Irion County ISD Computer Use Policy

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Irion County ISD Computer Use Policy

2017-2018 Irion County ISD Computer Use Policy & Acceptable Use Guidelines for Technology Resources (For parents, students, and staff)


1. Review all information in this publication.

2. Sign and turn in the Acknowledgement Form for District Issued Technology Tablet and acceptable

internet use.

3. Parents and students are required to complete and submit the Student/Parent/Staff Acknowledgement

Form for District Issued Technology Tablet & Irion County Acceptable Use Guidelines for Technology

Resources before your student can receive a tablet computer. The ICISD Acknowledgement form can be

submitted by returning the enclosed form to your campus office.


INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………....2 DIGITAL TEXTBOOKS…………………………………………………………………….3 RESPONSIBLE USE GUIDELINES………………………………………………………..3 BASIC RULES FOR TABLET USE……………………………………………………….12 DAMAGE, LOSS OR STOLEN EQUIPMENT……………………………………………13 TABLET COMPUTER CARE AT HOME…………………………………………………13

2 INTERNET SAFETY……………………………………………………………………….14 ONLINE RESOURCES……………………………………………………………………..15

INTRODUCTION The Irion County Independent School District believes learning occurs any time, any place, and at any pace. The use of electronic computer tablets is designed to offer students opportunities to deepen and extend their learning. The benefits of one computer per student (1:1) include: Access to online reference materials and research Ability to use interactive, online textbooks and not have to carry 20-30 pounds of textbooks from class to class or home (which often become obsolete as they are published) Access to scientific and graphing calculators Access to a personal organizer and calendar that can include tasks and dates of assignments or tests, and updated by student, parent, or teacher Assistive technology, including: speech-to-text and text-to-speech recognition; visual and text communication; and life skills, numeracy skills, literacy and language development; and behavior tracking applications Globalized communication and collaboration with students in other classes, schools, states, or countries

A 1:1 initiative creates a virtual learning environment that more closely mimics a student’s way of learning outside of the school setting. Students will be given the opportunity to use digital resources to promote higher level thinking by teaching students to be a self-directed learner and using the information in a socially responsible and effective way. It encourages innovation, collaboration and an extension of learning by connecting students to a global community and by educating the learner to be aware of people, places and ideas otherwise not available. At an appropriate age level, the students will have a device to access digital resources at school and home so the opportunity to continue learning will not be missed. All students and staff of ICISD will either have an individual tablet or direct access to tablets in their classrooms. Students in grades K through 5 will not bring their devices home. The devices will remain in the classrooms for their individual and classroom use. Students in grades 6-12 will be permitted to bring their devices home with parent permission (upon principal approval). The use of personal devices is guided by ICISD’s Responsible Use Guidelines and by the direction of the teacher.

Learning Goals The learning goals of the ICISD technology initiative is to increase the depth and breadth of student learning; design engaging relevant learning experiences for all students; expand learning opportunities beyond the classroom; ensure all students are future ready; and strengthen collaboration between parents, community, and schools. To achieve these goals, ICISD teachers at all levels have received training on the devices. ICISD teachers and administrators will continue to receive professional development and technical support to successfully implement the initiative throughout the years.

The goal for all ICISD teachers is to encourage the innovative use of technology and where technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities that may not have been possible.

Technology Infrastructure In order to support the 1:1 initiative and through funding from the 2013 ICISD School Bond, the wireless infrastructure and network systems have been upgraded to support all devices accessing the internet or network servers at one time. Additionally, a student guest level wireless internet has been implemented to allow outside devices to access the internet in district facilities, but not access the district’s secure network.


3 The District’s goal is to utilize more digital textbooks. ICISD has created a database for available electronic textbooks and electronic resources for high school.


