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Animation Lesson – Walt Disney’s 12 Principles of Animation

View the PowerPoint Lesson and complete this worksheet by filling in the blanks.

During the late ______through the ______, Walt Disney worked to improve the techniques of his studio animators.

Disney set up drawing classes for his animators at the ______Art Institute in Los Angeles under Instructor Don Graham.

Through these lessons and interaction between Disney and his staff, a set of ______principles was developed.

These principles were used in Disney animated productions including ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______

1. ______and ______Living flesh distorts during ______. Exaggerated deformations will emphasize ______and ______. Although objects deform like ______, they must maintain volume while being squashed and stretched. A bouncing ball will squash or elongate on impact and ______vertically as it leaves the point of impact.

2. ______

Animation can occur before an action. Before you ______, you ______your knees. By ______this action, the animator can guide the viewer’s eyes. The formula for most animations is ______, ______, and ______.

3. ______

Staging is the clear ______of an idea. The animator can use the camera ______, the framing of the ______, and the ______of the characters to create a feeling or strengthen understanding.

4. ______Versus ______to ______

Straight ______animation means drawing the frames in ______. This leads to ______motion. It works well with ______animation. Pose To Pose is the more ______animation technique. It requires the animator to ______strong posed (key frames) first and add the in-between frames ______. Pose to Pose is used for animation that requires good ______, where the poses and ______are all important.

5. Follow ______and ______Follow Through is the ______that follows the ______action. It is the ______of anticipation. When a baseball bat hits the baseball, it does not ______abruptly. A boxer does not ______at the moment a punch lands. Overlapping actions means that all ______do not stop at the same time. Overlapping action also means that a ______action may begin before the earlier action is ______. When hitting a baseball, the legs may begin moving to first base while the bat is ______the swing.

6. Slow ______and Slow ______

Also known as ______in and ______out. Most motion starts ______, accelerates, and then ______again before stopping. Imagine a car that went 40 mph ______when stepping on the accelerator and went to 0 mph when hitting the brake. ______has an effect on slow in/slow out. When a ball bounces, it ______in speed as it gets closer to the ground. It ______in speed at the top of the arch. In many ______applications, easing is created by setting the tension of a TCB spline to 1.0. To get the ______effect from a keyframe, tension is set to -1.0.

7. ______Almost all ______motion is in some form of an arc. In 3D animation, a ______arc is usually created using a ______curve. ______points often define the arc. The pivot point for the thigh is the hip, and the pivot point for the calf is the ______.

8. ______Actions Secondary actions are ______actions that occur due to a ______action. Most people blink their eyes when they turn their ______. Facial ______are secondary actions. Secondary actions are also actions caused by the ______of another object. The movement of a ball that has been kicked is a ______action.

9. ______Timing is the amount of ______between poses. Comedians and actors work with their timing to get the ______impact from their lines. Timing can imply weight. Light objects have much less ______and usually move much quicker than ______objects. Speed can imply ______. A fast walk may mean ______and a slow walk may mean ______. 10. ______Exaggeration is used to increase the readability of ______and ______. Animation is not a subtle medium. Individual exaggerated poses may look ______as stills but add dramatic impact when viewed for a split ______. Animators should be careful to use exaggeration to increase ______of feeling. Be careful not to over-exaggerate ______.

11. Solid ______In 3D animation, this would be equivalent to ______Modeling. To get maximum feeling from the ______, animated characters must be drawn or modeled precisely. Proper ______and modeling can reveal a characters ______, character, and ______. Proper drawing and ______are needed to give the character proper depth and balance.

12. ______Animated characters need to have a unique ______and have a wide range of emotions (happy, ______, fearful, ______, angry, ______, etc.). Character ______are actually a good thing. Audiences can be ______to characters that have a flaw or two. ______personalities and moral ethical dilemmas add to character ______.