Westmoreland PTO November 12, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm by Stefanie Vasquez

Minutes from October were read by Shannon Byrne, RN- Motion to accept by LuAnna and 2nd by Allison

Teacher’s Report:  Mrs. Clune discussed ice cream social this Friday 11/15  Mrs. Ebner thanked the PTO for the new computer monitors

Principal’s Report:  American Education Week is week of 11/19 which is also the 50th day of school  Parents visit from 9-11 and from 12-2 to observe classroom activities  Holiday vocal concert on 12/18 at 1pm, volunteers needed to assist w/ security check in  Reminded everyone how to log into IXL math  Book selected for One School- One Book  January 6th and 15th will be parent conferences  Literacy committee formed- all teachers required to join  Thank you for the computer monitors, kids love them

Corresponding Secretary:  Mrs. Dell’Aglio sent thank you for computer monitors (total 43)  Mrs. Yannell sent thank you for baby gift  All Teacher’s send thank you for computer monitors  Mrs. Hildebrant thank you for computer monitors and luncheon during Megan McArthy’s visit  Mrs. Rue sent thank you for author visit

PTA Council:  No one attended

BOE Report:  No one attended

Treasurer’s Report:  Read by Kathleen Chamberlain  PTO raising money for a new school sign  30% of profit to sign  Motion to approve Allison Lydon, 2nd Dawn Hoefler

Committee Reports:  Pumpkin and Mum sale raised about $600, no exact total available yet  Halloween Spooktacular raised $595  Kids Stuff & Savings Around Books- 13 Savings around books left so we can’t close the fundraiser yet, Kids Stuff sold 68  Directory: completed, final proof done, should arrive in 2 weeks  Spiritwear: New logo now printed on the items, will be sent to printer on Monday, turn around will be about 2 weeks. So there will be a sale in December and again in the Spring  2014 Moving up Committee: Pies and Cakes fundraiser, Movie Day- Frozen or Catching Fire November 30 at 10 am at Hawthorne Movie Theatre, Poinsetta and Wreath Sale, Monster golf, multiple dinner nights

New Business:  Scoop Night 7 to 9pm Friday, November 15  Two Holiday Shop events- one for Hannukah and one for Christmas. Dates will be 11/25, 11/26, 12/4, 12/5  Books are ordered from scholastic for One School One Book  Clothing drive is tomorrow 11/14/13  Westmoreland won the World Cereal

Meeting adjourned at 7:48pm