REFORM – To make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices Why should changes be What changes should be made? Reforming the Bowl Conference Series made? Why should we change the BCS?

Tulane President, Scott Cowen, said it like this: 1. It is fair and inclusive. 2. It fosters a unified Division I-A and enhances the vitality of all Division I-A programs. 3. It provides reasonable opportunity for all Division I-A football programs to have access to what are now referred to as the “BCS bowls,” including the national championship. 4. It meets the highest standards of legal soundness and is reasonably consistent with how national championships are conducted in all other NCAA-sponsored sports. 5. It respects the historical role of the bowl system and further enhances the value of postseason play for our fans. Dr. Lashbrook, President of SMWW, gave his thoughts: It's simple, college football is the only sport in the world that doesn't have a playoff system. It's almost un-American and antithesis to the sprit of sport to let a computer determine who should play for the national championship.

There should never be a shared national championship. How many people would have tuned in to watch LSU and USC play last year? I'm tired of the politics with the bowl games and holding on to a tradition that doesn't work for everyone involved. It's obvious the big programs don't want to share the pie with a team like Utah who could go undefeated and not get a shot at the national championship.

Dr. Lashbrook's potential solution: Keep the current BCS rankings and the bowl games and have a final four team playoff after the bowl games and let it be settled on the field. Monetarily we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars being left on the table to help athletic programs in a time of funding crises across the country. This money can also be used to promote the well-being of sports. This is the right thing to do and Sports Management Worldwide is going to be part of the solution!