Introduction Irion County Independent School District makes a variety of communications and information technologies available to students through computer/network/Internet access. These technologies, when properly used, promote educational excellence in the District by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. Illegal, unethical or inappropriate use of these technologies can have dramatic consequences, harming the District, its students and its employees. These Responsible Use Guidelines are intended to minimize the likelihood of such harm by educating District students and setting standards which will serve to protect the District. The District firmly believes that the benefits of digital resources, information and interaction available on the computer/network/Internet far outweigh any disadvantages.

Mandatory Review To educate students on proper computer/network/Internet use and conduct, students are required to review these guidelines at the beginning of each school year. All District students shall be required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of all guidelines governing use of the system and shall agree in writing to allow monitoring of their use and to comply with such guidelines. The parent or legal guardian of a student user is required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of the District’s Student Responsible Use Guidelines for Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Responsible Use Guidelines as part of their review of the Irion County ISD Computer Use Policy and Irion County Acceptable Use Guidelines for Technology Resources. Employees supervising students who use the District’s system must provide training emphasizing its appropriate use.

Definition of District Technology System The District’s computer systems and networks (system) are any configuration of hardware and software. The system includes but is not limited to the following:  Telephones, cellular telephones, and voicemail technologies;  Email accounts;  Servers;  Computer hardware and peripherals;  Software including operating system software and application software;  Digitized information including stored text, data files, email, digital images, and video and audio files;  Internally or externally accessed databases, applications, or tools (Internet- or District server based);  District-provided Internet access;  District-filtered public Wi-Fi; and  New technologies as they become available.

Acceptable Use Computer/Network/Internet access will be used to enhance learning consistent with the District’s educational goals. The District requires legal, ethical and appropriate computer/network/Internet use. Commercial use of the District’s system is strictly prohibited. Access to the District’s technology resources, including the internet, shall be made available to students and employees primarily for instructional and administrative purposes and in accordance with administrative regulations.

Limited personal use of the system shall be permitted if the use: 1. Imposes no tangible cost on the District. 4 2. Does not unduly burden the District’s computer or network resources. 3. Has no adverse effect on an employee’s job performance or on a student’s academic performance.

Software or external data may not be placed on any computer, whether stand-alone or networked to the District’s system, without permission from the Superintendent or designee.

Campus Level Coordinator Responsibilities

As the campus level coordinator for the network system, the principal or designee will: 1. Be responsible for disseminating and enforcing this document for the District’s system at the campus level. 2. Ensure that employees supervising students who use the District’s systems provide information emphasizing the appropriate and ethical use of this resource.

Electronic Mail and Additional Technology Guidelines

Electronic Mail:

Email has become one of the most used communications tools in both offices and classrooms. The following points are important to keep in mind: • The software and hardware that provides us email capabilities has been publicly funded. For that reason, it should not be considered a private, personal form of communication. The Open Records Act would govern the contents of any communication of this type. We would have to abide and cooperate with any legal request for access to email contents by the proper authorities. • Since email access is provided as a normal operating tool for any employee who requires it to perform their job, individual staff email addresses must be shared with interested parents and community members who request to communicate with staff in this fashion. We have no plans to produce and publish a district-wide list of email addresses, but each campus should post a list of email addresses for their staff through their Internet pages. • Staff should be expected to return email communications to parents or other public members who have a legitimate business request within a reasonable amount of time whenever possible. Requests from outside agencies for information do not fit into this same category and can be handled with a different timeline or in a manner consistent with previous experience in working with similar requests. • Incoming email that is misaddressed will remain “undeliverable.” • Requests for personal information on students or staff members should not be honored via email. It is critical for a personal contact to be made with any individual requesting personal information. This relates particularly to any requests for student grades, discipline, attendance or related information. In addition, security information such as username or password should not be sent via email for any reason. • During student contact time in the classroom, your email notifier should be turned off to prevent interruptions. Staff members should set aside time at least once a day to check and respond to email messages. • Since email access is provided for school business related use, please do not forward messages that have no educational or professional value. An example would be any number of messages that show a cute text pattern or follow a “chain letter” concept. These messages should be deleted and the sender notified that messages of that nature are not appropriate to receive on your district email account. • Please use the “groups” function of our email system appropriately. Do not send messages to an entire staff when only a small group of people actually needs to receive the message. • Attachments to email messages should include only data files. At no time should program files (typically labeled “.exe”) be attached due to software licensing requirements. In addition, there exists the real possibility that any program files received as attachments over the Internet may include viruses or other very destructive capabilities once they’re “launched” or started. If you receive an attachment like this,

