MCAS Math Pacing Guide Grade: 1

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MCAS Math Pacing Guide Grade: 1

MCAS Math Pacing Guide Grade: 1 July 9, 2009

Core Standard 1: Number Sense and Computation

1A Whole Numbers Count, read, write and compare whole numbers up to 100. Recognize numbers up to 100 and represent them as groups of tens and ones.

1B Addition and Subtraction Model addition and subtraction using objects. Demonstrate fluency with addition facts (for totals up to 20) and the corresponding subtraction facts. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

Core Standard 2: Number Sense and Computation

2A Geometry and Measurement Identify, describe, compare, sort and draw triangles, rectangle, squares and circles.

2B Linear Measurement Estimate and measure the length of and object to the nearest inch and centimeter.

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 1 Math Pacing Guide Grade 1 To successfully complete first grade the learner will

Core Standard 1: Number Sense and Computation 1A Whole Numbers  Count, read, write and compare whole numbers up to 100. Recognize numbers up to 100 and represent them as groups of tens and ones.

Essential Question:  How can I use place value to count, read and write and compare whole number up to 100? 1.1.1 Count, read and write whole numbers up to 100. 1.1.2 Count and group objects in ones and tens. 1.1.3 Identify the number of tens and ones in numbers less than 100. 1.1.4 Name the number that is one more than or less than any number up to 100. 1.1.5 Compare whole numbers up to 10 and arrange them in numerical order. 1.1.6 Match the number of names (first, second, third, etc.) with an ordered set of up to 10 items. Learning Targets Concepts: Need to Know  Place value ones and ten in numbers up to 100.  Numbers to objects.  One more and one less with symbols <, >, =.

Skills: Be Able to Do  Count, read and write whole numbers to 100.  Recognize and represent in groups of tens and ones.  Organize and count a set of objects.  Identify numbers of ones and tens in numbers less than 100.  Name the number that is one more/one less than numbers up to 100.  Compare whole numbers up to ten and put in numerical order. Key Vocabulary Whole numbers Place value

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 2 1B Addition and Subtraction  Model addition and subtraction using objects. Demonstrate fluency with addition facts (for totals up to 20) and the corresponding subtraction facts. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

Essential Question:  How can knowing math facts help me solve problems? (up to 20)

1.2.1 Show the meaning of addition (putting together, increasing) using objects 1.2.2 Show the meaning of subtraction (taking away, comparing, finding the difference) using objects 1.2.4 Demonstrate mastery of the addition facts (for totals up to 20) and the corresponding subtraction facts 1.2.5 Understand the meaning of symbols +, -, and = 1.2.6 Understand the role of zero in addition and subtraction 1.2.7 Understand and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction facts (such as 4 + 2 = 6, 6 - 2 = 4, etc.) to solve problems 1.3.1 Write and solve number sentences from problem situations involving addition and subtraction

Non- Core Standards: 1.3.4 Create and extend number patterns using additions 1.6.1 Choose the approach, materials, and strategies to use in solving problems 1.6.3 Explain the reasoning used and justify the procedures selected in solving a problem Learning Targets Concepts: Need to Know  Addition  Subtraction  Equivalence  Addition facts  Symbols  Role of zero  Inverse Relationship Non-Core  Number Patterns  Problem Solving Skills: Be Able to Do  Show the meaning of addition using objects.  Show the meaning of subtraction using objects.

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 3  Show equivalent forms of the same number up to 20.  Demonstrate mater of addition facts up to 20.  Understand the meaning of symbols (+, -,=).  Understand the role of zero in addition and subtraction.  Understand/use the inverse relations between addition and subtractions facts. Non-Core  Create and extend number patterns.  Choose strategies to solve a problem.  Explain thinking and justify methods used. Key Vocabulary Addition Equivalent Strategy Subtraction Inverse relationships Problem solve

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 4 Core Standard 2: Number Sense and Computation

2A Geometry and Measurement  Identify, describe, compare, sort and draw triangles, rectangle, squares and circles.

Essential Question:  How can objects be represented and compared using geometric attributes?

1.4.1 Identify, describe, compare, sort and draw triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles. 1.4.2 Identify triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles as the faces of three dimensional shapes. 1.4.7 Identify geometric shapes and structures in the environment and specify their location.

