applicable, otherwise on How is this training documented? FlyRight forms. CCA Training: Comparison of training provider TCE [[COMPANY NAME]]’s training program and training and qualification and the operator’s CCA curriculum matches FlyRight’s. [[COMPANY training requirements. Is there a curriculum and NAME]] will provide all operator specific training procedure to accomplish that training? Will the and qualification. This training is documented IAW operator provide all training and qualification? How is [[COMPANY NAME]] ’s TP this training documented? CSI and CCA differences training requirements: No differences Comparison of the operator’s instructor and check airman training with previous operator training and qualification and a determination of what differences exist. Is there a curriculum and procedure to accomplish differences training? FlyRight Instructors and check airmen meet Line observation program: How will a CSI and CCA currency requirements IAW 135.337(f)(1) accomplish this requirement? 135.338(f)(1) Minimum qualification and experience for CSI or Qualifications and experience meet 142 standards CCA: Operator determined minimums. CSI and CCA training and qualification records: FlyRight keeps CSI/CCA current. FlyRight Where are they kept? Who keeps them current? Is the maintains records, [[COMPANY NAME]] has access operator responsible? Does the operator have access to records via FlyRight’s online Document Library. to the records? To be conducted IAW OPSPEC A031 and Biennial Observation: How will this be accomplished [[COMPANY NAME]]’s TP audit process. Also CCA and recorded? must be observed by POI biannually. Yes, see records at [[COMPANY NAME]] for copy of Approved Drug Program: drug letter. CSI/CCA Proficiency / Competency Checks: Checks are administered by FlyRight or FAA or Scheduling and other operator responsibility to assure CSI/CCA. Copies of these records are available to checks are taken (and passed). Who will administer [[COMPANY NAME]] on FlyRight’s Document checks? Library.
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CCA Air Carrier PIC experience or Training Yes, copy of Indoc and instructor training available requirements: Does each CCA have documented on FlyRight Document Library for each CCA prior air carrier PIC experience or satisfactory basic indoctrination training for at least one air carrier? What documentation of this training will be provided? If CCA do not have air carrier PIC experience, how will training be accomplished? Other:
October 20, 2016 Page 14 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Evaluations Policies pertaining to the conduct of oral testing/checking, and simulator/flight training and evaluations.
Equipment Exam (Oral):
SUBJECT COMMENTS Conduct of equipment examination Written and oral. Oral for 293(a)(2) only, unless (written/oral) as part of proficiency competency FlyRight CCA is trained by operator and authorized check: Format vs. operator policy/requirements. Is the by operator’s POI to test in other areas. Aircraft- exam 100% written or oral with written portions specific testing only. All other testing requirements (weight and balance, performance, etc.)? Is the by FAA include 135.293(1) & (3) thru (8). emphasis on operationally structured evaluations, or limited to aircraft specific only?
Crew concept for evaluations: One-on-one for all N/A type ratings.
Operator procedures are not conducted by Content: Are weight & balance procedures based on FlyRight unless training is provided by Operator operator procedures or not to be conducted? Is aircraft with testing authorization from POI. Mfr. W&B and performance based on operator approved procedures performance taught IAW FAR 142 curricula which and regulatory requirements, or by other means? matches Mfr. procedures.
Conducted at FlyRight, schedule maintained in Location and schedule: online system.
Evaluation Standard: What constitutes Not meeting requirements of 135.293, 135.297 unsatisfactory performance? and PTS.
Documentation: Operator notification of Per operator TP and/or GOM, if applicable. Initial unsatisfactory performance, additional training, and notice by telephone and also via FlyRight & FAA re-check procedures. forms and/or letter to operator.
October 20, 2016 Page 15 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Evaluations Policies pertaining to the conduct of oral testing/checking, and simulator/flight training and evaluations.
Simulator and Flight Evaluations:
SUBJECT COMMENTS Evaluation prerequisites: Training completion, Conducted IAW operator’s TP, if applicable. instructor recommendations, orals, training completion Otherwise IAW FlyRight procedures and in less than programmed time, etc. appropriate PTS.
Flight evaluation scheduling: Relation to training After completion of training and oral completion, oral, etc.
Individual only CRM evaluation: Individual or crew evaluations?
Rules of conduct: Required maneuvers, waiver All maneuvers required by 135.293 and 297 authority.
