Specific Procurement Notice
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Ankober-Awash Arba Junction Road Upgrading Project, Contract 2: Dulecha-Awash Arba Junction (Re-bid) Notice of Invitation for Bid NOTICE OF INVITATION FOR BID (Re-bid)
1. The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has allocated sufficient budget towards the cost of Ankober-Awash Arba Junction Road Upgrading Project, Contract 2: Dulecha-Awash Arba Junction (Re-bid), and intends to apply part of the proceeds to eligible payments for the Construction Works.
2. The Dulecha – Awash Arba Junction section of the Ankober - Awash Arba Junction road is located in the Afar Regional State, in the Eastern Central part of Ethiopia. The road section starts at Dulecha, approximately 40 kms to the east of Ankober, which is located 43kms to the south east of Debre Birhan (located on the Addis Ababa - Dessie trunk road, some 130 kms to the north of Addis Ababa) and ends at Awash Arba Junction, approximately 230 kms from Addis Ababa, on the Addis Ababa - Assab trunk road. From Dulecha the Contract 2 road section passes eastward along the route of the existing dry weather earth surfaced road/track for a distance of approximately 18 kms across rolling, then flat terrain before reaching the flood plain of the Awash River. From this point a new route is followed across the flood plain to near the existing steel girder bridge on the Awash River, approximately 15 kms to the north of Melka Werer town. A new bridge will cross the Awash River close to this point and the road will mainly follow existing farm roads to pass through Melka Werer town, from where the road will follow an existing gravel surfaced road (in poor condition) to the road termination point at Awash Arba Junction.
The works consist of the upgrading of approximately 53kms (10 kms of existing gravel surfaced road and the construction of approximately 43 kms of new road), all to Link Road (DS4) standard with a 7.0m wide two lane single carriageway with 1.5m wide shoulders. Road widening will be applied on both sides at small radius curves. In one urban section, additional 3.5m wide parking lanes will be incorporated on both sides of the carriageway and kerbed footways 2.5m wide will be added which will incorporate stone masonry drainage channels, with Reinforced Concrete covers, within the footway, as required.
The new pavement construction will consist of 150-275mm of natural gravel sub-base (depending on location) and 175-200mm of crushed rock base with a surfacing of asphaltic concrete of 50mm thickness. The estimated quantities/volumes of the major key activities are shown below:
Table 1: Estimated Major Construction Quantities/ Volume I/No. Major work items Unit Estimated quantities 1. M3 Earthwork 1,489,000.00 2. M3 Gravel sub base 142,500.00 3. M3 Crushed stone Base 95,600.00 4. 50mm thick Asphalt M2 Concrete surfacing 385,750.00
The work also includes the construction of several minor and major drainage structures.
The envisaged Construction Period is 913 calendar days including mobilization period.
Ethiopian Roads Authority Page 1 of 4 Ankober-Awash Arba Junction Road Upgrading Project, Contract 2: Dulecha-Awash Arba Junction (Re-bid) Notice of Invitation for Bid 3. The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) now invites eligible bidders, which fulfill the following requirements, to submit sealed bids for the construction of the road project mentioned in item(1):-
a) In case of Ethiopians bidders; the bidders shall have a certificate of registration from Ministry of Urban Development and Construction with Category GC-I or RC-I renewed for 2008 E.C. and other appropriate documentary evidences demonstrating the bidder's compliance which shall include:- - Its trading license renewed for 2008 E.C; - Its tax clearance certificate valid at least at bid submission date that permits the bidder to participate in any public tender, and VAT registration certificate; and - Registration as supplier in the list of the mandated public body, i.e. Public Procurement and Property Administration Agency (PPPAA) b) In case of bidders other than Ethiopians; Business Organization Registration Certificate or Trade License issued by the Country of establishment.
