Minutes of a Meeting

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Minutes of a Meeting

Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Corporation held on Tuesday 11 December 2012 in the Restaurant

Present: Skill Members: J. David (Chairman), R.Pheasey (Vice Chair), S. Barnes, S. Butt, A. Chambers, S. Jackson, H. Malik, M Tull, D. Whatley Student Members: J. Eyre Staff Member: A. Saeed Principal A. Melton Officers: V. Eastwood (Clerk to the Board of Corporation), D. Rothwell (Deputy Principal), V. Thorp (Governance Administrator) In Attendance: A. Ghidotti, M. Fawcett, A. Rushton

Briefing: Common Inspection Framework

The Director of Quality provided a presentation regarding the revised Common Inspection Framework and its implications for Governors.

The Principal advised that, following the recent curriculum audit, the College had identified areas for enhancement and a quality improvement plan was now in place.

In response to a query from Mr Barnes, the Chairman advised that he would be attending a seminar regarding the role of Governors in inspection and would share its content.

1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from C. Dixon and M. Calvert.

2. Declarations of Interest

Members were reminded of their responsibility to declare an interest in relation to specific items on the Agenda if appropriate.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting – Monday 22 October 2012

The Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 22 October 2012 were agreed as a true and accurate record.

Resolved CG 12/55 That the Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 22 October 2012 were agreed as a true and accurate record.

4. Matters Arising

The Clerk to the Board of Corporation advised that she had received notification that further guidance on the Modification to the Instruments and Articles of Government was being provided by Eversheds at the end of December; a further update would be provided to Members once this

1 guidance had been received.

5. Principal’s Report

The Principal advised that the Senior Management Team (SMT) had been interviewing for an Assistant Principal - A Level Studies and an Assistant Principal - Vocational Studies earlier in the day; she added that four of the ten candidates would be taken through to formal interview tomorrow.

With regard to the Pendle Education Trust (PET), the Principal advised that Walter Street Primary was still on track to convert on 1 February 2013. She added that she was preparing a ‘myth busting’ communication to be sent to councillors in advance of next week’s council debate on the subject.

The Principal expressed her thanks to the Deputy Principal for undertaking much of the work associated with the formal process of bringing the PET into existence.

The Principal reported that she was delighted to announce that Ameena Bibi was one of the winners in the ‘Tycoons in Schools’ competition and would be presented the award by Peter Jones from the BBC’s ‘Dragon’s Den’ programme. Mr Malik advised that Ameena was his niece.

Resolved CG 12/56 That the Report be received.

6. Strategic Ambitions/Committees

The Chairman presented the College’s Strategic Ambitions for 2012/13 and suggested that the current sub-committee structure was not the most appropriate to effectively monitor progress against these objectives. He proposed that the Board Executive Committee become the Resources Committee and monitor recruitment, funding, facilities and employment strategy objectives and that the Quality and Standards Committee be renamed the Curriculum & Quality Committee and monitor the Business Unit curriculum in addition to its current role. This would result in the dissolution of the Employer and Skills Committee.

The Chairman advised that in future the Chair of each sub-committee would provide a report to the Board of Corporation on progress on the objectives assigned to their committee. He added that the Audit, Search and Remuneration sub-committees would remain unchanged.

Mr Barnes stated that the change to the Board Committees indicated the Board’s first step in planning against the new Common Inspection Framework.

Members were informed that membership of the Committees was still being considered. The proposed new structure was agreed.

Resolved CG 12/57 That the Report be received.

2 7. Curriculum/Quality Update

The Interim Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality presented the report and suggested that any issues were discussed in the context of the Self- Assessment Report (SAR) later in the Agenda.

Resolved CG 12/58 That the Report be received.

8. Approval of College SAR

The Interim Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality advised that the report presented was part one of the SAR and that, once finalised, the relevant SAR for each Members’ curriculum link area would be distributed.

The Principal reported that the College had undertaken the self-assessment process with rigour and had awarded itself a Grade 2 (Good). She added that areas for improvement had been identified and that the College hoped to demonstrate during the year that these had been remedied and return to a Grade 1 (Outstanding) next year.

In response to a query from Mr Barnes, the Principal advised that the Quality Improvement Plan, attached to part one of the SAR, was a constantly evolving document and progress against it would be monitored by the Quality & Standards Committee.

Mr Tull suggested that the raising of the participation age (RPA) should be recorded as a separate issue within the SAR.

Resolved CG 12/59 That the Report be received and the Board of corporation approve the College Self-Assessment Report 2011-12.

9. Complaints/Compliments Report

The Report was received, no issues were raised.

Resolved CG 12/60 That the Report be received.

1 Board of Corporation 0.

(a) Board Membership

(i) Skills Members

The Chairman advised that Mrs Dixon had tendered her resignation from the Board due to personal commitments; he added that Mrs Dixon had been a very valuable member of the Board and that her contribution would be sorely missed.

Dr Chambers and Mr Pheasey left the meeting.

The Chairman advised that the Search Committee, held immediately prior to the Board meeting, had considered the re- appointment of Dr Chambers and Mr Pheasey and, as both made

3 valuable contributions to the work of the College, proposed that they both be re-appointed for a term of four years. Mr Barnes seconded the proposal and it was approved by Members.

Dr Chambers and Mr Pheasey re-joined the meeting.

The Chairman informed Dr Chambers and Mr Pheasey that the Board had agreed their reappointment for a further 4 year period.