FlyRight, operator and FAA personnel only Observers: Who is permitted to observe?
Prohibited maneuvers: Are circling approach Yes maneuvers to be checked?
Test failure and re-testing procedures: Training Per operator’s TP, if applicable. Otherwise per records, number of attempts permitted, operator FlyRight procedures. Verbal and/or written notification, etc. notification.
Evaluation standards: What are the operator’s PTS standards?
Retraining and rechecking procedure: IAW operator’s TP, if applicable. Documentation of training to proficiency accomplished during the checking process, recording unsatisfactory performance, training and recheck results, operator notification of unsatisfactory check. ILS, VOR, GPS, LOC and ADF as required to meet Types of IAP to be evaluated: RNAV, Special, etc. part 135.293/.297 requirements
NOS or Jeppesen charts. Types of IAP charts to be used:
Evaluation of operator Standard Operating CCA makes evaluation. Operator SOP usage by Procedures (SOP): pilot.
October 20, 2016 Page 16 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Evaluations Policies pertaining to the conduct of oral testing/checking, and simulator/flight training and evaluations.
Simulator and Flight Evaluations:
SUBJECT COMMENTS Mfr. Checklists used unless operator supplies Use of operator checklists: FSDO-approved checklist.
Compliance: Regulations, operations specifications, All evaluations will be conducted IAW regulations, and operator policies and procedures. operator’s TP (if applicable) and the PTS
Crew complement: Qualified supporting All evaluations will be single-pilot autopilot only crewmembers, single-pilot-autopilot evaluations.
Evaluation records: Documentation process 8410 will be completed at the end of all including type of records, disposition, availability and evaluations timeliness. Processing of airman application and certificate.
October 20, 2016 Page 17 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Administration Establishes responsibility, policies, methods, and procedures for the annotation, maintenance, control of training, evaluation records, certificates, and documents. SUBJECT COMMENTS Crewmember training and checking records: All 135 records will be maintained by operator IAW Determine what recordkeeping system will be used to their policies and procedures. FlyRight will ensure document crewmember training and evaluation. the transmission of all records to operator in a Determine compatibility with any approved electronic timely manner. record system. Determine who the Point of Contact (POC) is for recordkeeping. Establish procedures for the timely transmission of records between the training provider and operator. Deficiency detection and correction: What is the Notification of and consultation with air carrier procedure for detecting, reporting, and resolving training management by FlyRight D.O. or FlyRight deficiencies before further training is accomplished by Equipment Program Manager. the training provider? Contract personnel selection and approval process: Personnel are recommended by FlyRight, trained as CSI and CCA approval process: Procedure for required by operator, approved by operator POI. documenting instructor and evaluator qualifications, FlyRight sends CCI & CCA candidate documents to training and approval. operator well in advance of training date. Contract personnel scheduling: Center procedure for Personnel are scheduled by FlyRight from approved scheduling only qualified and authorized CSI and CCA pool of CCIs and CCAs via FlyRight scheduling for operator training and evaluation. system. (SalesForce) CSI and CCA training qualification and checking All 135 records will be maintained by operator IAW records: Determine recordkeeping system to be used their policies and procedures. FlyRight D.O. will to assure that contract personnel are in compliance with ensure the transmission of all records to operator in operator requirements. Assign the responsible person a timely manner. and the approved location for the retention of records. Establish operator access to training provider personnel records. Establish process for review of all CSI and CCA who provide contract training and evaluation to determine if all required requirements and qualifications are continually met. Document Control: Procedures for the control of Operator provides all document control IAW their documents (training materials, manuals, policies and procedures. FlyRight responds with program/curriculum and records), their duplication, revision receipts mailed to operator. FlyRight transmittal, archival storage, and disposition. Who is advises operators of any changes to approved responsible and process? curriculum. Quality Assurance: Determine the process to assure Frequent observation by FSDO TCPM, ongoing CSI continuing ability to provide competent instruction internal observations by FlyRight’s D.O. Voluntary for the operator. Determine the process to assure CCA Training Center records audit program. continuing ability to provide competent evaluations for the operator. Flight training equipment qualification and Discrepancy log review prior to entry into simulator. maintenance: Procedures for operator notification of Daily inspections are performed and logged by simulator deficiencies or limitations affecting training authorized personnel. Changes in installed and evaluation. Are daily inspections conducted? Are equipment are compliant. Note: GPS 400 or KLN deficiencies recorded? Are changes in installed 90B GPS units can be switched to match customer equipment or modifications made and recorded? configuration without further NSP evaluation.
