Regional Aging Advisory Committee
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Minutes Monday, January 11, 2016 2nd Floor Conference Room, O’Marks Building 10:00 a.m.
Attendees: Carteret County Louise Yurko (RAAC) Lenoir County Victor Heinrich (STHL-A) Walter LaRoque (RAAC) John Thompson (RAAC & STHL-D) Elaine Patterson (RAAC)
Craven County Onslow County Lavick Williams (RAAC & STHL-D) Joyce DuPalevich (RAAC & STHL-A) Carolyn Bland (RAAC) Marge Zima (RAAC & STHL-D) Thomas Pittman (RAAC) Steve DeLa Vega (RAAC)
Duplin County Pamlico County Darrell Grubbs (RAAC) Joan Gracie (RAAC & STHL-D) Donna Grubbs (RAAC) Wayne County Greene County Linda Harper (RAAC) Jean Garner (RAAC) Yvonne McLamb (RAAC) Jones County Peggy Seegars (STHL-D) Della Ancrum (RAAC & STHL-D) Martha Bryan (STHL-A) Gladys Burton (RAAC & STHL-A)
ECC AAA Members Tonya Cedars Andi Reese David Rosado Leighann Morgan Renee Kea
Guests: Mineko Holloway, LCCOA
1. Call to Order – Louise Yurko called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
2. Welcome – Louise Yurko welcomes everyone to the RAAC meeting. Each person introduced themselves and their position.
3. Approval of Minutes October 19, 2015 Walter LaRoque motioned to approve minutes as presented, Joan Garner 2nd the motion, motion approved unanimously. 4. Directors Report – Tonya Cedars reported former ECC AAA employee Jillian Hardin is now the AAA Director of the Kerr Tar Region and has been replaced by Andi Reece. Leighann Morgan is assisting in the Nutritional Monitoring headed by David Rosado. The ombudsman have an Intern Makalya Deal that will be assisting Renee while Angela’s maternity leave.
The Federal Government passed the budget and the Family Caregiver will increase but unsure how it will affect NC
Received additional funds that were allocated to the Regions Senior Centers and the rest will be invested in educating Master Trainers to help counties with classes.
The 4 Year Plan is in process and the AAA will be using the same goals the State has set out. There was a great response to the 4 Year Survey and information gathered will be filtered into the 4 Year Plan. The draft will presented at the April meeting for approval.
Tonya handed out a list of contacts of the Senate and house Committees of those who are appropriated on the Health & Human Services for United States and North Carolina.
Tonya stated that she hopes to host Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon after next meeting on April 4th.
5. Staff Reports David Rosado handed out a packet listing the budgets spent for each county up to November 2015. He also stated a change to In Home programs Level 2; social workers are not appropriate workers to evaluate clients and evaluation must be completed by Registered Nurse.
Andi Reese reported she has 7 open MFP cases and 3 close to actually transitioning.
Renee Kea reported that the Ombudsmen for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 completed 108 complaints, 128 resolved, 11 turned over to regulation, 10 not able to be resolved, 900 technical assistance hours. The major issues reported was transportation and food services and quality. Craven County had their 1st Elder Abuse Walk and Lenoir & Onslow Elder Abuse Walks have grown in attendance from last year. Renee also reported there are 5 new Craven County CAC members.
6. County Comments a. Carteret County – John Thompson reported a New Senior Center Director Beth Harrell. Victor Heinrich reported STHL will meet March 17th in Durham, NC b. Craven County – Carolyn Bland reported the Sunshine Group meet and organized an event that included singing Christmas Carols. The group has expanded to Tuesdays. Craven County still has support for the Grandparents group and will be conducting an event Powerful tool to Caregivers and dealing with stress. c. Duplin County – Darrell Grubbs reported there will be an event February 2nd For Legal Will. They will also be hosting and Intro to Computer and Adult Basic Education and Healthy Eating classes. Sam Jam is an upcoming event. Volunteer Appreciation Day will be April 8th, senior day will be in May. They will also host a Valentines Event and a day to help seniors with their income taxes in April. d. Greene County – The United Way expanded services of $2,000; 200 hours was spend with the aid of Medicare Part D enrollment. The senior Center is being remodeled and received a center of excellence. The United Way Walk raised over $1,000. e. Jones County – Sheila Ward reported that Denny Smith, Senior Center Director retired and has not yet been replaced. The Christmas party was well represented with 50 people in attendance. Gladys Burton helped with a Christmas Breakfast and the Quarterly Birthday party will be at the end of the month. f. Lenoir County – Mineko Holloway reported that the website will be updated by the end of the month. There has been an increasing in Facebook traffic. They are participating in Valentines to Legislature. Besty Griffin, recent ambassador received Bronze in line dancing at the Senior Games. Recertification is coming up in 2017. The center is undergoing roof and general repairs. g. Onslow County – Joyce DuPalevich reported that Senior Services hosted an event Powerful Tools for Caregivers h. Wayne County – Yvonne McLamb reported the seniors did a day trip to the Fruit Cake Factory. They counseled 408 seniors with Medicare Part D benefits. They hosted a Christmas Bazaar fundraiser and had open house. Hosted classes on making sleeping mats for the homeless out of plastic bags. Upcoming events include Lion King Play; A presentation on black soldiers in the civil war, Spring Dance; Senior Games. Gift store raised donation in hopes to use for outdoor furniture. i. Pamlico County – Joyce DuPalevich reported the Center does Exercise for Arthritis and Blood Pressure Class, a movie night was hosted in Oriental. They are also trying to get more volunteers for Transportation Network to develop a Transportation bank 7. Travel Reimbursement – Tonya reported there are new forms with new mileage reimbursement cost.
8. Adjourn – RAAC Walter Laroque motioned to adjourn meeting. Meeting adjourned
9. 2016 RAAC Calendar Dates
a. April 4th, 2016 at 10:00 am b. July 11th, 2016 at 10:00 am c. October 3rd, 2016 at 10:00 am
10. STHL Delegates Business