Kilsby Parish Council

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Kilsby Parish Council

MINUTES OF MEETING of KILSBY PARISH COUNCIL Held on TUESDAY 4th JULY 2017 at 7.30pm in Kilsby Village Hall.

PRESENT: Councillor R Dunn, (Chairman), B Almond, M Chandler, B Gent, R Page, L Rochford, C Smedley, S Stainton, R Thompson. Clerk. District Councillor C Lomax. 9 members of the public. Page 144 ACTION 1. APOLOGIES 1.1 Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors K Adams, J Fisher. PCSOs Duncan Cumming and Les Conopo sent apologies. County Councillor M Longley sent apologies. 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 2.1.1 Concern was raised over the drainage system for the A361 development. Residents of Daventry Road explained that the road has previously flooded and the balancing pond has been designed to discharge into a dead-end ditch. The Parish Council were asked to facilitate an on-site meeting with Avant Homes, Severn Trent and the District Councillor to allow concerns to be raised. 2.1.2 Concern was raised over traffic and pedestrian safety when accessing the A361 site. The Clerk was asked to pass on contact details of Northamptonshire Highways Development Management Engineer who approved the site access. The Chairman pointed out that the Parish Council had raised concerns over highway safety at the time the planning application was approved. 2.1.3 A request was made for a note to be included in Kilsby Kronickle asking people to consider their neighbours and not light bonfires in the middle of the day. 2.1.4 It was noted that residents are shooting pigeons which caused a distressing incident when a pigeon that had been shot crashed onto a conservatory roof. To be included in KK. 2.2 Police Report –A crime report was read. Kilsby has had 2 non dwelling burglaries with entry to farm buildings on A5 and to containers on A361 building site. Following the tragic death of an 11 year old boy who was electrocuted on the Railway line at DIRFT all residents to be reminded about the dangers of the rail tracks. 2.3 District Councillor C Lomax agreed to provide a written report to be circulated to all Councillors and displayed on the notice board. – Attached. a She reported that she Junction 18 meeting will be held on 26th July at 3pm at Houlton. b Ref Item 11.2 Consultation on Police and Crime Commissioner taking over the Fire and Rescue service. DDC has made a recommendation in favour of this and they would also welcome the Commissioner taking over a similar role for the Ambulance Service. c The Scrutiny Task Panel on co-operation between Parish and Town Councils on large d planning applications recommended that there should be an early warning system for Parish Councils at the pre-application stage. The recommendation says “with the Developers consent”. Clarification of the s106 processes is up for review. Cllr Smedley said that the parishes that had taken part in the review had asked to see the recommendations being put forward. This has not happened. Cllr Lomax suggested that Kilsby Parish Council express their disappointment in the lack of liaison. 2.4 County Councillor Longley was unable to attend the meeting. 3 DECLARATIONS of INTEREST on the Agenda 3.1 Councillor Smedley declared a disclosable Pecuniary Interest in cheques No 300095 and 300096. 3.2 No written requests for dispensation of DPI has been received. 4 MINUTES 4.1 The Minutes of 6th June 2017 were signed and approved as a correct record following correction to the heading to remove “Annual”. Typos ref 2.4 and 7.5 were corrected. Page 145 ACTION 5 MATTERS ARISING not otherwise on the Agenda for information only 5.1 It was noted that the weight limit signing is now in place on the Ridgeway. 5.2 Cllr Smedley attended the Parish and Town Councils Meeting. He reported that Highway funding is very limited. They will only look at 20mph signing right outside schools. The new Police Inspector Kevin Byrne gave a talk. DDC are taking on additional staff to deal with planning breaches. Persistent offenders caught through the Speedwatch scheme can be booked through a Community Order. The next meeting will be held on 14th December 2017. 5.3 Ref 10.13 Cllr Thompson to arrange with S Hartwell to fit the Solar Panel onto the pole above the Vehicle Activated sign on Rugby Road. Cllr Gent to cut back overhanging branches. 