Learning Targets Concepts: Need to Know  Geometric Shapes  Common Attributes  Relative Position  Location in space

Skills: Be Able to Do  Identify, describe, compare, sort, and draw shapes.  Identify faces of three dimensional objects.  Classify/sort objects by attributes and explain the rule.  Identify objects as two or three dimensional.  Give/follow directions for finding a place or object.  Arrange/describe objects by position and directions. Key Vocabulary Two dimensional Three dimensional attributes

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 5 2B Linear Measurement  Estimate and measure the length of and object to the nearest inch and centimeter.

Essential Question:  How do I estimate and measure to the nearest inch and centimeter?

1.5.4 Measure and estimate the length of an object to the nearest inch or centimeter

Non-Core Standards: 1.5.6 Tell time to the nearest half hour and relate time to events 1.5.7 Identify and give the values of collections of pennies, nickels and dimes Learning Targets Concepts: Need to Know  Inc and centimeter  Non-Standard/Standard units  Estimation Non-Core  Time  Values of coins

Skills: Be Able to Do  Measure the length of objects to the nearest inch.  Use different units to measure the length of the same object  Recognize the need for a fixed unit of length. Non-Core  Tell time to the nearest half hour and relate time to events.  Identify and give values of pennies, nickels, and dimes. Key Vocabulary Inch Estimation Centimeter Units

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 6 Mathematics Curriculum Map Grade 1

To successfully complete first grade the learner will:

 Students will be able to compare and understand the value of numbers up to 100.  Students will demonstrate mastery of addition and subtraction facts to 20.  Student will create and solve number sentences from story problems with addition and subtraction.  Students will recognize and describe attributes of basic geometric shapes.  Students will measure objects using inches and centimeters. Tell and writes time to hour and half-hour. Writes correct value of a group of coins.  Students will determine the correct procedures needed to solve problems.

Mathematics Teaching Models, and Suggested supplementary materials may include:  Everyday Math Program (MCAS adopted math program)  Math Exemplars ( )  Purdue Collaborative Problem Solving (Dr. David Feikus, Purdue North Central)  Math Their Way ( )  Indiana State Standards Mathematics Resources: Curriculum Frameworks  Compass Learning

Math Academic Milestones to be achieved by all first graders by the end of the current school year :  80 % accuracy on EDM unit tests.  Demonstrate proficiency of addition and subtraction facts to 20.  Demonstrate grade appropriate problem solving strategies (including the scientific method).

Highlighted items: “Core Standards”

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 7 Time- Content/Performance Standards EDM Pacing Guide Assessment frame Addressed (Dates include 4 lesson per week plus Suggestions assessments) 9

0 1.1.1 Count, read and write numbers up to 25

0 Unit 1 Aug. 26 to Sept. EM Mid-Term/Final Tests 2

, 1.1.2 Count and group objects in ones and tens (14 lessons) 18 0 EM Unit Assessments

3 EM Routines

r EM Unit Slate e 1.1.4 Identify the number that is one more or one less up to 25 b Unit 2 o Assessments t

c (14 lessons) Sept. 21 to Oct. 1.1.5 Identify and compare numbers up to 25 EM Unit Oral O

Everyday Uses of 13

- Numbers Assessments 9

0 1.1.10 Represent, compare and interpret data using pictures (tally marks) EM Journal – Math Box 0 2 , Pages 6 1.2.1 Show the meaning of addition using objects 2

Math Message t s

u Curriculum Frameworks

g 1.2.2 Show the meaning of subtraction using objects u

A Assessment

: 1.2.3 Show equivalent forms of the same number (up to 5) using objects, r Math Facts in a Flash e

t diagrams, and numbers. r Time Tests a u Daily Oral Math Q 1.2.4 Demonstrate mastery of addition facts (for totals up to 5) and the


s corresponding subtraction facts. Compass Odyssey r i

F Learning Paths 1.2.5 Understand the meaning of symbols (=,+,-) Math Related Computer Programs 1.3.1 Write and solve number sentences from problem situations involving addition and subtraction. Daily Assignments NWEA – 1.3.2 Create word problems that match given number sentences involving Teacher Observation addition and subtraction. Student Participation

