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No Notes, No Books; You Can Use Calculators s1

Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D


No notes, No books; You can use calculators

Constants that you may need to know: c = 3 x 108 m/s 1 AU = 1.49 ×1011 meters 1 light year = 9.46 × 1015 meters

-34 24 30 h = 6.626 x 10 J●s mass of Earth = 5.97 × 10 kg mass of Sun = 1.99 x 10 kg G = 6.67 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 mass of Moon = 7.35 x 1022 kg mass of Jupiter = 1.90 x 1027 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 radius of Earth = 6.38 × 106 m radius of Jupiter = 7.15 × 107 m σ = 5.67 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4 1 nm = 1 x 10-9 meters radius of Moon = 1.74 × 106 m

1) How did MOLA on the Mars Global Surveyor determine the altitude of surface features on Mars?

A) Looking at shadows on the surface of Mars B) Transmits infrared laser pulses towards Mars and measures the time for the pulses to return to the spacecraft C) Measures the density of different surface features on Mars by measuring the gravitational acceleration on the spacecraft D) Counting craters on the surface of Mars E) Determining the lengths of channels on the surface of Mars

2) Which spacecraft landed on the surface of Venus and took pictures of the surface?

A) Pioneer 9 B) Mariner 10 C) Venera 9 D) Galileo E) Callisto

3) The Habitable Zone in our solar system refers to …

A) A sea on Mars that could contain life B) The region around the Sun in which planets could potentially have surface temperatures which frozen water could exist. C) The region around the Sun in which planets could potentially have surface temperatures which liquid water could exist. D) The region around the Sun in which planets could contain substantial amounts of carbon E) The region of the Solar System between Mercury and Mars Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D

4) Most Martian meteorites have crystallization ages of 1.35 and 0.15 billion years. What do these ages tell you about the surface of Mars?

A) Mars must have had liquid water on its surface B) Mars have had volcanic activity on its surface in the last billion years C) Mars must have had an ocean in the last billion years D) Mars must have had a magnetic field in the last billion years E) Mars must have a CO2-rich atmosphere in the last billion years

5) Coronae and Arachnoids appear to be volcanic features on what planet?

A) Mercury B) Venus C) Earth D) Mars E) Moon

6) Which spacecrafts have taken images of Mercury’s surface?

A) Pioneer 1 and Messenger B) Mariner 3 and Messenger C) Messenger and Mariner 10 D) Pioneer 1 and Mariner 10 E) Cassini and Galileo

7) Blueberries on Mars refer to …

A) Sulfate spherules on Mars B) Blueish craters on Mercury C) Hematite spherules on Mars D) Blueish craters on Mars E) Blueish craters on Venus

8) The Phoenix spacecraft determined the …

A) pH of the Martian soil B) Number of craters on the Martian North Pole C) Height of surface features on the Martian surface D) Size of the Martian core E) Composition of the Martian mantle Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D

9) The first rover to study the surface of Mars was …

A) Opportunity B) Venera C) Viking 1 D) Sojourner E) Beagle 2

10) The significance of finding hematite on Mars is that …

A) Hematite is formed during asteroid impacts B) Hematite is produced by ancient lifeforms C) Hematite on Earth can be formed in the presence of water D) Hematite needs a magnetic field to form E) Hematite is always found with sulfates on Earth

11) Olympus Mons is evidence that …

A) An ancient ocean existed on the surface of Mars B) Volcanic activity occurred on the surface of Mars C) Life existed on Mars D) Water existed on Mars E) Mars has two moons

12) Mars’ moons are called …

A) Iapetus and Callisto B) Ganymede and Europa C) Phobos and Deimos D) Ceres and Pallas E) Hebe and Juno

13) The asteroid impact that may have led to the demise of the dinosaurs is thought to have occurred at the K-T boundary. What does K-T stand for?

A) Cambrian-Triassic B) Kasimovian -Tertiary C) Cambrian-Triassic D) Cretaceous-Tertiary E) Kasimovian-Triassic Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D

14) What is true about the magnetic field of Mars?

