2014-2015 Ballroom Class Standards

Work Habits, Attitude, and Behavior Ballroom students are expected to work during class time with a positive attitude and lots of energy. They will need to try their best to concentrate and focus on what is being taught. This will include dancing in dance position with each partner, listening, and following the directions of the teacher, avoiding too much talking, respecting the teacher, and respecting the other students in the class. Students who cannot abide by these rules will be asked to sit out for a dance, and parents may be contacted if the behavior continues. Positive behavior will earn parties, as well as special dance steps. As we will be in close proximity to one another, all students are expected to shower, wear deodorant, and brush their teeth before coming to class.

Attendance and Tardiness It is important that every ballroom student is present and on time to every class. Continued tardiness and absences may result in a dismissal from the ballroom program. If you are going to be absent, please let me know ahead of time.

Costs and Dates The ballroom class fee is $40 per semester. Please make checks payable to Centerville Elementary. If you would like to participate and qualify for a fee waiver, please contact the school office for a fee waiver form. There may be additional fees for competitions. We will begin with class on October 1, 2014.

Registration Form 2014-2015 Centerville Elementary Ballroom Dance

Please circle:

Boy Girl

Name: ______Grade:______



Home Phone:______Alt Phone:______

Address:______City:______State: ____

Email (for communication)______

I have read and discussed the 2014-2015 Ballroom Class Standards with my child and we are committed to attend class for the full semester. I understand that there is a cost of $40.00 per semester, and that competition fees may be extra. I understand that I can apply for a fee waiver, if needed. I have included with this registration form, a check made payable to Centerville Elementary OR I have included a fee waiver form from the office.

Parent Signature Date

I have read and discussed the ballroom class standards with my parent. I agree to follow the Ballroom Standards, or I will not be able to participate in the Ballroom Program.

Student Signature Date Minor’s Consent Form

In consideration of my participation in Dancesport, I ______(name of child), hereby agree to the parties involved to use my photograph or recorded image for both internal and external promotional purposes. The sponsoring entities shall own the rights to such photographs and recorded images.

Signature of Minor:______Date:______

Printed Name:______

Custodial/Guardian’s Consent to Minor’s Release

I am the legal guardian of the above-named minor. I have the capacity to consent to his/her agreeing to the above release. I give permission for my student to be included in photography, videotape and recorded interviews as part of new stories to be published, or broadcast, or reprinted in various publications.

Yes, I give permission for the above-named student to be interviewed and photographed for purposes as described.

No, the above-named student may not be photographed or interviewed for the named purposes.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

Printed Name:______

Liability Release

Centerville Elementary provides the facilities and instructors for the Ballroom Dance education purposes as an enrichment opportunity for students through the Davis School District EXCEL program. The school and staff are not liable for any injuries, loss of, or damage to personal property. Students participating in class or other events are responsible for their personal safety and travel and should exercise care when attempting new skills. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from practices, competitions, and concerts.

The undersigned hereby voluntarily releases and relinquishes any and all actions or causes of action for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to him/herself arising as a result of engaging in classes or other dance related activities. I agree not to prosecute or in any way whatsoever, present any claim for injury, property damage or wrongful death against Centerville Elementary, the Davis School District, or affiliated personnel. The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the above, and agrees to its terms.

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______