5 please delete the email message immediately without saving or looking at the attachment. • Subscriptions to Internet listservs should be limited to professional digests due to the amount of email traffic generated by general subscriptions. Please use your personal Internet account to receive listserv subscriptions of a general nature, if one is available. • Please notify your technology coordinator or your campus principal if you receive unsolicited email, particularly if it is of a “hate mail” nature. We will attempt to track down the source of that email and prevent you from receiving any additional unsolicited mail.

User Security Responsibilities:

• Your username and password should be protected from unauthorized use at all times. Do not post any of this information where others can view it. • Do not share your password via email at any time. If a technology representative needs that information, they must request it in person. • If you as an employee leave your computer logged in at any time when you are not present, you must lock your computer by pressing [ctrl] [alt] [del]. This disables your computer until you return and unlock it with your password. If you are “logged in” to the network and do not lock your computer, anyone can access your grade book, email, and other personal files.

Maintenance of Local Hard Drives:

• On occasion, we need to reformat hard drives. Reformatting completely erases all contents of the hard drive. All district software such as Microsoft Office and Gradespeed, which is consistent throughout the district, will be reinstalled. All other approved software, purchased by the campus will also be reinstalled. We will not reinstall unapproved copies of software nor will we be able to retrieve any personal data files. With this in mind, please be personally responsible for making backups of any data files that you store on your local hard drive. • All monitors should be shut down each evening.

Privilege Access to the District’s computer/network/Internet is a privilege, not a right.

Access to Computer/Network/Internet Access to the District’s electronic communications system, including the Internet, shall be made available to students for instructional purposes. Permission for student access to the Internet is granted through the Student/Parent Acknowledgement Form for District Issued Technology Tablet & Irion County Acceptable Use Guidelines for Technology Resources, which must be signed by both the parent/guardian and the student, and returned to the campus offices. If you do not wish for your student to have access to the Internet, you must submit a signed letter, which states that your child is not allowed Internet access, and return it with the Acknowledgement Form. Each District computer and public Wi-Fi has filtering software that blocks access to visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, inappropriate for students, or harmful to minors, as defined by the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Filtered Internet access is provided to students as defined by CIPA.

Student Access Computer/Network/Internet access is provided to all students unless parents or guardians request in writing to the campus principal that access be denied. Student Internet access will be under the direction and guidance of a District staff member. Students may also be allowed to use the local network and public Wi-Fi with campus permission.

6 Students 13 or Younger For students under the age of 13, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires additional parental permission for educational software tools. Parents wishing to deny access to these educational tools must do so in writing to the campus principal indicating their child should be denied access to these tools. Examples of these tools are Discovery Education, wikis, and blogs, and Blackboard. These tools can be accessed through the District’s Webpage.

Use of District Issued and Personal Technology Devices The District believes technology is a powerful tool that enhances learning and enables students to access a vast amount of academic resources. The District’s goal is to increase student access to digital tools and facilitate immediate access to technology-based information, much the way that students utilize pen and paper. To this end, the District will open a filtered, wireless network through which students in specific age groups will be able to connect technology devices. Students using district owned or personal technology devices must follow the guidelines stated in this document while on school property, attending any school-sponsored activity, or using the Irion County ISD network.  High School – Students are allowed to use district or personal technology devices that can access the Internet for educational purposes as determined by the classroom teacher. Students will be allowed to use the device between classes, during lunch, and in other designated areas in a digitally responsible manner.  Elementary – Students in grades K-6 are allowed to use district or personal technology devices for academic classroom use as determined by the classroom teacher.

