British Literature and Composition Literature Is the Question Minus the Answer

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British Literature and Composition Literature Is the Question Minus the Answer

British Literature and Composition “Literature is the question minus the answer.” Twelfth Grade English Syllabus --Roland Barthes 2016-2017

INSTRUCTOR Mrs. Meredith Bragg [email protected]

COURSE DESCRIPTION This integrated English course aims at helping students refine their writing, speaking, reading, and critical thinking skills in the context of a study of British literature and history via a standards-based class. Students will participate in regular writing practice, will refine the use of grammar and mechanics in their own work, and will analytically interpret a variety of texts through a variety of critical perspectives. As participants in a college preparatory course at the senior level, students are expected to demonstrate skill, creativity, and initiative in all assignments.


The students will be able to . . . • Communicate effectively both orally and in writing • Read, analyze, and express the ideas and styles of • Increase their language proficiency through different genres vocabulary • Develop research skills • Comprehend the definitions of and use literary and writing terms and techniques . . TEXTS . Georgia Collections 12 (black textbook- $97.95) and Literature: British Literature (green textbook) . First Semester . Second Semester . Unit 1: Power and Rule in the Hierarchical World . Unit 3: The Emergent Self . Beowulf trans. by Seamus Heaney . Hamlet by William Shakespeare . Macbeth by William Shakespeare . Frankenstein by Mary Shelley . Unit 2: The British Storytelling Tradition . The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde . Sir Gawain and the Green Knight trans. by James . Unit 4: The Individual in Society Winny . The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde . The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer . 1984 by George Orwell . Students are highly encouraged to purchase their own texts—either hard copy or electronic copy for e-readers. It is important for students to get in the habit of annotating their texts, a skill we will practice during this course. In addition to these long works, each unit will be supplemented with a range of poetry, nonfiction, critical scholarship, and excerpts from other texts. Students will read a wide range of authors and styles from diverse periods throughout this course. . . ASSESSMENT . Category . Percentage of Final Grade . Formative (homework & classwork- 50 points; quizzes- 100 points) . 20% . Summative (tests, long writing, projects) . 40% . Research (one major assignment each semester) . 20% . Semester Exam (December 16-18 and May 13) . 20% . NOTE: This is a college preparatory course with the goal of improving and refining the skill and knowledge base students have developed through the entirety of their high school English study. As such, work in class will earn a grade based on quality and level of mastery, not on completion. . NO last minute extra credit will be given to facilitate passing. NO extra credit will be given for individuals. . All seniors must pass British Literature and Composition to be considered eligible for graduation. .

1 British Literature and Composition “Literature is the question minus the answer.” Twelfth Grade English Syllabus --Roland Barthes 2016-2017 . Formative assessments will be graded and returned to the student within one week from the submission of the assignment. Summative assessments and research projects will be graded and returned within three weeks from the submission of the assignment. Infinite Campus will be updated weekly. Students and parents are encouraged to actively monitor grades through Infinite Campus. . . . CREDIT RECOVERY . Options for credit recovery following the conclusion of the semester may be available should credit for the course not be obtained. Requirements and criteria, including a minimum failing grade, will be determined at the end of each semester and must be satisfied in order to participate in credit recovery. . MAKE-UP WORK . It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work after an absence and to arrange for make-up tests or quizzes with the teacher. Students who do not request make-up work will receive a zero for that assignment. A zero will be entered into Infinite Campus until the assignment is completed. All make-up work must be completed within five days after the student returns from an excused absence. A student may not make up work missed during an unexcused absence. All make-up tests and quizzes will be scheduled at the teacher's convenience. Field trip absences receive one day for make-up work. Please plan ahead. Major writing assignments and projects that are announced in advance are due regardless of absence, even if the absence is excused. All major writing assignments will be submitted to Turnitin online, so an absence is no excuse for a late or missing summative writing assignment. All handouts and notes will be available via Edmodo. Students may arrange before the date of a major test to schedule a make-up time if they will be out for an excused absence. If a student is absent on the day of a test without scheduling a make-up time, he or she will take the test on their first day back in school. NOTE: If a student is present in the school building, she/he is responsible for turning in work due that day. In the event of a late check-in or early check-out, the student must hand in her/his assignment even if she/he did not attend class, or the assignment will be counted late. . . LATE WORK . Homework (Formative Assessment): To receive full credit on homework, students must turn in assignments on the day they are due. If a student does not have the assignment on the due date, he/she may turn in the completed assignment one day late for 50% credit. Any incomplete late assignment or assignment more than one day late will receive a grade of zero. . . Summative assessment: Essays and major projects lose 10% off the final grade for every day the assignment is late for up to nine days after the due date per county policy. After nine days, the assignment cannot be made up for credit. . . CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY . With the implementation of BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) at McIntosh, this course will be as paperless as is practical. Students are encouraged to embrace technology whenever possible—and to help their teacher do the same. BYOT will be implemented at the teacher’s discretion. A student may have her/his device confiscated if it is not being used for appropriate educational purposes. BYOT may never be used during a test per school policy. Additionally, all students should be prepared to use their FCBOE email addresses as their primary email addresses. We will utilize several of Google’s offerings in class including Google Docs and Google Sites. . . . Turnitin Class ID ______for ______period. Password: . is the portal where all major writing assignments will be submitted by students and assessed by the teacher. Turnitin will check against plagiarism, so that the student can make the necessary corrections before submitting the final draft and being penalized. Individual codes will be distributed to each class during the first week of school. All students must set up accounts linked to Fayette County and McIntosh High School by Monday, August 10. . . . SUGGESTED SUPPLIES - Binder - Device (not required, but certainly helpful) - Pen and/or pencil - Highlighter and/or sticky notes for annotating - Notebook paper texts