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 8 Time- Content/Performance Standards EDM Pacing Guide Assessment frame Addressed (Dates include 4 lesson per week plus Suggestions assessments) 9

0 1.3.2 Create word problems that match given number sentences 0 Unit 1 Aug. 26 to Sept. 18 EM Mid-Term/Final Tests 2

involving addition and subtraction. , (14 lessons)

0 EM Unit Assessments

3 EM Routines

r 1.4.5 Give and follow directions for finding a place or object. EM Unit Slate e

b Unit 2 Sept. 21 to Oct. 13 o Assessments t c 1.4.6 Arrange and describe objects in space by position and (14 lessons) EM Unit Oral O


- direction. Uses of Assessments 9

0 Numbers EM Journal – Math Box 0 2 , 1.5.5 Compare and order temperature using direct comparison. Pages 6 2

Math Message t

s 1.5.6 Tell time to the nearest half-hour and relate time to u Curriculum Frameworks g

u events (before/after, shorter/longer)

A Assessment


r Math Facts in a Flash e 1.5.7 Identify and give the values of collections of pennies, t

r Time Tests a nickels, and dimes u Daily Oral Math Q

t Compass Odyssey s 1.6.1 Select the approach, materials and strategies to use in r i

F solving problems. Learning Paths Math Related Computer 1.6.2 Choose tools such as objects or drawings to model Programs problems. Daily Assignments NWEA – 1.6.3 Explain the reasoning used and justify the procedures Teacher Observation selected in solving a problem Student Participation

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 9 Time- Content/Performance Standards EDM Pacing Guide Assessment Suggestions frame Addressed (Dates include 4 lesson per week plus assessments)

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 10 Second Quarter: November 2, 2009 to January 20, 2009

andsubtraction. addition involving numbersentences Createword 1.3.2 given thatmatch problems andsubtraction addition sentencesinvolving Write 1.3.1 situations fromproblem number and solve zeroand insubtraction.1.2.6 addition the of Understand role Understand1.2.5 meaning of the symbols (=,+,-) subtraction corresponding facts Demonstratethe1.2.4 10) mastery of additions up and the facts(fortotals diagrams,and numbers. usingobjects, Showequivalentformsthe1.2.3 20) same of number (up to Showthe1.2.2 subtraction objectsusing meaning of Showthe1.2.1 addition objectsmeaningusing of marks) datausingpictures Represent,(tally 1.1.10 and interpret compare setMatchnumberofan to 1.1.6 names ordered of the items. 10 up with 50 Identify 1.1.5 up andnumbers to compare 1.1.4Identifytonumberthat is orlessmore the up 50 one one Identifyof100. 1.1.3 and onestens the less in numbers than number and tensCount 1.1.2 and groupobjectsin ones to Count,1.1.1 andup 50 write numbers read

. . .

Number Number , Patterns Visual lessons) (15 Unit 3 Measure lessons) (13 Unit4 Counting and , Patterns ts Fac c Basi and t men MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide MathFirst Pacing MCAS Grade Nov. 16 Nov. Dec. 11 to Oct.15 to Nov. 13 StudentParticipation Observation Teacher NWEA– Assignments Daily Programs Computer MathRelated Paths Learning Compass Odyssey Oral Math Daily TimeTests inMath Facts aFlash Assessment Frameworks Curriculum MathMessage Box Pages EM – Math Journal Assessments EMUnitOral EMAssessments UnitSlate EMUnitAssessments TestsEMMid-Term/Final 11 Time- Content/Performance Standards Addressed EDM Pacing Guide Assessment Suggestions frame

0 1.3.3 Recognize and use the relationship between addition and subtraction. 1

0 Unit 3 Oct. 15 to Nov. EM Mid-Term/Final Tests 2

, 1.3.4 Create and extend number patterns using addition. (15 lessons) 13 EM Unit Assessments 0

2 Visual EM Unit Slate Assessments

y 1.4.5 Give and follow directions for finding a place or object. Patterns, EM Unit Oral Assessments r

a Number EM Journal – Math Box Pages u n

a 1.4.6 Arrange and describe objects in space by position and direction. Patterns, and Math Message J