Expectations for Use of School District Technological Resources Responsible use of school district technological resources is use that is ethical, respectful, academically honest, and supportive of student learning. Each user has the responsibility to respect others in the school community and on the Internet. Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. General student and employee behavior standards, including those prescribed in applicable board policies, the Student Code of Conduct and other regulations and school rules, apply to use of the Internet and other school technological resources.

When utilizing district technological resources, students are expected to adhere to the following:  The district is not responsible for the content accessed by users who connect to the Internet via their personal mobile telephone technology (e.g., 3G, 4G service).  Users must back up data and other important files regularly.  Those who use district owned and maintained technologies to access the Internet at home are responsible for the set-up and cost of home internet service.

Students who are issued district owned and maintained tablets must also follow these guidelines:  Keep the tablet secure and damage free.  Tablets should be charged each night.  Do not loan out the tablet, charger or cords.  Do not leave the tablet in your vehicle.  Do not leave the tablet unattended.  Do not eat or drink while using the tablet or have food or drinks in close proximity.  Do not allow pets near the tablet.  Do not place the tablet on the floor or on a sitting area such as a chair or couch.  Do not leave the tablet near table or desk edges.  Do not stack objects on top of the tablet.  When carried outside, the tablet must be protected from the environment in such a way to prevent rain, snow, ice, excessive heat, and/or cold from causing damage.  Do not use the tablet near water, household chemicals, or other liquids that could damage 7 its electronic components.

Care of Property Users of school district technology resources are expected to respect school district property and be responsible in using the equipment. Users are to follow all instructions regarding maintenance or care of the equipment. Users may be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by intentional or negligent acts in caring for tablets while under their control. The school district is responsible for any routine maintenance or standard repairs to school system tablets.

Security A student who gains access to any inappropriate or harmful material is expected to discontinue the access and to report the incident to the supervising staff member. Any student identified as a security risk or as having violated the Responsible Use Guidelines may be denied access to the District’s system. Other consequences may also be assigned. A student who knowingly brings prohibited materials into the school’s electronic environment will be subject to suspension of access and/or revocation of privileges on the District’s system and will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Board-approved Student Code of Conduct.

Objectionable Content/Third-Party Supplied Information Students and parents of students with access to the District’s system should be aware that use of the system may provide access to other electronic communication systems in the global electronic network that may contain inaccurate and/or objectionable material.

Subject to Monitoring All District computer/network/Internet usage shall not be considered confidential and is subject to monitoring by designated staff at any time to ensure appropriate use. Students should not use the computer system to send, receive or store any information, including email messages, that they consider personal or confidential and wish to keep private. All electronic files, including email messages, transmitted through or stored in the computer system will be treated no differently than any other electronic file. The District reserves the right to access, review, and copy, modify, delete or disclose such files for any lawful purpose. Students should treat the computer system like a shared or common file system with the expectation that electronic files, sent, received or stored anywhere in the computer system, will be available for review by any authorized representative of the District for any lawful purpose. Both District issued and personal technology devices are subject to examination in accordance with disciplinary guidelines if there is reason to believe that the Responsible Use Guidelines have been violated.

Student Computer/Network/Internet Responsibilities District students are bound by all portions of the Responsible Use Guidelines. A student who knowingly violates any portion of the Responsible Use Guidelines will be subject to suspension of access and/or revocation of privileges on the District’s system and will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Board- approved Student Code of Conduct.

Use of Social Networking/Digital Tools Students may participate in District-approved social media learning environments related to curricular projects or school activities and use digital tools, such as, but not limited to, mobile devices, blogs, discussion forums, RSS feeds, podcasts, wikis, and on-line meeting sessions. The use of blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other digital tools are considered an extension of the classroom. Verbal or written language that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is also inappropriate in all uses of blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other District-approved digital tools.

