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1922. .CONGRESSION.AL RECORD-HOUSE. 8481 and fully given of the acts, policies, and motives of at least one, Committee on Military .Affairs may have five days in which to nncl, speaking for the Secretary of the Navy, of two of the mem file minority views. ber of your official family. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Illinois I am. sir, asks unanimous consent any member of the Committee on 'Very sincerely yours, Military .Affairs may have five legislative days in whlch to file ALBERT B. FALL, Secretary. minority views on the bill H . .R. 11903. Is there objection? The PRESIDEN T, Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. l\Ir. Speaker, reserving the The TFhite House. .right to· object, may I ask the gentleman if he is in a po ·ition NAVAL OIL RESERVE LEASES (S. DOC. 210). where he can inform the House as to the probability as to when this bill ·will be considered? Mr. SJUOOT. I submit a resolution and ask that it be read. Mr. McKENZIE. I will say very frankly to the gentleman The resolution ( S. Res. 305) was read, as follows : from Tennessee that I am not able to give him that information. R esolv ed, That the message of the President of the United States, with the accompanying communication from the Secretary of the Inte Personally I would be glad to see an early consideration of the rior, and illustrations, in response to Senate Resolution 282, requesting measuTe. cert ain information c-0ncerning naval reserve oil leases, be printed as M.r. GARRETT of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, this, of course, a Senate document, and that 4,000 additional copies be printed for the use of the Senate document room. is a matter of very large portent. There is a great deal of in terest here and in the country. I had hoped that the gentleman Mr. SMOOT. I will simply state that more than 4,000 copies might be in a situation that he could indicate whether it was can not be ordered printed by a Senate resolution because of purposed to pass-I assume it is to be considered under a the fact that the cost would exceed $500. It requires a concur rule? rent resolution of the two Houses to authorize a cost exceed Mr. McKENZIE. That is my understanding. ing $500. I ask unanimous consent for the present considera tion of the resolution. .Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. Is it the gentleman's purpose to ask for a rule at once? The resolution was considered by unanimous consent and Mr. MONDELL. Will the gentleman from Illinois yield? agreed to. Mr. McKENZIE. I yield. RECESS. Mr. MONDELL. It seems to me, Mr. Speaker, that it is im Mr. l\IcCUl\-IBEJR. I move that the Senate take a recess possible for anyone to say just now when this matter can be until to-morrow at 11 o'clock a. m. taken up for consideration. My present thought is that there The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 o~clock and 50 minutes ought to be some action taken at a reasonably early date, but p. m.) the Senate took a rece s until to-man·ow, Saturday, until we have ~ad a chance to read the reports and digest them June 10, 1922, at 11 o'clock a. m. and know just what has been suggested, it is difficult for anyone to say just when the matter ought to be taken up for consid eration. Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. I, of course, am not asking HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. that a date be fixed now, but I thought it perfectly fair that there .might be given the House a -statement as to the attitude FRIDAY, June 9, 19B2. toward it. Mr. MONDELL. To be entirely frank wtth the .gentleman, I The House ·met at 12 o'clock .noon and was ealled to order do not think that anyone could properly say now that we would or by the Speaker pro tem_pore [Mr. WALSH]. would not take up the Muscle Shoals matter in the near future. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered I think that is a matter that must be decided after the r€ports the following prayer : .are before us and have been digested. It is not a simple matter. Vouchsafe, dear Lord, Thy blessing upon us this day. En There is an item on the military bill, put on by the Senate, pro large and intensify our thought of service to all the people. Let posing a continuation of work on the Wilson Dam. There is the highest standards always inQite our motives. May all evil some .question as to whether or no that appropriation ought to be suppressed. Grant that Thy spirit may go forth carrying be provided and the work go on, or take up the Muscle Shoals with it stability to the weak, wisdom to the erring, and stren-gth reports and dispose of them. There are quite a number of pos to tbe faltering. Arise, 0 God, with blessing in Thy shadow, sibilities in the situation, and I do not think anyone would be for our country waits for Thee and needs the touch of Thy justified in saying now just what ought to be done or just when power. In Tby holy name. Amen. .it ought to be done. Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman The J oumal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and will indulge me just for a moment, I do not think that the. ap approved. propriation put on in the Senate providing for a continuation of MESSAGE FROM THE SEN.A.TE. the work has a necessary bearing upon the disposition of the .A. message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its chief clerk, report of the Committee on Military Affairs on the Ford and announced that the Senate had passed bills of the following other offers which have been made. titles, in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives 1\fr. MONDELL. It mignt have a very considerable bearing was requested : on it if after reading the report the situation appeared to be S. 2168 . .A.n act for the relief of Jesse C. Dennis and William one with so many troublesom._ and difficult questions involved Rhett Eleazer ; in it that we were not prepared to pass finally upon them; S. 3620 . .A.n act to authorize the construction of a briUge it might be found advisable to go on with the work temporarily. across Pearl River at Tilton, Lawrence County, Miss.; and I do not want to create the impression that that is my view or the S. 3458 . .A.n act to authorize the Niagara - River Bridge Co. view of anyone. The situation is one in which just at this time to reconstruct its present bridge across the Niagara Rl'ver be I do not believe anyone would be justified in suggesting what tween the State of New York and the Dominion of Canada, or we ought to do. The desire of gentlemen on both sides is to to remove its present bridge and construct, maintain, and oper dispose of this matter finally just as soon as it is possible to ate a new bridge across the said river. do it in a proper way with proper consideration. The message also announced that the Senate had passed Mr. McKENZIE. If the gentleman will permit, in justice to without amendment the bill (H. R. 11265) to authorize the the majority leader [Mr. MONDELL] it is proper for me to ay maintenance of a bridge constructed across the Pend Oreille that when we finally came to a conclusion on this matter in the River at the town of Usk, in the State of Washington. committee we consulted him about the possibility of getting this up in the House for consideration. He said to me at that time .MUSCLE SHOAL • that it would be impossible and impropeT i:o make any statement l\Ir. McKENZIE. Mr. Speaker-- as to when it could be taken up until our reports were filed and The SPEAKER pro tempore. For what purpose does the gen Members of the House had an opportunity, at least, to read tleman from Illinois rise? them. Mr. l\IcKENZIE. Mr. Speaker, as acting chairman of the I think that is perfectly fair, but in order to expedite mat Committee on Military .Affairs I have this morning submitted a ters under that law we got busy in our committee and pre report on the bill H. R. 11903, known as the Muscle Shoals bill, pared our report with just as great haste as possible. Other and also accompanying that report are the views of part of -the wise, possibly we would not have filed these reports until Mon minority, prepared by l\fr. WRIGHT, of Georgia. Mr. PARKER of day. .But inasmuch as it was a matter of such great im New Jersey, one of the members of the committee, has pre portance that Members of the Rouse should have an oppor par-ed a minority report which I assume a number of other tunity to .read. the reports, I have undertaken the responsibility members will wish to sign. l\lr. P ABKE& being absent to-day at of filing these reports to-day even in the absence o! some of West Point, I ask unanimous consent that any member of the my colleagues on t1:e committee. • 8482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. · JUNE 9, Mr. QUIN. Will the gentleman yield? Mr.