4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedure, specified in the bidding documents, and is open to all eligible bidders. The minimum General and Specific Construction Experience, Annual Construction Turnover (ACT) and Liquid Asset /Cash Flow (CF) requirements are as shown below;
Table 2: Qualification Criteria Item Qualification Criteria Minimum Requirement No For local Bidders For foreign Bidders 1 Annual construction Turn ETB 291 million ETB 582.0 Million (Average over (ACT) (Peak for the last five years) for the last five years) For Joint Venture of Local and Foreign Firms ETB 437.0 Million (Average for the last five years) 2 Liquid asset /cash flow ETB 73 Million ETB 97 Million requirement 3 General construction 2 years 5 years Experience 4 Specific construction At least one any type of asphalt At least two AC road projects experience (DBST, TST, DBM or AC) road or construction/Upgrading Airport upgrading/ construction/ projects each with a value of rehabilitation project with a ETB 728 million each within value of at least ETB 728 Million; the last ten (10) years that within the last ten (10) years that have been successfully and has been successfully and substantially completed (80% substantially completed (70% completed) Completed) Or At least two any type of asphalt (DBST, TST, DBM or AC) road or Airport upgrading/ construction/ rehabilitation projects each with a value of at least ETB 364 Million; within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (70% Completed) Note:
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If a bidder was awarded and/or recommended for award any works/maintenance contract/s by ERA since July 01, 2015 inclusive, the qualification criteria for the Construction Turnover and specific experience in key activities will be the aggregate of the criteria of the subject project and criteria of the awarded and/or recommended contract/s. For foreign bidders, while converting Annual Construction Turnover (ACT) and contract prices indicated in other currencies to ETB, the applicable exchange rate should be the selling exchange rate of National Bank of Ethiopia for the date ending of each audit period; whereas, for converting contract prices of construction projects experiences indicated in other currencies to ETB, the applicable exchange rate should be the selling exchange rate of National Bank of Ethiopia for the date of contract signature of each specific experience. For the Annual Construction Turnover (ACT) requirement, the value of total certified payments received in each year shall be adjusted for inflation of Birr value through multiplying by Cn/Co factor, where Cn is value of 1 Dollar in Birr on the 28 day prior to bid submission date and Co is the value of 1 Dollar in Birr computed using the exchange rate prevailing on the last date of the respective fiscal year. For the Specific construction projects experience requirement, Contract value of projects referenced by the bidder shall be adjusted for inflation of Birr value through multiplying by Cn/Co factor, where Cn is the current value of 1 Dollar in Birr taken 28 days prior to bid submission date and Co is the value of 1 Dollar in Birr at the date of signing the contract. The basis of computing Dollar value of Birr shall be the selling exchange rate issued by the National Bank of Ethiopia.
Other qualification criteria are indicated in the bidding documents.
5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the Ethiopian Roads Authority at the address given below, from 8:30 to12:30 am and 1:30 to 5:30 pm from Mondays to Thursdays and 8:30 to 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm on Friday local time.
Address: Engineering Procurement Directorate, Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Ras Abebe Aregay Street 2nd Floor, Main Building, Room No. 208 P.O.Box 1770 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Tel.No. (251 11) 551-50-02 Fax No. (251 11) 551-48-66
6. A complete set of the bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on submission of a written application and presentation of the documents mentioned under item (3) above to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of ETB 750 or 40 USD, effective as of January 29, 2016.The method of payment shall be in cash or direct deposit to ERA’s account in the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia - Sengatera Branch through Account No. 01715-33144600.
The document will be sent by registered airmail if required so by the bidder; but, under no circumstances will ERA be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so mailed.
Ethiopian Roads Authority Page 3 of 4 Ankober-Awash Arba Junction Road Upgrading Project, Contract 2: Dulecha-Awash Arba Junction (Re-bid) Notice of Invitation for Bid 7. The bidding procedure to be followed is a two-envelope procedure. The post-qualification documents and financial offers should be sealed in a two separate envelopes. The first envelope containing the post-qualification application and bid security is clearly marked “Post Qualification Application and Bid Security for the Construction Works of Ankober- Awash Arba Junction Road Upgrading Project, Contract 2: Dulecha-Awash Arba Junction (Re-bid)” and the second envelope that contains the offer is marked “Submission of Offer for the Construction Works of Ankober-Awash Arba Junction Road Upgrading Project, Contract 2: Dulecha-Awash Arba Junction (Re-bid)” respectively and the two envelopes shall also be enclosed by an outer envelope marked “Post Qualification Application and Offer for the Construction Works of Ankober-Awash Arba Junction Road Upgrading Project, Contract 2: Dulecha-Awash Arba Junction (Re-bid)”.
8. Evaluation is also to be carried out in two stages, the post qualification application and the bid security will be opened first and the qualification evaluation will be undertaken. The bids that are responsive to the minimum post qualification criteria will be opened for further evaluation. The offers of those bidders who fail the minimum qualification criteria shall be returned unopened after the award of contract.
9. Bids must be delivered to the address below before March 03, 2016 at 2:30 P.M. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of ETB 500,000.00 (ETB: Five Hundred Thousand) or an equivalent amount in freely convertible currency. Late bids will be rejected. Qualification information and Bid security of the bidders will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who chose to attend at ERA’s Conference Room 4th floor, on the final date and time of bid submission as stated above.
Director General Ethiopian Roads Authority Ras Abebe Aregay Street P. O. Box 1770 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel.: +251-11-515 66 03 Fax; +251-11-551 48 66
10. The Ethiopian Roads Authority reserves the right to accept any or reject any or all bids.
The Ethiopian Roads Authority
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