The Lord Jesus Suffers Mockery and Contempt on Golgotha S Top

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The Lord Jesus Suffers Mockery and Contempt on Golgotha S Top


Matthew 27: 41 – 43

A Passion sermon by:

Rev. L. Roth







Psalter 114: 1, 2, 4, 7

Law of God

Scripture Reading: Matthew 27: 29 – 44 Text: Matthew 27: 41 – 43 “Likewise also the chief priests mocking Him, with the Scribes and elders, said, He saved others; Himself He cannot . Save. If He be the King of Israel, let Him now come down from The cross, and we will believe Him. He trusted in God; let Him Deliver Him now, if He will have Him: for He said, I am the Son of God.”

Psalter 92: 1, 3, 5

Congregational prayer


Psalter 184: 1, 3, 7


Psalter 440: 1, 3, 4

Thanksgiving Prayer

Psalter 426: 4, 5, 9

Doxology Psalter 315

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Matt. 27:41-43 Christ is Mocked and Ridiculed on the Cross

Beloved Congregation.

After a long night of terrible interrogation and physical abuse the Lord Jesus was led away to bear His cross to the place of execution. He had been unjustly sentenced to die the death of the ungodly, the death that was accursed by God. And as we saw last week, He was led outside the city of Jerusalem to suffer and die outside the camp. Yes, the Lord Jesus was going to be made sin Who knew no sin, by bearing the holy wrath of His Father against sin in both His body and soul. Soon the hammer blows echo in the distance as He is nailed to the cross by His hands and feet. There hangs then, the bleeding, dying Surety, suspended between heaven and earth. And still, the crowd of people is not satisfied. Has Christ not suffered enough ridicule and contempt already at the hands of chief priests, and then Pilate as well as Herod? No, congregation, the cup of the suffering that the Lord was required to drink was not yet full. But He must experience more and greater suffering.

Well now, let us regard the words of our text therefore under the following theme, THE LORD JESUS SUFFERS MOCKERY AND CONTEMPT ON GOLGOTHA’S TOP. In the first place let us consider that this mockery is Aimed at Christ’s Power. Secondly let us regard that it is Directed at Christ’s Kingship. In the third place let us examine that it is Pointed at Christ’s Trust in God.

In the first place let us consider how that the mockery at Golgotha was Aimed at Christ’s Power. Perhaps the thought has occurred to you, congregation, what the Lord Jesus had to endure at the site of the crucifixion was not really so very different from what He experienced during the hours of the night before the various authorities. And yet there is a major difference, dear friends. For all the abuse which Christ endured during the night before was within the walls of Jerusalem, in the city of God

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where the Lord was pleased to dwell and where justice and righteousness ought to have prevailed. But now, Christ has been brought outside the realm of the covenant, sentenced to death upon the cross. He is regarded a criminal and blasphemer, as one who was rejected and accursed. Now everyone may do and say as he wants. For Christ has been led outside the city gate. And there, one will find no justice and no law to appeal to. And so the scene before us on Golgotha’s Height, congregation, is a mob of rowdy, sneering people from all walks of life, both Jews as well as Gentiles.

But now, just listen. A voice is heard from among the rabble. He saved others; Himself He cannot save. Who speaks these words? It is one of the chief priests. It’s as if he says, His power seemed to be so great before, but when it comes down to it, let Him prove it now that we have Him where we want Him. He doesn’t have the power to deliver Himself. Yes, congregation, this is an aspect of Christ’s suffering which seems so offensive. Why does Christ not do anything? Why does He, Who revealed such great power during His ministry now remain seemingly so helpless? No, the religious leaders, the scribes and Pharisees do not understand this at all. They lower their dignity and begin to charge the Savior with being an imposter. These legalists cannot understand that if you can perform great works in behalf of others, then surely you can and will do so for yourself? Yes, dear friends, that is the attitude of the blind who are leading the blind. Others He has saved; let Him save Himself!

Perhaps we can even go one step further in their way of thinking. If He cannot save Himself as He has supposedly saved and helped others, then that means that all that He has ever done is nothing but a sham. People, don’t let yourself be fooled by this imposter who lays claim to fame. For He is not trustworthy. Let Him reveal it then by coming off of the cross and saving Himself. That will be the real test whether He is what He claims to be. We cannot imagine, congregation what a severe trial this actually was for the Lord Jesus, the eternal Son of God.

