Detailed Note on AHS 2011-12-Rajasthan

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Detailed Note on AHS 2011-12-Rajasthan

Analytical Note on Annual Health Survey Results


February 2014

Statistics Division Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Rajasthan

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Analytical Note on Annual Health Survey Results (February 2014)


1. Main feature and key findings from AHS in Rajasthan

Rajasthan constitute: • 5.7% of country’s Population • 6.8% of Births • 7.9% of Infant Deaths • 7.0% of Under 5 Deaths in bigger States • 9.0% of Maternal Deaths in bigger States

Main Features of AHS in Rajasthan

 Coverage- All the 32 districts (as per Census 2001)

 Sample Units- 1841 statistically selected sample unit (Census Enumeration Blocks in urban areas and Villages or a part thereof in rural areas)

 Sample Population- About 17.99 Lakh

 Sample Households - About 3.54 Lakh

Reference Period for Fertility and Mortality Indicators: Baseline (2010-11) : 2007-2009

1st Updation (2011-12) : 2008-2010

Key Findings from AHS in Rajasthan

. None of the districts has achieved Replacement level of TFR 2.1 or less

. In 11 districts, on an average a woman bears more than 3 children.

. 2 districts reported less than 50% current usage of any modern method of family planning.

. In 6 out of 32 districts, the total unmet need for family planning is more than 20%.

. Mean age at marriage is higher in urban areas as compared to rural areas both for males and females

2 Rajasthan

. Despite wider penetration of `Any ANC’, the coverage under `first trimester ANC’ as well as `3 or more ANCs’ needs further improvement.

. Poor performance of full ANC is primarily due to low IFA consumption.

. About 1/5th of the deliveries are not safe

. 19.9% of mothers have not received any PNC.

. About 31% of children are not fully immunized

. Higher levels of IMR and MMR in Rajasthan as compared to all India average

. 7 Districts have Sex Ratio at Birth less than 850

. Improvement has been noticed in most of the indicators as compared to DLHS-3.

. Availability of indicators on various facets of Mother & Child Care, fertility and mortality at the district level would provide new insight in evidence-based planning and facilitate appropriate interventional strategies

Following table gives some key Indicators from AHS and DLHS-3 for India and Rajasthan

Current usage of family Institutional Delivery Full Immunization % planning any method (Children (12-23 months) receiving 1 dose BCG, 3 India/ doses of DPT/ OPV each State and 1 measles vaccine) AHS- AHS-1st DLHS AHS- AHS-1st DLHS- AHS- AHS-1st DLHS- Baseline updation -3 Baseline updation 3 Baseline updation 3 India 54.8 47.0 53.5 Rajasthan 64.5 66.4 58.1 70.2 74.4 45.4 70.8 69.2 48.7

2. District-wise Performance

2.1. District-wise data in ascending / descending order in respect of various parameters (from worst to best) according to their performance, is annexed (Annexure 1 to 6).

3 Rajasthan

3. Detailed Findings from AHS in Rajasthan

4 Rajasthan

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15 Rajasthan

16 Rajasthan

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18 Rajasthan

19 Rajasthan

20 Rajasthan

21 Rajasthan

22 Rajasthan

23 Rajasthan

24 Rajasthan

25 Rajasthan

26 Rajasthan

27 Rajasthan

28 Rajasthan

29 Rajasthan

30 Rajasthan

31 Rajasthan

32 Rajasthan

33 Rajasthan

34 Rajasthan

35 Rajasthan

36 Rajasthan

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38 Rajasthan

39 Rajasthan

40 Rajasthan

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