5.4 It was noted that Grantscape has met. There were 4 bids and all the money was allocated. The amount of money available has increased slightly with inflation. 6 PLANNING 6.1 New Planning Applications 6.1.1 DA/2017/0535 1 Boxwood Drive, Kilsby. Demolition of exiting conservatory. Construction of single storey side extension. The Parish Council had no objections. 6.1.2 DA/2017/0510 Land adj. 2 Mount Pleasant Cottages. Construction of detached dwelling. Kilsby Parish Council has no objections to this application. 6.2 A decision from Daventry District Council Planning Department is awaited on the following:- 6.2.1 DA/2016/1008 Land to rear of Re-fueling Station DIRFT. Construction of HGV sales, service and MOT centre. 6.3 Decisions 6.3.1 DA/2017/0302 Provision of additional Car Parking Spaces, Stephenson Court. This application has been WITHDRAWN. 7 COMMUNITY SHOP / POST OFFICE Councillor Rochford reported that Dr Nigel Gostick has taken on the Chairmanship of the Shop Committee, and further members have joined. A site has been agreed at the Red Lion and there is an offer of a lease. The Community Shop to be housed in a porta-cabin at a cost of 20-25K Once a shop is established then the Post Office can be re-sited within the building. The Committee asked the Parish Council to guarantee £25K. The Parish Council support having a shop in principal, and thanked Cllr Rochford for the presentation but need to see a properly costed business plan and Heads of Terms of the lease before they can obtain a loan. The Parish Council would need to have confidence that the project is viable and may wish to ask the electorate via a referendum whether they would support the parish council providing funding towards the project. 8 ACCOUNTS 8.1 Financial Position at 27 June 2017- £ 68,226.02 Bank reconciliation attached. 8.2 Monies received 1 June 17 to 27 June 2017;£127 KK Advertising; £ 337 Donation for Bench; £ 275 Cemetery Fees; £ 2412.38 VAT refund. Rents awaited for Cemetery field grazing and Roundabout Ads. 8.3 It was resolved to request County Council Empowerment fund grant of £500 towards disabled ramp access to the Community Shop to be housed in a porta-cabin. 8.4 Councillor Page had checked the payments against invoices and reported that all was in order. It was resolved that all bank payments were approved as listed. Payee Chq No. Details £ Power to pay NEST Pension D/D Pension 1 to 31 July 17 15.70 LGA(1972) s112 Catherine Camp BP0241 Clerks Salary JULY 2017 677.32 LGA(1972) s112 HMR & C BP0242 Tax and NI 214.64 LGA(1972) s112 Anglian Water Business BP0243 Cemetery Water Tap 26.33 Cemeterys Act Stephen Hartwell BP0244 Mowing Inv 578 726.00 Open Spaces Act 1906 Stephen Hartwell BP0245 Mowing Inv 586 114.00 Open Spaces Act 1906 Stephen Hartwell BP0246 Mowing Inv 587 96.00 Open Spaces Act 1906 Page 146 ACTION Stephen Hartwell BP0247 Mowing Inv 589 630.00 Open Spaces Act 1906 Stephen Hartwell BP0248 Mowing Inv 592 210.00 Open Spaces Act 1906 Catherine Camp BP0249 Clerks Expenses inc Phone 45.56 LGA (1972) s111 Barby Parish Council BP0250 Stationery 33.41 LGA(1972) s111 E.ON Energy Solutions BP0251 Street Light maintenance 24.30 HA (1980) s 301 Earth Anchors Ltd BP0252 Bench 429.60 LG Ratings Act 1997 s31 Claire Griffin 300094 Youth Club Salary 300.00 LG(MP)A 1976 s 19(1) Charles Smedley 300095 Expenses to DDC 6.30 LGA(1972) s111 Charles Smedley 300096 Expenses to Funding Fair 16.20 LGA(1972) s111 Liz Rochford 300097 Expenses to Funding Fair 16.20 LGA(1972) s111 9 S106 FUNDING from A361 Development 9.1 The Clerk read the protocol for obtaining funds allocated to Kilsby from Daventry. It was resolved to put a note in Kilsby Kronickle asking for any organisation who can think of a project under the required headings of the s106 agreement to provide costings of their project to the Parish Clerk. To be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting with a further meeting held in August if required. Following an on-site meeting, it was reported that the developers expect 50% occupation by March 2018 with 75% occupation by mid-September 2018. Various ideas were discussed which could use funding. The Clerk was asked to investigate the purchase of land off Rugby Road for a Sports Field. 