Use of System Resources Students are asked to purge email or outdated files on a regular basis. 8 Password Confidentiality Students are required to maintain password confidentiality by not sharing their password with others. Students may not use another person’s system account.

Reporting Security Problem If knowledge of inappropriate material or a security problem on the computer/network/Internet is identified, the student should immediately notify the supervising staff member. The security problem should not be shared with others.

The following guidelines must be adhered to by students using a personally-owned technology device at school:  Internet access is filtered by the District on personal technology devices in the same manner as District-owned equipment. If network access is needed, connection to the filtered, wireless network provided by the District is required.  These devices are the sole responsibility of the student owner. The campus or District assumes no responsibility for personal technology devices if they are lost, loaned, damaged or stolen and only limited time or resources will be spent trying to locate stolen or lost items.  Students are prohibited from trading or selling these items to other students on District property, including school buses.  Each student is responsible for his/her own device: set-up, maintenance, charging, and security. Staff members will not store student devices at any time, nor will any District staff diagnose, repair, or work on a student’s personal technology device.  Technology devices will not be used as a factor in grading or assessing student work. Students who do not have access to personal technology devices will be provided with comparable District- owned equipment or given similar assignments that do not require access to electronic devices.  Technology devices are only to be used for educational purposes at the direction of a classroom teacher or as stated for specific age groups.  Campus administrators and staff members have the right to prohibit use of devices at certain times, during designated activities (i.e. campus presentations, theatrical performances, or guest speakers) or designated locations (restrooms and locker rooms) while students are on campus.  An administrator may examine a student’s personal technology device and search its contents, in accordance with disciplinary guidelines.

Inappropriate Use Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to, those uses that violate the law, that are specifically named as violations in this document, that violate the rules of network etiquette, or that hamper the integrity or security of this computer/network/Internet system or any components that are connected to it. The following actions are considered inappropriate uses, are prohibited, and will result in revocation of the student’s access to the computer/network/Internet:

Violations of Law Transmission of any material in violation of any federal or state law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:  threatening, harassing, defamatory or obscene material;  copyrighted material;  plagiarized material;  material protected by trade secret; or  blog posts, Web posts, or discussion forum/replies posted to the Internet which violate federal or state law.

9 Tampering with or theft of components from District systems may be regarded as criminal activity under applicable state and federal laws. Any attempt to break the law through the use of a District computer/network/Internet account may result in prosecution against the offender by the proper authorities. If such an event should occur, the District will fully comply with the authorities to provide any information necessary for legal action.

Modification of Computer Settings Modifying or changing computer settings and/or internal or external configurations without permission from District personnel is prohibited.

Transmitting Confidential Information Students may not redistribute or forward confidential information without proper authorization. Confidential information should never be transmitted, redistributed or forwarded to outside individuals who are not expressly authorized to receive the information. Revealing personal information about oneself such as, but not limited to, home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and birthdates is prohibited.

Commercial Use Use of the system for any type of income-generating activity is prohibited. Advertising the sale of products, whether commercial or personal is prohibited.

Marketing by Non-ICISD Organizations Use of the system for promoting activities or events for individuals or organizations not directly affiliated with or sanctioned by the District is prohibited.

Vandalism/Mischief Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy District equipment, materials or data; or the malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user of the District’s system, or any of the agencies or other networks to which the District has access is prohibited. Deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt system performance are violations of District policy and administrative regulations and may constitute criminal activity under applicable state and federal laws. Such prohibited activity includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creating of computer viruses. Vandalism as defined above is prohibited and will result in the cancellation of system use privileges. Students committing vandalism will be required to provide restitution for costs associated with system restoration and may be subject to other appropriate consequences. [See the Board-approved Student Code of Conduct.]

