Tactical Lesson Examples
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Lesson Examples
Free hitting, stretching/loosening activities with/without racket and pulse raising activities
Court Markings: Hand out per pair/three, with a partner find the different court markings.
Using the hand out, take it in turns to ask questions ‘which line is this’ or ‘where am I standing’?
Lesson Example 1/2
Initiating a game with a legal serve
With reference to the serving laws. Explain the serving and receiving position, show
1. With a partner: [5-6 shuttles per pair] serve legally to different parts of the front of the court, let the shuttle land. Other pair has a turn. Discuss what you know about the technique of the short serve while watching. ASK. Then do a explanation/demonstration with key points
2. Try serving at a low height: what challenges does this present your opponent, what possibilities does this present to them? What do you want your opponent to do? Why? a. Repeat task: Now serve as close to serving line as possible b. Partner places a racket head as target [also use hoops if necessary]
3. In pairs try serving so that the shuttle lands at the back of the court. Take it in turns with a partner.
4. How does the technique of serving change with the different placement of the shuttle. (Teach the high serve)
5. Play 1v1: one serves short, the other tries to return. What is the fewest and the most number of shots for the; a) server to win the point, b) the attacker to win the point, c) what was the server thinking about at the point of serve to gain the advantage, d) what did the receiver try to do to gain the advantage. 6. EXTENSION: how can you build disguise into the serve to outwit your opponent? [Discuss the flick serve]
7. Both players: Questions: how did the rally end most of the time for you? What is stronger for you to use, harder for you to use?
8. Number A, B, C, D: A v B play 1v1 half court: Either player can win a point either serving, or not serving. First to 10. Other pair [C & D] observes and completes the court outline sheet marking a cross where the shuttle hits the ground either when attacking or defending. If teaching a group of 4: *** When all have played 2 games look at your sheet and those of your group. To yourself decide a target for the third game [e.g. I am going to try and score more points at the back, I am going to try to win more points on the forehand]
9. Play the final game. Do a review. To what extent did you achieve your target?
Lesson Example 3/4
Creating space on the court using forehand overhead shots
Four courts
Play pairs half court face-to-face [one pair on, one pair observes]
Initiate a high serve and try to play cooperatively between 5-10 overhead shots in a row.
Cues: feet astride, turn, get the racket head up, ‘scratch-back’ get under the shuttle, extend up and throw.
How do you move your partner back? Use the overhead clear to get the shuttle to back of the court
SKILL Practice
Practice an overhead clear from a high serve [5 goes and then switch]: focus on the key cues ‘throw the racket head’ ‘line up the shuttle’
How can you generate more power? Why are your feet important? Where do they have to be? How important is the body position? Think of a practice to emphasize the clear? Play 1 v 1:
1 pt if you land the shuttle between net and the service line, 2 pt anywhere else within bounds.
Play to 10. Score either serving or receiving. If you win the point you win the serve.
Play head-on. Then play diagonal.
Use the stroke analysis sheet to record the shots played by type and also conduct a match analysis in terms of frequency of unforced errors
*** Need to find purposeful ways to engage students who are acting as observers
Lesson 5
Objective: Wining the point at the front of the court with a lunge net shot
With a partner keep a rally going so the shuttle remains between the net and the service line.
Repeat but remain on the service line at all times
Repeat but lunge with the racket leg and return to the service line with each shot played. Extension: use entire court 1v1
IF TIME begin at the left net post: play net/drop shots as you move along the net, then when you reach the end post retreat behind the service line and use the overhead clear and return.
Stand on the service line. Partner hand-feeds the shuttle. Move when the shuttle is released. Lunge and play a net shot on the forehand and back hand. Feeder challenges your partner appropriately with different angles and height
Play 1v1: from a short serve if you win with a drop shot = 2-pts
STOP and review. Brief Summary of Teaching Points
Shot Teaching Points Backhand Short Serve Astride stance Use backhand grip Hold the shuttle in the thumb & finger tips Shuttle parallel to racket head Drop and Extend the elbow
High Serve Astride position Point non-racket shoulder at net Hold the shuttle in the thumb & finger tips Drop & swing the hitting shoulder toward the net Watch the shuttle Contact just below waist height with a strong wrist Follow through over non-hitting shoulder Overhead Clear In preparation turn the non-racket shoulder toward the net Extend the racket elbow away from body Reach back to back-scratch racket edge Get under the shuttle Sight shuttle with non-racket arm Throw racket head at shuttle High contact point Snap the racket into the shuttle Lunge net shot Contact shuttle as high as possible Lunge with racket leg and plant foot Keep wrist cocked with an extended arm Try to ‘touch the shuttle over the net’ Return racket to high position Ready position Knees bent Feet shoulder width apart Racket up Weight on balls of feet Slight lean forwards Grip Thumb & first finger V down the side of the racket Shake hands Rest thumb against the middle finger Racket controlled mostly by first three fingers Forehand grip Slight variation on the above V moves slightly around to inside of racket