The Clerk to the Board of Corporation advised that following the ill health of the original nominee, a replacement nomination for an additional Student Member would be made in the New Year.

Resolved CG 12/61 That the Board of Corporation receive the recommendation of the Search Committee and re- appoint Dr Chambers as a Skills Member on the Board of Corporation for a further 4 year period as from 01 March 2013.

That the Board of Corporation receive the recommendation of the Search Committee and re- appoint Mr Pheasey as a Skills Member on the Board of Corporation for a further 4 year period as from 01 March 2013.

(b) Proposed Board Training Plan 2012/13

The training plan was agreed as proposed.

Resolved CG 12/62 That the Report be received and the training plan approved for 2012/13.

(c) Application of College Seal

The Clerk reported that since the last meeting of the Board of Corporation, held on Monday 22 October 2012, the College Seal had not been used. A further update would be provided at the next Corporation meeting.

Resolved CG 12/63 That the Report be received and the position noted.

1 Finance/management Issues 1.

(a) Management Accounts

The Deputy Principal presented the Management Accounts for the first quarter and highlighted the following points:

 A deficit occurred in October which reduced the surplus to £71k.  The key first ILR return (R04) has been submitted.  Income is subject to in year reconciliation by the SFA.

4  Non pay expenditure was higher than anticipated as a result of both cost pressures and timing issues.

Members noted that there was little room for manoeuvre and that the College would need to be prudent with resources.

The Deputy Principal advised that the mid-year reforecast would be presented to the Resources Committee in February.

Resolved CG 12/64 That the Report be received.

1 Audit Issues 2.

(a) Audit Committee Annual Report 2011/12

The Clerk to the Board of Corporation presented the report which had been received and approved by the Audit Committee at their Meeting on 26 November 2012.

The Chair of the Audit Committee advised that it had been a very ‘clean’ year and that there were no concerns. He drew Members attention to the statement that ‘having considered the work of the College’s internal audit service and its financial statements/regularity auditor and taking account of reports received throughout the year from the College’s management and assurances provided by other sources such as the Skills Funding Agency (SFA), it is the opinion of the Audit Committee, which advises the Board of Corporation, that the College’s systems of internal control and its arrangements for risk management and governance processes are adequate, operating effectively and can be relied upon when the Board of Corporation is considering the financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2012.’

The Board received and approved the report.

Resolved CG 12/65 That the Board of Corporation received the Annual Report of the Audit Committee for 2011/12.

(b) Approval of Financial Statements/Regularity Audit Management Report 2011/12

The Deputy Principal presented the report and advised that no recommendations had been made by the Financial Statements/Regularity Auditors. He described this as an excellent result and thanked the teams for a tremendous cross-College effort.

In response to a query from the Chairman, the Deputy Principal advised that the auditors would issue an unqualified opinion and confirmed that the College was a going concern.

In response to a further query from the Chairman, the Deputy Principal stated that the College house had not been valued separately when the College was incorporated but following its upgrading and change of use to a tenanted property it was now recorded as an investment

5 property.

Resolved CG 12/66 That, as recommended by the Audit Committee, the Board of Corporation approve the Financial Statements/Regularity Audit Management report.

(c) Financial Statements Auditors – Additional Information Report

The Report was noted.

Resolved CG 12/67 That the Report be received.

(d) Approval of Financial Statements 2011/12

The Deputy Principal presented the Financial Statements 2011/12 and highlighted the following points:

 A surplus of £487k was reported before FRS 17. This was £200k better than forecasted in June 2012 for reasons previously outlined.  The LGPS pension liability has increased by £1m. It is anticipated that following the next valuation in March 2013, there will be an increase in the College’s pension contribution.

The Deputy Principal offered his thanks to the Finance Manager and her team for the production of the Financial Statements.

Resolved CG 12/68 That the Board of Corporation approve the Financial Statements for 2011/12 and authorise the Chair and Principal to certify them as required.

(e) Financial Statements Representation Letter 2011/12

Following Board approval, the Chairman and Principal signed the letter of representation.

Resolved CG 12/69 That the Board of Corporation approve the Financial Statements – Letter of Representation 2011/12 and authorise the Chairman and the Principal to sign it on their behalf.

1 Sub-Committee Minutes 3.

(a) Audit committee – 01.10.12

The Minutes of the Audit Committee held on Monday 1 October 2012 were presented and received. The Chairman of the Audit Committee advised that the Committee had agreed to reduce the number of meetings as from 2013/14 from four to three per year.

Resolved CG 12/70 That the Minutes of the Audit Committee held on Monday 1 October 2012 be received.

6 (b) Board Executive Committee (unapproved) – 01.10.12

The Minutes of the Board Executive Committee held on Monday 1 October 2012 were presented and received.

Resolved CG 12/71 That the Minutes of the Board Executive Committee held on Monday 1 October 2012 be received.

(c) Quality & Standards Committee (unapproved) – 12.11.12

The Minutes of the Quality & Standards Committee held on Monday 12 November 2012 were presented and received.

Resolved CG 12/72 That the Minutes of the Quality & Standards Committee held on Monday 12 November 2012 be received.

1 Date of Next Meeting: Monday 25 March 2013 4. The next meeting of the Board of Corporation would take place on Monday 25 March 2013.

The Chairman thanked all in attendance for their contribution and wished everyone a Happy Christmas.


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