Intellectual Property Students must always respect copyrights and trademarks of third-parties and their ownership claims in images, text, video and audio material, software, information and inventions. The copy, use, or transfer of others’ materials without appropriate authorization is not allowed.

Copyright Violations Downloading or using copyrighted information without following approved District procedures is prohibited.

Plagiarism Fraudulently altering or copying documents or files authored by another individual is prohibited.

Impersonation Attempts to log on to the computer/network/Internet impersonating a system administrator or District employee, student, or individual other than oneself, will result in revocation of the student’s access to computer/network/Internet.

10 Illegally Accessing or Hacking Violations Unauthorized or inappropriate access of any portion of the District’s computer systems, networks, or private databases to view, obtain, manipulate, or transmit information, programs, or codes is prohibited.

File/Data Violations Deleting, examining, copying, or modifying files and/or data belonging to other users, without their permission is prohibited.

System Interference/Alteration Deliberate attempts to exceed, evade or change resource quotas are prohibited. Deliberately causing network congestion through mass consumption of system resources is prohibited.

Email and Communication Tools Email and other digital tools such as, but not limited to blogs and wikis, are tools used to communicate within the District. The use of these communication tools should be limited to instructional, school-related activities, or administrative needs. All students in grades 4-12 will be issued email and other accounts. As appropriate, project email accounts may be granted for educational activities for students in grades K-3 at the request of the classroom teacher. Student accounts may be provided directly by the District, through the content management system of an approved online course, or through a District-approved provider. Students should check accounts frequently, delete unwanted messages promptly, and stay within the email server space allocations. Internet access to personal email accounts is not allowed. Parents wishing to deny access to District email must do so in writing to the campus principal.

Students should keep the following points in mind:

Perceived Representation Using school-related email addresses, blogs, wikis, and other communication tools might cause some recipients or other readers of the email to assume that the student’s comments represent the District or school, whether or not that was the student’s intention.

Privacy Email, blogs, wikis, and other communication within these tools should not be considered a private, personal form of communication. Private information, such as home addresses, phone numbers, last names, pictures, or email addresses, should not be divulged. To avoid disclosing email addresses that are protected, all email communications to multiple recipients should be sent using the blind carbon copy (bcc) feature.

Inappropriate Language Using obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language in emails blogs, wikis, or other communication tools is prohibited. Sending messages that could cause danger or disruption, personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks are prohibited.

Political Lobbying Consistent with State ethics laws, District resources and equipment, including, but not limited to, emails, blogs, wikis, or other communication tools must not be used to conduct any political activities, including political advertising or lobbying. This includes using District email, blogs, wikis, or other communication tools to create, distribute, forward, or reply to messages, from either internal or external sources, which expressly or implicitly support or oppose a candidate for nomination or election to either a public office or an office of a political party or support or oppose an officeholder, a political party, or a measure (a ballot proposition). These guidelines prohibit direct communications as well as the transmission or forwarding of emails, hyperlinks, or other external references within emails, blogs, or wikis regarding any political advertising.

11 Forgery Forgery or attempted forgery of email messages is prohibited. Attempts to read, delete, copy or modify the email of other system users, deliberate interference with the ability of other system users to send/receive email, or the use of another person’s user ID and/or password is prohibited.

Junk Mail/Chain Letters Generally students should refrain from forwarding emails which do not relate to the educational purposes of the District. Chain letters or other emails intended for forwarding or distributing to others is prohibited. Creating, distributing or forwarding any annoying or unnecessary message to a large number of people (spamming) is also prohibited.

Consequences of Agreement Violation Any attempt to violate the provisions of this agreement may result in revocation of the student’s access to the computer/network/Internet, regardless of the success or failure of the attempt. In addition, school disciplinary and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.

Denial, Revocation, or Suspension of Access Privileges With just cause, the System Administrator and/or building principal, may deny, revoke, or suspend computer/network/Internet access as required, pending an investigation.