10 HIGHWAYS / ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 10.1 The Chairman and Clerk had visited the Avant homes site off A361 to discuss the timetable of build. Expected 1st occupation will take place in November 2017 with a planned finishing date of Summer 2018. Avant are prepared to fund and obtain Heritage information board about the site history. 10.2 Concerns over flooding had been raised by parishioners. The Parish Council resolved to arrange an on site visit with Avant, Severn Trent and the District Councillor and any concerned residents. 10.3 The Clerk to sign Kilsby Parish up to the Flood Risk Path Finder help scheme being run by Northamptonshire County Council. This will include an independent survey of all water courses in the Parish by a Structural Engineer who will then report back to the Parish. 10.4 It was resolved to send a letter to the Police and Crime Commissioners office and to the Inspector asking for clarification over the funding arrangements for sponsored PCSOs. 10.5 Heritage Boards. – Wording has been completed and was handed to the Clerk on a Memory stick. Heritage Lottery funding is the most likely to help. The cost of A1 boards plus installation has been quoted as £1675 each. It was noted that the wording was designed for A0 size boards. 10.6 Consultation on Northampton North West Relief Road between Harlestone A428 and Welford Road. The parish Council did not wish to comment. 10.7 Access over Devon Ox green was discussed. It was resolved to send a follow up letter to No 17 Barby Road, asking their intentions and timescale either to make a drive across the green and park on their own land, or stop parking on the green and make it good. 10.8 It was reported that Watling street illuminated sign should be in place in 6-8 weeks. Councillor Chandler proposed that a Watling Street residents meeting be held once the “No HGV” signs are in place to discuss parking issues. 10.9 The mobile catering van which parked in the A5 layby requires a licence from Daventry District Council and has been moved on. 10.10 The Clerk reported that she had received no feedback from NCC with regard to cultivation of the highway verge at 19 Barby Road. 10.11 It was resolved to ask Ian Boyes NCC, to see if anything can be done to improve the access into Chapel Street. 10.12 Builders rebuilding the boundary wall along Essen Lane have piled their bricks in front of the notice board. A request to move them has not been take seriously. NCC Highways have been informed that they are obstructing the highway. Page 147 ACTION 11 CORRESPONDENCE 11.1 Kilsby parish has been asked to respond to Cricks Neighbourhood Plan. Terry Dougan, David George, and Jenny Fisher have all looked at it and do not think that it contains anything which will affect Kilsby. The Clerk to respond to Crick accordingly. 11.2 Public consultation regarding proposals for the governance of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service to transfer from the Fire Authority which currently sits in Northamptonshire County Council, to the Police and Crime Commissioner, who would therefore become the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. Kilsby Parish Council did not wish to respond. 11.3 NALC Star Councils Awards. Closing date 28 July. It was resolved not to enter. 11.4 Good Councillors Guide to Finance –To be circulated to all Councillors. 12 WEBSITE 12.1 The Clerk reported that the website is ready to launch. It was resolved to publish the new website in Kilsby Kronickle and go live. 13 TRAINING 13.1 Cllr Adams to attend “New Councillor Training” Wed 5 July 6.30-9pm NCALC Litchborough 14 ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 14.1 It was agreed that any invoices received during July and August should be paid prior to the next full parish council meeting, subject to approval by the Chairman and Internal Financial Controller. These will be detailed on the next agenda. 14.2 s 106 Funding 14.3 Speedwatch

Meeting closed at 22.07 Next Parish Council meeting will take place on TUES 5th SEPTEMBER 17.

The October meeting of Kilsby Parish Council will be delayed by one week and will be held on Tues 10th Oct.

PLEASE NOTE: Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these minutes they are still subject to confirmation at the next meeting of the Parish Council and as such cannot be construed as the official record of this Meeting until signed by the Chairman.

SIGNED………………………………………………………………………. DATE : ……………………………………

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