Counting Curriculum Frameworks o

t 1.5.1 Measure the length of objects by repeating a non-standard. Assessment

9 Math Facts in a Flash 0

0 1.5.2 Use different unit to measure the length of the same object and Unit 4 Time Tests 2

predict whether the measure will be greater or smaller when a different , (13 lessons) Nov. 16 to Dec. Daily Oral Math 2

unit it used. Measurement 11 Compass Odyssey Learning r

e and Basic Paths b

m 1.5.3 Recognize the need for a fixed unit of length. Facts Math Related Computer e

v Programs o 1.5.4 Measure and estimate the length of an object to the nearest inch or

N Jan.4 to Jan. 20 Daily Assignments

: centimeter. Start Unit 5 NWEA – r

e Lessons 5.1- Teacher Observation t r

a 1.5.5 Compare and order temperature using direct comparison. 5.8 Student Participation u Q 1.5.6 Tell time to the nearest half-hour and relate time to events d n

o (before/after, shorter/longer) c e S 1.5.7 Identify and give the values of collections of pennies, nickels, and dimes

1.6.1 Select the approach, materials and strategies to use in solving problems.

1.6.2 Choose tools such as objects or drawings to model problems.

1.6.3 Explain the reasoning used and justify the procedures selected in solving a problem

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 12 Time- Content/Performance Standards EDM Pacing Guide Assessment frame Addressed (Dates include 4 lesson per Suggestions week plus assessments) 1.1.1 Count, read and write numbers up to 75 0

1 Continue Jan.25- Feb.2 EM Mid-Term/Final Tests 0

2 1.1.2 Count and group objects in ones and tens with EM Unit Assessments

, Unit 5 6 EM Unit Slate Assessments 2

1.1.3 Identify the number of tens and ones in numbers less than 100. (Lessons EM Unit Oral Assessments h c

r 5.9-5.14) Mid Term EM Journal – Math Box a 1.1.4 Identify the number that is one more or one less up to 75 Place Value, Assessment Feb. Pages M

- Number 3 Math Message 5

2 1.1.5 Identify and compare numbers up to 75 Stories, and Curriculum Frameworks


r Basic Facts Assessment a

u 1.1.6 Match the number of names with an ordered set of up to 10 items. Math Facts in a Flash n

a Feb. 8 to March 2 Time Tests J

: 1.1.7 Recognize when a shape is divided into congruent parts. Daily Oral Math r

e Compass Odyssey Learning t r

a 1.1.8 For a shape divided into 8 or fewer congruent parts, describe a shaded Paths u

q portion as “__out of __ parts” and write the fraction. Unit 6 March 4 –March Math Related Computer


r (13 lessons) 19 Programs i

h 1.1.10 Represent, compare and interpret data using pictures (tally marks) Daily Assignments T NWEA – 1.2.1 Show the meaning of addition using objects

Teacher Observation ; Unit 7 Student Participation 1.2.2 Show the meaning of subtraction using objects (8 lessons) Geometry 1.2.3 Show equivalent forms of the same number (up to 20) using objects, and diagrams, and numbers. Attributes

1.2.4 Demonstrate mastery of the additions facts (for totals up 15) and the corresponding subtraction facts

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 13 Time- Content/Performance Standards Addressed EDM Pacing Guide Assessment Suggestions frame (Dates include 4 lesson per week plus assessments) 0

1 1.2.5 Understand the meaning of symbols (=,+,-).

0 Jan.25- EM Mid-Term/Final Tests

2 Continue

, 1.2.7 Understand and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction with Feb.2 6 EM Unit Assessments 2

facts to solve problems. Unit

h EM Unit Slate c

r 5 a 1.2.6 Understand the role of zero in addition and subtraction. Assessments M (Lessons EM Unit Oral -

5 1.3.1 Write and solve number sentences from problem situations involving addition and 5.9-5.14)

2 Assessments

Place y subtraction. Mid Term

r EM Journal – Math Box

a Value, Assessment u Pages n Number

a 1.3.2 Create word problems that match given number sentences involving addition and Feb. 3