Warning Sites accessible via the computer/network/Internet may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or controversial. Each District computer with Internet access has filtering software that blocks access to visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, inappropriate for students, or harmful to minors, as defined by the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act. The District makes every effort to limit access to objectionable material; however, controlling all such materials on the computer/network/Internet is impossible, even with filtering in place. With global access to computers and people, a risk exists that students may access material that may not be of educational value in the school setting.

Disclaimer The District’s system is provided on an “as is, as available” basis. The District does not make any warranties, whether expressed or implied, including, without limitation, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any services provided by the system and any information or software contained therein. The District does not guarantee that the functions or services performed by, or that the information or software contained on the system will meet the system user’s requirements, or that the system will be uninterrupted or error free, or that defects will be corrected. Opinions, advice, services, and all other information expressed by system users, information providers, service providers, or other third-party individuals in the system are those of the providers and not the District. The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the District’s electronic communications system.

BASIC RULES FOR TABLET USE District tablet computers are issued to students to support and enhance learning inside and outside of school. Students are required to follow all Responsible Use Guidelines set forth by ICISD. No one should eat or drink near the tablet. The student username and password are not to be shared with anyone except parents/guardians. Students are not permitted to change their password. Students are responsible for all content found on their tablet computer. Students are not allowed to provide unauthorized users access to their tablet computers. Tablet computers should be placed in sleep mode or shut down when not in use.

12 Students are not to swing, bang, throw or drop the tablet against anything or anyone. Students and parents will be held financially responsible for any damage caused to the tablets that result from misuse or negligence. Students are never to download or install anything on to the tablet computer without appropriate authorization from parents, teachers or district personnel. The use of headphones with the tablet is prohibited without the permission of a classroom teacher in association with an academic activity, or with permission in other times and areas. Sending or retrieving any information that violates school or district policies regarding content that is threatening, racially offensive, abusive, defamatory, profane, sexually oriented, pornographic, or obscene will result in appropriate disciplinary action. See the ICISD District Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct. Students should never knowingly transmit computer viruses or perform actions that would intentionally waste or disrupt network resources. Parents/Guardians and students will abide by all district policies and local, state and federal laws. Students are never to access, delete or change other students’ folders, work, files or projects without specific permission from a teacher or district personnel. Per district policy, all files stored on any district device are the property of the district and are subject to regular review and monitoring at any given time.

Where to Store Files When at school, students should always save everything to their Home Directory (*: drive) and not the user desktop. ICISD network drives are backed up regularly by the ICISD Technology Department and lost work often may be recovered. Items saved only to the user Desktop will be lost if there is a hard drive error or other equipment problems. When at home, ICISD students have access to their Office 365 application for accessing digital school work anywhere and anytime where Internet service is available. If a family does not have access to the Internet at home, please save a copy of the student’s work to external storage such as a USB Flash Drive.


Lost or Stolen Devices: A police report will be required for stolen devices.

Damaged Devices Students and their parents are responsible for appropriate use of the district-issued tablet computer. Students and their parents will be held financially responsible up to and including the full replacement cost if the tablet computer is damaged beyond repair under the terms of the warranty. There is no insurance coverage for intentional misuse or intentional damage. All reports will be investigated.

Each student will receive a Lenovo Yoga 11E tablet computer and a charger.

All parent/guardians must have signed and submitted the Acknowledgement form in order for their child(ren) to receive a device.

TABLET COMPUTER CARE AT HOME Questions often arise regarding the use of the tablet computers at home. Parents are encouraged to participate with their student in exploring and learning about the tablet and how technology can become a useful educational tool. 13 All school rules apply for home use of tablet computers. No inappropriate sites. Please refer to the Responsible Use Guidelines portion of the Student/Parent Handbook. Use ONLY lint free, microfiber or soft cotton cloth to clean your computer screen. Bathroom tissues or paper towels may contain wood –pulp fibers that can scratch your screen. NEVER spray any cleaning chemicals such as Windex or other glass cleaners directly on to your screen as they may damage the LCD matrix. Keep all food and drinks away from your tablet at all times. Keep tablet and charging cord away from pets. Designate a safe location off the floor where your tablet can be stored and recharged each evening.