October 20, 2016 Page 18 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Administration Establishes responsibility, policies, methods, and procedures for the annotation, maintenance, control of training, evaluation records, certificates, and documents. SUBJECT COMMENTS CSI and CCA standardization: Establish a process to Operator provides updates to Training Center maintain standardization at all training locations to copies of TP, GOM (as applicable) and OPSPECS. ensure the timely dissemination of any revisions to the Differences Briefing Guide is primarily the air carrier’s policies, procedures, and/or operating responsibility of operator, assisted by Training requirements either through periodic meetings, read Center personnel. files or internet access. This information must cover any issues and topics that may require clarification or emphasis to enable the training center employees, instructors, and check airmen to comply with the operator’s policies and procedures. Procedures must include the ability and requirement that this information will be readily accessible and reviewed on an ongoing basis by all CSI and CCA who are authorized to conduct training and/or evaluations for the operator. Personnel scheduling: Are students limited to Students and CSI/CSAs are limited to 8 hours of maximum of 8 hours of training during a 24-hour simulator instructing in a 24-hour period period? Are CSI and CCA limited to 8 hours of duty? Student progress is recorded on Simulator Job Student status: Accurate reporting of progress during Cards. Formal notification of completion, dismissal, ground simulator/flight training. Procedures for formal failure of training and evaluations accomplished notification of completion, dismissal, failure of training telephonically and via email. Formal debrief is and evaluations. standard after each simulator session. Operator will maintain a copy of all records Airman certification file disposition: pertaining to airmen certification in its office, Training Center maintains copies for its personnel. Notification of unsatisfactory test or check: How and Operator will be notified telephonically of any when is the operator notified of unsatisfactory unsatisfactory performance, prompt follow-up in performance? writing.
October 20, 2016 Page 19 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Maintenance Program [[COMPANY NAME]] and FlyRight
To enable the continuance of an effective standards program, both operator and contract training provider will establish a system of policies and procedures to enhance and maintain communication among all concerned personnel.
Information Exchange The contract training provider will appoint a “Customer Liaison” who will maintain a close working relationship with a designated operator counterpart. This individual will be responsible for the resolution of minor issues concerning standardization and administration that may come up from time to time. Additionally, he/she will ensure timely recognition of potential problems while ensuring those areas requiring management resolution and/or program modification are brought to the operator’s attention in a timely manner. Matters regarding revisions to the training provider’s curriculum, personnel, courseware or flight training equipment as well as changes to the operator’s approved training program and recordkeeping systems, are a necessary part of the information exchange process.
Standardization Meetings Periodic meetings and teleconferences will be scheduled to provide ongoing consistency and standardization within the programs. These meetings and teleconferences will involve all necessary personnel to enable timely dissemination and/or the implementation of any changes that may be made by the operator to its respective training and evaluation curricula, or by the training provider to its organizational support structure as that structure relates to the training/evaluation of the air carrier’s flight crewmembers, standardization of contract personnel
October 20, 2016 Page 20 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process 3. SOURCE OF TRAINING DOCUMENT: The air carrier and training provider that is providing services to a certificated air carrier should prepare a written document that specifically details the portions of the air carrier’s training program they have been approved to provide.
NOTE: A sample Source of Training Document has been developed and is available from the AFS-210 web site. This document is a reference guide only. It has been provided to illustrate one method of providing the air carrier and its POI with information detailing the center’s understanding of the training that has been approved for them to provide the air carrier.
CFR Part: FAR 142 Training Category: Init, Rec, Upgrd, Trans, Diff’s Position: PIC, SIC Aircraft Make: Beech Turbopropeller Model/Series: Equiv series Simulator: BE-300
Air Carrier: [[COMPANY NAME]]...... Date: ______
Tng Center: FlyRight, Inc. 7075 Aviation Blvd. NW Suite A Concord, NC 28027…………………………………………… Date: ______
October 20, 2016 Page 21 of 22 [[COMPANY NAME]] Contract Training OPSPEC A031 Standardization Review Process Contract Training Standardization Review and Audit Process
October 20, 2016 Page 22 of 22