J Stories, Math Message subtraction. :

r and Basic Curriculum e

t Facts Feb. 8 to r 1.3.3 Recognize and use the relationship between addition and subtraction. Frameworks a

u March 2

q Assessment

d 1.3.4 Create and extend number patterns using addition. r

i Math Facts in a Flash h T 1.4.1 Identify, describe, compare, sort and draw triangle, rectangles, squares and March 4 – Time Tests circles.1.4.2 Identify triangles, rectangles, squares and circles as the faces of three March 19 Daily Oral Math dimensional objects. Unit 6 Compass Odyssey (13 Learning Paths lessons) 1.4.2 Identify triangle, square and circles as the faces of three-dimensional objects. Math Related

1.4.3 Classify and sort familiar plane and solid objects by position, shape, size, Computer Programs roundness and other attributes. Explain the rule used. Daily Assignments Unit 7 NWEA – (8 lessons) 1.4.4 Identify objects as two-dimensional or three dimensional. Teacher Observation Geometry and Student Participation 1.4.5 Give and follow directions for finding a place or object. Attributes

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 14 Time- Content/Performance Standards Addressed EDM Pacing Guide Assessment frame (Dates include 4 lesson per week plus Suggestions assessments)

0 1.4.6 Arrange and describe objects in space by position and direction. 1

0 Jan.25-

2 Continue with Unit

, 1.4.7 Identify geometric shapes and structure in the environment and specify their location. 5 Feb.2 6 2

h (Lessons 5.9-5.14) 1.5.1 Measure the length of objects by repeating a non-standard. c

r Place Value, Number a

M 1.5.2 Use different unit to measure the length of the same object and predict whether the Stories, and Basic

- measure will be greater or smaller when a different unit it used. Facts 5 2

y Mid Term r 1.5.3 Recognize the need for a fixed unit of length. a Assessment u n

a Feb. 3 1.5.4 Measure and estimate the length of an object to the nearest inch or centimeter. J

: r

e 1.5.5 Compare and order temperature using direct comparison.

t Unit 6 r

a (13 lessons) u

q 1.5.6 Tell time to the nearest half-hour and relate time to events (before/after, shorter/longer)


r Feb. 8 to i

h 1.5.7 Identify and give the values of collections of pennies, nickels, and dimes March 2 T Unit 7 March 4 – 1.6.1 Select the approach, materials and strategies to use in solving problems. (8 lessons) March 19 Geometry and 1.6.2 Choose tools such as objects or drawings to model problems. Attributes

1.6.3 Explain the reasoning used and justify the procedures selected in solving a problem.

1.6.4 Make precise calculations and check the validity of the results in the context of the problem.

1.6.5 Understand and use connections between two problems.

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 15 Time- Content/Performance Standards Addressed EDM Pacing Guide Assessment frame (Dates include 4 lesson per week plus Suggestions assessments) 8

e n u J

- 6 2

1.1.1 Count, read and write numbers up to 100 h Unit 8 March 29- EM Mid-Term/Final c r Tests a April 20 1.1.2 Count and group objects in ones and tens (10 lessons) M EM Unit Assessments Mental Arithmetic, :

r EM Unit Slate

e Money and Fractions

t 1.1.3 Identify the number of tens and ones in numbers less than 100. Assessments r EM Unit Oral a

u Assessments

Q 1.1.4 Identify the number that is one more or one less up to 100

EM Journal – Math

h Unit 9

t Box Pages r (10 lessons) u 1.1.5 Identify and compare numbers up to 100 Math Message o

F Place Value and Curriculum Frameworks 1.1.6 Match the number of names with an ordered set of up to 10 items. Fractions Apr. 21 to May 6 Assessment Math Facts in a Flash 1.1.7 Recognize when a shape is divided into congruent parts. Time Tests Unit 10 Daily Oral Math Compass Odyssey 1.1.8 For a shape divided into 8 or fewer congruent parts, describe a shaded (7 lessons) May 10 to May Learning Paths portion as “__out of __ parts” and write the fraction. Math Related Year-End Review and 20 Computer Programs 1.1.9 For a set of 8 or fewer objects, describe a subset as “__out of __ parts” and Assessments Daily Assignments NWEA write the fraction. End of Year Teacher Observation Student Participation 1.1.10 Represent, compare and interpret data using pictures (tally marks) Assessment May 24 1.2.1 Show the meaning of addition using objects See additional 1.2.2 Show the meaning of subtraction using objects Pacing Guide Suggestions 1.2.3 Show equivalent forms of the same number (up to 20) using objects, diagrams, (Troy, and numbers. Michigan resource) 1.2.4 Demonstrate mastery of the additions facts (for totals up 20) and the attached. corresponding subtraction facts MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 16