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In a sense it was enduring the temptations of Satan in the wilderness all over again. By a display of His divine power He could have silenced the religious leaders. But He did not. For….it was precisely for that reason that He came into this world. He came to die the death accursed by God, to be made a curse so that sinners, all those given to Him by the Father might receive salvation full and free.

And so, while the religious leaders may cast some aspersion upon the Lord Jesus and Who He claimed to be, it is precisely in this way that He ensured the deliverance of His people. Without realizing it, they speak the truth. He has saved others and is busy ensuring their salvation! The Lord Jesus has released the blind from their blindness, the deaf from their inability to hear; He has made the lame to walk. He has released a Levi and a Zachaeus from their greed for money. Those possessed by unclean spirits He has freed from the devil’s cruel bondage. And some He even raised from the terrible grip of death. But above all these physical deliverances, the Lord Jesus freed His people from the bondage and guilt of their sins. Just think of the man who had been let down through the roof of a home by four friends, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. Take up thy bed and walk.

Well now, very remarkably, these mockers are declaring Gospel truth against their own will. But alas, they and the vast majority of the others who hear them do not know it. He has saved others! But the question remains, congregation, has the Lord Jesus also saved you? Was there ever a time in your life that you saw your need of His deliverance? The Lord is still the same today as He was during His ministry on this earth. Has it therefore ever been the prayer of your heart, Lord remember me in grace. The grace Thou hast revealed to Thy saints, reveal to me. Oh how precious are those moments when the Lord looks down upon a people in mercy for the first time but also by renewal. Then words such as we find in Psalm 43 are made living and real: Send forth O Lord of my salvation, Thy Light and Truth to be my guide. O let their rays in my privation, Lead me unto Thy habitation, Where ‘neath Thy wing I’ll be supplied, With grace thou wilt provide.

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Oh how precious the Lord then becomes of Whom the elders of Israel say, He saved others. Yes, people of God, behold your Savior and Redeemer Who hangs upon the accursed tree.

But the second part of what the religious leaders are saying is not true. Would He Who created all things and by His providence upholds the world and all that is in it not be able to come down from the cross? Oh yes He was! He could have swept all his adversaries from the earth and ascended up into heaven Himself. But, had He not prayed in Gethsemene, Oh Father, if it be possible let this cup pass by Me. Nevertheless, not My will but Thy will be done? And so the Lord Jesus willingly remained upon the earth. Why? Because, while He had the power to destroy His enemies and to deliver Himself from the cross, it was divine love, congregation, love for sinners that the fastened the Lord of glory to the cross. He had come to do the will of His Father, even to the end, by laying down His life, holy and undefiled. No, the Pharisees and scribes were not able to understand that. They had no eye for that. They were only concerned about their position.

But the question comes to us, dear friends, Have we understood this? Have the eyes of your understanding been opened to behold the Lamb of God? What a miracle that He, Who had all power, allowed Himself to be nailed just like a helpless victim upon the accursed tree. In this way He gave His life as the one and only payment for sin. Yes, beloved, the Lord Jesus laid down His life as the Just One for the unjust, that He might bring sinners and rebels back to God. Just think of what the Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Romans, Chapter 5:10, For if, when we were enemies we were reconciled unto God by the death of His Son, how much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. Has that also become true of you, beloved? Has your heart been broken because it was your sin and your guilt which nailed the Lord of glory upon the tree? And still, He remained there, ignoring the taunts of His enemies, He saved others; Himself He cannot save. Oh that this may be an eternal wonder to

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you congregation. For then you will also have some understanding for the mockery which was Directed at Christ’s Kingship, our second point.

Christ’s enemies did not leave it at a personal attack upon His person when they challenged Him to come off of the cross. But as our text indicates they questioned His office, His royalty. If He be the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross and we will believe Him. Yes, beloved, this is the second arrow which Christ’s enemies aim at Him. These words of course were a reference to the accusation Pilate had written above the Lord Jesus’ head, This is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. They take offence at this superscription. They do not believe it at all. If you are the King of the Jews as your title indicates, we’ll give you one more chance; come off of the cross and we will believe you. You can just feel the contempt they have for Christ when they speak these words. Actually they do not believe at all.

You see, congregation, they are offended by the thought itself. The thought of a king experiencing such a deep way of humiliation was repulsive to them. And that is why they could not and would not receive Him as King. Israel’s King would come with a lot of fanfare and glory, would he not? And as for signs and wonders, well that remains to be seen. And that this man might be their Messiah and King? No, that cannot be true. For when their king comes, then they would undoubtedly be involved; he will come to them. But, how poorly do these religious leaders know their Scriptures. They have no eye for what Isaiah wrote concerning this very thing. He was despised, rejected of men and acquainted with grief. Or think how that Zachariah wrote, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee; He is just, having salvation, lowly and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt and the foal of an ass. These prophecies were fulfilled to the last detail by the Lord. But no, the religious leaders would have nothing to do with Christ Who they regarded as a threat to their position.

