Chair: Ciara Eastell Committee Support: Helen Drakard

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Chair: Ciara Eastell Committee Support: Helen Drakard

AGM Minutes

Chair: Ciara Eastell Committee support: Helen Drakard

Date/ Time: Thursday 9th June 2016 17:00 – 18:00

Location: Scarman House, University of Warwick

Present: Ciara Eastell, Neil MacInnes, Helen Drakard, Elizabeth Elford, Simon May, Marie Brett, Fiona Dakers, Medi Bernard, Sue Williamson, Amanda Stump, Janene Cox, Catherine Mann, Barry Clarke, Tracey Cox, Kate Bunting, Julie Griffiths, Elaine Midgley, Julie Spencer, Peter Barnett, Carol Boswarthack, Lesley Sim, Fiona Williams, Mark freeman, Sue Wills, Sarah Mears, Carole Knowles, Ayub Khan, Mark Taylor, Amy Jones, Michael Lewis, Bev Rice, Andy Wright, Linda Dobson, Juliet Pirez, Tanya Butchers, Katheryn Griffiths, Sara Hassan, Jenny Poad, Janet Wood, Carol Stump, Alison Wheeler, Michelle Alford, Peter Gaw, Jen Beardsmore, Garry Mitchell, Martin Burton, Allyson Jordan, Joanne Launder, Kathryn Harrison, Jane Everiss, Rosemary Doyle, Jane Battye, Anthony Hopkins, Nicola Avery, Katrina Pickering, Simon Smith.

Item Subject Minutes of 2015 AGM 1 These were accepted as a true account. Matters Arising not on the Agenda 2 No matters arising. 3 President’s Annual Report

Ciara highlighted 3 areas from annual report -

1. Success in getting onto the GDS Assisted Digital and Digital Inclusion Framework. 2. Success in securing funding on Universal Offers £600,000 for next 3 years. Joint commitment from Arts Council England and The Wellcome Trust for £360,000 for reading well. 3. Celebrating Shakespeare - April Selfies day was well supported by libraries and highlights how Arts Council England funding can be used to get libraries involved in key promotions.

Reflecting on her role as President Ciara noted the following achievements from the past two years -

 Strengthened partnerships with the BBC and the British Library and instigated a new partnership with the Wellcome Trust. Also worked with a range of diverse partners including Halifax, NESTA and Tinder and refreshed the relationship with The Reading Agency and continued the important and successful collaboration with ASCEL.  Worked to position SCL as a key player on Taskforce. Ciara stressed the importance of SCL continuing to work with the Taskforce.  Published the BiblioCommons report which pushed forward the development of a Page 1 of 4 AGM Minutes

digital offer for libraries.  Assisted in the roll out of Wi-Fi which is now in almost 100% of public libraries in England.  80 Library leaders have been supported in through the Digital Leadership Programme.  160 Code Clubs have been set up in libraries and another 160 are in development as a result of Code Green and the development of the Learning Offer.  Universal Offers roadshows were attended by 600 library staff and examples show at the roadshows highlighted how the offers are being used in imaginative ways.  SCL has been successful in gaining a contract on the GDS Assisted Digital and Digital Inclusion Framework and for the first time hold contract on behalf of library services. Ciara explained that in order to take advantage of this SCL will be developing and looking carefully at how we organise ourselves building on our strengths.

Ciara expressed her thanks to SCL’s regional chairs for supporting the delivery of communication across SCL’s regional networks; UO leads for their work developing the Universal Offers; contributors to SCL’s work; SCL’s partners particularly The Reading Agency, Arts Council England and ASCEL; Elizabeth Elford and Helen Drakard for their hard work and support; Simon May for his work as SCL’s Treasurer, Jo Launder and the team in Devon for their support and understanding during her time as President and Neil MacInnes for supporting her in his role as President-Elect.