A) Mars never had a magnetic field B) Mars’ magnetic field tended to be much weaker in the past compared to today C) Mars’ magnetic field tended to be much stronger in the past compared to today D) The only evidence for a magnetic field on Mars is data from the Northern Hemisphere E) The magnetic field stops impacts from occurring on the surface of Mars

15) The Face on Mars refers to …

A) A crater on Mars that looks like a happy face B) A series of craters on Mars that looks like a happy face C) A rock formation on Mars that looks like a human face D) How Mars looks like a face when seen from Earth E) A series of canals on Mars that looks like a happy face

16) Why do scientists think that an asteroid impact occurred at the K-T boundary?

A) The concentration of hematite increased at the K-T boundary B) The concentration of lithium increased at the K-T boundary C) The concentration of iridium increased at the K-T boundary D) The concentration of sulfates increased at the K-T boundary E) The concentration of argon increased at the K-T boundary

17) Percival Lowell …

A) Discovered Mars B) Discovered the Martian Polar Caps C) Thought that there were canals on Mars that transported water D) Discovered the two moons of Mars E) Thought that Mars’ lost its water after an impact with an asteroid

18) Put these spacecrafts in order when they landed on the surface of Mars. 1976  2008

A) Viking 2, Mars Pathfinder, Phoenix, Spirit B) Mars Pathfinder, Viking 2, Phoenix, Spirit C) Viking 2, Spirit, Mars Pathfinder, Phoenix D) Viking 2, Mars Pathfinder, Spirit, Phoenix E) Viking 2, Phoenix, Mars Pathfinder, Spirit Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D

19) Which country or countries have sent spacecraft or spacecrafts to Mars and used these spacecraft or spacecrafts to return samples of Mars back to Earth?

A) No country has used a spacecraft to return samples directly from Mars B) Just the United States C) Just the Soviet Union D) Just China E) Just the United States and the Soviet Union

20) The Tunguska event refers to …

A) The impact that formed Meteor Crater in Arizona B) The formation of the Weird Terrain on Mercury C) The huge explosion in the atmosphere that occurred over Siberia D) The impact that may have killed off the dinosaurs E) The formation of Olympus Mons

21) What formula would you use to model the energy of an asteroid impact on the surface of Mercury?

A) Energy of the impact = mass of the asteroid times the speed of light squared B) Energy of the impact = one-half times the mass of the asteroid times the velocity of the asteroid squared C) Energy of the impact = Planck’s constant time the frequency of the light D) Energy of the impact = mass of the asteroid times the velocity of the asteroid cubed E) Energy of the impact = mass of the asteroid times the speed of light cubed

22) Why did scientists worry about their estimated salt content for Martian water from observations done by Spirit?

A) The water may have not been salty enough to support life B) The water may have been too salty to support life C) The salts may have been the result of Martian life D) The salts were evidence for an oxygen-rich atmosphere on Mars E) The salts would have erased evidence of Martian life

23) Besides Earth, which terrestrial planet or planets do most scientists think we have samples of on Earth?

A) Just Mercury Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D

B) Just Venus C) Just Mars D) Just Mercury and Venus E) Just Venus and Mars 24) Which is not taken as possible evidence that liquid water could have existed in the past on Mars?

A) Channels that appeared to have been carved by water B) The presence of sulfates C) The presence of hematite spherules D) The formation of Olympus Mons E) The presence of substantial amounts of water ice in the Northern Polar Cap that would have been liquid with a denser atmosphere

25) Which country or countries have had citizens walk on the surface of Mars?

A) No country has had citizens walk on the surface of Mars B) Just the United States C) Just the Soviet Union D) Just China E) Just the United States and the Soviet Union

26) Why is the Moon covered with impact craters and the Earth isn’t?

A) The Moon has a lower gravitation acceleration than the Earth B) Wind, water, volcanism, and ice on Earth have destroyed most of its impact craters C) The Moon is smaller than the Earth D) Huge impacts on the Earth have covered up most of the impact craters E) The Earth’s magnetic field stops most objects from hitting the Earth’s surface

27) Put these planets in order from lowest atmospheric pressure on the surface to highest atmospheric pressure on the surface Lowest  Highest

A) Mercury, Earth, Mars, Venus B) Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus C) Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus D) Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars E) Mars, Mercury, Earth, Venus Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D

28) A scientist using results from the current mission to Mercury says that Region A on Mercury is older than Region B on Mercury? What is the scientist referring to?