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Well now, how is that with us, beloved? What sort of king would you have rule over your life? Surely, you are not irritated by the actions and work of King Jesus? Surely you do not question the Lord’s way for your life, do you? Perhaps there is someone who says, If He has all power, why then must I go through such deep ways? Why does my wife, my child have to experience ill health? Why does my husband face job insecurity? Why is it that I experience much darkness while I always come to church and never miss? If the Lord is so mighty, why does He not break my hard heart and convert me? It would be a small thing for the Lord to bring about a change in our lives, wouldn’t it? Why then does He not do so? Yes, many are the trials and questions of various sorts that can plague a person and cause him or her to question the Lord and His dealings with them.

But you and I must realize, congregation, if these are our thoughts, then our way of thinking is not so very much different from the scribes and Pharisees. If Thou art King, oh Lord, do something! Help me out of my predicament. Then I will believe. Then I will be assured that Thou dost rule and reign. You see, congregation, by nature we are not so different from Christ’s enemies. We too would like the Lord to rule and direct our lives in a certain way that suits us. Let us be honest. Even after the Lord has had dealings in our lives the thought may arise, If the Lord is almighty and the fountain of all good, why must I go through this or that difficulty? The Lord has to but speak the Word and my fortunes would change. Why then do I have to experience constant oppression? I’m so tired of it all!

But realize well, congregation, that you and I should not have the mistaken notion that if the Lord would remove some difficulty in our lives, that then our hearts would be broken and then we would be made more willing to serve Him. How many dealings has the Lord not already had in your life? How longsuffering has the Lord not already been!

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And still we want another sign, another token so that we are able to believe and trust in the Lord. And yet the Lord pours daily blessings upon our lives. But tragically, many do not really have an eye for that. How darkened their understanding really is!

And yet, when it comes to the events related in our text the Lord will indeed give many more signs when He dies. There will be an earthquake, causing many graves to be opened. Great darkness shall come over the earth for three hours such as had never been experienced since Israel’s bondage in Egypt. And when the Lord will arise from the dead, bringing about an empty tomb, the religious leaders will seek to cover it all up by giving the Roman soldiers great sums of money to spread the rumor that the disciples stole His body when they were asleep. And so we see that if the Lord would merely perform some signs, some tokens by which we might experience some outward favor, these are not enough to change our hearts and to give us a spirit of total dependency upon Him. Outward circumstances alone do not break a person’s heart. Only God’s love revealed in His Son can do so. That love can break the hardest heart, the most perverse will.

Behold, the Lamb of God, congregation, which taketh away the sins of the world. Meditate upon how He hung upon the accursed tree, the object of mockery and derision. If Thou be the Son of God, save Thyself. If Thou be the King of Israel, come down from off the cross. Oh, if the Lord Jesus would have had but one moment of doubt, if He would have wavered but for a moment, then….. But no, that was impossible. For then the eternal salvation of all of God’s people would have been eternally lost. No, this was not a temptation for the Lord Jesus; for… it was His greatest delight to perform His Father’s will, even if it meant becoming the one and only sacrifice for sin. Oh beloved, what manner of love this is! Far beyond what we can imagine. Far above that which we can ask or think. Such a precious Savior.

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Who will ever be able to understand Thy worth? Thou hast gone the way of suffering and shame, the way of becoming accursed. Why? To honor and glorify Thy Father and to save hell-worthy sinners, enemies of God. Oh what amazing love is revealed in Christ’s death, beloved? Have you already seen it? Have you experienced it so that regardless of your situation in life you tasted and saw that the Lord is good? Oh when these things are brought home to your heart, then you are truly blessed. Then we also may also understand Christ’s Trust in God, our third point.

Continuing with the words of our text in verse 43 we read, He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him; for He said I am the Son of God. Yes, congregation, here too the religious leaders speak vital truth while they do not even realize the implications of their words. During all His life long, the Lord Jesus never looked unto man for help to deliver Him out of a difficulty. Never has He relied upon the arm of flesh. He always performed that which was well pleasing unto His heavenly Father. And therefore God the Father also declared from heaven, This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him.