SCL’s Advocacy Work

Elizabeth Elford outlined the main advocacy headlines from the past year which included:

 The Learning Offer and launch of Code Green.  SCL’s statement on refugees and migrants.  Reading Well Book on Prescription receiving funding from the Wellcome Trust.  The SCL & ASCEL statement on children’s library use.  SCL publishing the BiblioCommons report about a single digital presence for libraries.  National Libraries Day – behind scenes with staff and managers. 4  The launch of the Reading Well Book on Prescription - Children and Young Peoples list.

This year has seen the production of a number of advocacy and communications packs including - the Code Green brochure, events calendar, MOOCs leaflet and Universal Offer brochure. There has also been a refresh of the SCL website.

Elizabeth explained that the top 5 tweets of the year had been around Code Green, digital presence and National Libraries Day.

Elizabeth thanked Ciara Eastell for her hard work developing partnerships and SCL’s partners who have helped with our work.

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Report from Wales 5 The report from SCL Wales was accepted.

Report from Northern Ireland 6 This was included in the Society’s Annual Report.

Treasurers Report

Simon May explained that SCL continued to successfully operate as Company Limited by Guarantee which had made it possible to bid to be on the GDS framework. SCL is growing as an organisation and this is reflected in this year’s accounts.

Simon explained that one change which had taken place this year was that Helen Drakard had taken over some of the bookkeeping. This had helped eleviate the pressure on the Treasurer and made the finalising of the end of year accounts run smoother.

Simon reminded members that SCL do not charge VAT at the moment.

7 A paper about SCL membership subscriptions had been circulated. Simon explained that SCL have limited resources which it has used strategically to build SCL and support libraries through some difficult years. In the past SCL had not proposed any increase in membership fees because they hadn’t wanted to ask for more during difficult times. As a result SCL’s reserves are now lower than they have been and it is important they are increased. To do this Simon proposed an increase of £50 to membership fees which would allow SCL to continue its work. Members were asked to vote on this proposal and details of how to vote were circulated after the meeting.

Ciara stressed the importance of voting for an increase in order for SCL to continue to doing what it does now; without the increase SCL may have to cut back.

The Treasurer’s report and accounts were accepted.

President Elect and SCL Board Members 2016 – 2018

Ciara announced that Bev Rice, Nick Stopforth and Jayne Wilkins would be stepping down from the Executive Board. Ciara thanked them for the huge contribution they had made to SCL. 8 The members joining the Executive Board from September would be Sarah Mears, Julie Griffiths and Sue Wills. Alison Wheeler had agreed to stay on the Executive Board for another year as a co-opted member.

AOB 9 Nothing raised

New President’s Plans for the Next Two Years 10

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Ciara handed over the Presidency to Neil MacInnes.

Neil thanked Ciara for all her hard work, commitment and dedication.

Neil outlined his plans for the next two years.

Neil explained that he saw SCL as a powerful network whose strengths were their common goals and willingness to share. He believed that the Universal Offers have provided a strategic tool for libraries which can be used nationally regionally and locally.

The focus for next 2 years would be to turn around the negative commentary about libraries -libraries are changing but not dying. There would be a focus on the busyness factor and celebrate successes to make those outside the sector aware and look to future.

Other priorities outlined included:

 Publication response to Ambition.  Shape an ambitious future for public libraries.  Develop and strengthen partnerships particularly when developing the cultural offer.  Look at what SCL will look like and need to look like in the future.  Build on success of roadshows and develop innovation network.  Develop advocacy and brand for libraries.  Develop a holistic approach to continue to develop offers and make the most of resources.  Strengthen links with Wales, NI and Scotland.

Neil explained that he saw SCL as collective and team that he was looking forward to working with.

Neil thanked Ciara Eastell, the Universal Offer Leads, Sarah Mears, Mark Freeman, his team in Manchester, Nicky Parker, Karen Cunningham and the Children’s Librarian who first encouraged Neil to pursue a career in libraries when he was working as a volunteer.

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