2 British Literature and Composition “Literature is the question minus the answer.” Twelfth Grade English Syllabus --Roland Barthes 2016-2017 - Personal copy of text to annotate (highly recommended) - BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS - Refer to the Student Handbook for extended information on behavior expectations at McIntosh. Students should respect the teacher, other students, the classroom, and themselves at all times. This course will rely heavily on lively classroom discussion and debate; students are encouraged to be opinionated, but never rude or condescending to others. - Discipline Consequences 1. Warning 2. Teacher Detention and parent contact 3. Administrative referral - ***This syllabus is subject to change in order to meet the needs of the class.***

- Please read this syllabus carefully, sign, and return this page by Friday, August 12. - - I have read the syllabus and understand its contents. - - Student’s Name (Printed)______- - Student’s signature ______Date ______- - Student’s FCBOE email address______- - - Parent/Guardian Contact Information - - Primary Contact (Parent or Guardian) ______- - Parent/Guardian’s signature______Date ______- - Parent/Guardian E-mail address ______- - ______- - Telephone number (school hours)______- - Student Information - Will you be bringing any sort of technology (smart phone, tablet, laptop, e-reader, etc.) with you to school on a regular basis? What will you bring? - - - - Would you like to use it for this class? If so, do you have any suggestions for me as to how better to integrate technology into class? -

3 British Literature and Composition “Literature is the question minus the answer.” Twelfth Grade English Syllabus --Roland Barthes 2016-2017 - - - - Do you have computer access at home? Internet access? - - - - - Are you involved in any clubs or sports? What are they? Do you have a job or other after-school commitments? - - - - - Who was your English teacher last year? What class did you take? How did you do? Why?






- Fayette County Secondary Schools Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Statement

- Rationale: Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious violations of the principles of academic integrity. They represent a form of theft rather than genuine learning, and undermine the learning process. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty demonstrate a breach of character that is at odds with the values and goals of Fayette County Public Schools as an agency of college and career readiness. Students must become adept at gathering information, evaluating sources, citing material accurately, reporting findings from their research, and analyzing sources in a clear and cogent manner. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.

- Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty include the:

● representation of another’s ideas or writing as one’s own, by withholding credit through the omission of parenthetical documentation and/or a works cited page

● submission of work copied in part or whole from the work of someone else and submitting it as one’s own, by withholding credit through the omission of parenthetical documentation, specific source citations on a works cited page, and/or works cited page

● use of material—copied directly, cut and pasted, summarized, or paraphrased--without providing the author’s name and title of source

● submission of purchased papers or papers downloaded from the Internet as one’s own

● submission of papers written by some other person—including tutors, parents, siblings, or friends--as one’s own

● provision of one’s work in any discipline or subject matter to others, whether one believes the work will be copied or not unless the teacher has given specific permission for collaborative effort

● stealing of examination or course materials or cheating on an examination

● falsifying of records, laboratory results, or other data

4 British Literature and Composition “Literature is the question minus the answer.” Twelfth Grade English Syllabus --Roland Barthes 2016-2017 ● assistance of another student in any of the areas above, including assistance in an arrangement whereby any work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed.

- Penalties for Plagiarism:

A. A student who has plagiarized all or any part of a major writing assignment in any class will receive no credit for the assignment. No substitute assignment will be given.

B. A student who submits an assignment that requires documentation with no parenthetical citation and/or works cited has effectively and purposefully committed plagiarism; therefore, the student will receive a grade of zero for the entire research or writing assignment. No substitute assignment will be given.

C. A student who allows another student to copy his or her assignment in any discipline, or assists in the act of plagiarism or academic dishonesty, will be subject to disciplinary action and will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. No substitute assignment will be given.

D. All incidents of plagiarism will result in a disciplinary referral, parents will be notified, and the assignment will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. No substitute assignment will be given.

- NOTE TO PARENTS: “County Guidelines for Student Behavior” outlines the punishments for academic dishonesty; plagiarism is academic dishonesty. Teachers give instruction orally, in writing, and through specific examples as to what constitutes plagiarism to all students.

- I have read and understand the above statement on plagiarism.

- ______

- Student signature Date


- ______

- Parent/guardian signature Date


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