Part 1 My Eco-Footprint

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Part 1 My Eco-Footprint

Name: ______

GRADE 12 UNIVERSITY BIOLOGY ~Population Dynamics Culminating Task~ Part 1 – “My Eco-Footprint” Every day, millions of Canadians drive their vehicles to work, school, or entertainment venues, which creates greenhouse gases and consumes non-renewable resources. These behaviours, and many other consumption habits, all contribute to our ecological footprint. Many experts believe that we are consuming more resources each year than Earth can produce. You will be analyzing the effects of human population growth, personal consumption, and technological development on our ecological footprint. The deforestation resulting from expanding development and demand for wood products causes the destruction of habitats that support biological diversity is one example. The acidification of lakes associated with some industrial processes which causes a decrease in fish populations is another example of how we are negatively impacting our environment. In Part 1 of this task you will discover the value of your eco-footprint and assess how Canada compares on the world stage in terms of resource consumption.

Step 1: Getting some background! Visit the Living planet index site… Read through and answer the following questions: a) Overall how is Canada doing? b) How is the world doing? c) How does the Living Planet Index (LPI) help a nation to assess its ecological footprint and sustain its population?

Step 2: Crunching the numbers! Visit this site… Take the survey to determine the actual size of your personal eco-footprint…print out your results at the end of the quiz and include them in your report. a) Were you shocked by the results? b) What did your final number mean? c) How accurate is this survey?

Step 3: Present your Findings! Using your findings, background research and personal experiences you will create a “visual representation” of your eco-footprint. You can be creative as you like…you just need to account for how you impact the planet! It can be presented in the following ways: A flow chart, poster, picture, collage etc. PART 2: Finding Solutions

You have now researched your eco-footprint and Canada’s place in the environmental spectrum. Now is the time to start focusing on CHANGE! Name: ______

Step 1: More Background research! Due to the rapid increase in the world population one of the main issues that faces developing countries is that of food production. As a starting point you need to assess the effectiveness of some Canadian technologies (ie Genetically modified Canola) and projects (Canadian International Development Agency, The Canada-based Micronutrient Initiative, Flour Fortification Initiative) intended to nourish expanding populations. a) Provide a brief summary of the four initiatives mentioned above (include references) b) In your opinion are they working? c) What are the pros and cons of each?

Step 2: Facilitating Change –Enviro Program Pitch You’ve been hired by the government to pitch a new program to help people reduce their eco footprint! You can pick from any issue that deals with resource consumption! Be creative. Every little thing helps!! When designing your program use the GRASP method!

What is the Goal of the program? What is your Role? Who is the target Audience? Who are you trying to help and get involved? Explain the Situation. Use research to show that your program is needed! How will you tackle the Problem? What will your program, actually do?

Make sure to assess the Limitations of your program (Pros and Cons).

The government will accept a formal report, advertisement, powerpoint presentation, or video submission.

Unit 1 ~ Culminating Activity Rubric

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 (50-59%) (60-69%) (70-79%) (80-100%) Making -communicates with -communicates with -communicates with -communicates with Name: ______

limited clarity and some clarity and clarity and precision. a high degree of Connections: precision. precision. clarity and precision.

Background -uses science and -uses science and -uses science and -consistently uses Research topic terminology with topic terminology topic terminology science and topic limited with some with considerable terminology with appropriateness. appropriateness. appropriateness. appropriateness. /10 -few aspects of the -some aspects of the -many aspects of the -the design and topic Communicat design of the product design of the design of the of the product have show a connection to product show a product show a been totally ion the topic. connection to the connection to the integrated. -Format of topic. topic. -limited care in -high degree of care Product: selection of materials -some care in -considerable care in in selection of and construction has selection of selection of materials and “Visual Eco- been shown. materials and materials and construction has construction has construction has been shown. Footprint” been shown. been shown.

/10 -few aspects of the -some aspects of the -many aspects of the -the design and topic Communicat design of the product design of the design of the of the product have show a connection to product show a product show a been totally ion the topic. connection to the connection to the integrated. -Format of topic. topic. -limited care in -high degree of care Product: selection of materials -some care in -considerable care in in selection of and construction has selection of selection of materials and “Enviro been shown. materials and materials and construction has construction has construction has been shown. Program been shown. been shown. Pitch”

/10 -demonstrates -demonstrates -demonstrates -demonstrates a Making limited understanding some understanding considerable high degree of of the scientific of the scientific understanding understanding Connections concepts related to concepts related to of the scientific of the scientific “Enviro the topic.. the topic. concepts related to concepts related to the topic.. the topic. Program Pitch” /20 -references are -some references -most references are -all references are Communicat inconsistently cited. are consistently consistently cited. consistently cited. ion cited. -Bibliography /5 Total Mark: /55

Percent: Name: ______


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