Music/Movies Listening to music or viewing movies on your tablet computer (from a streaming website) is allowed at home with permission from parents/guardians.

Keeping the Tablet Charged All charging should take place at home. Tablet computer must be fully charged before each school day. Students should make sure to have the tablet plugged in and charging before going to bed each night. Chargers must be kept in a safe place at home at all times. Computers should be placed in sleep mode or shut down when not in use.

Home Internet Service Providers (ISP) ICISD does not require that students and their parents have home internet access. Assignments utilizing technology can be downloaded or saved to the tablet or external storage device before leaving school each day. Families may choose to have their own home internet that is compatible with the wireless capability of the tablet, but the cost of the home Internet is the responsibility of the family. There are many Internet Service Providers (ISP); each one has their own equipment (modem, cables, router) their own software and their own set-up to follow. For help with these items, please contact the provider for technical support service. Internet connections come in different configurations with different costs and suppliers. Each has different speeds, connections and software that can affect the student’s tablet use. ICISD does not have a contract with an Internet Service Provider for family home Internet access.

INTERNET SAFETY The Lenovo Yoga 11E tablet computer will be equipped with an application that routes through the ICISD Internet filter. This filter is Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliant. When students turn on their device and connect to the District wireless system, the filter will activate. This is also true when a student uses the device at home with your own internet system or while accessing the internet in public places. The filter will block the same websites and applications you would expect at school.

Digital Citizenship ICISD will teach students digital citizenship throughout the year. Digital Citizenship is known as the appropriate online behavior for students.

Internet Safety at Home Parents should have fun being a part of their child’s online experience. Use the tablet computer in a shared or common space in the home. Keep the tablet computer where everyone can see the screen. Remember to charge the tablet computer each evening.

14 Do not post personal information and beware of requests for personal information online. Teach your child how to recognize and avoid online predators.  Report strangers who solicit information or meetings with any child.  Do not be a Cyberbully! Report cyberbullying and threats to teachers immediately. Honor the Irion County Independent School District security software and filters. Do not give out personal information such as address, telephone number, parent's work address or telephone numbers, or the name and location of your school, without the permission of parents. Students should tell their parents right away if they come across any information on the Internet that makes them feel uncomfortable. Students should never agree to a meeting request from someone they meet on the Internet. If a meeting is requested, students should immediately notify a parent or school personnel. Never send anyone a picture or any other possessions, without first checking with an adult. Do not respond to any messages that are mean, rude or make a student feel uncomfortable in any way. If a student does receive a message that worries him/her, frightens, or makes him/her feel uncomfortable, tell an adult or school personnel immediately.


Microsoft 8 Tutorials and Utilizing Windows 8 on a Touch Screen Tablet (learn Windows 8 in 8 Minutes)

Office 365 Tutorials

One Note Tutorials (learn Microsoft One Note Lesson 1)

Online Safety

ConnectSafely - The site has tips for teens and parents, as well as other resources for safe blogging and social networking. Internet Keep Safe Coalition - A broad partnership of public health and educational professionals, law enforcement, and industry leaders working together for the health and safety of youth online. OnGuard Online - Practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information. Features NetCetera which includes tips to help parents talk to kids about being online. Staysafe - An educational site intended to help consumers understand both the positive aspects of the Internet as well as how to manage a variety of safety and security issues that exist online. 15 Wired Safety - Provides help, information and education to Internet and mobile device users of all ages and they also help parents with issues, such as Facebook and cyberbullying. For questions or additional tips or resources, please check with your child’s teachers or school librarian. Netwise - NetSmartz - Common Sense Media –


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