A) Rocks from Region A that were dated using radioactive isotopes have older ages than rocks from Region B B) Region A has more small craters than Region B C) Region A has more volcanoes than Region B D) Region A has more water ice than Region B E) Region A has more hematite than Region B

29) Caloris Basin and Hellas Basin are both …

A) large ocean basins B) large impact craters C) large volcanoes that collapsed D) different geologic eras E) large channels

30) Which is a true statement about the Spirit and Opportunity rovers?

A) The rovers only lasted approximately 90 days on Mars B) The rovers stopped functioning after the first Martian winter C) Spirit stopped functioning after the first Martian winter but Opportunity is still functioning today D) Opportunity stopped functioning after the first Martian winter but Spirit is still functioning today E) Both Opportunity and Spirit are still functioning today on the Martian surface

31) The Weird Terrain on Mercury is thought to have formed as a …

A) Result of shock waves that propagated through Mercury due to a large impact on the other side B) Result of the impact of many small craters on the surface of Mercury C) Result of a volcanic explosion on Mercury that caused the crust to buckle D) Result of the impact that stripped off Mercury’s crust E) Result of changes in Mercury’s magnetic field that caused the number of solar wind particles that hit the surface to change Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D

32) Why does Venus have relatively few small craters (less than 2 km in sixe) compared to Mercury and the Moon?

A) There are no small asteroids near the orbit of Venus B) Venus’ atmosphere tends to stop small asteroids from hitting the ground C) Large craters on Venus have wiped out most of the small craters on Venus’ surface D) Mercury and the Moon have much lower gravitational accelerations on their surfaces E) Mercury and the Moon have surfaces rich in plagioclase feldspar, which is less dense than the material on Venus’ surface

33) What is the RAT used for on the Mars Rovers?

A) To measure the abundance of CO2 in the atmosphere B) To count the number of craters on the surface C) To grind into the interior of rocks D) To measure the abundances of hematite on Mars E) To measure the abundances of water on Mars

34) What would have allowed Mars to have liquid water on its surface in the past?

A) A location farther from the Sun B) A less dense atmosphere C) A denser atmosphere D) A larger iron core E) Larger Moons

35) What wavelength range did Magellan use to map the surface of Venus

A) radio B) X-ray C) ultraviolet D) visible E) gamma-ray

36) Why does Venus have a higher average surface temperature than Mercury?

A) Venus is farther than the Sun than Mercury B) Mercury does not have a very substantial atmosphere Astronomy 101, Exam #4 D

C) Venus has a CO2-rich atmosphere that is very dense D) Mercury received much more solar radiation than Venus E) Mercury has a larger core

37) What is a difference between the Northern and Southern hemispheres on Mars?

A) The Northern hemisphere tends to have many more craters than the Southern hemisphere B) The Northern hemisphere tends to have many more active volcanoes than the Southern hemisphere C) The Northern hemisphere tends to have a lower elevation than the Southern hemisphere D) The Northern hemisphere tends to have a stronger magnetic field than the Southern hemisphere E) The Northern hemisphere tends to have a taller mountains than the Southern hemisphere

38) The purpose of the Viking 2 spacecraft was to

A) Look for dust devils on Mars B) Look for hematite on Mars C) Look for sulfates on Mars D) Look for evidence of life on Mars E) Look for perchlorates on Mars

39) Valles Marineris is …

A) a huge shield volcano on Mars B) a system of canyons on Mars C) an impact crater on Mercury D) a huge depression on Venus E) a violent storm on Venus

40) ALH 84001 was thought to contain …

A) Evidence of ancient life on Mars B) Evidence of ancient life on Venus C) Evidence of oceans on Mars D) Evidence of rivers on Mars E) Evidence of oceans on Venus

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