Well now, in our text Christ’s enemies challenge the Lord to rely upon His God. Surely He will not allow His Son to perish on the cross! He will be able to deliver Him, won’t He? But these mockers do not realize that they literally recite what is written in Psalm 22:8, fulfilling the Scriptures, He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him; let Him deliver Him seeking He delighted in Him. You see, congregation, while the religious leaders indeed had to acknowledge that the Lord Jesus had performed miracles they had attributed them to the prince of the devils, Beelzebub. But now, when they have Christ where they want Him, suffering and dying upon the accursed tree, let us see if God, Whose Son He claims to be, will rescue Him or not. Now the real truth will come out! Oh how great was the blindness of the religious leaders, dear friends.

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In their hatred and enmity against the Lord they would stop at nothing. Here they openly defy the Lord, putting into question His divine Sonship.

Are we perhaps filled with amazement at the base way in which they treat the Lord, congregation, attacking His divinity itself? Yes, it is a most terrible, debasing thing that the Lord was called on to endure. But in this way, the religious leaders bring themselves into judgment, not only because of what they have said, but also because they do not have any understanding of the will and ways of the Lord. They think that if someone trusts and waits upon the Lord then everything will go their way. But they do not have any understanding of the fact that the Lord chastises those whom He loves. They have a similar theology to Job’s three friends who said, Job, you must have sinned greatly; for the Lord does not deal with His obedient subjects in the way that He has dealt with you. You must have something upon your conscience.

And yet, the Lord very often leads His people through deep ways, congregation. As we already mentioned, the Lord chastises those whom He loves. Moreover, Christ also taught during His ministry that in this world we shall have tribulation. But where do those trials bring you, dear friends? Do they bring you to the foot of the cross, pleading the grace revealed in Christ Jesus? For though He was righteous and holy and just all His life long, nevertheless He endured the holy wrath of His Father against sin to the very end. He endured the mockery of His enemies. But more than this, He bore the holy, unmitigated wrath of His Father against sin when He was forsaken. He was the Lamb of God. Oh, beloved, words are insufficient to describe what the Lord Jesus endured. We speak of hellish torments and do not know what they entail. But here already the fiery darts are aimed at Christ.

Well now, are you also troubled by the attacks of the enemy, dear friends, including the powers of darkness itself?

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Not seldom they seek to whisper, If you truly love the Lord and trust upon Him, then all these difficulties you are experiencing would not come into your life. Don’t you see that, when it comes down to it you have no refuge with the Lord. He would never bring His people into such a state of hopelessness as you are in. If you were the Lord’s, He would have brought you out of your misery. Well now, think it not strange when these things are cast into your face, people of God. For, they were also cast at the Lord Jesus! And therein we are called to walk in His footsteps. If they persecuted me and you are My disciples, they will persecute you. A disciple is not greater than His Master.

Finally notice, congregation, that the Lord Jesus answered His mockers not a word. No, in silence He relied upon the Lord His God. Well now, may you people of God be given the grace, the wisdom and the strength to do the same. No, there was not any guile found in Christ’s mouth, also not when He was being unjustly held with contempt. He suffered in silence, not opening His mouth in rebuke of His adversaries, no. And herein too, congregation, the Lord gives us a perfect example. In this way we see that the Lord has taken upon Himself also the many sins we commit with our tongue. Can we say, I have kept my tongue from speaking evil and my lips from speaking guile?

If we do not learn to bow before the Savior King who was held up before us this morning, congregation, then we will slander the Lord in eternity, but all to no avail. But if, by the Holy Spirit’s grace, you confess and grieve over your sins in this regard, acknowledging before the Lord that you have defamed His holy name, that you have challenged His glory and honor, then shall all the tongues of the adversaries set against you be silenced. For who shall be able to bring any accusation against God’s elect? No, not one. Oh yes, here below God’s people may have to endure mockery and derision. But one day they shall receive a place in glory.

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For… the King of Glory Who was held with contempt has been given to His people as the Savior and Redeemer by God the Father. May therefore your tongue resound His praise already in this life, people of God. For He alone is worthy of all adoration. Amen.

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The Lord Jesus Suffers Mockery and Contempt on Golgotha’s Top A Passion Sermon Based on Matthew 27:41-43

Opening Psalter 114: 1, 2, 4, 7

Law of God

Scripture Reading- Matt 27: 29-44

Psalter 92: 1, 3, 5


Psalter 184: 1, 3, 7


Psalter 440: 1, 3, 4

Psalter 426: 4, 5, 9

14 15 Doxology 315

Sermon prepared by Rev. L. Roth


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