IGCSE Depth Study M. Nichols BWIC 2007


Nazi Swatstika 1. How many people died in WWII ?______2. How many Russian PoWs were taken & how many survived? ______& ______3. Nazism was born out of which war? ______4. How did German troops feel at the end of WWI? What myth did they generate?______& ______5. Where was the centre of early Nazism? ______6. What two diseases were killing Germans at the end of WWI? ______& ______7. In April 1919, what was set up in Munich by the communists? ______and how many people died in the fighting?______8. What political views were Jews always associated with, by the right- wing?______9. What type of people were in the Freikorps?______10.What was Hitler’s talent? ______11.Name of WWI flying ace who joined the Nazis, in 1922? ______12.Name of Bavarian agricultural student and chicken farmer who joined Nazis and became leader of SS ? ______13.What happened to Hitler in 1921? How was this to have an affect on his trial in 1923? ______14.What did the NSDAP threaten Jews with? ______15.What fantasy did they promote about Jews? ______16.What were the three roles of the SA? ______17.At rallies, etc. Hitler showed his disorganised nature by always arriving ______18._____% who did not vote Nazi in 1928 19.In 1931 ______banks went bust and ______businesses closed down hitting the ______class 20.What other extremist party starting gaining votes after 1929? ______21.What form of transport did Hitler cleverly utilise in his (unsuccessful) 1932 presidential campaign? ______22.Name of banker who wrote to Hindenburg urging him to make Hitler chancellor?______23.What three problems were the Nazi party facing by the end of 1932? ______24.Name of Hitler aristocratic, conservative Vice-Chancellor who thought he could control Hitler ? ______25.Date Hitler was appointed Chancellor ______