1.2.5 Understand the meaning of symbols (=,+,-). Time- Content/Performance Standards Addressed EDM Pacing Guide Assessment frame (Dates include 4 lesson per week plus Suggestions assessments) 8

1.2.7 Understand and use the inverse relationship between addition and e

n subtraction facts to solve problems. Unit 8 March 29- EM Mid- u

J April 20 Term/Final (10 lessons)

- Tests

6 1.2.6 Understand the role of zero in addition and subtraction. Mental Arithmetic,

2 EM Unit Money and Fractions h Assessments c

r 1.3.1 Write and solve number sentences from problem situations involving addition

a EM Unit Slate and subtraction. M Assessments

: Unit 9 Apr. 21 to May 6 r EM Unit Oral e

t 1.3.2 Create word problems that match given number sentences involving addition (10 lessons) Assessments r

a and subtraction. Place Value and EM Journal – Math u

Q Fractions May 10 to May Box Pages

h 1.3.3 Recognize and use the relationship between addition and subtraction. Math Message

t 20

r Curriculum u

o Frameworks F 1.3.4 Create and extend number patterns using addition. Unit 10 Assessment (7 lessons) End of Year Math Facts in a 1.4.1 Identify, describe, compare, sort and draw triangle, rectangles, squares and Year-End Review and Assessment Flash circles.1.4.2 Identify triangles, rectangles, squares and circles as the faces of Assessments May 24 Time Tests three dimensional objects. Daily Oral Math See additional Compass Odyssey 1.4.2 Identify triangle, square and circles as the faces of three-dimensional Pacing Guide Learning Paths objects. Suggestions Math Related (Troy, Michigan Computer Programs 1.4.3 Classify and sort familiar plane and solid objects by position, shape, size, resource) Daily Assignments roundness and other attributes. Explain the rule used. attached. NWEA Teacher 1.4.4 Identify objects as two-dimensional or three dimensional. Observation Student 1.4.5 Give and follow directions for finding a place or object. Participation

1.4.6 Arrange and describe objects in space by position and direction.

MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 17 Time- Content/Performance Standards Addressed EDM Pacing Guide Assessment frame (Dates include 4 lesson per week plus Suggestions assessments) 8

1.4.7 Identify geometric shapes and structure in the environment and specify their e

n location. Unit 8 March 29- EM Mid- u

J April 20 Term/Final (10 lessons)

- 1.5.1 Measure the length of objects by repeating a non-standard. Tests

6 Mental Arithmetic,

2 EM Unit Money and Fractions h Assessments

c 1.5.2 Use different unit to measure the length of the same object and predict whether the r

a measure will be greater or smaller when a different unit it used. EM Unit Slate

M Assessments

: Unit 9 Apr. 21 to May r 1.5.3 Recognize the need for a fixed unit of length. EM Unit Oral e

t (10 lessons) 6 Assessments r

a Place Value and EM Journal – Math

u 1.5.4 Measure and estimate the length of an object to the nearest inch or centimeter.

Q Fractions Box Pages

h Math Message

t 1.5.5 Compare and order temperature using direct comparison. May 10 to May r Curriculum u 20 o Frameworks F 1.5.6 Tell time to the nearest half-hour and relate time to events (before/after, Unit 10 Assessment shorter/longer) (7 lessons) Math Facts in a Year-End Review and End of Year Flash 1.5.7 Identify and give the values of collections of pennies, nickels, and dimes Assessments Assessment Time Tests May 24 Daily Oral Math 1.6.1 Select the approach, materials and strategies to use in solving problems. Compass Odyssey See additional Learning Paths 1.6.2 Choose tools such as objects or drawings to model problems. Pacing Guide Math Related Suggestions Computer 1.6.3 Explain the reasoning used and justify the procedures selected in solving a problem. Programs (Troy, Michigan Daily Assignments resource) 1.6.4 Make precise calculations and check the validity of the results in the context of the NWEA attached. problem. Teacher Observation 1.6.5 Understand and use connections between two problems Student Participation


MCAS First Grade Math Pacing Guide 18

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